I become light in American comics

Chapter 110 Encrypted Channel

Gotham, Wayne Manor.

"Master Bruce? Master Bruce?"

Bruce Wayne slowly opened his eyes and found that he had fallen asleep lying on the desk of the Batcomputer at some point.

Alfred placed the silver dinner plate on the table next to him.

"It looks like Batman stayed up late again? That's not good." Alfred said earnestly, "Batman may not have limits, but you do, Master Bruce.

I'm glad you took my previous advice and started working with Commissioner Gordon. But I guess you could give him a little more credit. Gotham won't disappear suddenly without Batman for one night. "

"Not yet, at least wait until I catch this 'scarecrow'." Bruce adjusted back to his best condition within a few seconds after opening his eyes and started typing on his keyboard again.

"I already have a clue. The identity of the 'Scarecrow' is probably Dr. Jonathan Crane. The fear toxin he developed can corrode people's nerves and create the illusion of fear."

"Yes, yes, today there is a scarecrow, and tomorrow there is a dog-tailed man." Alfred sighed quietly.

After the Riddler was captured, Batman was not idle either, he was still battling wits with Gotham criminals all day long. He had taken down the criminal tycoon Maroni a while ago, and he was cornering the Roman Falcone. During this period, a mutant named Killer Croc appeared in the sewers, and not long after that, a psychotic man who called himself "Professor Pig Face" appeared.

Strange to say. In the old days when the Romans were in charge, Gotham was actually quite orderly. It's just that the underworld is everywhere, drugs are everywhere, and the police and criminals are killing an average of ten or eight people every day.

Since the introduction of Batman, the underworld leaders have collapsed and the street crime rate has plummeted. However, lunatics dressed like they come from the circus have begun to appear everywhere. It took the citizens of Gotham decades to finally get out of hell, but they never expected to crash into a lunatic asylum.

Bruce stopped typing the keyboard and frowned: "I seem to have had a dream. I dreamed of a wizard, in some kind of huge hall. But I can't remember the details."

Alfred shrugged: "Everyone dreams."

"This time is different. This time it feels very real," Bruce said.

Alfred shook his head: "Many people think dreams are very real. That's not surprising."

"But this is different." Bruce frowned. He instinctively felt strange, but for the moment he couldn't tell why.

"You don't want to say that it's a 'bat dream', do you, Master?"


"Oh, nothing, I just thought you like to put a bat in front of everything?" Alfred started counting on his fingers, "Batmobile, Batplane, Batclaw, I also saw a piece of equipment in the cave. Called bat shark repellent?

Does Batman have plans for a water vacation? "

Bruce: "."

Batman has been busy holding meetings with future fan support groups for several days, and Arkham's business is also booming. Shen You has not been idle these days, dragging Carla down below to accompany him in development.

In fact, Kara is not resistant to scientific research. After all, she has a scientist father. After Shen You sorted it out, she first started to slowly start with her own Kryptonian technology. As a native Kryptonian, now with a super brain, she should be able to learn it very quickly in theory.

After his first encounter with Sangong's fan blood cultists, Shen You scanned the scene and brought back a small stone that caught his attention.

Carrying on the body of the leader of the small group, a small black stone seemed ordinary. But deep scans revealed it contained some kind of magical energy, it just needed to be opened in the right way.

Shen You took it to find the old wizard, who was dissatisfied with his failure in finding an heir today.

"The world is deteriorating! Each generation is worse than the last!" the old wizard muttered, "And that bat is also a weirdo."

Shen You asked casually: "Have you ever met this person? His name is Billy Batson."

"That little brat from the orphanage? Stealing the patrol officer's sandwich to eat?"

"Well, it seems like we met?"

"Of course, why are you asking? You don't think I will hand over my magical power to a young kid full of fantasy, right? What if he uses my magical power to make a movie and upload it to YouTube to please the public?"

The old wizard blew his beard.

"Even if I run out of energy, die outside, and bring my divine power into the coffin, I will never choose a brat to take over my divine power!"

Shen You: "."

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt like I smelled something really fragrant.

Okay, then just be happy.

After finally appeasing the old wizard, Shen You took the newly captured stone and handed it to him. The old wizard studied it and quickly said: "The devil's magic is specially designed to win over believers. It allows believers under the devil to cross the barriers of space and use special spaces to communicate with each other.

Only the magic power of the corresponding demon can activate its operation. Any other wrong way of opening it will only cause self-destruction. "

After some description, Shen You understood. It's a magical communicator exclusively for believers, right?

It can only be activated with the magic power given by the devil they believe in, which is equivalent to encryption. An encrypted channel that only your own people can enter.

However, it is well known that the Blood Cult's belief is the Three Palace Demons, and the magic power of the Three Palace Demons.

It seems that there really isn't any.

So the next day, when Raven came to learn from the old wizard as usual, Shen You immediately took out the stone and gave it to her to try. Then it really succeeded, Raven's magic power was instilled, and the purple-black magic power spread along the lines on the surface of the magic stone, just like the empty grooves were filled with water, and the stone immediately entered the activated state.

Shen You took the stone back to the laboratory and conducted research. He noted the state of the stone, the effects of Raven's magic. And after making adjustments, ensure that the same effect can be achieved next time using light stimulation of a specific frequency, so that Raven does not need to help start it every time in the future.

Halfway through the study, the magic stone began to glow that night, releasing a specific wave.

Could it be an incoming phone call?

With a thought in Shen You's mind, he activated the stone according to the method he had just discovered. His consciousness slipped into it, and his eyes were in a trance for a while, and soon he seemed to have fallen into a dark space.

It was dark all around, and the specific scene couldn't be seen clearly. But there were several men in black robes surrounding him, dressed like the leader who was killed by Shen You before.

Not an entity, but similar to some kind of spiritual space that allows remote communication of consciousness.

When he looked down again, he saw that he was dressed exactly the same. Also wearing a black robe, it seems to be the initial default image of this space.

"You're late."

The one who spoke was a man in black robes who looked like a leader in the middle, and said calmly.

"Is there something delayed?"

In the darkness, several men in black robes all looked over.

Shen You's thoughts changed rapidly.

They didn't seem to know that the believers here had already served people. Considering this is Gotham

"It's Batman." He said, "I've been targeted by him recently, and it took a little effort to get rid of him."

"Well, that's right. But we still have to keep a low profile. We don't want to attract unnecessary attention before the Lord comes."

All the men in black robes responded one after another.




When Shen You saw this, he also said, "Copy that."

He followed him without saying a word, only observing secretly.

It seems that these are all cadres of the Blood Cult?

If you lurk among them, you may be able to extract information about this organization, spy on the oracles and movements of the Lord of the Three Palaces, and even have the opportunity to secretly interfere with the deployment that the Three Palaces are trying to make in this dimension.

What's more, if you develop well enough, by the time the third house wants to open the door in the future, you may have developed into a high-level person in the organization.

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