I became Voldemort

Chapter 28: Refining Failure

The original goal of the development of alchemy was to transform base metals into precious metals, especially gold.

Later, different researches were developed, such as creating elixirs, finding the Philosopher's Stone, and creating artificial humans.

To this day, the only person who has achieved the goal of turning stone into gold and scratched the doors to immortality in this field is Nicolas Flamel.

However, in the course of its development, various magical props have appeared, such as pensive, time turners, vanishing cabinets, etc.

Although these props have nothing to do with the three ultimate goals of alchemy, they still have very magical effects.

Cyrus used a spell to spread the invisibility cloak.

He had read a lot of alchemy books carefully these days, and it was not difficult to discover what was unusual about this cloak.

First of all, the material is completely different from ordinary cloaks.

Ordinary invisibility cloaks are made of the fur of the Invisible Beast, a silver magical animal similar to an ape, but the cloak in Cyrus's hand feels much colder to the touch.

"The invisible beast is the only magical animal that can be invisible. Its ability represents 0 in the runes. If the material of this cloak is not the hair of the invisible beast, what else could it be?"

Cyrus raised his wand, and the tip of the wand emitted a faint light. The light shone on the transparent cloak, immediately reflecting the texture of the cloak.

The texture contains countless runes.

Cyrus clearly saw "teiwaz" and "algiz", the former's meaning is immortality, and the latter heralding protection.

In ancient times, it was very common for runes to be used in alchemical products. These words had great magical power, but they could not be released through spells.

Engraving them on magic artifacts can bring out the power of these words even more.

But another problem is that runes are obscure and difficult to understand. This is not just a foreign language. In fact, even if most people understand the meaning of the words, they may not be able to resonate with the words and absorb the magic in the inspired words. 

Nowadays, rune writing has become a subject similar to translation, as if it has no other use except for archeology.

"Hmm... There is indeed a powerful disembodiment spell hidden within this cloak."

"The powerful spell and the immortal material.... this must be the combination that makes this cloak's magic never fade away."

Cyrus speculated that the Elder Wand had a similar effect.

The material of the Elder Wand is elderberry and thestral hair.

Although the number of elderberries is small, you can still find them if you really look for it. But Grigovitch continued to imitate the old curse and never created any wand that could rival it.

Cyrus speculates that the secret to the Elder Wand's power may lie in its curse itself.

Both Dumbledore and Harry believed that the power of the Elder Wand would be destroyed upon the normal death of the original wielder. This is because the curse of the wand has been broken, so the legendary wand will become as ordinary as an ordinary wand.

Then Cyrus lowered his cloak.

He couldn't have the cloak for too long. In just a few days, it was impossible to completely decipher the mystery of the cloak. In contrast, it is more important to study how to make the Philosepher's stone.

Opening Nico's manual, ignoring the dreams and revelations, Cyrus saw this passage.

<The Philosopher's Stone is the oldest and most mysterious or least known, the most incomprehensible in nature, blessed and sacred. It is the mystery of mysteries.

It is the moral and divine power, it is the limit and purpose of all things in the world and is the final and incredible result of all the sages' operations.

It is the perfect essence of all elements, an indestructible object that cannot be damaged or destroyed by any element, and is the fifth element.

It is owned by itself- The double and living mercury of the spirit, which deals with all weak and imperfect metals. It is the eternal radiance, the elixir that cures all diseases, the phoenix of grace and glory in heaven, and the most precious treasure of all treasures. , an important asset to the whole of nature.>

"The refining materials of the magic stone are mercury, sulfur, and salt... It must be refined with the four elements, heat, cold, dryness, and moisture, to break the internal and external elements of matter..."

Cyrus poured mercury into the crucible and lit a flame.

"Fire represents heat and dryness - water represents coldness and moisture -"

While constantly stirring the crucible, his magic power flowed into the mercury. Then, he poured in sulfur, salt blocks, and earth.

"The earth is hot and moist..."

The contents in the crucible began to boil, and the color slowly turned red.

The magic stone in the record is indeed red, but the current mass is difficult to shape. The flames continue to burn, the water in the crucible is boiled, and the cold and moisture are driven away, until finally, only a little bit of red is left in the crucible in the form of powder.

Cyrus twisted the powder with his fingers, feeling no breath of life in it.


He was not discouraged and continued to look through Nico's notes. However, even Nico Flamel himself did not understand how he succeeded.

For centuries he tried to recreate that miracle but never succeeded a second time.

"The formula for the Philosopher's Stone can't be that simple. I'm afraid Nico's manuscript won't be of much help." Cyrus thought.

Nico Flamel must have had some unforeseen accidents and coincidences in the process of refining the Philosopher's Stone, and this coincidence was something that he himself did not notice.

In the magical world, sometimes even a gust of wind or a ray of sunshine may affect the results of alchemy or potions. Sometimes even sound is a critical factor.

For example, when practicing Animagus, you need the dew that cannot see the sun, and you need the first thunder in the storm as a revelation.

Cyrus felt some urgency. He could indeed be resurrected without using the Philosopher's Stone, but this would only be possible if he absorbed all of Ginny's life force. But in this case, Ginny would definitely die.

But he had already regarded Ginny as his friend, and he couldn't do such a thing to harm his friend's life for his own resurrection.

'If it really doesn't work..... I will have to... '

If he cannot successfully refine the Philosopher's Stone by the end of this school year, he will have no choice but to leave Hogwarts in the same state as in the movie.

No, it may even be worse than the state in the original work.

In the original book, Ginny's state was too dangerous, and it can almost be said that her life was hanging by a thread.

"Maybe I need to change my host."

Cyrus put away the cauldron.



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