I became the Pink-haired Childhood friend.

Ch12-SS: Remember better(Main Character description)(O)

We been forgetting this part of it huh.

In the middle of the room full of books and and such things, sits a man called the Bronze Alchemist. He is right now borrowing the Hall of Everything as its a quiet place that has lots of books he needs for research, which seems related to some sort of helmet he is messing with.

As this was going on a being is slowly walking behind him, carrying snacks and the sort to his table. With the help of its strings its able to place down the tray and start talking to him.

 "What is it that you are messing with?"
Being asked a sudden question, Bronze look up with a bit of shock to see that his friend came back with snacks. A women with blond hair and purple dead eyes looking at him.

 "Oh you scared me there Doll. And I am not working on much but looking into how I can improve this thing."

As he says that he picks up the helmet he was messing with and puts it in Doll's hands.

 "But that does not answer my question, what is it?"
 "Its a thing people in that other world call a VR device."

Doll looking in confusion as it takes a closer look at the thing in its hands. Moving here and there to get a better look at the weird thing.

 "Yeah! Its some sort device that gives its users a view that looks like a different world with just that! Of course there are limits like that the use must stay still while using things called contro-"
 "Bronze, I am happy that you found something new but I must ask if I may? Is there a reason to look into this thing?"

Seeing that he has to explain more in depth, Bronze gets the helmet back and starts talking.

 "Well you see, what I want to do with this thing is see if I can make it more... well I guess the word is real."
 "Real? But we already have the real world?"
 "I am talking about the other world, the one you got the current Zack's soul. It seems to want to see new worlds in different ways and they use this to have fun. And I want to make it so people can really get in the world."

Seeing their friend have a evil smile as he messes with it. Doll can now see what he wants.

 "Do you want to make people get stuck in a world and see what happens?"
 "W-What? What gives you that idea...?"

Bronze sits there and started to sweat and shake on his chair as he had a being with dead eyes staring down on him, not knowing if it was a welcomed idea or not, till.

 "I want in, is it alright if I help?"
 "Huh? Uh sure. Just make sure you don't mess with the start of it, I have plans of what people there call easter eggs."
 "Sure, but is there is some thing you are forgetting aren't you?
 "I don't know, saying cleaning my mess the last five years?"
 "... Oh."

While they were talking about this and that, someone in a red robe comes in and starts talking.

 "Yea, I been doing things related to that. You two pretty much left it to me to do all that shit. Its hard you know with people forgetting me... Most I can do was get it so that to two of them stick to each other with a partner program..."
 "Oh Jester Welcome, and I am sorry that your powers cause such thing?"
 "We both know you are not sorry for anything."
 "Maybe? There might be something in the vast world that shows I am sorry?"

Doll pretty much just looks away from Jester and starts to draw things on a board that showed up out of nowhere. Showing people and the features they have.

 "What are you doing Doll?"
 "I am showing this mainly for Bronze here, cause it seems like he forgot?"
 "Hey! I don't forget just like that!"

As they we doing that Doll was done with one image.

 "Ok, so that we can get Bronze to remember maybe, I have made this in hope it helps? First we got Sarah, She is quite short for a girl but normal, around 5.3?"

Saying this it shows the picture to the two people in the room.

 "There is also the fact that she has pink hair, quite rare I believe? With green eyes that have a nice mix of orange... what a waste of a body..."
 "Doll stop it, you don't need more for the collection."

Hearing Jester say this, Doll kept the thing going.

 "As you can see for her body she has a modest ches-"
 "Yeah that part! I do recall that the Sarah of the past timeline being bigger! Why is that cause the world should not have big changes like that, more so with genes."
 "I was getting to that, I am pretty sure the Sarah of old did not like her smaller chest size? So she used her bubble magic to help with that maybe?"
 "Um, I don't think we should be talking about this..."

Jester moved them on cause this was just not right for anyone, those two really are not pointing and laughing its just that they don't see the world the same as humans.

 "I guess so, overall most humans would say she has a cute face and the voice of an angel... really what a waste..."

Drawing the next picture, Doll starts to explain.

 "As for Zack, he is quite tall? Maybe like 5.11 for a 16 year old? I don't know is that tall for humans?"
 "I mean, maybe? I don't compare people with others that often but I think that is tall for his age."

Done with the image, Doll showed it again.

 "Here we see a boy with light Brown hair, Common? And green eyes that are nothing more, boring?
 "Doll, are you being rude here...?"
 "What? I am not? What gives you that?"
 "You just called him boring."
 "Hmm, misspoke?"

Giving up, Jester just let Doll keep talking.

 "As for build, he is what you can call well-built? Running in the alleys and carrying things for Sarah has helped in making his body a bit stronger than most I believe?"
 "Huh, nice one young man."
 "Yeah! We can have him help run some test!"
 "I don't know what you mean but I guess you are praising him?"

Putting the picture down Doll starts to explain the last bits.

 "As for face, some might call it handsome but that might be more on taste? Voice is quite low too for his lack of talking maybe?
 "How does that work? Doll you know nothing on humans..."

Seeing as they were done and ready to move on, Jester was about to get up when.

 "Oh, we also have Jacob Celvter is the last one?"
 "Hold it, who is that?"
 "Jacob Celvter?"
 "Yes I know the name now but who is that in your mess?"
 "Oh, they are the new vessel for old Sarah's soul?"

In shock, Jester looks at Doll like its a madman.

 "Not only did you switch the soul of a body once you did it twice?!"
 "Oh yes, there might be a count down now?"
 "What does that mean..."
 "Who cares on that? Lets get down the show and tell?"

Drawing the last image in this friendly chat, Doll talks.

 "As for him, they have Blond hair and blue eyes, Wow most prince look maybe?"
 "Wow, he really is a prince type."
 "Oh yes, they at like a prince but that is still old Sarah so I believe they ruined that image to the inner-circle?"
 "Oh? And what is that?"
 "A man that can't keep his hands off of other men maybe?"

Done with the drawing and colors, Doll shows the smiling prince to the two men... who were backing away.

 "What's wrong?"
 "Nothing... you can keep going and get it done with, I feel dirty now..."
 "What? If the problem is that he like men I see no prob-"
 "Its not that! Its jus that.. someone that does not control these things is just..."

Being pushed to keeping doing, they do.

 "Ok, as for build its what you expect of a prince? For one it seems with old Sarah's actions the body became a bit thinner than in the last life? Oh height almost forgot, its 5.7 I believe?"
 "Huh, he is not as big as I thought it would be."
 "I guess so? He does look like he would be taller no? Anyways, as for voice also an angel but on the male side of things?"
 "Ah who cares on that, now tell me where is the real soul of Jacob cause you made no sense of make sure all souls end up somewhere here."
 "Oh, It was eaten?"
 "Yo Doll, that is not cool."

Seeing the their friends starting to look at it with a bit of disappointment, Doll started to swing is stringed arms wildly and started explaining.

 "No no, It was not me?"
 "Why do you got to say it like that? That just makes you look like you did do it..."
 "Well, It seems like five generations ago one of the heads of the family made a deal with a higher demon?"
 "Oh god, not another one..."
 "A demon huh! Can you tell me where Doll so I can get its horns!"
 "Um, Its gone? It died in the last witch hunts but somehow it deal still lives and keeps going?"

Hearing this, Jester stayed silent for a bit in hopes the the humans who lost there souls don't suffer too much.

 "Ok that's it I am pretty sure. Doll you got anymore to add to this?"
 "No, That was all for now? There are other things but I can do that later?"
 "Other things? Did you do more than I think?"

 Seeing his friends messing around, Bronze just went back to this VR thing... and ended up forgetting the kids again for quite awhile, till the count down was close to ending.

Hello, VelconTill again. Busy busy but that is life for all. I still plan for real chapters this week just that I felt that there was not much for people to get a image of what are the looks of the mains of this story(At least the general of it). So I added this for people that would want that sort of thing. Its also a chap in these guys cause they are a thing, just background. Plus I did not want a normal character sheet that is just info so I wanted a bit of fun with it, So I sort of baked it in with talking. Sorry if some did not like this but best for now.
And now for the comment side, I know I said I hoped for feedback, mainly on how I can get my grammar better. I am sorry if it felt like I have not been reading comments cause that is true. You see I am a paranoid mess that is scared to even read the comments area. With this said I hope to fix my mind here and say sorry and I should start getting used to that. I hope you have a great day.

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