I become light in American comics

Chapter 122: The Flash’s back is the most deadly

"I can do it. I can do it."

Barry muttered softly like a mantra, and lightning flashed in his eyes.

What follows is a long sprint!

At this time, a group of orangutans on the street he targeted were having fun smashing, looting, and burning, completely unaware of the lightning that crossed the street.

There was a series of banging and banging sounds, and the group of orangutans beat them so hard that they rolled over on their backs.

Then the orangutan who looked like the captain roared: "It's the son of lightning! Catch him!"

The orangutans roared, turned around and headed towards Barry. But Barry was unafraid, with lightning flashing in his eyes and electric currents radiating from his body.

Then turn around and run away!

There were sparks and lightning all the way, and the fleeing figure seemed to say, look back and it’s your grandson!

Sure enough, as long as he ran as fast as he could without looking back, the speed of the orangutans was simply not enough. In the time it took him to breathe, Barry had already swept away all the orangutans behind him.

"Hey, weak humans." The gorilla captain muttered disdainfully, "Cowards who don't have the guts to face a battle."

After saying that, he turned around with the orangutans and continued to smash, smash, loot and burn.

Then Barry came again.

This time I changed the route and suddenly came out from a certain corner of the street. The orangutans who were enjoying the smashing were unprepared, and the electric light passed between them, along with a series of super-speed punches and kicks that beat them to pieces.

The team lost a large number of members in an instant. The team leader was furious, yelled "Roar" and turned around to lead the team in pursuit.

He runs away, it chases him

He just ran away.

After chasing him a few steps, Barry dragged a string of lightning and disappeared again. The squad leader was so angry that he screamed and beat his chest and feet. He stood on the roof of a broken car and beat his chest wildly with his fists.

"Face me, coward! Face me if you dare!"

The orangutans behind him also beat their chests and roared to express their anger.

However, the roar may have been too loud to cover up the movement. No one in the whole group of orangutans noticed that Barry did not run away directly. Instead, he turned a corner in front and circled around the building next to them. The back of the butt is turned out.

So when the squad leader finished venting his anger, he turned around and saw that the team behind him had been reduced by half again silently.

"Ahhhhhh I want you to die!"

The team leader was furious and led the team to chase him again. Barry turned around and ran again without looking back, and was gone again in an instant.

The orangutans' eyes were about to burst.

It doesn't take much intelligence for them to see the opponent's tricks. Anyway, just rely on running fast, go around the back and cut into the back row. If you turn around and take care of him, he will run away. If you fight head-on, he will hit A a few more times.

Regardless, someone was about to be robbed, and even if he tried to catch him, he couldn't. It felt a bit like being itchy but unable to find where it was, feeling helpless and furious but unable to do anything.

The elders of the clan said that all human beings are despicable and cunning, and today they proved to be well-deserved.

The team leader changed his mind and waved his hand, directly ordering the entire team to stop action. They simply waited where they were, and at the same time monitored all the surrounding aisles and all directions, waiting for the hateful speedster.

Then they wait and wait

After waiting for a while, no one came.

But during this period, every orangutan felt tense and did not dare to express his anger. It feels a bit like sleeping in a dormitory until midnight when a guy on the upper bunk drops one of his shoes, and then you have to wait for the next one with your eyes open until dawn.

"Team Captain," a gorilla reported, "The third team reported that they were attacked by speedsters."

"Why are you running there?" The captain's eyes widened.

So we wait here all alone?


When the enemy retreats, I advance. When the enemy advances, I retreat. When the enemy is embarrassed, I take off his clothes.

Anyway, that's probably what Shen You wanted to express.

After trying it out for a few times in actual combat, Barry began to feel more and more that Shen You was a genius. He thoroughly implemented this basic tactical concept, shooting at one location and then picking out those with their backs to kick, and then running away after kicking them. It was really exciting.

And every time he turned around and ran away after kicking, watching the gorillas beat their chests and feet in anger in slow motion, cursing wildly but being unable to do anything, he immediately felt more comfortable in his heart.

Shen You is right.

It becomes really addictive when you get good at it.

Barry ran down the street at lightning speed, continuing to search for his next target as he ran. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw black smoke billowing from the window of a burning building. Several civilians were trapped in the window calling for help.

His mind was racing, and when the idea came to him, he had already turned around, changed his goal, and rushed into the burning building.

There was a crackling flash of lightning, and each time it flashed out, a figure appeared. After several consecutive flashes, the civilians in the entire building were shocked to find that they had teleported outside the house, and their faces were as confused as if they were in a dream.

When he looked up, he saw a young man with his face covered with lightning leaning on the wall to catch his breath, and he gave them a thumbs-up gesture.

"Don't worry, you are all fine. Let me take a breath first, huh~"

A little girl opened her mouth to say something, but Barry smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome, you're welcome. It's just a little effort, I'm just an enthusiastic person passing by."

"No." The little girl said weakly, "I just want to remind you that you seem to be on fire."

"It's harmful, no matter how big it is, it's not worth mentioning."

Barry narrowed his eyes and suddenly realized that things were not simple.

"Wait what did you say!?"

When he turned around to look, he found that the back of his clothes was already on fire, and the fire was spreading rapidly across his body.

Friction generates heat. He was too fast, and the Speed ​​Force energy field that protected his body during the awakening stage was not fully developed, so friction with the air caused the clothes to be ignited.


Bari's expression suddenly changed, he screamed, and suddenly turned into a ball of lightning and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The people who escaped from danger stared blankly for a while, then followed an old man and waved in the direction where he disappeared.

"Thanks, young man."

Shen You originally thought that after passing through this space-time membrane, there might be a place similar to the speed field like the previous time.

But he soon discovered that it wasn't.

At this time, he was in a bare mountain, not far away was a city,

There are many buildings, but the style is completely different from the human architecture in any country or region. The soft and elastic tree and vine pavement, the alloy-made buildings are wrapped with plants and vines, and natural colors and organic lines are blended together.

And the people walking through the city streets were all orangutans.

So this is DC’s Gorilla City.

Why is the Speed ​​Force connected to this city?

"Biological reaction detected, within seven hundred meters." Pal said.

"So close?"

Shen You turned around and scanned, and soon found the heat source behind the dense forest nearby.

It's a group of gorillas.

Several orangutans had their hands tied behind their backs and fell to their knees. The orangutans in the back row were holding some kind of firearms and pointing at the group of kneeling orangutans from behind.

It looked like some kind of execution site.

Two updates today, one more update tomorrow

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