I became the Pink-haired Childhood friend.

Ch4: Lights then to black.

 You know, Sometimes flashing lights are beautiful.

 The man now in outside wear, heads to his bike to head out. Making sure that all is there to make the trip doable.

 'Ok, Helmet check, water check, credit card check, and safety gear check. Ok all done, time to get me some more pulls.'

 Sure that its all good, he gets on his bike in a happy mood and starts riding it down the street heading to the nearest supermarket. Seeing cars going down the street and people walking their dogs on the sidewalk heading to a park. It was a calm day today, no sign of rain nor heavy winds, maybe god is blessing him with a great day after dealing with that book.

 With all this free time that is heading to the ATM, he starts to wonder, what happened to that male childhood friend in the book? Like he knows his life heads to shit but not after that, for one he did not even finish that book.

 'I do wonder, he was a decent guy in the end. Having to end up like that must not end good, seen that here and there. Maybe he choose just to abandon it all, cry to that thing, or the worst option... but maybe he had no other choice...'

 Shockingly, his last guess was close to the truth, but even that was never told in the book. Not like he will ever know and he never will. Seeing that he reached the supermarket he started to look around the place for an ATM. Seeing one near the side of one of the doors he quickly heads for it. Humming a happy tune, he puts the card in to take out the cash he is own now.

 'Nice! With this I should be able to do at least 30 pulls and a bit to spare for snacks... huh there are loud noises behind me?'

 Looking back, he see's a car speeding down the road with two cop cars chasing after. Seems there was a gun fight with all the bullet holes on the side of the car.

 "Huh neat, don't see that all the time. Well got nothing to do with me so might as well go home"

 Getting on his bike, he starts to go back home in a fast pace, does not want to stay there and get caught in something.

 'Now I got to ask sis about how that book ended, while I hate it I do want to know how it ends. Hope Zack got at least some sort of happ- wait is that car chase getting closer...?'

 Looking back, he see's the same car chase but this time with more cop cars. But there is a problem right now, it seems like that car being chased is heading right for him.


 Sadly for him, the car came too quick for him to react, with it hitting him with lots of force. Maybe the driver wanted to use him to get the cops looking at something else so he can get away.

 The man, flying in the air for what seems like forever. Started to think of things that he wanted to do, like use that money, read a better story, or just having a better timing.

 'Well shit, this is the end huh... sorry sis, looks like I brought more problems again...'

 Seeing the pavement get closer, he closed his close and braced for the pain, hearing a crack and there go's his life.

 Waking up, the man looked around to see only a school like area. He was in a hallway full of classrooms showing no end. Getting up he starts to look around, seeing nothing out of place and feeling like he can just walk down the hall. Hearing his foot steps and nothing else, the man kept walking for what felt like hours. He looked around again only to see that things have changed, the classrooms are filled with white static and are starting to make noises here and there.

 The man, started to fear the noise so he ran, ran while closing his ears to it all. The noise only started to get louder and louder to the point that he could not even block it out, it felt like it was in his head.

 Closing his eyes too, he kept running only for the sounds to get even louder, like if it wanted to mess with him for doing things to fight it. The white static start to turn into bright lights of many colors, making it even harder on him as he had to open his eyes now and then to see. Running in that hell for hours he hit a point where there was nothing around him but colors and noise. The man overcome by the whole thing said a few words.


 The noise, the colors, and the hall was gone. It all stopped and left him in nothing more than a void of black, silent and still. The man fell to his butt to what looked like ground here to calm himself, hoping to never have to see that again. As he was taking his time, something spoke that put a stop to his thoughts.

 "oUtSIde, mY rAiNbOW."

 This was the last thing he heard as he passed out.

 Waking up, the man felt the sun from the back of his eyes, groaning as he heard some one screaming for who knows how long.

 'Shit, can that child stop screaming, I can't even understand shit'

 He noticed that he was leaning against a wall but he did not care, he felt like he was in hell and back and could not get his mind right. He recalled reading a book his sis payed to make an essay out of, but not much more. As the screaming kept going the man choose that there was only one option, to shut them the fuck up.

"SHUT UP!!!"

 Opening his eyes, he see's a person with pink messy hair and dirty clothes. Looks like she has not showered in days and a lack of food can be seen with her cheeks but....

 'What the hell? Is that some sort of cosplay? Why is her hair pink? And where am I, did I get drunk while reading that story? You know what better to get answers now.'

 "Who are you...?"  Looking at her face, she had a sort of shocked look but...
 "U-um.. Zack..?" Not much of an Answer.

 'Huh? That is not a name for her is it? Wait... could she be talking to me? But my name is not Zack... Wait a minute Zack?'

 The man, looking closer at the girl, starts to see things he remembered reading from the book.

 'Pink hair check, Green eyes with a mix of orange check, And long hair even if messy check... That's the same as cheater, Sarah.'

 Seeing things more and more, he starts to noticed. He is in the book, and if he got things right, she might have called him Zack... The man can only say one thing to that.


 The girl, having a shocked face for the words that came out of the boy's mouth.

Hello, this is the first time I talk to you. I am VelconTill, a reader for the most part that is only making this story as a little project. This is mainly to explain things a bit on that weird rainbow bit and how most of my ideas go. They are dreams, I always wanted to write the weird and wacky things that happen in them. As for how I got a dream like that Idk, just know that I will really not make sense for the most part cause of this. I hope not to confuse you for the most part and that you have fun. Till next time I write like this.

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