I became Voldemort

Chapter 11: Ginny knows more than Hermione..?

"What's wrong, what is he doing here?" Ron asked the twins quickly.

But before anyone could answer—

"Heh! I'm the new Seeker of the Slytherin team, Weasley," Malfoy said proudly. "Just now, everyone was admiring the broomstick my father bought for our whole team."

Ron stared dumbfounded at the seven advanced broomsticks in front of him - Nimbus 2001, which has a better performance than Harry's Nimbus 2000!

"It's nice, isn't it?" Malfoy said pleasantly, "But maybe Gryffindor can use some gold and buy some new brooms...? Oh! I think you can sell those Old not so 'Clean'Sweep Fives, they are so old I think the museum will bid for them, 'Weasley'~"


The Slytherins laughed loudly.

"Heh, at least none of the Gryffindor players can be bought by someone's father so that 'someone' can join the team," Hermione said sharply, "Our team members got in the team purely on merit."

Malfoy's proud face darkened, and it was clear that these words completely hurt him.

"No one asked for your opinion, you stinking little mudblood!" he said harshly.

This sentence immediately caused an explosive reaction.

Flint had to rush in front of Draco to prevent Fred and George from jumping on him.

Ron screamed: "How dare you!" and reached out to his clothes, pulling out the broken wand from it.

"You will pay for it, Malfoy!" He shouted and pointed furiously from Flint's arm Looking at Malfoy's face.

"Now, go and spit slugs!- Slugulus Eructo!"

But due to his wand being broken, a huge explosion resounded throughout the stadium, and a green light shot out from the back of the wand, hitting Ron in the abdomen, causing him to stagger and fall to the grass.

"Ron! Ron! Are you okay?" Hermione screamed.

Ron opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out. Instead, he burped loudly, and several slugs fell from his mouth onto his lap.

The Gryffindor team gathered around Ron, who kept spitting out big shiny slugs, and no one seemed to want to touch him.


"Whose spiting Slugs now you fool?"

"Poor Weasley~ can't even cast a simple charm~"

The Slytherin team members all collapsed with laughter. Flint laughed so hard that he couldn't stand upright, leaning on his new broom for support.

"Pfft... Weasley, why did you eat this many slugs!? Now they are climbing your belly"

Malfoy was on all fours, pounding the ground with his fists.

Ginny seemed to have only come back to her senses from this moment on. Dirty and filthy words entered her mind, and Ron's miserable situation made her very angry!

She was already a little upset and angry, but when she saw Malfoy and the others being so hateful, she immediately took them as an outlet to vent her annoyance!


A curse immediately flew out from her wand, but it did not hit Malfoy. Instead, it hit Marcus Flint who was standing in front of Malfoy.

The big man screamed immediately. His skin was burning under the influence of the curse, and it was covered with pimples and became extremely ugly as if a layer of chili oil had been poured on a festering wound!

Flint immediately glared at Ginny fiercely and raised his wand with hatred on his face: "You little brat - how dare you attack me—"

"Hey! Stop it!"

Fred and George immediately rushed towards him and grabbed his wand with their hands.

Wood and others also reacted and hurriedly struggled with the Slytherin people.

An all-out war broke out.

"Harry! Take Ginny and Ron away quickly!"

No one knew who shouted, and Harry finally reacted and quickly helped up the dirty Ron, "Go to Hagrid's house! that's the closest!"

The four people pushed through the crowd and rushed out. Colin didn't know what was going on and ran over without any eyesight to take a picture of Ron who was spitting out slugs.

"Get out of the way, Creevey!" Ginny pushed him away angrily.

Colin watched them leave blankly, confused. Wasn't Ginny Weasley quite polite yesterday?

They soon arrived at Hagrid's hut, but saw Lockhart walk out from inside.

"Don't let him see us."

In order not to get into trouble, Harry had to hide first. This was a very correct decision. If Lockhart was allowed to treat Ron, his life would probably be in danger.

They waited until Lockhart was gone before knocking on Hagrid's house.

"Oh! Harry! It's you! I thought it was Lockhart who was back—Ugh, what's wrong with Ron?" Hagrid asked quickly.

"Ron was struck by his own spell." Said Hermione.

Hagrid wasn't too worried. He found a large copper basin and placed it in front of Ron: "It's better to spit it out than swallow it. Spit it all out, Ron."

"I guess there's no other way but to wait for it to stop on its own," Hermione said worriedly as she watched Ron leaning over the copper basin. "Even under the best of conditions, that's a very difficult spell to cast and you even used a broken wand..."

"Wait, maybe I can make it stop." Ginny suddenly thought of something, "How to undo the evil curse... He taught me..."

With that said, she picked up her wand and pointed it at Ron.

This made everyone else a little worried, after all, it felt uncomfortable to be pointed at by a wand.

"Ugh! Ginny, if you are not sure, I think it's okay to vomit! Ugh!" Ron said as he vomited.

"It's better to try than to do nothing." Ginny felt very confident. The pimple spell she just used was also taught by "Mr. Riddle", and it turned out to be very useful!

Her wand glowed again, and after the spell hit Ron, Ron shivered first. Although he was still vomiting, no slugs were coming out of his mouth.

"It worked! How did you do it?" Hermione's eyes widened. She didn't expect that Ginny, who had just entered school this year, could break the curse that she was unable to do anything about.

"Yeah! Hihi! I read it in the book." Ginny was very happy to see her spell working. This proves that "Mr. Riddle" did not deceive her.

"What book is it?" Hermione's eyes sparkled as she asked carefully, "I'll go read it later too! I can't believe that I missed such an important book!"

"Umm... Maybe I remembered it wrong... I didn't see it in the book. Maybe it was Bill... yes! Bill taught it to me!" Ginny said quickly.

Hermione was a little suspicious: "Really?"

Fortunately, Hagrid interrupted her and asked what happened. She had no choice but to tell Hagrid everything that had happened.

"Malfoy scolded Hermione, which must have been a very nasty word because everyone was so angry," Harry quickly answered.

"Not just nasty! Very vicious," croaked Ron, who had almost recovered, his face, pale and sweaty, "Malfoy called her a 'Mudblood,' and Hagrid—"

Hagrid looked very angry and cut him off, yelling: "Is it true?"

"Yes," she said, "but I don't know what it means. Of course, I can tell it's very rude..."

"Mudblood is a slanderous term for Muggle-borns - people whose parents do not know magic. Some wizards, like the Malfoys, always feel that they are superior to others because they are so-called pure-bloods. "Ron explained,

"Actually, the rest of us know it doesn't matter at all. Look at Neville Longbottom - he's a pureblood, but he can't even put the cauldron correctly."

"You're right, they haven't invented any spell that Hermione can't do yet!" Hagrid said proudly, and Hermione's face turned red with embarrassment.

"But I didn't expect you to be so brave, Ginny!"

"It's a pity that we didn't hit that annoying Malfoy." Ginny looked at Ron and said unhappily.

"It's not that bad. It would have been a bit troublesome if it had hit. That Malfoy boy's father is the school governor of Hogwarts." Hagrid said.

Then, they stayed at Hagrid's place for a while, and Ginny felt better again because she found that everything "Mr. Riddle" taught her was useful. Even being punished by Mag for confinement after returning to the castle did not affect her mood at all.


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