I became Voldemort

Chapter 7: Tutorial after class

The spell of the Patronus Charm is not difficult, and Cyrus knows the principle very well.

Tom Riddle once tried to master this spell, but he still couldn't succeed. Cyrus understood the theory, but he had never held a wand and didn't know if he could cast this spell.

It wasn't until the next night that Cyrus waited for Ginny's message again.

"Good evening, Mr. Riddle - I was almost late this morning, but luckily my roommate woke me up."

Cyrus saw the hint of complaint in Ginny's text and immediately replied: "Almost? Hehe, you mean you even managed to go in time. Well, I think the night outing last night was interesting, right? Even if it was really late, it was worth it. . Anyway, I can teach you most of the knowledge, maybe better than the professors, because I am more patient and provide one-on-one tutoring."

"But I will be deducted points if I don't go. I don't want to become a sinner of Gryffindor." Ginny wrote these words with a red face. Then she seemed to remember something and couldn't wait to write again: "Mr. Riddle, do you want to know what happened after I went to the medal display room?"

She pretended to be shy and stopped after writing this sentence, waiting for her 'Mr. Riddle' to respond.

"I would appreciate further details."

Ginny was not so satisfied with this answer, but she still pouted and wrote:

"I was almost caught by the administrator, but Fred and George helped me hide. They have a secret - they can know where a person is even if they can't see. And they also know some secret passages. There is a one-eyed witch statue in the corridor on the fourth floor. They asked me to keep it a secret, but I think it doesn't matter if I tell you. By the way, Mr. Riddle, this was not in the map you gave me."

The Marauder's Map?

Cyrus knew immediately what the twins' secret was.

On the Marauder's Map created by four marauders led by Harry's father, even Dumbledore's location would be marked whenever he was in the school.

It can be said that as a magic prop, the Marauder's Map is still very exquisite.

Cyrus was also very interested in the existence of the Marauder's Map, but after thinking about it, he realized that the map was of little use to his plan, and many places in Hogwarts could not be displayed even on the map, such as the Room of Requirement and the Secret room.

As for the secret passages leaving Hogwarts, he knew three of them after reading the original novel - the Whomping Willow, the one-eyed witch stone statue on the fourth floor, and the one behind the mirror on the fifth floor.

These three roads are enough for him.

"This is normal Ginny. At Hogwarts, there are as many secrets as you want, but I don't think others can know the secrets that I know."

"For example?" Ginny asked provocatively.

"Such as some secret rooms ~" Cyrus's words attracted Ginny like magic.

"Secret rooms!?"

"That's right!" Cyrus replied slowly.

He didn't intend to reveal Slytherin's secret room right now. In fact, in addition to Slytherin's secret room, there are many other secret rooms in the castle.

Tom Riddle had found many secret rooms when he was looking for Slytherin's chambers before, but most of the chambers were empty or only had some shabby rags inside.

"As a magical castle with a history of more than a thousand years, Hogwarts actually has many secret rooms. Although most of them are empty rooms, sometimes they can be enough to serve as a temporary shelter."

He revealed the locations of several secret rooms in succession, which surprised Ginny.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I think it would be more of a surprise to discover this for yourself, don't you think so?"

Ginny nodded and wrote down in her diary what happened in class today.

Since she had studied in advance, she received a lot of praise today and managed to gain several points for Gryffindor. She was almost like a little Hermione.... nah, a little better than her.

However, her personality is not as sensitive and sharp as Hermione's, so not only is she not disliked by others, but she has made many friends.

"Haha, by the way, Ron got a howler sent from Mom this morning - it seems Dad is in trouble because of them too. Ron is always in trouble, and Fred and George were right, it's like he's never grown up. Just like a child." Ginny couldn't find anyone to share this matter with during the day, so she could only share her bitterness with Cyrus,

"And, actually, I also feel a little embarrassed. Because during class, people often asked me, 'Who was the guy getting yelled at in the morning? Was it your brother? And was it your Mom who sent the roaring letter?"

She said sadly, obviously feeling that Ron had embarrassed her in front of her new friends.

But in fact, Ron was still very concerned about Ginny. After narrowly escaping death at the hands of the Whomping Willow last night, he wanted to see Ginny's sorting ceremony regardless of his injuries. It's a pity that the sorting ceremony had already ended by that time.

"You don't understand little Ginny, boys are like this. Childish and immature."

"No! That's not true! You are not like them!" Ginny retorted.

"I'm not a child." Cyrus ended the topic, "Okay, let's start tonight's tutoring. You don't have to worry about Charms and Transfiguration this semester, but you still have to pay attention and learn more. So always practice my previous lessons. Now, What do you want to learn next?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts! I asked Ron to borrow the textbook, but he immediately gave me 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'."

Last year's Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook was called "Dark Arts: A Guide to Self-Defense", but the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" can also be regarded as a supplementary book. Defense against the Dark Arts for grades one to three is almost all about dealing with dark creatures, and these dark creatures Creatures are also part of the magical beasts.

Ginny originally planned to use Lockhart's second-hand books that she spent a lot of money to buy this year for class.

But Cyrus told her that those books were no different than scrap paper. Even if you read it as a novel, you have to endure Lockhart's narcissism everywhere in the text.

Ginny opened "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". After the preface by Dumbledore and Newt, the first part of the book asked the question "What are animals?" She saw Ron's note written behind the question - "A guy with lots of legs and a hairy body" which made her laugh immediately.

Obviously, this wasn't the right answer, but she could easily relate to Ron being afraid of spiders.

Then, she soon discovered other joys left in the book.

For example: "According to the classification level of the Ministry of Magic, the most dangerous creatures are labeled ×××××" followed by Ron's added note "The most dangerous creatures are- 'whatever Hagrid likes'".

Ginny was overjoyed.

She knew that Hagrid was the huge man who took the new students onto the boat across the lake.

He was also the one who took Harry out when he strayed into Knockturn Alley during the summer vacation. During the holidays, Ginny had heard Ron talk about three-headed dogs and fire dragons more than once and these ferocious things were all raised by Mr. Hagrid!!

Then she also discovered that Ron added four more "x"s after the five "x"s on the back of the Acromantula, turning it into an unprecedented nine "x" level magical animal. It shows how scared Ron is of spiders.

Another book, "Dark Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense", mentions a lot of spells, such as the repel spell, the snot spell, red sparks, and green sparks, which are not taught in spells classes.

There are also similar illuminating spells and extinguishing spells, which are also mentioned in "Standard Spells".

Cyrus asked Ginny to read the book by herself. If she encountered anything she didn't understand, she could ask him questions.

Regarding Defense Against Dark Arts, he can now be said to be a true master.

'I am afraid that there are not many professors in the Defense Against Dark Arts class who have stronger theoretical knowledge than me.'

Of course, Dumbledore is not included among these people.


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