I Became The Villain Of The Highly Poisonous God Haowen!

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Gu Yan’s Big Plan

You still attach great importance to Gu Yan.

Through the investigation of Gu Yan, they have confirmed some of Liu Zhan’s claims.

For example, Gu Yan is a ghost lover, and he has developed some technological products that surpass the times.

For example, the magic potion that can instantly cure congenital heart disease.

Although it all seems incredible.

But in the eyes of many senior executives, these are not shocking things.

Because most scientific principles are actually very simple.

It’s just that it’s not easy to think about.

For example, the amazing penicillin.

If a penicillin tablet was given to an ancient man and easily cured, the ancient man would be shocked by such a miraculous drug.

But is penicillin so hard to understand?

No, this is the secretion of a kind of Qinghui fungus, very simple.

It’s just that no one thought about it until it was discovered.

such as generators.

If the generator and light bulb were brought to ancient times, it would be a fairy-like operation.

But is this stuff really hard?

of course not!

Isn’t power generation just cutting the magnetic field lines!

The tungsten wire is not easy to get, just get a bamboo charcoal wire and a vacuum environment, you can still make an “Edison light bulb” to make it glow.

But before these things were invented, no one thought of it at all.

It’s like a conflict between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.

There are many people who always think that traditional Chinese medicine is deceptive, brainwashing, ignorant, and backward.

Without any theoretical basis, can the bark, grass, roots and wild fruits be boiled in one pot to cure the disease?


Isn’t this what primitive people do?

We believe in “where is not the right place”!

However, Chinese medicine is really useless, is it really ignorant?

of course not.

It’s just that no one can explain and prove it completely and in a very simple and clear way.

It is not as simple and easy to prove as Western medicine.

Take some penicillin, take some Staphylococcus, let them react, and then observe with a microscope, you can find that penicillin does have bacteriostatic effect.

Simple, clear and clear.

Be convincing.

And traditional Chinese medicine can’t be explained clearly, so many people will doubt it.

But, there is a reason.

It cannot be denied because the principles of traditional Chinese medicine are not clear, and it is not as clear as the theory of Western medicine.

The reason why I can’t explain it clearly and study it thoroughly is mainly because of the lack of a little inspiration to explain everything clearly.

And Gu Yan was probably the one who had such an inspiration.

Therefore, although the ten elders were very surprised and shocked, they did not feel too shocked.

This is but a small turning point in human development.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that he would be able to rhyme now in the Great Xuan Kingdom.

“”There is an island outside the country, and a lot of money is injected from abroad…~”…”

The ten elders knocked on the table, constantly thinking about Gu Yan’s question.

Of course, at his height, he wouldn’t think about Gu Yan’s ‘style of work” at all.

“Has a large source of funding been found?”

“I’m investigating.”

The man said quickly: “But because it’s too complicated and hard to find, and most of them are overseas banks, I haven’t found them for a while. 22


The ten elders knocked on the table again, and then said slowly, “If that’s the case, then there’s no need to check.


The man couldn’t help but “Ah”, “Elder!

What if he is an enemy spy!?

“Would you send out a top scientific Tian Ji as a spy?”


The man was speechless for a while.

Yes, if he were the leader, he wouldn’t do it.

As for Gu Yan’s technology, it is such a possibility that it came from abroad.

They didn’t even think about it.

Because it is more impossible.

No one is going to throw this technology abroad.

As for the possibility that Gu Yan was favored by foreign forces, so he had been using funds to support him, they also directly denied it.

Because the investment of capital requires a return.

There is no investment for which capital will not expect a return.


“It seems that there is only one possibility.

The ten elders suddenly laughed, “Gu Yan is a real ghost.

He continued to use a certain technology to make money abroad.

However, he didn’t want to be known, so he did multiple ways of hiding.



Go check it out and see if it has anything to do with Gu Yan and the black material we received in our mailbox some time ago.


Seeing that person walk out of the office, the ten elders smiled very proudly.


I don’t need to check, I know it must be you!

Little fox, how courageous!

However, you are still too young!


After laughing for a while, he picked up the phone and called the person below.

“As for Gu Yan, everything is green.

If he wants policies, he will give policies, and if he wants resources, he will give resources.

Give me priority to protect him!

Protection level…

SS rank first~

After the meeting, let’s talk about other things. ”

After hanging up the phone, the ten elders knocked on the table again.

Then I called my secretary.

“Liu, book a ticket to Tianshui.

Time you to see when I am free, put those unimportant things and push them.

Also, contact the secretaries of several other elders to discuss the time.

We need to have a meeting.

The topic is about counseling.

Remember, the meeting time (Zong Li Hao) should be before my time to go to Tianshui. ”

Gu Yan did not know that the ten elders had already guessed that it was his own black material.

Even if you know, you don’t care.

Because everything is under control.

He never thought of turning against Heguo and buying the island to buy battle clothes, but it was just a trump card, just in case.

And his big plan is…

become the central figure of the country.

Once he becomes the core figure of the country, what will happen to the protagonists who oppose him and who appear to be “injecting foreign funds” but actually donate a lot of money to Fantong?

under investigation?

Then it was suspected of being used by the state?

In the end, because I couldn’t find any evidence, it was directly crushed by force?

Just thinking about it made him feel refreshed.

Of course, he also felt a burst of relief at this moment, because…

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