I became the Pink-haired Childhood friend.

Ch1: Falling in the void.

 Void's calling, but you are not there to answer.

 'Darkness, there is nothing else around me but that and the sounds of falling a great height. I never did think it would come to this but here I am, falling into the great void with nothing else going for me. One day you are ready for life then the next BAM, all of it comes crashing down, just like me now.'

 In view, shockingly with sunlight still pouring in the void, is a man with dirty brown hair and dirty clothes falling in what is called the bottomless cliff. Thinking to himself cause screaming has been done with 2 hours ago.

 'I wonder what did I do wrong? I treated her right, sure she was pretty mean now and then since little but I never took her for THAT.'
 The man shivering for a bit.
 'In a sense, I guess Tomas did warn me before school started, god I wonder what he is doing now? Did he get married with that widow he was aiming for in the end? Never heard news thanks to her.'

 Zack, done thinking for a bit starts to look around for maybe the 100th time with his dull green eyes. There is nothing but... well nothing, its just black but not really. For some reason he can still clearly see his hands in front of him.

 "Y'know, this is not so bad. Talking to the void, not dealing with loud drunks, not having to fight with my leg, and not having to see her ever again but... what do I do with all this time. Well, time till I starve to death I guess."
Zack then remembered, HE STILL HAD A BIT OF CANDY.
"OH RIGHT, guess I won't die for awhile. Now to my pockets!"

 But he noticed something, he can't move his arms right cause of the air flow around him. Forcing him to look away form the darkness around him and put full focus on his body.

 'Shit, guess falling makes things harder... come on reach for... for the... CANDY, GOT-... it... ?'
 In front of Zack's view, there is a weird looking being, looks familiar but got to take a closer look.

 'How odd, did something else fall in with me, did not noticed till now? Lets see... its got a white body, looks a bit slug like with its tail-like body, got a pair of small arms that look like wings and bigger ones on its back. Oh its got a small head with no eyes and things that look like horns too... and a glowing halo with strange runes on top its head... yea its a Null-angel!'

 Zack, proud of his findings and know-how, looked back at the candy in his hand till he recalled one thing.


 Remembering his school days(Which he really wants to forget). Null-angels, while small and weak looking, are random creatures that can choose to ignore a living being, or can just make something disappear from life itself. All things people know of it its a thing of a being called the Stringed Doll, used to keep things in check in a more chaotic time.

 'Shit, shit, shit, its coming to me now cause I yelled! Got to move now now NOW!'

 Zack started, well the best way to put it is try swimming away(And poorly) from the being that was now coming to him in a slow manner close to swimming in the sea.

 "COME ON, I GOT TO GET AWAY... w-wait a minute, why am I feeling no wind...?"

 Now, he noticed that nothing is flowing, his hair no longer is hanging up in the wind, his cloths still as if there was never a breeze, and the angel... right up to his face.

 "... WOAH... H-hey there... how's it going little fella..? L-look can't you just look somewhere else cause well, you are way too close..."
 The Angel just floats there, silent to his plea with nothing more than the halo glowing a bit brighter.

 "I- I know that humans are pretty rare down h- here cause void and all but I don't want to d-die just turning into nothing y'know...? Oh if you don't want to deal with me you can just let me fall. It was you that stopped me r- right? Please I really don't want to bother you, I b- bet you are great and all that!"

 In the end, it seems the little fella did not like to welcome humans to its home. From its halo the light started to get brighter and brighter. Knowing what was coming, Zack tried to move, attack, anything to get it to stop but it seems and Angels magic is to strong for a human to fight against.


 Zack, angry to everything that happened to him started to think of her, in hopes that the Angel targets anything related to him and her.

 'Yea, it all started cause of her, SHE WAS THE ONE THAT MADE ME COME HERE! Why did she do it? Just cause she wanted to be a bit richer!? I don't get it, really I wish I never met her. Well shit luck for Sarah cause I know that man she was seeing had no plans for her to join the inner-circle. Haha, now that I think about it, guess we both got shit luck. Born as orphans and having chances for a better life, only to end up in the lower-circle once again.'

 With its spell done, the Angel released a ball of light from the halo. The ball, which was pulsing with light, started to get close to Zack.

 "HAHAHA, guess this it. Shit way to go huh, a slug like shit with no talking skills is the only thing seeing me go, oh and killing me."

 The Ball of light, giving no time for Zack to gather his thoughts, closed in on him and took in his body, leaving nothing behind.

 'Shit... never got to eat t-..that cand-..'

 The Angel, seeing nothing left of its unwanted guest, left with a playful swim in the air. It looked like it was happy of doing a good job.

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