I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 146: Alchemy (5)

The power of starlight still harbored many secrets yet to be uncovered.

It’s a force wielded by creator deities, akin to the Energy of Defying Heaven, and what I knew about it was merely a fraction. Its power acted like a deadly poison to beings from ‘outer space’.

Hence, I wanted to set aside a day to train with Seo Ga-yeon and ascertain its capabilities.

‘Since the power of starlight and the Energy of Defying Heaven have much in common.’

Occasionally, I felt Seo Ga-yeon’s emotional state. Her emotions and words, though vague, were conveyed to me without filtration.

This might have been burdensome for Seo Ga-yeon. The clear emotions I felt from her were poison to me.

The moment Seo Ga-yeon’s emotions reached me, I fully experienced them. Love was still a luxury for me.

‘Probably the same for Seo Ga-yeon.’

My emotions would be conveyed to her without a filter. During this process, I pondered if Seo Ga-yeon saw something in me that triggered these emotions.

“Do you want to be with me?”

With her cheeks blushing, Seo Ga-yeon asked. Though her emotions seemed to have many omissions, I nodded first.

‘Because it’s true.’

As I nodded, Seo Ga-yeon looked surprised.

“Is it really Seo-ha?”

“Can you differentiate?”

“If I concentrate on my magic, yes.”

Seo Ga-yeon said, looking at me with her black eyes, which now contained purple stars.

‘Has she partially transformed already?’

I wondered at Seo Ga-yeon’s words as I activated the Black Shadow Star God. Then, I felt a strong attraction from my surroundings. A natural pull.

‘This is dangerous…’

The Black Shadow Star God and the power of starlight were being drawn to each other. I felt myself being pulled towards Seo Ga-yeon involuntarily.

‘Is it trying to merge into one?’

I stopped the Black Shadow Star God.

Then, I felt the pull lessen.

“Did you feel it?”


“I see.”

I didn’t say much, but Seo Ga-yeon smiled. She seemed to have felt something from me.

“Shall we go then?”


“You said you wanted to go with me earlier. To the training ground.”

Seo Ga-yeon led me to the training ground.

I followed her, my expression reluctant.

She lived alone in a 30-pyeong (about 108 square meters) penthouse that’s far too large for one person.

Yet, Hong Yu-hwa has never considered this place spacious. Born into nobility, with overwhelming talent and background, she has always lived in places far more luxurious than this.

‘It’s cramped.’

A magician essentially needed a lot of things. With the internet becoming extremely developed, it was possible to obtain information online, but the true, valuable information didn’t float around on the internet. It circulated in the form of ‘books’.

Just like the Crimson Magic Book she chose at the entrance ceremony.

For this reason, magicians typically kept books in their space. However, Hong Yu-hwa’s home was almost devoid of books.


“…Did the number of photos increase?”

“It seems so… At this point, it’s hard to tell who’s the stalker.”

Hong Yu-hwa’s subordinates chuckled awkwardly as they looked around the room. Photos of Lee Seo-ha were plastered on the ceiling and walls. She was once a girl like any other.

She had experience sticking photos of admired older brothers here and there in a room, but Hong Yu-hwa’s obsession surpassed all of theirs combined.

“That’s enough. You’ve learned all the magic for today, so go home first.”

“Yes, thank you for today as well.”

After teaching them magic, Hong Yu-hwa lay on her bed, gazing at Lee Seo-ha’s photos on the ceiling.

Hong Yu-hwa didn’t expect them to understand her.

This was her own way. Always looking at photos of her rival to ignite her fighting spirit.

It was an act of self-discipline.

Each time she looked at Lee Seo-ha’s photos, she endured hardships (?) and whipped herself into shape.

However, even with this method, she couldn’t close the gap with him. On the contrary, the gap was widening more and more.

As time passed, Lee Seo-ha’s potential was exploding, and he was growing.

Objectively, Hong Yu-hwa had almost no rivals in her age group.

Despite losing to Lee Seo-ha in America, there were rumors of Ershil creating a world blessed by all gods, of Kim Ara splitting mountains, and of Kim Seo-hyun, who was recently experiencing explosive growth and learning magic from the Thousand Sorcerer, Seo Ga-yeon.

Some said Park Woon-hyuk, who wielded the power of wind and thunder, was her rival, but honestly, she considered herself much more remarkable than Park Woon-hyuk. The comparison with Park Woon-hyuk? The thought of being compared to him was utterly displeasing.

‘But he’s not an opponent to be underestimated.’

Moreover, there was the Paladin, Saint. And for some reason, Sung Han-byul, whom Lee Seo-ha greatly favored, was also her ultimate rival.

Even the third years couldn’t be ignored.

The second years were nothing without Sung Han-byul, but the third years were the “Golden Generation” before the first years arrived. There were no easy opponents.


Every time she thought of Lee Seo-ha, her body heated up. Hong Yu-hwa naturally slid her hand between her thighs, thinking about how she ignited her fighting spirit by looking at Lee Seo-ha’s photos and pondering ways to defeat him.

‘I’m clearly superior in firepower.’

But excluding firepower, she lacked in everything else.

Walking with Lee Seo-ha and experiencing awakened talents, the Plunderer couldn’t steal his corrupt energy. Stealing his talents was possible, but it was much better to steal others’ talents.

Then, the only target was theory, but Lee Seo-ha was also perfect in theory. It was Lee Seo-ha’s talent, Reading(-), but Hong Yu-hwa thought Lee Seo-ha had made an enormous investment in theory.

Was there no way to beat Lee Seo-ha?

In terms of potential, she was not to be underestimated, but Lee Seo-ha was growing as if his suppressed talent was exploding…

‘Wait, suppressed?’

Hong Yu-hwa pondered Lee Seo-ha’s past.

She was curious about his history but hadn’t delved into it. Yet, she recalled what insiders mentioned.

That there was no information on him, as if he had appeared out of thin air.

‘And initially, Lee Seo-ha’s physical abilities were significantly inferior.’

Either equal to or slightly less than hers.

As a magician, Hong Yu-hwa was top-notch, but she had neglected physical training due to the backlash. Then, before she realized it, Lee Seo-ha had vastly surpassed her.

‘Without even resorting to magic or spells.’

Everything about Lee Seo-ha was enigmatic.

Some students believed he was an extraordinary magician, but when Hong Yu-hwa attempted to plunder him, she discovered he possessed no magical talent.

The corrupt energy was something she managed better than any other magician she had encountered, but that was the extent of it.

‘Maybe he sacrificed everything he had achieved to gain that power.’

Thinking this, Hong Yu-hwa had a realization. Perhaps he was in a similar predicament as that great and mighty hero.

Before the fusion of dimensions, maybe he had ventured into another world and honed his power there.

And for some reason, he lost his power and was now in the process of reclaiming it.

‘…Then how old would he be?’

Hong Yu-hwa paused to consider. Even for her, dating a man over 20 wasn’t appealing. She preferred someone her own age…

Hong Yu-hwa pondered deeply and spent the day fretting in bed.

[Your gallery is doomed.]

(A gif of Veritas lecturing)

From now on, this place is under the dominion of our followers of Veritas.

ㄴThese guys are at it again;;

ㄴDon’t call them "these guys." That could be seen as blasphemy.

ㄴWhat are you even talking about?

ㄴVeritas has indeed ascended to the status of a god of alchemy.


ㄴIt was officially recognized at the Hundred Temple Conference. Struggle and the sky spoke first, and the other gods concurred.


[But seriously, what's with these Veritas followers?]

I understand that Veritas was recognized as the god of alchemy at the Vaccine Conference.

Honestly, living in modern society, what Veritas has accomplished is truly impressive.

Thanks to Veritas, potion prices have been halved, making them affordable for ordinary people in emergencies, and their quality has doubled.

However, seeing the chaos these Veritas followers create, they quickly go from likable to extremely unlikable.

ㄴDon’t be too harsh on the followers of Veritas... They’re acting out on the internet because they have no friends in reality...

ㄴAh... Ah...

ㄴNo, alchemists on average make a net income of 7 million won a month, how can they not have friends?

ㄴI don't know about other things, but if you recite some Veritas doctrines at the workshop when buying potions, they give you a huge discount. Bought 3 million won worth of potions for 1 million off.


ㄴYes. They're really naïve. Just listen to a few stories and praise Veritas together, and they give you heaps of discounts...

ㄴThe kids do act out on the internet... but they’re kind…

[Everyone, don’t be too hard on the followers of Veritas...]

Remember the time someone in Korea badmouthed Veritas and got massively bullied by alchemists to the point of owner dismissal? These guys might seem like major jerks, but if you don’t insult Veritas and instead praise him, they give you discounts...

It's really fortunate that, despite their terrible actions online comparable to the Masked Gang, they don’t bully in reality...

ㄴI agree. Because of Veritas, we're the ones who end up suffering if the potion prices go up...

ㄴBut why do the followers of Veritas take over like 30 galleries...

ㄴDon’t badmouth Veritas... Thanks to Veritas, our game was revived...

ㄴElectronic Gallery?


ㄴLol, I admit. There was a rumor about a game Veritas made, and the alchemists boosted its sales to number one in revenue lol.

ㄴThis is driving me crazy.

The Electronic Witch sighed in relief after perusing the gallery. Public opinion of Veritas remained favorable.

Fortunately, the followers of Veritas were peaceful today.

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