I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 124

          Mero, the bearded man, seemed to have a soldering iron under his ass, writhing. "Dragon Queen, listen to me, I'm not alone in the sellsword group. After all, we have signed an unbreakable contract with Yunkai. Can I discuss it with my brothers and give you an answer tomorrow morning?"

"What's the answer?"

"Uh, it's a matter of taking refuge!"

This guy's time for a few words softened.

"Okay, you can discuss it with them." Dany somewhat disliked the underhanded tacticts.

The Son of Titan didn't get up, grabbed the back of the chair with both hands and said with a twisted expression: "That…a reward…"

"See about it tomorrow the answer will be in the morning, the attack starts in the afternoon anyway." Dany indifferently said.

"Okay…" Mero's tall body stood up and finally said: "Dragon Queen, you sent the Company of the Rose hundreds of barrels of fine wine, does our Second Sons represent friendship? What's your gift?"

"Okay, I'll give you 10 barrels."

"That's too few, there's a whole bunch of brothers under me! Titan's Bastards won't be drinking alone." The man resumed his frivolous posture.

"30 barrels, the Company of the Rose already, cough cough cough…" Dany coughed a few times, and her head shifted slightly to one side, unnaturally adding: "The Company of the Rose is not like you, they are all descended from the nobles of Westeros…"

"Your Majesty!" Barristan called out with a sullen face, interrupting her.

In the end, he stared at Mero with eyes overflowing with murderous intention. After a while, the murderous intention disappeared, and his blue eyes were full of helplessness and sighs.

Oh, the old are not simple, this on-the-spot reaction, this tacit understanding of cooperation, this acting…

Dany gave Barristan a thumbs up in her heart, coughed a few times, and said, "Captain Mero, the Company of the Rose is too shameless and has already asked for most of my wine, and we will be entertaining others later. Sorry, there are only 30 barrels."

Mero's eyes flashed, but he didn't force it anymore, and said with a smile on his face: "Khaleesi, we will toast you three times and give you an answer when the sun rises."

While waiting for the next head of the sellsword group, Barristan wondered: "Your Majesty, it seems that Mero really has the idea of ​​joining in, the previous crazy talk is more like a temptation to your tolerance.

The more you can tolerate, the more urgently you need his sellsword group, and the more urgent you are, the higher his asking price. You have possibly brought the Second Sons to our side.

Instead, it was the Company of the Rose, who had the mildest attitude towards you, and in the end, were clearly impressed by your wisdom and bearing, but the reputation of the Company of the Rose was far from what Second Sons can be compared.

It can be said that in the Essos continent, the Golden Company is undoubtedly the first in credit, and the Company of the Rose should be in the first three even if not second.

The Company of the Rose will definitely fight us to the end before we lose."

Dany glanced at him and said with a smile: "Aren't you still cooperating with me now?"

"Different Alliances Against the Dragonmother's trust in the Company of the Rose?" The old man smiled wryly, "Like common sense I often tell you, don't give complete trust to sellswords.

The Ghis have similar wisdom, whether the alienation plan is successful or not, will not affect the vigilance of the slave masters to the sellsword group."

"Hehe, look at it." Dany lightly said with a smile.

Dany then met with seven or eight small sellsword group leaders.

The Essos continent sellsword groups are as numerous as grass, except for two, three, or four-hundred-year-old "famous brands", there are not many members of the little-known sellsword group.

The strongest, with a mix of four or five hundred riders, barely formed a Legion. At least there are more than 50 infantrymen, who can only be bodyguards for merchants and caravans, which is even more pitiful than Dany in the Red Waste.

Don't look at the Second Sons and Stormcrows, there are only 500 people, but they are all cavalry, and everyone has armor, and their mounts are also covered with armor. One cavalry is equipped with three horses, and there is a squire to serve.

Dany treats all the heads of the sellsword group equally and did not ask them to form a group to meet because the enemy was weak.

As long as there is the name of the head of the sellsword group, they will be summoned individually, and they will also be invited to 'move'.

If anyone asks for wine, Dany will also send it out in 5 or 10 barrels.

Those small sellsword groups were weak, and they didn't say anything bad to Dany as Stormcrows and Second Sons did.

It was so busy until the early morning when the last wave of guests appeared.

The number of Wise Masters and Great Masters who came over was a bit large. Dany had to leave the wooden room and stand at the gate of the camp to welcome the guests.

A hundred entourages flanked ten great slave masters, with Ghis guards riding tall and well-built dark horses, Yunkai's Wise Masters, and Meereen's Great Masters sat on tall white double-humped camels.

Like Astapor's Ghis Warriors, towering black red hair, yellow sarongs, leather armor, undershirt, silk cape with neatly stitched polished copper discs.

However, these Warriors have one more piece of equipment, a bronze helmet, a long barrel-shaped helmet nearly one meter high, almost as long as two heads.

Although it was the first time she had encountered such a strange helmet, Dany immediately accepted their style. After all, the hairstyle of the Ghis people, only such a helmet would not crush the towering hair below.

In order to let the guests walk into the wooden area with their heads held high, Dany had to ask the Unsullied to quickly remove the wooden stakes and lintels, and use a knife to cut open the canvas attached to it.

Fortunately, because of the consideration of the bonfire, the roof of the area is very high.

 80 Ghis squire remained outside the wooden area, too many to stand.

Wait for the ten obese slave masters to be seated under the service of two servant soldiers, and after introducing each other, Dany politely asked, "Would you like to take off your helmets temporarily? You can relax a bit."

But her kindness was exchanged for the ruthless ridicule of the other party: "The Sons of the Harpy are not as delicate as you little girl."

"hehe, you know how heavy is the armor? At least I don't have to be supported." Dany sneered.

Although her armor is not as exaggerated as Barristan's 65 pounds, it is also full body armor from head to toe, weighing a full 40 pounds.

In the past six months, through the rapid recovery effect of Dreki's state, she has been exercising frantically, so that she can run normally in such a heavy armor today.

Well, run instead of walking.

"Women don't use their tongues," said the middle age person sitting in the middle.

He is also a Grazdan, but from the famous House Eraz in Yunkai, not the same one from the family crematorium.

Well, the "Yunkai Master Strategist" in the intelligence is him.

Not to mention, this Grazdan is lean and strong, his eyes are sharp, and he looks really has several points of fighter's demeanor… uh, ignoring his 20cm protrusion from his forehead Unicorn hairstyle.

With such a shape, unless you use the "horns" on the head to arch the enemy, it is almost impossible to make too violent movements.

Grazdan appears to have been awakened from sleep and has a very grumpy temper: "Now is the time for the Grand Wise Master to rest, but he has to negotiate with you, an aggressive and ignorant woman.

You are willing to sit down and discuss with us, of course, it shows that you are at least a little smart and know that you hold no chance of winning on the battlefield.

Immediately leave Astapor with your eunuch, Leaving Slaver's Bay is the greatest kindness we can give you."

"Sorry, I won't leave." Dany clasped her fingers in the thick iron gloves, her eyes cold. Glancing at the ten people opposite, she said slowly but firmly: "I want to conquer Slaver's Bay, Yunkai, Meereen, I want Slaver's Bay to have no slaves, I want Ghis people to have no one who dares to buy or sell slaves, I want this land to become the land of freedom!"


"he he he..."


The ten slave masters and twenty Ghis guards laughed so hard that they burst into tears.

"This little bitch says she's going to conquer us?" Grazdan grinned as the pair said to the left and right.

"It's getting dark, she's dreaming!"

Grazdan nodded, looking at Dany contemptuously: "We Sons of the Harpy, inherited all this from the ancient Ghis Empire, We ruled the world when your Valyria ancestors were sodomy sheep."

"If bragging about ancestors works, I'm now the Commander of 300 Dragonlords who ride Dragons." Dany indifferently said.

"hmph, now there are 100,000 soldiers in front of you, and behind the 100,000 is an unbreakable city. There are proud and brave nobles in the city, and there are fearless people. Outside Slaver's Bay, there are countless Free Cities on our side, thousands of battleships, and hundreds of thousands of more.

We may lose tomorrow, we may lose the day after, and we may fail countless times in the future, but this world needs us, countless people will support us, and we will never really die.

And you..."

Grazdan pointed his right hand to Dany and said coldly. : "You'll win once, twice…but your Unsullied will decrease over and over again, and after you've lost the first time, you'll never have a chance to win again."

"I can even see your ending, the best future among them is that you will be defeated and captured in the battle tomorrow afternoon, then we will be interested in taking you as a slave and taking you to Yunkai to teach you the way of the Seven Sighs.

he he he, I think in the brothel of Lys and Tyrosh, people would be generous enough to sleep with the last Targaryen."

Dany twisted her neck, looked thoughtful, and said: "I always thought that your slave masters were full of shit and completely lost your ability to think.

But I didn't expect you also know that tomorrow's battle is likely to end in your defeat, and I'm going to use the 'grinding tactics' to polish my Unsullied soldiers a little bit."

She has always wondered if the people of the world know that 20,000 Dothraki screamers are planted in the hands of 3,000 Unsullied.

Why does the slave master use 30,000 slaves + 3,000 yellow silk cloaks + 5,000 sellswords, and 10,000 Unsullied?

It turned out that the other party never thought of destroying her at one time.

Can't help, Dany thinks of the wealth that she has collected in Astapor.


Even if only gold and silver are counted, there are 15 million Golden Dragons, enough for Robert to lose his family for 30 years!

Well, yes, that's all gold.

It looks exaggerated, but think that Astapor has never been occupied, and has been in the slave trade for 5,000 years...On average, only 3,000 Golden Dragon will be saved a year.

Well, this fortune was mostly accumulated in the last 400 years when Valyria was still around, gold and silver were taken by the greedy Dragonlords.

Yunkai is several times richer than Astapor, and Meereen is richer than Yunkai…

Well, Valyria's wealth is unimaginable, no wonder the world holds so many who traverse the Smoking Sea but never return, but they all still continue to try, like moths to the flame.

Well, digressed, how many sellswords can the Ghis slave masters hire with such a huge fortune?

According to the idea of ​​Alliance Against the Mother of Dragons, grinding can also grind a Dany trapped in Astapor to death.

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