I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 94

Even if Dany despises the slave trade of the Ghis people, as someone from modern society she has to admit that the Ghis people's architectural attainments are amazing for their time.

Before entering the pyramid, she always thought that the stone hall inside would be dark and damp, with dirty air and cramped corridors.

But she didn't expect the top floor reception room to be 200 square meters wide, with a ceiling supported by thick stone pillars, painted with brightly colored art, sloping walls on all sides, bright glass windows, and a gust of breeze from hidden air vents all around the entrance lobby bringing a floral and fruity scent from the upper courtyard.

Cool, refreshing, bright, gorgeous, and neat, this is a gorgeous palace!

In this area sat eight huge wooden chairs with eight stout, amber-skinned, wide-nosed, dark-eyed, black-red-upright-haired Ghis men, Dany almost looked twice, thinking that Kraznys used a Shadow Clone technique from Naruto.

Thankfully their Tokar robes are different.

In Astapor, only free people are allowed to wear Tokar robes.

Tokar robes are also popular among the Ghis people of Meereen and Yunkai. In Qarth, women wear a variant of the Tokar robe, also known as the "Qartheen Gown".

Ghis and Qartheen's Tokar robes both have a chest exposed, as do women (in the original, Daenerys often dangled a cute little tit in public).

The Qartheen Gown is similar to a sleeveless dress with the straps cut off one shoulder, the Ghis Tokar robes are more of a ceremonial accessory than a garment – ​​opt for the most flamboyant cloth to drape over one shoulder, with one hand to fix the hem on the other side of the waist, it must be supported all the time to prevent the robe from falling off.

The tassel on a Tokar robe signs status.

At this time, the eight Good Masters in the shady room are the oldest, and the master of this room, Grazdan, has a large white pearl tassel, Kraznys, and five others have gold tassels, and finally sit the slaves on both sides.

With Missandei reminding in a low voice, Dany finished one after another and greeted the eight merchants.

There are six servants behind Grazdan the master, and two or three servants standing behind each of the other Good Masters.

At the end of the ceremony, Grazdan's servants brought Dany two purple wood chairs, half the height of the Good Masters' chairs.

A lot of people came with Dany, Whitebeard, Belwas, Jorah, three Bloodriders, Jhiqui and Irri, and Euron.

Doreah and Quaro remain on board to guard the Dragons.

"Your Majesty, Lord Good Masters said, another chair for Ser Euron," Missandei reminded in a low voice.

The young girl is a little afraid of Euron, who has burns and scars all over his face. The two were seated, and Grazdan asked in slightly jerky common language: "Westeros people, why are you buying so many Unsullieds? In addition to 8,600 fully trained Unsullied, there are another 5,000 eunuchs that have failed the test!"

"Good Masters, do you know the current situation in Westeros?" Dany didn't answer the question.

"I heard it was a mess, a few Kings were fighting over an iron chair." Grazdan taunted.

"Any one of them has at least 10,000 men, and Tywin Lannister is so rich that even the Qartheen knows he once lent the Iron Throne 3 million Golden Dragon."

"It's true, 3 million Golden Dragon, almost 10 million Gold Honor, can buy tens of thousands of Unsullied."

"It should be true, I heard rumors that Lord Tywin shits gold."

"I didn't expect those Western barbarians to be so rich."

The luxurious Good Masters were shocked, and they all started chatting.

Dany glanced at the Good Masters and said, "Do you understand now? My enemy is powerful, let alone 8,600 Unsullied, even if there are 10,000 more, I'm not ensured to retake my kingdom.

In other words, it's not that I want to buy 13,600 eunuch Warriors, but you only have that many to sell to me."

Her words make sense, and the eight Good Masters were silent.

Even with their arrogance, they dare not claim that 8,000 Unsullied can move the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms.

"We can't sell boys who haven't finished their training." Suddenly, the silver-fringed Grazdan on the right said to the others.

"We are slave merchants, only customers pay, why can't we sell them?" said a fat Grazdan with a golden tassel.

The third Grazdan said with a dour tone: "They haven't killed babies, they're not Unsullied yet, and if they don't perform in the future, it will certainly damage our reputation.

And, we are not only her seller, there are also many other people waiting to receive goods, but the training period for Unsullied is at least 10 years, and if all are sold, Astapor will have a 10-year down period.

Ten years! In Ten years, people may have forgotten about the Unsullied."

Seeing the look of hesitation on Grazdan's face, Dany immediately said loudly: "Good Masters, I want to ask you something."

"Hmm?" Krazik intoned.

"Am I the biggest customer in the history of Astapor?"

"Well, not really." The pearl fringed Grazdan thought about it and said, "About 2,000 years ago, Due to trade disputes, Valyria and Rhoynar launched a war of attrition.

In the early stages of the war, the proud Valyrians did not pay much attention to Rhoynar, only a small amount of Dragonlords got involved.

Rhoynar's leader, Prince Garin, had assembled an army so large, it would become the largest in the history of the Essos continent.

The army also had countless powerful Water Wizards who worshipped Mother Rhyone.

Because the army had Water Wizards, the dragon's flames couldn't easily hurt the Rhoynar.

What's more, the Water Wizards summoned Mother Rhoyne to flood half of Volon Therys – a great Valyria Freehold, and hundreds of thousands of inhabitants died in the flood.

The Volantenes were scared as Prince Garin approached the city, and immediately ordered all the Unsullied from us, totaling to 30,000."

Dany was attracted by the story, and even forgot the previous purpose, asked curiously: "30,000 Unsullied defending Volantis failed?"

If successful, this group of slave merchants would not be harping on about. "Three thousand Unsullied defending Qohor".

The Rhoynar Army and Water Wizards are much more a 'taller' tale than 20,000 savage Dothraki.

The Ghis slave masters collectively rolled their eyes and huffed at Dany and remarked angrily: "If it failed, would there still be Volantis now? Valyria had put forth their full attention, with 300 dragons covering the lands. I heard that in Rhoyne they were steaming off the river water under Dragonflame, how can the Water Wizards defend against that?"

It turned out that the Unsullied only played a pittance in the war.

Well, in the "Game of Thrones", during the Others(White Walkers) war, Unsullied played pittance again…

"cough cough, I've bought the most Unsullied in nearly a thousand years?" she asked again.

"So what?"

"People will definitely pay attention to the results. If the reunification fails, the Unsullied will be swept by Westeros Knights due to insufficient numbers, then what do you think others will think?"

"This…" The Good Masters' faces changed, and a bad idea immediately came to mind: If Dany fails, the huge reputation damage is far from what '3,000 Unsullied Defending Qohor' can make up for.

"Think again, everyone, if my kingdom is successfully restored, will the people of the world sing the story of 'Unsullied strongest in all the ages'?"

"This..." Good Masters' thoughts changed again, and a wonderful idea arose: after Dany's success, the story of "3,000 Unsullied defending Qohor" can be retired, and from now on, they will say the story of "13,000 Unsullied changing the Seven Kingdoms".

"I have Dragons, so I have a good chance of success, but if my Unsullied are too few and unobtrusive, people will think my Dragons are the key to my success." Dany smiled.

"Okay!" Grazdan and his seven colleagues looked at each other and finally said, "As long as you can afford the price, Astapor's eunuchs will be yours."

"Ser Euron," Dany leaned back in her chair and stretched out her hand in a calm manner, "It's your turn to play."

Euron Greyjoy talked, about how you can cross the Smoking Sea, encountering the curse, how to find the Magister's castle, how to find Dragon eggs and Valyrian steel armor, how to get out of an accident, and how to finally get out of the Wall of Storms.

During this period, the Good Masters asked many questions about the waterway, the situation of Tyria City, etc., and Euron answered one after another.

He really went to the ruins of Valyria, not bragging, no matter how the Good Masters questioned him, he could give answers that both satisfied and amazed them.

"I swear by the name of the Drowned God and House Greyjoy that the charts I draw are absolutely true." Finally, Euron swears to the Good Masters.

"You're a pirate, is your oath useful?" someone asked suspiciously.

Dany explained: "You may not understand the teachings of the Drowned God. Legend has it that the Drowned God created the Ironmen to rape and pillage. If you don't loot and make money by regular means, you're going against the Old Way, violating the teachings of God."

"You know a lot." Euron's right eye flashed a strange color.

Dany is right, except for one omission.

Euron is a pathological liar and manipulator!

Although he is an Ironmen, he does not believe in the Drowned God. Instead, he sacrifices to the eternal enemy of the Drowned God many times, the Storm God!

Euron can pass through the Smoking Sea, be immune to curses, and pass through the Wall of Storms, all thanks to his blood sacrifice to the Storm God.

In this fantasy world, the sacrifice of blood is definitely not a superstition.

If Dany is well versed in heraldry and Ironmen culture, she might be able to find faintly removed clues in Euron's personal coat of arms.

Euron's personal coat of arms is a black iron crown held up by two crows, with a black pupil and red eye below.

The most notable feature of the Storm God is that ravens are his creature.

The Good Masters discussed with each other for more than half an hour, and finally, Grazdan said: "A chart for exploring the ruins of Valyria, indeed worth 1,000 Unsullied and 5,000 eunuch boys.

But I have to be assured –  Only we know this.

If every time you go to a city-state, you take out the chart and sell it, then we will lose a lot!"

If the chart is real, even 20,000 Unsullied is worth its price.

—Just finding a Valyrian Steel Sword pays back that price.

"The Good Masters are very thorough, I swear by my honor as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and House Targaryen that I will never sell this chart."

Grazdan glanced at her and smiled. Euron, who was full of interest, took a look, solemnly nodded, and said: "Deal!"

Others repeated the words of Grazdan with a pearl tassel, "Deal!"



A total of eight transactions.

Before leaving, Kraznys Mo Nacroz pointed to Missandei: "This clever little slave belongs to you, she will teach the Unsullied your language."

Missandei translated to Dany: "Your Highness, the Good Masters have given you this slave."

"Okay, you are mine now, go back with me." Dany nods and was just about to say goodbye and leave.

"Wait a minute."


I do wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays!

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