I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 637

Several days later.

As soon as the training of the heroes who were to be deployed and the production of Dragon Slayer equipment were completed, I led the heroes into battle.

"There are escort troops called 'Guardians' at Wingian's lair of the Black Dragon."

One of the essential elements of a dragon lair.

Guardians, the escort troops.

They are underlings who protect the dragons that, like bears in winter, often fall into deep slumber.

Since the construction of the lair, some were employed like butlers, inherited from parent dragons, or brought back from adventures in the outside world... various means through which dragons bring others to protect themselves...

They are loyal troops who watch their leader's back, servants who cater to them, and when it comes to fighting, they are the rank and file that fill out their numbers. This is what a Dragon Guardian is.

However, in the dungeon beneath this lake, the Black Dragon legion did not bring in new Guardians for their respective lairs.

Because they could not trust the surrounding monsters.

What trust could there be in these villains, always ready to stab each other in the back? Especially when most of these monsters had nearly destroyed the world themselves.

But Wingian was different. He had managed to subdue various monster legions to his taste and used them as his Guardians.

"Does he have something he trusts in? How can he have multiple legions as subordinates, and that too, several legions?"

Evangeline asked, and I grinned.

"Guess. How did he do it?"

"Um... did he pay them well?"

"What good would payment do down here in this lake?"

"Maybe he has ambition, or perhaps he's just overflowing with charm?"

"Um, he might have ambition and charm, but that's not it."

"Maybe there's a grand cause, and he wielded a grand flag?!"

"No, that's not it..."

I simply gave the answer.

"The answer is mind control."


"Wingian is a dragon among the Black Dragon legion who is skilled in mind control. He uses it on monster legions he likes, making them his Guardians."

Not only can he use all the powers of a dragon, but he specializes in mind control and disruption. That's Wingian.

So he was the first opponent I chose. At least this ability of mine was a counter to his.

'Of course, countering his special ability doesn’t mean the main raid would be the same...'

I looked back at my followers trailing behind me and nodded.

"The match-up strategy has been intensively trained over the past few days... we can definitely win."

Not only had everyone trained intensely until the last moment, but they had also heavily augmented their equipment and armament to their limits.

"...Is this really okay?"

Especially Kuilan, whom I had persuaded vigorously, was now dressed in a new armor and gauntlets over his fur coat. He looked somewhat like a werewolf in armor.

Instead of answering, I just flashed a thumbs-up.

Isn't it because the equipment stats get copied? Ever since ancient times, modifying the equipment slot has been a must-know for speedrunners. Let's make good use of it too.

Jingle, jingle -

The five knights following at a reasonable distance—Glory Knights, were also in full armor.

The emperor had transferred these knights to me, not for nothing; here in the dungeon, they took it upon themselves to be my bodyguards.

Even Hecate, who usually did not wear armor, was now completely covered in a seamless blue armor.

Lucas had handed over his armor, [Water Moon], to her.

"It suits her well."

Lucas nodded in satisfaction as he looked at her.

"It's worthy of the armor you made for me. Even another knight looks great in it."

"You're giving up your armor, what's the occasion?"

He seemed unusually attached to his equipment, but for some reason, he readily gave it up.

"Well, because you gave me a better armor... this [Black Scale]."

"[Black Scale]?"

"[Water Moon] would prefer being in battle than just sitting in storage."

"...[Water Moon]? Are you now referring to your armor as if it were a person?"

These knight guys... they’re all a bit odd...

"Besides, if it's Hecate, she has a connection with you. She definitely deserves to wear the armor you made."

Anyway, that's how Hecate ended up in armor. It was concerning to see her uncovered all this time, but it turned out well.

She seemed slightly uncomfortable in the armor she hadn't worn in a long time and narrowed her eyes at Lucas, murmuring.

"...Should I keep shooting, or not."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"There is such a thing."

Evangeline made a 'hoo~' sound after listening to Hecate and Lucas's conversation, then suddenly made a motion as if chopping down with an axe into thin air.

I asked in confusion.

"Why are you acting like that?"

"Well, I was thinking I might start actively chopping away too..."


Not understanding, I tilted my head and then looked back at Junior and Damien.

"What’s this chopping thing? Is it some kind of slang?"

"Well, I guess? Ahaha..."

Junior evaded the question, and Damien laughed benignly.

"I don't really know either, but anyway, if you get chopped, come to me. I’ll cast a healing spell."

"Thanks, Damien... Modern youth slang is really tough."

As we were having this nonsensical conversation and moving forward, Dusk Bringar, who was walking at the forefront of our party, looked back at us with a slightly tense expression.

"It's good to lighten the mood, but start being cautious. We’re entering his territory."


And then it came into view.

A large, ornate building enclosed by a broad fence. It looked like an ancient temple...

Zone 9 Dungeon, ‘Art Museum’.

This is where Wingian had established his lair.

"What kind of art museum is this, it looks more like a palace..."

I muttered, and a responding voice reached me.

"In fact, it was a palace, one of the royal family’s villas. It was no longer in use, so... it was converted into an art museum where various artworks are collected and displayed."

As we all looked that way, we saw Nameless leaning against the fence of the museum, waving at us.


"I've been waiting, Ash. Let’s go together."

Nameless had been joining us for every battle in the campaign against the Black Dragon legion.

Where else could we find such a reliable ally in the darkness beneath this lake? I smiled broadly, and Nameless stood beside me, saying something like 'don't get too excited.'

Creeeak -

The old, large iron gate of the garden fence swung open to both sides.

We entered with our hands on our weapons, vigilantly scanning the surroundings. The broad path leading from the entrance to the museum was spotlessly clean.



In the center of the path. Exactly midway between the gate and the museum.

Two chilling monsters stood.

One was a headless knight in worn armor... the other, a woman bending her back greatly and veiling her face, constantly sobbing.

The headless knight, a Dullahan.

And the crying elf, a Banshee.

These two monstrously strong legions, each alone formidable, were Wingian's subordinates, the Guardians protecting him.

‘His taste in choosing Guardians is wicked...’

Both are fucking scary looking, damn! Are we in a horror movie?!

As my heroes prepared for battle at the sight of these enemies, the monsters' response was unexpectedly the opposite.

"Welcome, Guardians of Humanity. We have been waiting for you."

The legion commander Dullahan spoke with a voice like scraping metal.

Wondering how he could speak without a head, I looked closer and saw a helmet held in one arm. Seems his severed head is stored in there.

"Hehehe, heh..."

The Banshee legion commander also spoke... no, sobbed. Is she just crying? The rhythm changed a bit, so it seems she is speaking.

When I looked back at my heroes with a 'can anyone understand that?' expression, they all shook their heads. Seems no one could.

"The master awaits you. This way."

"Uh, okay..."

Anyway, they did not treat us as enemies but rather led us inside.

Lucas was vigorously shaking his head, but I followed Dullahan without hesitation.

"As the leader of the World Guardian Front, I must become the world's number one party person, so I don’t turn down an invitation lightly."

"Someone heal our senior’s swollen liver..."

Evangeline sighed, and Damien immediately used 'heal, heal' on my stomach. Dude, as if that's going to cure my fatty liver? I really need to cut down on the alcohol lately.

We continued with the jokes and nonsense, but it wasn’t without any plan. Knowing this, my followers quietly followed behind me.


Silently, the legion commanders Dullahan and Banshee led the way.

I closely observed the two monsters. Just as they appeared in the game, they typically looked like their respective kinds, but there was a peculiar detail.


Their bodies were adorned with numerous feathers. Dark, glossy feathers.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Hehehe, huhuhu..."

"By the way, what is she saying?"

"Huhu, ugh, hehehehe."

Banshee nearly spat out her words like rap, and as I became increasingly uncomfortable, I asked Dullahan. Is there a mute button?

"Do not mind it. It's just a simple warning."


Confused, I asked again, and Dullahan answered shortly.

"A warning not to end up like us."

We didn't walk much farther before arriving at the main building of the museum.

It was a huge palace built like an ancient temple, and as we stood in front of the main building, a massive stone door slowly began to open.

Koong, koong, koong...!

And finally, as the stone doors swung wide open...

"Come in, Guardians of Humanity."

The owner of the place was waiting for us in the spacious lobby of the museum.

"I've been waiting."

The man, with long glossy black hair tied back and wearing a coat covered in feather decorations, smiled with golden eyes. I called out his name.


"Thank you for actually calling me by my name. My eldest brother doesn’t even remember my name, and my father shows no interest in it."

He sneered bitterly and turned to walk inside the building. The sound of his shoes clicked across the vast lobby.

"How about we talk before we fight?"

"What kind of talk? Other than killing each other, we hardly have anything in common."

"Haha. How pathetic would it be if beings with intellect only harbored animosity?"

"So, you do acknowledge that I possess intellect?"

I was expecting a cliché repertoire like ‘mere humans~’, but surprisingly, that was not the case.

Wingian chuckled briefly.

"Listen. After fighting to the brink of the world’s destruction and dying once, I was resurrected after an immeasurable length of time... to find all dragons extinct, and the pets we once thought of as inferior ruling the world."

I tried to see things from his perspective.

So, it's like if after a third world war, humanity goes extinct on Earth. If I woke up from a cryogenic capsule to find dogs and cats had built nations and were ruling the world.

Is this how it feels for dragons...?

"You are still contemptible and lowly beings in my eyes."

"Ah, just as I thought."

"However, you have established your own civilization and, more importantly, you have managed to defeat three of my siblings."

Wingian scanned the artworks displayed in the lobby.

A smile formed on his face, but the emotion behind that smile was far from the joy of beholding beautiful art.

It was closer to feeling proud of children playing in the mud.

"The world will eventually be destroyed by our Black Dragon legion, and all life on the surface will burn under our dark flames."


"Before that... especially you, Guardian of Humanity, I have a question."

Wingian turned to look at me intently and finally asked the main question.

"Why did you decide to attack me first? Not my brothers or father, why target me first?"


"Purely curious. What rationale did you have for attacking me first?"

It seemed that was the issue.

Why had I chosen to strike him first among the remaining three?

He asked seriously, so I responded honestly.

"You already know the answer, don’t you?"

I couldn’t help but smirk.

"Because you're the easiest target, you dumb fuck."


While my response was relatively polite on my part, perhaps he hadn't expected me to be so blunt. Wingian's mouth slightly dropped open.

But since you were so polite to me, I'll be honest with you.

"You're the weakest, the most pathetic, and the dumbest among the three. That's why I decided to beat you up first. Why are you asking something so obvious?"

We’re busy! We don’t have enough time or energy to kill your brothers and father too!

Hurry up and die, and drop your loot, you bastard!

--TL Notes--

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