I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 655

Tap-tap, tap-tap—

The sound of Day Bringar's military boots echoed clearly as she walked along the corridor inside the palace.

Behind her, the girl, Soot, tried to follow as quietly as possible. However, due to the difference in their strides, she eventually had to close her eyes and run to keep up with the pounding sound of her footsteps.

With a grin, Day Bringar eventually stopped walking. Soot, catching her breath, stood beside Day Bringar and looked up at what the queen was observing.

It was a wall adorned with several portraits. Pointing at them, Day Bringar explained,

"These are the portraits of the previous Day Bringars of our duchy."


Flustered, Soot hurriedly bowed deeply towards the portraits. Day Bringar covered her mouth and laughed.

"You don't need to bow next time."

"Oh, okay..."

"Here, this one is the founder of the Bringar family."

Day Bringar pointed to the highest and oldest portrait.

"The last Red Dragon, Day Bringar."

In the portrait, a tall woman with flaming hair and a bold smile was depicted.

As Soot stared mesmerized, Day Bringar's explanation continued softly in her ear.

"She defeated Jörmungandr, the serpent of the world that was advancing towards the Everblack Empire, and through that connection, she married the human emperor of Everblack and had descendants. She essentially founded our Duchy of Bringar."

"Wow... to think that a dragon and a human had a child, that's amazing."


Day Bringar burst into hearty laughter at Soot's naive (and perhaps impertinent) remark.

She really laughs well, Soot thought to herself unknowingly.

"And this one is her descendant."

Day Bringar pointed to the next portrait.

"The first half-dragon, half-human, the first Dragonblood Duchess, Dawn Bringar."

Depicted there was also a tall woman, her short red hair fluttering about. She was fully clad in armor, her eyes cold and her skin pale, which somehow made Soot shrink a bit in intimidation.


Then, Soot thought,

Day Bringar and her descendant, Dawn Bringar... They didn't look alike at all.

'Did she take after the emperor she married?'

Then Day Bringar pointed to another portrait.

"And Dawn Bringar passed the dukedom to the current Day Bringar, me... Don't you think the real thing is better?"

"The real thing and the portrait, both are splendid!"

In a clearly recently painted portrait, Day Bringar was smiling brightly.

With her dark skin and braided hair tied in several knots, dressed in a white uniform, she looked very gallant and impressive.

...Yes, gallant and impressive, but.

"We don't look alike, do we?"

Day Bringar suddenly hit the nail on the head.

Startled, Soot slowly nodded.


Neither the ancestral dragon Day Bringar, nor her descendant Dawn Bringar, nor the currently living Day Bringar next to her.

They didn't resemble each other at all. They seemed completely unrelated.

If one were to search for similarities, maybe the red-tinged hair, the reptilian vertically slit pupils, and the sharp teeth...

But they were too different to be considered parent and child.

"We're not related by blood."


"The House of Bringar is a lineage tied by purpose, not by blood."

Surprised, Soot listened as Day Bringar slowly explained,

"Day Bringar and the emperor of Everblack loved each other, but they couldn't have children."


"Instead, Day Bringar adopted one of the loyal Dragon Knights, passing on the Dragonblood and Dragonheart. This nominal descendant was Dawn Bringar."

Qualified as a dragon but also bearing the essential limits of a human. Half-dragon, half-human.

That's why it's crucial to find the right person to inherit the Dragonheart, Dragonblood, and the purpose, continuing the legacy and will of the ancestors.

"That was the House of Bringar."

"Dawn Bringar, too, chose one of her following Dragon Knights to pass on the dukedom. That's me."


"I will do the same. When I find the right person, I will give them my heart and blood... and hand over this country and our lineage to them."

Day Bringar gazed at the empty space next to her portrait.

"My successor will once again carry the great ancestral dragon's name... they'll be called Dusk Bringar."

"Does the name repeat?"

"Yes, it's the Red Dragon naming convention. The names signify times of day, repeating in a sequence—Dusk, Dawn, Day, and back to Dusk again. It continues like that."

Soot recited the name of the next Duchess Bringer without really thinking.

‘Dusk Bringar…’

While contemplating how burdensome it must be to inherit the name of the great progenitor.

"Now that you've seen the faces of the former dukes."

Day Bringar smiled wryly at Soot and extended her hand.

"You must also train hard to become a knight worthy of your title, shouldn't you?"

Soot hesitated, but Day Bringar reached out first and took the girl's hand, leading her forward with large strides.

The duchess's large hand was so warm that Soot found herself breathless.

It felt almost like the first time she had felt another person's warmth.


Day Bringar didn't have many vassals.

She had only two Dragon Knights under her command.

Captain Leighton, the queen's right hand, who managed both domestic and foreign affairs of the country.

And the newly adopted orphan girl—Soot.

"There used to be more. But as they aged, they either retired or passed away…"

Day Bringar pointed casually to the side with a serene smile.

"Just Leighton and I were left, all alone. Even when I try to take in new ones, Leighton always opposes it."

"That's because Your Excellency keeps bringing in those of uncertain identity or those who can't be trusted."

Sitting next to Day Bringar, Leighton sent a stern look towards Soot. Soot flinched and curled up a little.

"The two of us will teach you everything you need to know to become a knight. Leighton will handle combat, and I will..."

Day Bringar slammed a stack of books she had picked from the library onto the table.

"Culture, manners, etiquette. Things like these... not exactly necessary, but truly important for life."

Swallowing hard, Soot bowed deeply to both of them.

"Yes, I'll work hard...!"

Soot was a bright and perceptive child.

However, her body, never properly nourished, was frail and lacked strength. Even with Dragonblood infused, her limits were clear.

The first day, sword training.



Unable to balance herself, Soot rolled across the ground. The girl couldn't control the great strength housed within her small, frail body.

Leighton was strict and cold but a fine instructor. His expression unchanging, he coldly assessed the situation.

"First, you need to gain some weight."

"...I'm sorry..."

"No need to apologize to me."

Leighton crossed his arms and sighed.

"Listen, Sword Stain. I'll tell you upfront. I don't like you."


"If you truly want to keep your position as a knight, earned through luck, do it properly. To not bring shame to Her Excellency, to not tarnish the name of the glorious Duchy of Bringar, and for your own life."

As Leighton continued, Soot swallowed hard.

"If you don't do it right, I will kill you myself and recover the Dragonblood infused in you. That's what's best for the Duchy of Bringar."


"If you understand, go eat something now. Until the next lesson, just repeat basic physical training. That's it."

Leighton left the training ground.

And in the empty training ground, Soot clenched her teeth and started the training over from the beginning.

While combat training didn't yield immediate results, Soot quickly excelled in other studies.

She was smart, just lacking opportunity. Like a sponge absorbing water, she soaked up everything Day Bringar taught.

Once practically illiterate, the girl quickly learned to read, her hunger for knowledge burning as fiercely as her physical hunger, and she learned rapidly.

Teaching such a receptive child was a very enjoyable task. Day Bringar gradually became sincere in her dedication to Soot's education.

In the library, in the office, in the bedroom before sleep... like reading bedtime stories, Day Bringar taught Soot many things, and Soot eagerly read, wrote, and learned.

"Our Soot is also so smart~"

When the queen praised her like that, stroking her hair and giving her praise on days she did well.

She couldn't have been happier. She wanted to do even better, to be more adored by the queen.

She didn't want to be abandoned.

So, Soot strived desperately. She reduced her sleeping hours to study, and she trained until her mouth was bitter every day.

A year later.

"You passed."

Soot had barely managed to pass Leighton's test in the combat test she took as a knight.

"There's nothing left for me to teach you!"

That's what Day Bringar told her.

"Starting next week, I'll call in tutors for various subjects. Let's start some more advanced studies."

At the breakfast table.

Soot, who had gained a healthy amount of weight over the year, and Day Bringar were having breakfast together.

While chewing the food she had greedily stuffed into her mouth, Soot blinked.

"Why starting next week? What about this week?"

Day Bringar chuckled, wiping Soot's mouth with a napkin, and answered kindly.

"This week is the festival."


"It's already the autumn festival, Soot. You should have fun at the festival."

Soot's eyes widened in surprise.

It was during the autumn festival that she had been taken in by the queen, and before she knew it, a year had passed.


Day Bringar hesitated for a moment before saying carefully.

"At this festival... It will be announced that you have been chosen as my successor."


Startled, Soot choked, and even Leighton, who was serving the meal, looked at Day Bringar in surprise.

Having managed to swallow her water and calm down, Soot stammered.

"Me, me? Am I your successor, Your Majesty?"


"Then, does that mean I will become the next Duchess Bringar?"

"I will hold this position until you come of age. After that, it will be so."

Soot, who always ate heartily, could not think of eating any more in front of the queen's bombshell announcement and set down her utensils.

"But, how am I qualified... to dare to be Your Majesty's successor..."

"You've been with me for the past year. You might not have known, but there were various tests besides martial arts and academics... You passed them all."

Day Bringar reached out and took Soot's hand.

"Soot. No, I guess I should call you Dusk now."

Looking gently into the trembling girl's eyes, Day Bringar smiled softly.

"Will you officially become my daughter?"


On the day of the autumn festival.

Now familiar with dressing herself, the girl, Dusk, thought as she fastened her dress collar and tied her ribbon.

‘Dusk, Dusk... My name has become Dusk Bringar...’

Like the formal dress that was uncomfortable to wear each time, the new name Dusk was also unfamiliar and awkward for the girl.

But she would endure it. If she could become her daughter...

As she recalled the word 'daughter,' her heart pounded fiercely.


The girl, Dusk, lightly slapped her cheeks to focus.

Today, as Day Bringar's daughter and the successor of the Bringar Duchy, she was making her first appearance before the citizens. She needed to be mentally prepared.

After adjusting her low-heeled shoes several times, Dusk took nervous steps towards the office where the queen would be.

Knock-knock—After knocking, she cautiously opened the door.

"Your Majesty, ah, no..."

After swallowing her breath and gathering her strength.

Still feeling like she was in a dream, Dusk uttered that word and looked ahead.

"Mother! I am ready—"

And what Dusk saw in the office was,

Leighton's sword piercing through Day Bringar's back and protruding from the front of her chest.

--TL Notes--

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