I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 7-2

– Phase one of Blunte smashing has begun.

“What the hell is going on here?”

As the commotion outside died down, burly adult mens started pouring out of the mansion.

And soon after, those guys were stunned by the sight of the unfolded hell. I declared to them in a cold voice.

“I am executioner Eugene Han Corleone. Anyone who wants to live, lie down on the ground and stay there.”

Due to the commotion that just happened and the scene in front of them, the feeling of fear began to emerge from those guys.

A different emotion, one that was truly dimensionally different from goblins.

However, it seemed that this level of fear was not enough, as those guys who soon realized they were under attack began to glare at me one by one.

“That b**tard…!”

“The opponent smells like sour milk, and he’s just a beginner! Don’t be scared, you b**tards!”

Despite that, there was one smart guy mixed in, trying to boost the morale of those around him.

And I preferred to crush even that kind of hope.

“How utterly disappointment. Do you really think I came here alone even after seeing this scenery?”


I aimed my index finger at the guy who was trying to assess the situation around him first.

“First, you. Out.”

“What the hell–”

A hole suddenly appears in the guy’s forehead without any warning from just a moment ago when he opened his mouth.

The guy stands there dumbfounded, not knowing what happened to him.

Eventually, the guy’s corpse is slammed onto the ground.

“What is this?”

“W-what happened?! He just died suddenly!”

“Is it a sniper?! I didn’t hear any gunshots!”

“Correct. You, lie down and I’ll spare your life.”

As the one of the guys said, there was a sniper behind me right now.

The organization members clean up the surroundings, and Me, the protagonist of the operation, crushes the enemy’s main force right away.

This is my own hunting style.

The hunting of Eugene Han Corleone.

“The ones who haven’t lay down so far are considered to have refused to surrender.”

After neatly folding his black suit and laying it aside, he rolls up the sleeves of his shirt and straightens his tie while glaring at the enemies in front of him.

“From now on, we will execute the Blunte Family.”

Have they realized that this declaration is their end?


The Blunte Family members rush towards me with all kinds of blunt weapons: Maces, Iron clubs, Wooden sticks, and more. It’s a brutal combination.

But I feel sorry for them. They don’t seem to be the main force.

“We’ll protect you.”

As I hear a voice from my earpiece, the Corleone Organization’s members hiding behind the wall start shooting at Blunte Family.

Quantity is sometimes quality. That’s an unchanging law.

After a storm of bullets, most of the weaklings are lying on the ground, groaning.

But the ones standing next to me are awakened individuals who cannot be taken down by bullets.

They were the true Blunte’s forces.

“You f**ker! Die!”

The weaklings with their baseball bats rush towards me, but I stop my nearby comrade from stepping forward with my hand.

He was my prey that I had already weeded out in the first round.


As I take a deep breath, I feel the emotions of those who are afraid of me.

Fear, despair, screams, anger, confusion, pain.

All these emotions flow through my veins, causing my muscles to expand and my mind to clear.


I clench my fist and swing at the incoming bat.


With a sharp sound, the bat breaks. My fist pierces through it and hits the guy’s face.

It feels like breaking a Styrofoam block. The guy’s face is completely crushed as his body flew backward.

“…..Damn Monster!”

Again, a mace flies from the side. I fold my extended arm and hit the mace aside with my elbow.

At the same time, my left hand jabs forward. Another victim is hit by my fist and flies far away.

Like this, two people. Whenever I face enemies more cruelly and overwhelmingly, my body fills with strength.

“The awakened ones can take hits, and ignore the bullets that won’t kill them! Just aim for those bastards!”

Their judgment was not bad. The awakened ones don’t die from ordinary bullets.

However, the opponents were the executioners of Corleone.

They were specialists in restraining or subduing enemies that bullets cannot penetrate.

With the support of the executioners, I crush, break, and smash the rushing mobs.

The scene of blood, bullets, and gunpowder mixed together is truly a battlefield.

Finally, when there is no one left around me, the noisy gunshots subside.

“If there’s someone among those who still have breath that wants to live, lie down on the ground with your belly up.”

As I spoke while wiping the blood and dirt off my hands, one by one, people started lying down on the ground.

“Good, that’s right.”

As expected, the ancestors were never wrong in their words of wisdom that help one come back to their senses.

Just as I was wiping the blood off my shirt, a sound was heard coming from the mansion.

“F*ck! Why is so noisy.?”

Ah, finally, he’s here.

Carlo Blunte, the boss of the Blunte Family and the “Red Club,” who didn’t even realize he was already a washed-up and discarded b**tard, was using his owner’s name to carry out his evil deeds.

“I just finished cleaning up, and now there’s more blood.”

As I grumbled, he looked at me and made a disgusted expression.

“You got to be kidding me… Vito Corleone sent you as an executioner? Even if he did, do you think I’d be afraid of a punk like you?”

Even in this situation, Blunte smiled as if he had the upper hand.

Just as I was about to tell him not to show off, I heard another voice behind me.

“Well, Of course, you should be scared. Carlo.”

A black fedora and a well-groomed beard. And even a black suit and white gloves.

If the word “Class” were made into a human, this man would come to mind.

He was my father’s right-hand man and Corleone’s top hitman, Parnello Ramichi.

He was an elderly man known as the Corleone’s sword.

“Do you know who he is and are you making fun of him with your lowly words, Carlo?”

“P-Parnello Ramichi…! Why are you…?!”

Blunte’s expression stiffened upon seeing Parnello. It was an expression that he couldn’t even imagine that Parnello would come with them.

“Becuase It’s our Young Master’s first mission. I came to see how well he’ll do.”

He spoke and kicked the guy lying under him with his foot.

“Get up.”


The guy who was lying down stood up in a dog pose.

Parnello sat on his back and crossed his legs.

He then put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, exhaling smoke with a grin.

“I’ll be rooting for you, Young Master.”


These were the two things I asked my father for:

To allow Parnello to come with them as another executor when executing the Blunte Family, and to allow him to have a one-on-one showdown with Blunte.

He asked his father for these things in order to obtain the reward that could only be obtained by catching that b**tard alone.

It was during the game, with my final concept character, the godfather.

When I played ‘Saber Crowd,’ I accidentally hit Blunte before even Corleone did.

The reason was simple. While competing with Corleone, I ended up hitting the Blunte family and had to fight 1:1 with Blunte.

The item I obtained from that was the “Gauntlet of Midas.”

The artifact possessed the power of “Immutable” which meant that it would never tear or be destroyed.

To beat the game with my hand-to-hand combat skills, I absolutely needed that item.

As soon as I asked my father to give me the Blunte mission, a hidden quest came my way.

[Hidden Quest]

[Traitor of the Organization]

[Carlo Blunte has realized the power of the artifact he has obtained and is planning to collect artifacts to absorb Corleone’s power. Eliminate Carlo Blunte!]

[Objective: Death of Carlo Blunty and Carlo Blunty’s incapacitation]

[Reward: Gauntlet of Midas, New ability]

A quest with an attached ability had arisen.

I would be a fool to miss this opportunity.

My Father is already strong enough. Can’t I have this much?

“Haa! Damn you. Is that why you’re trying to fight me in group now?”

“Pathetic. Do you really think you’re worth it?”


“You’re no match for me alone.”

Blunte’s expression twisted at my words.

“Me? The head of the Blunte Family and known as the ‘Red Club’? You want me to fight a brat like you!?”

Go ahead, get angry. Let rage fill your head.

“Parnello! The organization shouldn’t have done this to me! Even if I’m executed, the organization has a duty to give me an honorable battle!”

“Talking a lot for a traitor.”


Blunte, who has heard my muttering, turns his head and glares at me.

Well, I did say it loud enough, purposefully.

“Why do you have so many complaints when Young Master of Corleone said he’ll fight you? You’re flailing around like a bug as a traitor. Corleone doesn’t care about your honor.”

“…Ha! Corleone’s Young Master? Are you saying you’re Don Vito’s Son?”

“You know it well. Don’t we look alike?”

“Yes, you do. Young Master.”

Parnello, who receives my words wittily. I smile at Blunte.

“Is that so? I’m glad your last curiosity has been resolved before you die.”

The many emotions floating around in the Blunte Family mansion embrace me with each breath, wrapping around my entire body.

Ah, how much effort did I put into creating this field?

To make the most efficient use of the trait ‘Baby Boss’ and the bloodline ability ‘Corleone,’ from the beginning, I , intentionally spared those who would have died to avoid wasting, ‘Fear Feelings’, and deliberately allowing terrible injuries.

“Traitor. Carlo Blunte. I will execute the will of Don Corleone.”

Rain began to fall in the Blunte Family garden.

[T/L Note: If you feel confused about ‘Carlo’ not realizing ‘Eugene’s’ identity despite ‘Parnello’ calling him ‘Young Master’ Is because. Corleone sees their allies as a family and even those who are not from a direct ‘Corleone’ bloodline, and also while ‘Parnello’ did call him ‘Young Master’ he never once mentioned him as ‘Don Vito’s son.]

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