I became the Pink-haired Childhood friend.

Ch7: Dumpster idea! (S)

Digging into trash might give one trash ideas.

While walking into the dark alleys, they see random types of people here and there. They see the random homeless to people wearing robes now and then heading deeper into the dark.

 'It has been a while since I been here, I forgot it can be like this... plus the smell...'

While walking, Sarah is starting to recall more and more of the area and feeling that she got this part of her memory back. They are also heading out of the darker areas and heading for alleys closer to the main streets.

 "OK! We are getting close!"
 "Dude, why are you yelling?"
 "Sorry sorry! Geez Zack cheer up you really are in a bad mood!"
 "G-guys, please calm d-down."

Seeing as they were getting close to a dumpster, they slowed down and Tomas started to give out roles.

 "OK! For now me and Zack well go into the trash and look for things to eat, who knows we might be lucky and get a bag of bread! As for Sarah... hmm you said she threw up so we will leave her as a look out in case of others are coming."
 "Alright, I am ok with that plan. Sarah you keep watch and just yell out if something happens"
 "Alr-right, you two be carful. D-don't want to touch s-sharp glass."

Seeing Tomas and Zack digging into the trash, Sarah start to look around but she also saw this as the perfect chance to think about her future now.

 'Hmm, I will have to think about what to do now... should I head back to school? But all the bad things are there... but I have Sarah's magic now.'

Looking down at her hand, Sarah starts to think of the new ways she can research with this magic which is new to her.

 'Bubble magic, a skill Sarah(Past) only used to show off and make herself look... uh cooler? At least that was her old words. But I should have an edge if I use it right.'

While it sounds weak, bubble magic is a rare type of barrier magic. If used right it can make it so enemy range attacks can be deflected. While barrier magic does that bubbles have a way of helping its users and that is by changing their allies attacks to hit somewhere the enemy does not want it to hit, like shooting magic at their front but it hits them in the back.

 'Sadly Sarah did not invest in this but make parties better for the high-borns... anyways lucky for me I saw more uses in it than her and the rest of the school, it can deflect more than just magic. If used right I can use firearms with it too! It would be so cool to shoot at the dirt only for the shot to aim for under the chin!'

Looking at the brighter side of life, Sarah started to get happier and happier. And right on time it seems Tomas and Zack found a bag full of bread, seems like it was thrown last night cause its till fresh.

 "Yea, this should do us some good... better than eating moldy bread that I heard about..."
 "But Zack, you ate moldy bread before?"
 "Uh, must have forgot cause it was so bad."

While that was going on Sarah started to walk to them to look at there finds.

 "O-oh, nice job you t-two."
 "Thanks Sarah! Now lets split this and eat before someone see's us!"
 "Someone might catch us if you keep yelling."
 "Haha, sorry."

While eating her share of bread, Tomas looked shocked like her recalled something.

 "Oh yea!"
 "I heard you two got together the other day from Aunt Kelly! I guess it was only a matter of time for you two!"

Hearing this, Sarah's brain stopped working and good thing she did not drop her half of bread. This was something she did not want to think about cause of her last life...


By this point and respect for the being that is the Null-angel was lost to Sarah, she only saw it as a monster that ruins lives and is nothing more that it was a failed project of the Stringed Doll.

 'Ok Ok calm down... screw that, what is there to be calm about! I was a guy just a day ago and now I am Sarah and going out with old me! But it seems that old me is not old me? I don't know anymore...'

Sarah just gave up thinking and choose to think of the best thing she can do.

 'Ok, if this is the role I have to play then so be it. I will do it, I will be with old me. For one it would be safer to be with someone for now and he fits the bill. I also think that to avoid.. that from happening again I will have to stick to someone loyal... and I am pretty sure I am pretty loyal? He should still be me maybe? Fuck it, I will go out with me! HE HAS NO SAY IT WAS MY BODY.'

And there we go, Sarah choose to throw away her pride as a man quickly just cause she has not better plans at this time. Thinking this Sarah starts to answer Tomas's words

 "Y-Yes! I confessed l-last night and we g-got together right t-then and there!"
 "Wait hold on, I-"
 "Zack a-accept too! He happily s-said yes and we are going from t-there!"
 "Wait, can I say a wor-"
 "Ah I see! Congrats you two! Can't wait for the future of you two!"

Seeing Zack's face after all of this, it seems he just gave up and started eating his bread again.

 'Ha, you are going to join in with me on this, whether you like it or not. Hell I am pretty sure I am doing a favor!'

Choosing to eat with a chaotic mind, Sarah just wondered why is life like this and why is it against her.

Hi hi, yes I did do that. I thought it was funny. Weird way of putting the mains together but it felt right like that for me. Bet there was a better way but for now this is what I will go with. Also might make the Sarah here a bit more, I say screwed in the head with that bit on the 'my body' after the whole thing of dying and past life. This has been VelconTill and I will see myself out the door.

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