I Became the Narrow-Eyed Henchman of the Evil Boss

Chapter 48

The start of the terror was sudden. A passerby’s body began to swell. The flesh inflated like a balloon before it couldn’t hold and BOOM!

Torn flesh scattered everywhere. Red droplets and skin-colored scraps covered the surroundings. At first, there was SILENCE. Then came the SCREAMS. Chaos erupted from the people drenched in flesh and blood.

But there were those calmly observing the screams. Skilled mages, including the guards of Elysion.

If one survives a long time as a mage, they grow accustomed to such magical disasters. The veteran mages pulled out their gear and began to assess the situation.

This didn’t seem powerful enough to be a suicide bombing. Right now, it resembled a curse targeting a specific grudge.

The first mages to act were of two types. One handling light attribute magic, specializing in curse dispelling, and the other, a master of darkness attributes, specializing in curses themselves.

It was the moment the cursed mages approached the scene.

A corpse stood up.

The two legs, separated from the upper body, sprang upright. Something white and glowing wriggled between the torn muscles. The mages instinctively cast defensive magic and prepared for attack.

A beam capable of melting a human body gathered at the end of the staff.

However, the silver threads burst out faster than they could fire.

The standing lower half collapsed, and something white like threads poured out from the gaps in the muscles. It was a sight magnified to human size, akin to parasites shedding from their host.

Those who were splattered with the flesh of the first explosion were in a worse situation. The silver threads embedded within the meat extended and burrowed into their bodies.

Those quick to assess the situation immediately burned the threads or resorted to cutting their own flesh.

But those who were slow to react or were unfortunate enough for the threads to penetrate places like their eyes faced a different end.

The threads that embedded in their bodies multiplied using the mage’s magic as a power source. Again, EXPANSION.

The flood of silver threads began like that.


“What on earth is happening?”

Did the mages of Elysion accidentally unleash a grotesque biological weapon?

The screams that started outside the appraisal hall. Several mages rushed in, bleeding, realizing that something was amiss.

The mages united to place barriers at the entrance of the exam hall, preventing the outside chaos from infiltrating.

Then, one of the newcomers began to swell.

As the silver threads tore at his flesh and sought to burst forth.

From somewhere, a shaft of light flew in. The beam aimed precisely at the infected, wiping him out without a trace…

It didn’t leave behind anything.

Only the silver threads disappeared. As the threads that filled beneath the skin vanished, the flesh stretched hideously, resembling a deep-sea fish emerging to the surface.

People hurriedly looked around, but they couldn’t even catch a glimpse of the magic’s origin, nor who had used it.

Only one person—Lampades.

As ominous sounds came from outside, he quickly glanced around.

Where was Orthes, who must have known something and left a warning?

Orthes was nowhere to be found. The only one remaining in the same exam hall was Carisia, the boss of Hydra Corp.

Finally, as the chaos from outside surged into the exam hall, Lampades saw Carisia raise her right hand, clad in a black gauntlet.

Just as the host of the threads was about to burst. From her fingertip, a high-level magic unfolded that none present could decipher.

“Why is she saving someone?”

If Orthes’ objective was chaos, wouldn’t it be more advantageous to leave it be? Lampades observed Carisia’s demeanor.

Her golden eyes were shining.

“She’s different from Orthes… No, it’s natural he would be different since he has those slitted eyes.”

The atmosphere. Unlike Orthes, who radiated a lack of humanity, Carisia emanated a sense of personhood.

As Lampades focused on that difference, he realized the dreadful noise from outside had stopped.


A piercing noise from the loudspeaker filled the air. The sound reminiscent of audio checks before a broadcast.

“Greetings, fellow mages of Elysion. We have come forth to reveal the secrets hidden by the Ten Towers.”

Though the terror had yet to be mentioned, everyone who heard that voice knew. That figure broadcasting was the instigator of the terror.

“The Ten Towers has continuously emphasized the dangers of the extra-dimensional. The evil writhing beyond dimensions is the bane of this world. They have branded that grace as a curse! But isn’t it strange?”

Damn. Lampades muttered under his breath. Just that introduction told him the identity of the speaker.

“If the extra-dimensional is truly dangerous, why do all mages dream of ascension? Look upon the contradiction of speaking of transcendence beyond this world while fearing the outer worlds. As seen from ascenders stepping beyond this world, truth lies in the extra-dimensional.”

That bizarre cognitive distortion. The ability to overcome the destruction of the extra-dimensional allowed them to claim that the truth lies within destruction. Eroder or Doomsday Cultist.

In truth, there wasn’t much difference between the two. It was just a matter of whether they had gone mad from the contamination of the extra-dimensional or had been mad without it.

“To hide this evident truth, the Ten Towers spread lies. The extra-dimensional research has been monopolized by their hands. Fellow mages! Join us in Argyrion! Gain new eyes and ears to behold true wisdom!”

Lampades took a deep breath. Was that really the true faction Orthes belonged to?

No. It might be the opposite. While the attention of the Ten Towers was focused on Argyrion, Hydra Corp could execute wicked plans without interference.

“Then Argyrion is merely bait to conceal Hydra Corp? Or perhaps…?”

“Many mages resonated with our cause, offering their own bodies and magic. We are now prepared to carry out a ritual to liberate this holy land of Elysion from the Ten Towers’ control─”

The Argyrion mage could not finish his words. The loudspeaker’s power was abruptly cut off. It seemed they regained the broadcast line taken from Elysion’s administration.

“Master of the Tower, what should we do?”

“Wait here. This isn’t the first time Elysion has faced terror. Soon the Ten Towers─”

In that moment, Lampades recalled Astraphe who had gone to submit the examination papers. That girl is all alone now.

A dreadful possibility arose in his mind. He checked his gear and magic.

The residual magic was below half. The charging cartridges were still plentiful, thanks to habits from his time as an active troubleshooter.

“Prepare a barrier here. If…”

Orthes’ final message. If it’s too much to handle, seek Hydra Corp.

Would Orthes save Lampades’ tower? Lampades thought so. Orthes must have seen some value in Lampades’ tower to suggest an alliance.

However, it was uncertain which was happier: living as a servant to the Doomsday Cultist or dying.

Lampades’ gaze shifted to Carisia. She was already approaching the host who’d just been entangled in silver threads to cast healing magic.

The organs and blood vessels blown apart under the weight of the silver mass. As the skin stretched to its limit returned to its original state, it began to regain its true form.

From Carisia’s act of using healing magic on a person she’d never seen before, Lampades arrived at one hypothesis.


Carisia might be different from Orthes.

“At first glance, she seemed unaware of Orthes’ true nature. Although I modified my judgment upon hearing an expression typical of Orthes…”

In truth, she hadn’t been entirely tainted by Orthes. Thus, she was healing the victims.

“Or perhaps Orthes hasn’t revealed his true colors yet. He could be hiding his identity with clever rhetoric, brainwashing himself as an ally.”

Lampades concluded.

“If an unexpected situation arises that even the mages gathered here struggle to deal with, go to the boss of Hydra Corp, identify yourself as Lampades’ tower, and request aid. But if that slitted-eyed man approaches, do not engage in any conversation. I will go find Astraphe.”

He decided to trust the pity and kindness still hidden within Carisia.

“After I rescue Astraphe… I must inform them that Orthes is not a trustworthy being.”

My life may be in danger. But that pure mage must not be used as Orthes’ pawn, unaware of it all.

Lampades made that vow.


Carisia examined the infected host with silver threads, contemplating.

“Hmm. Indeed, that silver thread is a type of summoned beast. Whether it’s truly lifeless or alive is secondary, as forced reverse-summoning spells work. If it had not invaded the host’s brain, healing magic would still be effective.”

She fiddled with her gauntlet.

“Argyrion, you say? It shouldn’t be too difficult to handle. I should let Orthes know when he arrives.”

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