I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 183: Black Flame Dragon Emperor (3)

Transcendental Species.

In this world, many species existed, but among them were some special beings.

Over time, some could reach transcendence.

Even without doing anything, just by living, those who reached transcendence exhibited tremendous powers from birth.

The most representative of these were the dragon species.

Dragon species were divided into two categories:

Dragons (Ryuu) and Dragons (Dragon).

The sacred Eastern dragons.

And the fierce Western dragons.

Although they were divided like this, they were often collectively referred to as the dragon species.

Dragon species themselves received mystical power, possessed immense physical abilities, near-infinite magic power, the power to distort laws through their speech, and the power of their breath.

Each one of these abilities alone could evolve any ordinary species into a higher species. There were also demons and angels who received mystical powers from birth and started at least as high-ranking species. There were giants born with incredible strength, said to be able to lift mountains, and with the power of origin, said to cut anything.

‘A black flame dragon, of all things.’


In one corner of the meeting room, a dragon with black scales roared.

“Is that a dragon?”

“Oh my God! It’s so overwhelming even through the screen!”

“Transcendental species, transcendental species… I’ve only heard of them, but they truly are incredible.”

Everyone was shocked and overwhelmed.

Even though it was just a screen, the presence felt overwhelming from beyond. Instinctively, it warned them: This is not an opponent to be faced yet.

‘Not yet.’

At the same time, a desire arose in my heart.

The talent, “Sword Demon (S+)”, burned with the desire to cut down that dragon.

Calming it down with “Eternal Existence (S+)”, I formed my mental image.

Even if I blocked all variables and created favorable conditions for myself, the winning rate was less than 1%. Of course, this was in a one-on-one battle. If Celestial and other guilds joined forces, the winning rate would increase significantly.

‘About 50%, maybe.’

Even that wouldn’t be a complete victory.

It would require many sacrifices to achieve victory. Even Celestial would need to recuperate for about a year.

‘Then what should we do?’

The best way would be to resolve it with words, but would someone who calls themselves a dragon lord retreat so easily?

Therefore, the role of the Electronic Witch was important.

I asked her to quickly get records of what the dark flame dragon liked. It was insufficient, so we needed to buy as much time as possible.

The opponent was a dragon lord.

Even worse, a dragon lord that controlled monsters with its speech, leading monster hordes.

If left unchecked, it would cause enormous damage.

Starting with the reconnaissance team, most of North Korea would be paralyzed. While they planned an operation to stop it, it would cause tremendous damage. Worse than when the Phoenix rampaged in China. The dragon’s magic power would bury all the dungeons and close the ruins.

‘We must stop it.’

In North Korea, there was something I had been eyeing from the start.

The power of the Boundary.

Like the energy of defying heaven, it was a mysterious power, believed to be on par with the energy of defying heaven.

Originally, it was a power I should have obtained early on, but the energy of defying heaven filled my vessel completely, so I didn’t touch it. From the intermediate level, I was filled with the black flame’s divine energy and had no time to consider anything else.

‘It’s the same now.’

Even now, I had too much power within me.

In this state, I couldn’t properly accept the power of the Boundary.

So someone needed to hold off the dragon lord for a while.

I looked around.

Everyone’s faces changed upon seeing the dragon lord, except for Celestial. Even the higher-ranked ones were scared. They realized the severity of the situation. If we take time to calm down and plan an operation, it would take too long to stop the dragon lord.

‘Is it just me?’

……Currently, I was the only one who could buy that time.

Celestial opened his mouth.

“Are you going out?”

“…Yes, we need to buy some time. The opponent is a dragon lord; we can’t handle it alone.”

“Hmm, so this is what they call a hero.”

Celestial stroked his smooth chin.

“You don’t intend to die. Just planning to attract the dragon lord’s attention before it rampages, huh.”

“I can hold out for about an hour, so if you can come by then, I should be able to survive.”

“It’s unfortunate. The Emperor and the Overlord can’t come now. The Sword Saint’s whereabouts are unknown, and the Fist Demon’s stance against that dragon is uncertain. Well, this old man will somehow manage.”

“Thank you.”

I greeted Celestial and began issuing orders.

“Seong-hwi, if your life is in danger, run immediately.”


“The Elder too. The Witch Maiden will be at the forefront with me since she has received the black flame. But don’t overdo it.”

“Are you really going?”

“Don’t worry. I have many hidden cards.”

Heading toward the warp with the intention of buying time with these orders, a familiar presence was felt.

It was Sung Han-byul.

“Are you going there?”

“Yes, because there will be significant civilian casualties while we carry out the operation.”


Sung Han-byul looked at me with a strange expression.

“Is there anything I can help with?”

“Cheering before I go?”

“…No, not that.”

“I mean it.”

Sung Han-byul’s encouragement alone could give me the strength to overcome…

‘Not really, though.’

I sighed inwardly and turned my back on Sung Han-byul, placing the Autumn Sword into White Rouge.

“Can I join too?”

“We’re only buying time against the dragon lord.”

“But I…”

I looked at Sung Han-byul.

She harbored great hatred towards Mines and villains. They had killed her family. But if it were only that, Sung Han-byul wouldn’t have such a short lifespan.

She used her lifespan to save others even in situations where she didn’t need to step forward. Her power was immense, and many were saved by it. However, there were many unfortunate situations as well.

This time, I needed to step up and keep Sung Han-byul safe.

‘Prevent the dungeons in North Korea from rampaging, and avoid a situation where Sung Han-byul has to sacrifice herself.’

This was what you called killing two birds with one stone.

“Please wait here. If you’re not at least of high rank, you won’t last long.”


I left Sung Han-byul behind.

I looked at Eternal Heaven.

‘Honestly, I looked pretty cool just now, right?’

-…Yes, indeed! You were really cool!

-Fox, the master prefers honesty over flattery. To be honest, you just wanted to look cool in front of Sung Han-byul…

‘Eternal Heaven, bite Black Heaven!’

-Eternal Heaven!


After reprimanding Black Heaven, I looked at the guild members.

The Elder and the Witch Maiden silently followed me. I thought Seong-hwi would be the most opposed, but he quietly closed his eyes and adjusted his magic power.

‘Less opposition than I expected?’

The Witch Maiden and the Elder, who usually fanatically followed me, were reassuring in such situations. Even so, I didn’t expect Seong-hwi to follow right away.

I could trust and rely on them this much.

I thought Seong-hwi might need some restraints.

‘Not bad.’

With them, we left for old North Korea.

Sung Han-byul watched Lee Seo-ha depart.

-I’m going to stop the dragon lord.

Feigning calmness, he spoke. Sung Han-byul watched him. Others might not know, but Sung Han-byul had glimpsed Lee Seo-ha’s power. A world of pure blackness.

A mental image that even demons revered.

She had never seen such a thing before.

A black sky and a black sea.

Lee Seo-ha was surely someone who would rise above. Although she had never seen transcendents properly, if it were Lee Seo-ha, he could reach that level.

His mental image was vast and immense, incomparable to her own.

It contained a world within itself.

‘But that’s all in the future.’

He was still weak.

He was probably trembling.

A dragon lord.

The overwhelming presence felt beyond the screen made even Sung Han-byul hesitate.

‘How can he move?’

Not for himself, but for others.

Probably for the civilians and hunters who are already suffering immense damage right now.

Sung Han-byul reflected inwardly. She misjudged him because of the many women around him. Those women gave him attention, but Lee Seo-ha did not reciprocate.

She looked at Lee Seo-ha’s back.

It felt like seeing the back of a giant.

Suddenly, a title came to her mind.


A new title was recently added to the “Hall of Fame.”


It was indeed a fitting course of action for that title.

I was currently in an absurd situation.

A giant dragon lord stood before me.

-The last child of the clan.

The voice wasn’t menacing.

It was rather warm.

As if seeing a long-lost family member.

-The last remaining child. I will take care of you.


All I could do was cry out.

How did it come to this…?

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