I Become A God, Exposed By A Reborn

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 The Book of Life and Death

On the outskirts of Jinghua City, the center of the Academy of Sciences.

Since the mysterious recovery, the Academy of Sciences has been established in forty-three days, in a wilderness far away from the city center.

But even in the wilderness, because of the existence of the Academy of Sciences, it has long since become a military center.

It was three o’clock in the morning, but the Academy was still brightly lit, with incandescent lights sweeping all over the corner.

All kinds of scientific researchers wearing white coats, some are doing experiments in the laboratory, some are discussing the relationship between the contract and the source of pollution, some are eating supper, and some are bowing their heads in contemplation—

Suddenly, some researchers felt vibrations from their wrists. They raised their hands to look at the watch they were wearing, and a virtual screen appeared above the watch.

A line of blood-red words appeared in front of them.

“Warning! Lan Siyi, the deputy head of the investigation headquarters, is in critical condition for unknown reasons. Please call the nearby medical team immediately and wait for the specialized nurses to escort Lan Siyi into the operating room.

Red warning, repeated three times.

The news spread like wind in the Academy of Sciences in an instant. Although it was three o’clock in the middle of the night, the Academy of Sciences was as noisy as a vegetable market.

“what happened?”

“Have you encountered a dangerous source of pollution?

“Deputy Lan is working too hard. I’ve said it long ago that such a desperate attitude of Saburo will hook things up sooner or later!”

“What on earth is the investigation headquarters doing!? Use people like an office?”

“Don’t be arguing, it’s not because of the investigation headquarters. The investigation headquarters had already forced Deputy Lan to rest for a week. Now this situation must be due to other reasons.

“What about the medical team? Still on standby outside the operating room?”

“The news came from the medical team, who were already outside the operating room. 9

Lan Siyi’s news made people in the Academy of Sciences feel uneasy. You must know that in addition to the mascot Ye Weimin, the head of the investigation headquarters, the other three deputy departments are all well-known figures.

Xu Qizheng is currently the director of the investigation department and also serves as the deputy department of the investigation headquarters.

It is said that Xu Qizheng’s mental power is very high, and ordinary people have to rest after using the contract once or twice, but he can use it more than ten times.

If the strength of the extraordinary is judged by spiritual power, then Xu Qizheng is the first in the country.

The other deputy is Lin Youwei, who can be said to be the most mysterious deputy.

Because whether it is Xu Qizheng or Lan Siyi, people from their Academy of Sciences can retrieve their information. However, Lin Youwei’s information is top secret, and only a few people in Kyushu can access it.

This piqued their curiosity.

And if the above two have high strength, and the other has a strong sense of mystery, it is curious.

Then Lan Siyi is the idol and goddess of the National Academy of Sciences.

Anyone from the Academy of Sciences knows that since Lan Siyi joined the investigation headquarters, eleven pollution source incidents have been dealt with in the past month.

Although there are also teammates to assist, Lan Siyi definitely occupies the leading position in the credit book.

It can be said that the resolution of a pollution source incident has indirectly saved countless lives, which is a matter of infinite merit.

Therefore, when Lan Siyi was in critical condition, everyone in the Academy of Sciences raised their hearts, and nervousness filled the Academy of Sciences.

Soon, a blood-red paper spaceship appeared on the horizon.

Someone recognized the pact.

The blood-colored paper spaceship can be reached anywhere in five minutes, but the cost of using it is one’s life.

Yes, some contracts require not human spiritual power, but life.

When Lan Siyi was in the situation, the two female soldiers immediately reported the news to the investigation headquarters.

Ye Weimin received the news and immediately contacted the people of the Zhonghai City Investigation Bureau, and then used the transmission map to transmit the blood-colored paper spaceship to the Zhonghai City Investigation Bureau.

Afterwards, the Bureau of Investigation pressed a death row prisoner out and ordered him to use the contracted blood-colored paper spaceship. At the same time, they sent someone to the airport to pick up Lan Siyi. In addition, the flight time of the blood-colored paper spaceship was nearly fifteen minutes. So Lan Siyi was sent to the Academy of Sciences.

The dedicated nurses were already on standby. After the paper spaceship fell, they immediately went to lift Lan Siyi’s body. When one of the dedicated nurses saw Lan Siyi for the first time, they couldn’t help being startled.

At this time Lan Siyi had already lost her mind and lost consciousness.

There were actually cracks on her slick-skinned face, and there were crimson liquid flowing in the cracks, and the flowing liquid gradually turned into a red mist, which was gradually wrapping and eroding Lan Siyi’s body.

And her originally agile and charming eyes were open round, her eyes had already turned red, and there were strips of red mist flowing in the depths of her eyes.

At the same time, Lan Siyi continued to make a low moan in her mouth. When it comes to hooking, it is topsy-turvy, without any rules.

Everyone can’t understand the individual characters, but they don’t know why. Every time Lan Siyi murmurs a complete sentence, they understand it strangely.

she said one by one


Incomprehensible? What does it mean?

The people present did not understand what Lan Siyi said, but they were all a little scared.

Most likely it is caught in the pollution source incident.

The nurses looked at each other in dismay, and then they all remained silent, lifted Lan Siyi’s body onto a stretcher, and quickly sent Lan Siyi to the emergency operating room.

There are female doctors and nurses in the operation, although the doctor should not be hypocritical because of the sexual police of the patient. But if there are enough female doctors, then if the patient is a woman, the female doctor will naturally take the lead.

In addition, Lan Siyi is not only the goddess of the men of the Academy of Sciences, but also their idol. After receiving the information from the watch, some sleeping medical staff hurriedly got up.

And as soon as Lan Siyi was sent in, the stool saw the terrifying scene on Lan Siyi’s face.

Several people took a light breath, but quickly responded.

“Take off your clothes and do a full body check first. 19

“I checked, there is also a red mist eroding in the deputy body of Lan, if we don’t deal with it quickly, it will soon reach the heart.

It’s time for the heart.

These words made everyone’s heart tighten, and the chief surgeon took a deep breath.

She stepped forward and looked at Lan Siyi’s face carefully. According to the information sent over, Lan Siyi first asked about the current situation with her eyes, and then the red mist began to spread from the eyes as the center and spread around the periphery.

Now Lan Siyi’s face is cracked, that is, the pollution of the red mist has begun to expand.

The chief surgeon felt very difficult, but she knew that time was waiting for no one, so she made a direct decision, “…” to remove the patient’s eyes.

“Is it the retina?” An assistant next to him thought it was a slip of the tongue of the chief surgeon, and asked and reminded.

“It’s not the retina, it’s the whole pair of eyeballs.”

“You have also seen the patient’s situation. There is a red mist surging in the depths of her eyes. She should be trapped in the source of pollution, and now the source of pollution may be lurking in the eyes of the patient. 99

“Everyone knows that the patient’s eyes are actually a contract, so peeling off the pair of eyeballs is the best way to deal with it. Otherwise, the patient may not be able to be saved when the red mist spreads.”

The chief surgeon is Hua Yaxian, 39 years old this year.

Because the Academy of Sciences wants to establish a medical team (Zhao’s), the major tertiary hospitals in the country have issued a call, but they have not clearly stated what they are going to do. Therefore, most people are reluctant to give up their current positions and lives. Not accepted.

Hua Yaxian was the best surgeon in Jinghua Hospital before, but because of her marriage, she divorced from her husband and was in a bad mood at the time, so she also received an invitation.

Most of the people rejected the gap, but she wanted to change her mood, so she accepted it.

After entering the Academy of Sciences, she learned about the pollution source incident, and she realized that the so-called love and marriage were too insignificant in the face of the pollution source incident.

It’s ridiculous that she should be so depressed because of the divorce.

As for Lan Siyi, she has been paying attention. As a woman, she admires the other person’s courage to be trapped in the pollution source incident.

She knew that if she stripped Lan Siyi’s pair of eyeballs, she would deprive the other party of the means to contain the source of pollution in the future.

But there is no way

Hua Yaxian’s thinking is calm and her speech is clear. Everyone present was silent.

“I remember that there is a contract in the investigation headquarters, called the Book of Life and Death, can you save Deputy Lan?”

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