I became Voldemort

Chapter 43: Am I really a genius?

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"Wait, stop! Wait a minute!" Harry looked at Ron suspiciously, as if he was asking when the other person met another man behind his back, "So you know this Tom Riddle?"

"I should know! It's better to say that I will never forget this name until I die!" Ron felt annoyed when he thought about it.

"Remember when we fought with Slytherin on the Quidditch pitch? That's when I cast a hex on Malfoy—"

"To yourself," Hermione interrupted reminding that the spell had backfired.

"It does not matter!" Ron retorted.

"Then please tell me what's important."

"I was about to say that!" Ron said, "Then Professor McGonagall sent me to work for Filch, and then I spent the whole night in the medal room polishing Tom Riddle's trophy. Moral Award, Outstanding Student Award, Special Contribution Award, especially this Special Contribution Award, it is a very big piece and I spent more than half an hour cleaning it! Fortunately, the reason for the award was not written on it, otherwise, I probably wouldn't have finished cleaning it till the next day!"

Harry and Hermione were still surprised at the coincidence, and Ginny said something else that surprised them.

"Mr. Riddle won the award because he caught the last person who opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago!"

"What?" The three people immediately stood up and looked at Ginny with wide eyes. They had never felt that they were so close to the truth at any time.

"Who was it?"

In the small secret room, the three breathing sounds suddenly became rapid.

However, Ginny shook her head.

"Mr. Riddle didn't tell me."

Hearing this, the three of them sat back on the dusty floor in frustration, but at this time, Harry caught the blind spot: "Mr. Riddle didn't tell you? What do you mean he didn't "tell" you?"

"Because the diary has thoughts, Mr. Riddle put his memories in the diary. I have been communicating with him since last semester. Later, after the Chamber of Secrets was opened again, he said that he would search and find the culprit again. And n-now the diary has been stolen! Mr. Riddle must have discovered something, so he was targeted by the heir!"

Ginny started to cry as she spoke.

Hermione believed that she had been surprised by enough things till now, and no matter what she heard from Ginny, she would not be more surprised. But now she knows she was wrong.

Ron's face was full of surprise and fear: "You, how dare you talk to a thinking thing! What if it curses you?"

"Mr. Riddle doesn't do that!" Ginny said angrily. She knew that others might not be willing to accept it after hearing about the diary.

"Mr. Riddle will not hurt me, he is my friend! He has helped me a lot, taught me spells, guided me in transformation and potions, and various undoings of spells. If it weren't for Mr. Riddle's help, you might still be spitting out slugs!"

Ron was immediately ashamed.

Now, all three of them knew why Ginny was so good.

"But, it is still far from ordinary... If it were me, I would never believe it easily..." Ron was still wary.

"Then tell me, do I look like I'm in danger? If Mr. Riddle wanted to harm me, he would have succeeded long ago! But he didn't! He even helped me with my homework!"

"What?" Ron and Hermione screamed at the same time, even with the same open-mouthed expression, "He actually helped you with your homework?"

"This is so crazy, this Riddle must not be a good person! How could he do this?" This is Hermione.

"This is so crazy, he must really be a good guy! Why wasn't I the one who got this notebook?" This was Ron.


Hermione kicked him hard.

Now, Harry was very clear about this.

"But who stole the diary? Do you have any idea?"

"It must be someone else from Gryffindor House! And it's a girl!" Ron said without hesitation, "Otherwise no one can enter the girls' dormitory."

"That's not necessarily true. Don't forget that you went to the Slytherin common room a few weeks ago!" Hermione reminded them not to forget about the possibility of the Polyjuice potion. But in this way, the number of people to suspect has greatly increased.

"Could it be Malfoy - but Malfoy is not the heir of Slytherin!"

Several people suddenly fell into a deadlock again.

Harry felt a great deal of pain, like a fruit that was on the verge of ripening but suddenly disappeared. 'We were this close to finding the real heir...'




Cyrus was in agony, he also felt like a fruit that was about to ripen from his hard work but then suddenly disappeared.

It took him so long to make Ginny Weasley completely trust him and gain a short period of freedom as a result.

But now, the diary has fallen into the hands of another person. And he didn't even know who the person in front of him was.

'Could it be Dumbledore?

Did he change his mind about training Harry and plan to destroy me directly?'

Just as he was struggling, a piece of text finally emerged.

"Show me your secret!"

Show the secret of my dick size!? Cyrus just wants to sucker-punch him twice!

You'd better not let me know who you are, or you'll be dead!

Of course, these were just angry words. No matter what, in order to be resurrected, he still had to be patient and bewitch the little wizard in front of him.

First, we still need to confirm his identity.

"Who are you?"

On the other side, Malfoy immediately smiled when he saw the diary's response.

'Unexpectedly, I just wrote a secret word casually, and the secret of this diary was actually revealed.'

"Am I really a genius?"

After a brief moment of self-indulgence, Malfoy immediately continued writing in his diary.

"My name is Draco Malfoy. My father told me that this diary could help me open the Chamber of Secrets! Is your master the last person to open the Chamber of Secrets? Tell me, where is he? I want him to Serve me!" Draco had forgotten Lucius's warning.

He will soon be the heir of Slytherin, why does he need to grovel to others?

'Draco Malfoy? And was it Lucius who asked him to do this?'

Cyrus was stunned.

Lucius, you big-browed man, it turns out you have betrayed the revolution too!

Cyrus felt a little suffocated at the thought of being stabbed in the back after writing a letter to Lucius Malfoy. He had fired a short gun on his front foot.

Of course, he naturally believed that Lucius did not dare to openly betray Voldemort. At least at this stage, Lucius was still on the opposite side of Dumbledore.

He must have misunderstood the letter I wrote in the past...

"So, it's me who shot myself in the foot?"

"Hmm... Forget it, it's the same if it's Malfoy, but I have to gain his trust quickly!"


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