I become light in American comics

Chapter 21 Rescue

"You have to wash your hands first when you get home, and remember to rinse your mouth."


Kara obediently went.

The little girl seemed to be in a good mood on her first day out. It seemed that everything on earth seemed novel and interesting to her.

After returning, Shen You went straight underground again.

When I just left, the armor was performing a system update. He tried to connect the built-in system of the Chrono Bracelet directly to the armor, so that the armor could share some of the bracelet's functions.

For example, the scanning of space fluctuations had previously helped him discover the entrance to the Rock of Eternity and the cracks when Kara's spaceship broke out of the Phantom Zone.

And then there is the negative phase fluctuation setting that he finally managed to successfully launch after days of fussing.

It was also a new technology he learned from the Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light.

As mentioned before, the Ultra clan is basically a race at the pinnacle of the universe in its own world view. There are few fantasy works like the Ultraman series, where all the top combat powers in the decades-long history are the protagonists. House's.

When your strength increases, your mentality will naturally lead to problems. Ever since Belial and Tregear appeared in the Kingdom of Light, the issues of mental health and ideological and moral development of the Ultra clan have become the focus of attention.

The technology of negative phase fluctuations came into being.

Simply put, it can detect all "darkness" that is opposite to "light" in the basic definition of the Ultra family. Which Ultraman is infected and has the potential to become a black threat can be scanned immediately. Or maybe there is something dark or a ruler in the corner of a corner, or an ancient demon god like that is about to awaken, and he might be able to sense it.

Even the definition is broader, even the so-called darkness generated in the heart of living organisms has a chance of being detected if it reaches a certain level.

The technical principle is not complicated, but it is quite practical for Shen You's current situation. Eliminating darkness itself is also collecting light, which is equivalent to an auxiliary tool to help him gain experience in scanning tasks.

"The energy of the armor is 94%."

"That's almost it. Activate invisibility, Pal, let's go out and try the effect."

The red and silver mobile Ultra Armor was completed on the body, and the indicator light on the chest lit up with a blue light. The armor lit fire at its feet and rushed into the sky with its tail flames.

Negative phase fluctuation scanning, start!

The interface in the built-in display quickly changed, and an icon similar to a radar scan appeared in the lower right corner. The interface of the main field of view lit up quickly, which was a bit like the interface of infrared scanning detection, except that the background color was warm. All detected darkness is prominently marked.

At this time, the system was activated, and Shen You looked around

Dark clouds over the city.

A large area of ​​darkness, full of darkness.

Shen You: "."

Maybe the way I opened it is wrong?

"Pal, is there any problem with this system?"

"The system is operating completely normally."

"Yeah, I think so." Shen You nodded.

What are you thinking about? This is not natural.

After all, this is Gotham.

Maple Street.

It was a bleak room, full of odors and hot chicken, like a forgotten thorn tree.

The old wallpaper on the wall has been turned into yellowing cracks by time, like old newspapers that have been gnawed by time. The messy bedding on the bed had long lost its original softness and comfort. The smell of smoke in the air and the piles of garbage scattered randomly on the ground seemed to tell the story of a loser.

Yes, a loser.

Nello Cabezas, this is the name of the man in the middle of the garbage pile.

A half-eaten raspberry jam pie was thrown on the bedside, and there were more than one spilled beer cans on the yellow carpet.

He drank almost the entire box of beer, but the medicine bottle on the counter was still full of pills. It was an antidepressant prescribed a month ago. He obviously did not take it on time as prescribed by the doctor, but chose beer instead.

The phone was casually placed aside while the phone was being answered, and a recording from the voicemail box was playing in hands-free mode.

The voice of a young girl.

".I'm sorry, but we can't go on like this."

"I can't see the future if this continues. I have to make plans for tomorrow."

"You're a good guy, we're just not a good fit."



Nero angrily threw the phone away. The innocent cell phone hit the wall and fell into the garbage, and the voice stopped abruptly.

He held his head in pain and dug his fingers deeply into his messy hair, which was oily and oily since he had not washed it for several days.

Not suitable? What does it mean to be unsuitable?

Isn’t it just that there is no money?

He had just lost his job, and he still hadn't even paid last month's rent. There are only a few days left this month before I am kicked out of my apartment by my landlord.

And now here it comes again.


A voice sounded from the darkness.

Nello was startled and looked around nervously.


The man did not answer the question, but continued to sneer: "So weak, so pathetic, losing everything, not even able to protect the little bit of happiness I have."

Nello held his head: "Stop talking, stop talking!"

"But you still have a chance to reverse this."

"Did I?"

"Of course, because you met me."

It's like the devil's ravings, tricking people into signing a life-and-death contract.

"I can give you the strength to get everything you have. Those who have bullied you, you can pay back a hundredfold. Those who have stepped under your feet, you can humiliate to your heart's content!

You will become the king of this world, with unparalleled power, able to do whatever you want and dominate everything! "

"I can do whatever I want and dominate everything."

Nello's breathing gradually became heavier, and his eyes became hot, as if containing expectations for the future.

"Yes." The voice continued to be tempting, "When the time comes, how difficult will it be to get that girl to change her mind?"


Nero's aura gradually increased, his head held high, and his expression gradually became arrogant, as if in his mind he had become the emperor of this world and ruled the world.

"When I'm that strong, can I still want her?"

The voice in the darkness choked, and his emotions became incoherent.

Fortunately, it was experienced in sales and took over quickly.

"Haha, that's right. By then, how many beauties in the world will you want? What kind of ones can't be found?

So, are you ready to sign a contract with me? "

There is nothing to hesitate about. Nello felt that he had nothing to lose. He wanted power, even if he sold his soul.

But just before he agreed.

A beam of light penetrated the window lattice and shone into the dirty room.

The sting makes people panic.

"Sorry if I disturb you."

The red and silver mecha was suspended outside the window.

The figure in the shadow suddenly shrank his pupils.

Although it is life-size and looks like a mecha, it has the classic red and silver color scheme and the powerful and highly recognizable light fluctuations.

"I have to check your soul trading license." A calm voice came from the armor.

Nello: "?"

The owner of the house, who looked confused, didn't understand the situation at all, and only subconsciously looked at the dark shadow beside him.

Huh? What about the shadow people?

The moment the light penetrated, the shadow turned into a straight line of black mist, escaping into the distance as lifelessly as an arrow.

While running away, he screamed in a voice that only demon spirits could hear.

"Help, help! I was attacked by Ultraman——"

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