I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 16

“This banknote of 100,000 taels of silver is yours; this one is mine!”

“This banknote of 50,000 taels of silver is yours; this one is mine!”

“These two banknotes of 10,000 taels of silver are yours; these two are mine!”

At this moment, Lin Beifan was face to face with the young girl Yaoyao, dividing the spoils.

These experts, who usually move about loftily and consider the world their home, mainly carry banknotes on them, which Lin Beifan and his companion were gradually splitting up.

Yaoyao held a thick stack of banknotes in her hands, smiling like a money-grubber: “In just a few days, we’ve made over two million taels. We’ve struck it rich! You mustn’t forget me if there’s ever such a good opportunity again!”

“Of course!” Lin Beifan was also very happy.

Without having to do anything, he had made over two million taels, which was almost equivalent to nearly a year’s income from the national treasury. What a thrill!

At that moment, Yaoyao’s eyes glanced greedily at the banknotes in Lin Beifan’s hands and she said covetously, “Remember our initial agreement, after the job is done, you were to give me a little extra. Don’t go back on your word!”

“Fine then, this one’s for you!” Lin Beifan said with a pang of heartache as he took out a silver note worth 1,000 taels.

Yaoyao became angry: “Give more! Just 1,000 taels, are you treating me like a beggar?”

Lin Beifan, again with a heartache, took out another silver note: “5,000 taels of silver, that should be enough, right?”

“That’s too little, give more, or I’ll resort to robbery!”

So, with immense heartache, Lin Beifan took out a silver note valued at 10,000 taels.

Yaoyao, clenching her little fists and fuming, said, “Don’t force me to get physical!”

In the end, she swiped 200,000 taels from Lin Beifan.

Clutching the remaining 2 million taels, Lin Beifan trembled and said, “No more! I can’t give you any more! I’ve worked hard to earn this. If you want more, you might as well take my life!”

“Alright, alright, I don’t want the rest. Happy now?”

Yaoyao muttered, “Stingy!”

“Calling me stingy, why don’t you give back those 200,000 taels!” Lin Beifan joked with a laugh.

“Why should I? This is money I’ve earned through hard work, getting up early and going to bed late! A worker’s wages can’t be delayed!”

Yaoyao stuffed the silver notes into a pouch at her waist, then curiously asked, “We’ve already cleaned out those people’s money, why keep them alive? Just kill them, end it all, and rid ourselves of future troubles!”

Lin Beifan shook his head, “No! These people all have significant backgrounds. Perhaps we can still dig something out from them! After I’ve made full use of them, then we’ll kill!”

With that, the two of them headed to the prison together.

At this moment, the dungeon was holding the experts who had come to carry out an assassination.

Lin Beifan approached an Innate master who was shackled in chains and said, “Splash water on him to wake him up!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The jailer splashed water to awaken the man.

As soon as the man saw Lin Beifan and the other experts detained there, he instantly understood everything. He let out a laugh, his voice filled with desolation, “I never thought that I, who have been wise all my life, would actually fall into the hands of a foolish little emperor like you!”

Lin Beifan sneered, “This is what happens when you persist in wrongdoing—you bring about your own destruction! I advise you to be sensible and confess to spare yourself the agony of torture!”

The man snorted, “No matter what you say, I won’t speak. You might as well give up on that hope!”

“Fine, you actually refuse to speak; I greatly admire such a man!”

Lin Beifan took a leather whip from the jailer’s hand and lashed down fiercely: “Will you talk or not! Speak or not! Speak or not…”

The sound of the whip cracking echoed, and the expert was beaten until his skin split and flesh burst open.

Yet, he still clenched his teeth: “Hmph! I won’t speak!”

Lin Beifan continued to swing the whip: “If you don’t speak, I’ll beat you to death!”

The other man, valiant and unyielding, retorted: “Even if you beat me to death, I won’t speak!”

“Hmph! I don’t believe it! Will you speak or not! Speak or not! Speak or not…”

Lin Beifan continued to wield the whip, beating the man until his flesh was a bloody mess and his bones were exposed.

Finally, the man broke down and roared: “Enough, what do you want me to say? At least tell me the question first!”

Lin Beifan: “…”

Yaoyao, who was watching the drama unfold, spat out a mouthful of old blood and burst into uncontrollable laughter: “Haha… you guys are too funny!”

After coming out of the dungeon, recalling the scenes from before, Yaoyao still couldn’t straighten up from laughter.

Lin Beifan was at a loss for words: “What’s so funny?”

“How is it not funny? I, Yaoyao, have lived for more than a decade, and I’ve never seen such an interrogation before. All beating without actual questioning, the criminal broke down by himself, haha…” Yaoyao laughed until tears came out.

“It was my first attempt, some mistakes were made, ah, there shouldn’t be any next time!” Lin Beifan summarized his experience.

“Little foolish emperor, you haven’t found a use for those 2 million taels yet, have you?” Yaoyao’s black eyes rolled around.

“What are you planning?” Lin Beifan asked warily.

“Let’s make a deal!”

Yaoyao said with a smile, “You give me those 2 million taels, and if your country falls and your family is ruined, I, Yaoyao, will personally take action to save your life! If you unfortunately die, then I’ll burn some extra paper money for you so that you can continue to enjoy yourself in the afterlife. How about that?”

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