I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 60: Pillager (3)

TL/Editor: looloo

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Here

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The Legion of the Sky is notorious among the Mines for its wicked reputation.

There are a total of 12 members in their group.

A select elite.

Each one of them is a monster, comparable to top-ranked beings.

Not all of them are combat classes; some are non-combat, yet the fact that they are all top-ranked is what's terrifying.

'On top of that, they're persistent.'

Many players simply give up and start over when targeted by the Legion of the Sky early in the game.

That's why I'm currently hiding.

If I were to reveal myself, the forces of good might help, but against the menace of the Legion of the Sky, there's no solution.

As the story progresses, you'll inevitably encounter them, and you'll have to fight them.

'It's best to avoid them as much as possible.'

However, getting involved with Hong Yuhwa makes that impossible.

After all, it's the Legion of the Sky that takes her life at a grand party after the final exams.

I looked ahead.


In front of Hong Yuhwa, a red magic tome unfolds. Red magic energy swirled around, and 10 spheres of fire emerged from the tome.

She wasn't her usual self.

Rather than her usually efficient and elegant magic, it was a bit rough.

'The last sphere was barely formed in time.'

The shape of the fireball was unstable.

"It's a mage! Attack!"

"What a joke! She's already cast her spell! Run!"

The Mines were scrambling for an escape.

But it was too late. The fireballs flew towards the Mines.


The fireballs collided with the Mines, causing an explosion and their screams filled the air.

"Save me!"

"I, I haven't done anything yet...!"

Ash scattered.

Even in death, the Mines couldn't find peace in this world.

In their quest for power beyond their reach, their souls couldn't find rest even in death. They had the power to resist even death from extraterrestrial beings.


A flaming chain, blazing with fire, captured a fleeing Mine. Hong Yuhwa ruthlessly manipulated the chain, killing them.

A shadow passed under Hong Yuhwa's eyes.

Very faint. There was a slight flow of magical power, so subtle that one would need an enhanced vision to notice.

Above Hong Yuhwa's head.

A translucent shape of a crown appeared.

'Is this a sign?'

A sign that the Pillager was about to awaken.

Just a little more push seemed necessary here.

"Yuhwa, do you feel anything unusual?"

"What feeling?"

A sharp voice.

It was evident she was exhausted from the fighting.

"Like a talent awakening. Or that with each opponent you defeat, you feel a bit of strength returning."


Hong Yuhwa slowly closed her eyes.

It seemed she was momentarily introspecting.


[Yes, Lord Seoha!]

'Let's organize.'


The Heavenly Spirit began arranging a magical formation. I infused the formation with my own power.

[Conceptualizing magic with the Conceptual Stat Spirit Against Heaven.]

[Dark Art - Mastery of the Rite of the Black Death increases.]

Upon unlocking the Black Heavenly Demon Sword, I acquired an innate skill called Spirit Reading.

With it, I could harness the souls of the heavens to cast spells. It's still at a fledgling level, though.


Shadows infused with the Demonic Qi lanced out like thorns, piercing through the Mines. There weren't many and they were mere remnants, so they were easily dispatched in one go.

[As expected, Seoha! Nice job!]

[That's an unbelievable speed. Even the previous master wasn't this fast.]

[Hey, comparing him with the previous generation? Our Seoha is the best there is!]

Heavenly Spirit said that and looked at me, its eyes seemingly saying, "I did good, right?"

I felt a rush of warmth, shaking my head in response.

I know the spirit's playful nature, but her genuine admiration makes my face blush.

[Gasp, could it be? Seoha, are you getting embarrassed now?]

[It's the master's weakness, isn't it? He always seemed so mature, but seeing this side of him...]

As the spirits chatted among themselves, Hong Yuhwa opened her eyes.

A crimson magical power flowed from her gaze.

"…How did you notice?"

"I have good eyes."

She said, tapping just below her eye.

I then used the Talent Reading(-) to check her status window.

[Name: Hong Yuhwa]

Strength: 11, Agility: 11, Stamina: 12, Magic: 32, Spirit: 17, Talent: 21


-Pillager(?), Crimson Flame(A+), Magic Analysis(B+) and 5 others.


-Crimson Flame(B+), Chlorine Element Control(B-), Thermal Concentration Control(C+), Multiple Forcefields(C-) and 8 others.


-Solar Flame Vessel(A+)


There's a question mark next to the rank of Pillager.

I've never seen this before. I thought Pillager was an S-rank and was the best among all the S-ranks.

"It's true. Something's changed."

Hong Yuhwa, now awake, remarked.

"It feels like... filling a vessel."

"So, it's just at that stage now?"

If she continues to refine her talents from here, she'll live up to the title of 'The Pillager of Crimson Flame'.

"It's just at that stage?"

"One of your talents I believed to be the most superior."


Hong Yuhwa furrowed her brows.

"But there's a more pressing issue."

"What is it?"

"I'm so sleepy."


It's indeed a serious problem.

She's been running on barely any sleep for the past three days.

I scratched my head and bent down to offer her my back.

"Climb on. I'll take you to your lodging."


Hong Yuhwa obediently climbed onto my back.


Raei Translations


“Ugh, why is there so much work?”

Ersil said with a sigh, touching her tablet.

She had made a significant decision to reward Lee Seoha, but it only led to more tasks for her.

Normally, others wouldn't interfere with such matters, but in the Merhen family, Ersil was set to be the next head. She was learning to handle the responsibilities of the future leader, after all.

'I wish I could see a surprised look on his face because of this.'

With that thought, Ersil looked out of the window.

The view outside was that of the entertainment district.

Even though Korea competes well with the USA on the world stage, human desires are uncontrollable.

As the day gradually grew darker, people began to gather…


Ersil noticed something.

She saw Lee Seoha and Hong Yuhwa.

More precisely, a scene where Lee Seoha was carrying Hong Yuhwa on his back, heading outside.

“What the…”

“My lady?”

The butler tried to say something, but Ersil didn’t hear him. More accurately, she was too shocked to listen.

Eyes of Illusion.

Her special eyes scanned Hong Yuhwa. Upon closer inspection, Hong Yuhwa’s clothes were subtly torn here and there.

Lee Seoha’s clothes were perfectly fine. However, the place they were at was the issue.

Surrounded by numerous motels and hotels, and scantily clad women promoting the entertainment establishments. And the two of them were in such a place?

“No way, seriously?”

Scenes played out naturally in Ersil's mind, of Hong Yuhwa and Lee Seoha looking into each other's eyes, heading to a hotel, and Lee Seoha aggressively tearing Hong Yuhwa's clothes…

“Stop it!”

Could the two of them be involved like that?

Ersil stared at the two with trembling eyes.


Raei Translations


"Why is Lady Yuhwa with that guy…"

"Could it be that Hong Yuhwa has fallen for him?"

"Guess Hong Yuhwa is still a woman after all. She clearly fell for his looks."

Whispers buzzed around me as people exchanged such remarks.

I should've perhaps called one of Hong Yuhwa's subordinates to assist her earlier.

Quietly, I tapped Hong Yuhwa on the back who was behind me.

"Uhm… Just five more minutes…"


[Sir Seoha, would you like me to use the invisibility spell for you?]

'No, don’t.'

The invisibility spell is great for hiding. But this place was arranged by Emperor Seo Yebin. If I misuse the invisibility, the third star might mistake me for an enemy and shoot an arrow at me.

'One wrong move, and it could be the end.'

I am strong. And while most talents might be negated here, when asked if I could face those transcendent beings observing from beyond the wall, multiple question marks would arise.

At this rate, with hundreds at my side, we might barely be able to capture a single star.

"Lady Yuhwa?"

Hong Yuhwa’s subordinate, designated A, gazed at me with a blank expression.

"You're close with Hong Yuhwa."

"Me? Why would someone like me be close to Lady Yuhwa…"

"Do you know where Hong Yuhwa's residence is, or not? Just tell me that."

"Yes, I know."

"Then can you guide me... No. With her in this state, it's awkward to carry her like this. Can you call some others to move Lady Yuhwa?"

"Yes, I can manage that…"

Hong Yuhwa’s subordinate A looked at me intently.

"You noticed that Lady Yuhwa has been struggling recently?"

"We’ve been training together. Well, it's almost over now."

All I can do now is offer advice from the side. I could push her more, but...

'I'm concerned about Hong Yuhwa's mental state.'

It’s not just because of the training.

In the worst-case scenario, if I fail to rescue Jeok Tapju, Hong Yuhwa may fall too.

The Legion of the Sky is that dangerous.

There are times when even the transcendent ones could be killed by this absurd group. Especially their leader, a monster who can rival the Seven Evils.

And to top it off, they’re not even Mines, so the Starlight magic of Seo Gayeon doesn’t affect them.

'That’s why they're tricky.'

In the absolute worst-case scenario, the option of deploying Seo Gayeon and gaining an advantage disappears.

Because all the members of the Legion of the Sky are still 'human'. They’re villains who disrupt society’s order by breaking the law, making them a challenging adversary.

"In any case, pass my regards to Hong Yuhwa."

"Where are you headed?"

"I was planning to go out today."

With that, I pulled the hood of my hoodie low over my face.

After leaving the school branch, I donned the Mask of Illusion.

While Hong Yuhwa might not be on Seo Gayeon's level, she’s someone I’ve come to appreciate during my time here.

If this was a hellishly difficult game, I would have left Hong Yuhwa alone. After all, she’s the type who grows stronger with hatred as fuel.

If Lord Jeok Tapju was killed, Hong Yuhwa is a person who, for his revenge, would burn her own life to become as strong as steel.

Steel doesn't bend.

But one day, it might break. Still, that formidable strength doesn't waver, even in the latter half.

Yet now, it's different.

I couldn't bear to see her in sorrow.

"Hm? What's that?"

"Big brother, there's someone approaching with a mask."

"...Damn, scatter!"

I extracted a black blade from my dark bracelet. Five of them in total. With my will, I floated four and gripped one in my hand.


The blade I projected with my will pierced through the heart of the Mine.

[Your Conceptual Stat increases by 1.]

And the simplest method to boost my stats? Killing Mines.

'I hope to reach at least 50 before the final evaluation.'

The journey ahead was long. I commenced my hunt for Mines with the black blade.

enjoy! :)

(1/2) sorry for the delays, i've had school AND i'm sick (like rungir) sorry about that .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.

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