I Became the Richest Man with a Monthly Salary of 20,000

Chapter 789: come

If the manuscript can be included in the Longguo History Museum, for the Chen family, it is a matter of face.

However, this matter was later declined by Cao Yongliang.

According to the other party, although the Chen family's "Compendium of Medicinal Herbs" has made a great contribution to traditional Chinese medicine, its influence is not far-reaching, and it does not have much special effect on the future of the Dragon Kingdom and the history of the Dragon Kingdom.

If it is included in the local Chinese Medicine History Museum in Qingyun, it is fine. If you want to be included in the Longguo History Museum, it is not a star and a half.

This matter, when a family meeting was held, Chen Qingchi heard from the old man himself,

However, Chen Qingchi did not expect that he would be able to see Cao Yongliang here, which is really surprising.

However, where is the identity of Cao Yongliang, the curator of the Shangjing Longguo History Museum is much more than the boss of Qingyun, so Chen Qingchi naturally did not dare to stand in front of Cao Yongliang.

"It turned out to be Director Cao. It's an honor to meet you."

Chen Qingchi's attitude immediately made a 180-degree turn, and his tone became very polite.

Although Cao Yongliang let the old man of the Chen family have a closed door, he was giving him the courage, and he did not dare to make trouble.

Although the Chen family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine, in the final analysis they are just ordinary people, and naturally they dare not challenge Cao Yongliang.

"Hehe, don't be so polite, we are all equal in the pharmacy in Xia Langzhong."

Cao Yongliang was very approachable and said with a smile.


Chen Qingchi smiled embarrassedly, and his **** was slightly lifted, not daring to sit up completely.

Xia Liang saw the reactions of the two people in his eyes.

After they finished speaking, Xia Liang asked with a smile.

"Director Cao, do you know what's wrong with you coming to me? I don't have any historical relics, so it's worth your trip!

Xia Liang's attitude is very calm. He has never seen any strong winds and waves, and he is now practicing Chinese medicine, and he is not a dealer of cultural relics. What are you afraid of?

On the contrary, Cao Yongliang is different.

Although he has a distinguished status, he is still an individual. As long as he is an individual, he will follow the principle of birth, old age, sickness and death. Therefore, he has a sense of awe for a genius doctor like Xia Liang, who may be in the future. I will really have a day to ask for Xia Liang. If I offend you now, it will not be worth it.

After all, Xia Liang's medical skills, before he came here, he still spent two days to inquire about it, and knew some things, such as those things Xia Liang did before.

More and more shocking.

Not to mention before.

Now when I become a Chinese medicine doctor, I directly say: Chinese medicine can cure diseases that cannot be cured by western medicine!

Several cases of terminal illness have been cured, which is obvious to all audiences on the Internet.

This also strengthened Cao Yongliang's purpose and confidence in coming here, and at the same time, he was full of infinite curiosity and respect for Xia Liang.

Now Xia Liang is a Chinese medicine doctor, and even more a dragon country Chinese medicine doctor.

As the curator of Longguo History Museum, Cao Yongliang has a deep research on history, and he has also done a lot of research on the history of Longguo TCM.

It is a pity that the inheritance of Chinese medicine in the Dragon Kingdom has been directly faulted, and many precious medical books have not been preserved.

This is the loss of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is the regret of the Dragon Kingdom!

And last time, in Xia Liang's live broadcast room, after seeing Xia Liang Popular Science's "Compendium of Materia Medica of the Dragon Country", Cao Yongliang's eyes suddenly lit up. He understood that the birth of this masterpiece of traditional Chinese medicine will completely rewrite the dragon. The status and history of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine!

If such a precious text is lost again, it would be his negligence as the curator of the Long Kingdom History Museum.

Therefore, after hearing Xia Liang's words, Cao Yongliang hurriedly laughed.

"Don't say it, you really have something here, it is a treasure among cultural relics, and it is worth my trip in person. If I don't come this time, I am afraid that I will regret it in my life.


Hearing this, Xia Liang felt even more puzzled. Seeing that Cao Yongliang said so confidently, it was obviously confirmed, but why didn't he know, he thought about it.

"Director Cao, I really don't know that I have enough cultural relics to attract your attention. If there are, you can say that, for the integrity of the history of the Dragon Kingdom, I am also willing to give it to the museum."

Cao Yongliang hesitated for a while, and looked at Chen Qingchi next to him, who immediately understood and got up with a smile.

"Well, let me avoid it for a while."

Cao Yongliang pondered for a while, but shook his head with a smile.

"That's not necessary. This cultural relic was neither stolen nor robbed by Xia Langzhong. It came from an open and honest way, and there is nothing shameful about it."

At this time, not only Xia Liang was puzzled, but even Chen Qingchi next to him was stunned. If he didn't steal or rob, could it still be made? What are the cultural relics?

As a rich second-generation, although he is not very keen on antiques, but as a family of traditional Chinese medicine, his family has many antiques passed down from the hands of predecessors.

Each of those antiques has a history of hundreds of years, and has a heavy sense of precipitation in traditional Chinese medicine, which is also of great significance!

Therefore, when he heard Cao Yongliang's words, Chen Qingchi's curiosity was completely hooked up.

Even Xia Liang, who was next to him, had a good time leaning on the shit.

He is also knowledgeable about cultural relics!

However, he didn't know how he could still create articles by himself.

What about things?

Cao Yongliang saw the suspicious gazes on the faces of the two of them, so he no longer sold off, but said with a smile,

"Xia Langzhong, the cultural relic I'm referring to is the manuscript of the "Compendium of Materia Medica of the Dragon Country" drawn by you! I am a native of the whole Dragon Kingdom, and I came to ask for this manuscript to be settled in the Dragon Country History Museum!"

When Xia Liang broadcasted the popular science "Compendium of Materia Medica of the Dragon Country" online, he noticed it. At that time, he was on vacation and started to study it.

In this research, he immediately discovered that this "Dragon Kingdom's Compendium of Materia Medica is really a medical masterpiece that is enough to shock the world's medical community!"

The things covered in it are not only the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese herbal medicines, but involve all aspects of life.

For example, the minerals, insect classes, and human classes in it~www.readwn.com~ is not just medicine, but an interpretation of many things that exist in nature. At that time, when he discovered this knowledge, he came right away interested.

At the same time as Xia Liang popularized science, he was also studying and studying. Finally, he even consulted some well-known and famous old Chinese medicine practitioners.

When he learned that even these old Chinese medicine practitioners highly praised Xia Liang's "Compendium of Materia Medica of the Dragon Country", Cao Yongliang knew that the publication of this book was enough to change the world!

Therefore, he often soaks in Xia Liang's live broadcast room to watch Xia Liang's popular science.

Looking at it, he found that the manuscript hand-painted by Xia Liang himself, with neat fonts and rigorous drawings, was more valuable than the ink-pressed ones in the factory.

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