I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 88

"Yes, I keep care of the horses for the Khalasar, I am loyal to you Khaleesi! Even if I am old and frail, and my martial power may not be as good as theirs, I am far more qualified to be a Company Commander than them...."

Effendi muttered, his eyes shifting and widening as he spoke as if he had discovered a truth that had been overlooked in the past.

Dany seeing their expressions secretly nodded: The power structure of the Dothraki shall begin to change today.

Any stable regime structure is in the shape of a pyramid, and what foundation will stack up with a "spire"?

Dany wanted to make the position on the spire of the Dothraki regime belong to "Queen Dany", not "Khaleesi Dany", so the substructure had to be changed.

The new polity will inevitably stack up to her desired throne, and will also instinctively maintain that structure.

"From today onwards, credit, that is, the degree of contribution to the Khalasar, will determine a person's position and status, do you agree?" Dany shouted to her Company Commanders.

"As you say Khaleesi!" They replied in unison without the slightest hesitation.

Of course, they'd agree!

Because in Dany's new structure, they may not be with the biggest muscles, but they will be the ones with the greatest credit!

Over time, as the Khalasar gets bigger and bigger, and perhaps even unifies the Great Grass Sea, they can still guarantee their rights.

This is to safeguard their interests, whoever does not agree is an imbecile.

"I've always felt that Her Highness has given the Dothraki...a huge change that I don't know how to describe."

Jorah seeing the ship's deck buzzing with Dany and her Dothraki Commanders felt that a major event has just taken place, but is unsure what exactly happened.

"From now on, the Dothraki of Her Highness, Khalasar will recognize only her alone and will follow her heir when she dies. As long as the dragons grow, the Dothraki will change name to the Targaryens." Arstan Whitebeard's eyes widened, Trembling in shock, "She…is truly a Targaryen, born ruler, perhaps the greatest ruler of House Targaryen."

"More than Aegon the Conqueror?" Jorah set.

"Perhaps, Aegon wasn't as broad-minded as she is." The older man muttered.

He actually wanted to say ambitious, but the old man wasn't sure if Her Highness did it on purpose or by accident.

Dany walked up to the Dothraki slaves and asked in the Dothraki language, "Would you like to join my Khalasar and follow my rules?"

"I…." A Dothraki girl in her early 20s glanced at her timidly, then lowered her eyes immediately, and said, "I'm willing to listen to Khaleesi."

"Bow your head!" Dany ordered!

The Dothraki girl bowed her head reverently as Dany opened the brass collar on her neck.

"thunk!" The heavy collar slammed heavily on the wooden deck, and the Dothraki girl seemed to have unloaded a burden on her shoulders and felt inexplicably lighter.

"You're free, now, you're a rebellious Dothraki again."

Somehow, when hearing Khaleesi's fluttering sentence, the Dothraki girl burst into tears with relief and excitement.

Dany ignored her, walked to the next slave, and asked: "Join my Khalasar, I will give you freedom and dignity, but you must swear to abide by my rules, will you?"

"I...will, Khaleesi."

"Thunk thunk thunk…" The collars were taken off one after another, and the slaves became the new members of Dany's Khalasar.

"My first rule is to reward based on merit. You should already understand. Now, I issue a second rule to promote the institution of marriage."

Dany glanced at the Dothraki around her and loudly said: "I swear as Khaleesi that your marriage shall be guarded and blessed by the entire Khalasar and my Dragons.

Any robbing of another's spouse will be punished.

Similarly, marriage is free, and both men and women who marry must come out of their own will and must not be forced, otherwise, their marriage will not only be not protected and blessed but will also be punished.

After the marriage, The next child has the right to inherit the horses, Arakhs, bows, and arrows left by their parents…"

There is no title among Dothraki at present, but there will be titles in the future, or something similar to titles. Then she will also list the title as an inheritance.

Young lords inherit their parentage titles, but only the oldest can inherit properly!

Dany also spoke a lot, and with her knowledge, she perhaps instituted the most advanced marriage system in this era.

But after she finished speaking, she began to worry in her heart, not because she was fearful that the Dothraki would not obey her rules but wondered whether the Dothraki could remember all her rules.

In addition, the Dothraki have language but no writing.

She couldn't even write a placard that everyone could read.

However, Dany still found a volume of parchment, in which the two laws of "reward merit" and "marriage protection" were written.

She used High Valyrian.

"High Valyrian" is not fundamentally different from "City Valyrian", the former is the text and language used by ancient Valyrians, the latter adds local dialects and accents, and the writing also incorporates the text of differing civilizations.

Just like French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian all belong to the Latin family, but they are different from Latin.

Of course, the differences between the Valyrian languages ​​of the city-states are not as great as those of various countries and are more similar to dialects.

Daenerys has had no formal education, but Viserys did.

It's strange that a Targaryen doesn't know High Valyrian, but Dany has wandered within many city-states in the western continent and knows a lot of dialects of Valyrian.

After writing, Dany signed her name on the back. In the Dreki state, she encouraged Big Black to sign his name – drawing a self-portrait with simple lines but in a very expressive way.

This makes the people around gaze in wonder, and it really adds to the sanctity of the "Dothraki Legal Code".

Finally, Dany got all the Company Commanders to sign: she wrote their names first, then their handprints.

Well, the names are all translated, almost losing their meaning in the Dothraki language.

For example, "Go", many Dothraki names have "Go", Drogo, Rhaego, Aggo, Jhogo, Haggo…

"Go" In the Dothraki language means strong and brave, but the hidden meaning is lost after translation.

Dothraki are savages, but they take oaths very seriously, and signatures are now equivalent to swearing oaths.

Only Ten Men Squad Captains signed at this time, but they may grow into Bannermen or even Banner Lords in the future.

In this way, Dany's laws will be implemented in this generation, and when the next generation grows up, the second generation will face will be the laws from their parents.

When the second generation grows up under the customary laws and grows old, they will unconsciously pressure the third generation to abide by the rules that they had been accustomed to for a lifetime.

If this continues, as long as Dany's Dothraki regime does not collapse in a short period of time (at least three generations), her rules will become "it is known" in a Dothraki's life.

Whether House Targaryen's millennial empire can be built, Dany isn't sure, but she knows the Dothraki's civilization will surely advance in strides.

This "Khalasar rectification" was not a whim, and Dany, fully knowing, decided to cause a major event that made a sensation in the world.

The Dothraki rectification is just a practice in advance.

Rolling up the Dothraki Legal Code and holding it up in her hand, Dany continued: "The reward for merit will be implemented immediately from this moment, but the marriage system cannot be achieved overnight, let's take it slowly and divide it into three Step by step.

1st Step, first get a few pairs of couples, so that everyone can see the benefits of the marriage system.

The second step, release it to everyone in an open marriage system, all the Dothraki of this Khalasar can freely choose to get married, or casually… 

Third Step, all new Dothraki must have married parents, and unmarried children are illegal children."

While the Dothraki digested the information, Dany smiled and said to Jorah: "I have thought of a surname for the illegal child of the Dothraki. According to the Seven Kingdoms tradition, How about 'Godzilla'?"

The most and least valuable of the Dothraki Sea is grass, grass, and 'Grass' is supposedly more accurate than 'Godzilla', but the illegitimate child surnames all have some variation.

For example, Blackfyre, the correct wording would be Blackfire, but the actual situation is Blackfyre.

Dany's name is not contrary to the Seven Kingdoms tradition.

"But Dothraki don't have surnames, right?" Whitebeard disagreed. "Even Khal Drogo doesn't have a surname, but the illegitimate child has the surname of Godzilla, doesn't that encourage everyone to have an illegitimate child?"

Dany smiled at the old man mysterious, "You will find that they will gradually have surnames."

"How?" Whitebeard shook his head.

Surnames were first created among the nobility, and the common people didn't have a surname at all, so where did the nobility's surname come from?

Most are derived from the Fiefdoms name.

In the future, Dany will use her surname as a reward for meritorious servants.

As for the uncredited hoi polloi, just wait for the nobles to spread around!

Well, it doesn't matter if it's really their baby, at least let the nobles think it's their baby.

Or, learning from the Japanese, the baby born when farming is called "Tanaka", the baby born by a bridge is called "Watanabe", and the baby born by a stream is called "Kawaguchi".

Whitebeard thought for a moment, then hesitantly said to Dany: "You shouldn't let the Bloodrider get married and have children."

"You mean to learn from the 'Kingsguard' system?"

"Yes, the only way to ensure that their hearts are on you." The old man said.

Dany doesn't think Whitebeard's words are heresy, hundreds of years of history have proven the correctness of the Kingsguard system.

Three hundred Kingsguards in Targaryen's three-hundred-year history, except for Jaime Lannister, most of them are only flawed in character, yet their loyalty to their monarch has never changed qualitatively.

There are three famous scum Kingsguard, one slept with the King's lover (not queen), one secretly gave birth to a bunch of illegitimate children (Kingsguard are abstinent, and not allowed to hold children), and the last one is Jaime, King Killer.

Compared to those who died fighting to protect their Lord, the percentage of scum was too low.

It can be said that the Kingsguard are to Westeros's Knight civilization what Dragons are to Valyria's Magic civilization.

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