I become light in American comics

Chapter 58 Shooting Water Tank

Gotham, catacombs.

The dark and dank environment was filled with a gloomy atmosphere like death. The weak lamp cast a dark and blurry shadow, illuminating the moss and moss that covered the walls.

A faint mist filled the tomb, and the Riddler stood at the end of the tunnel. Batman is on the other side of the fog. In front of him are neatly laid floor tiles. The green bricks are arranged on the ground to form a huge "?".

Batman found him. But the Riddler says this is just the beginning of the game.

The facilities here have been modified by the Riddler and are connected to Gotham's power grid. Batman must follow his rules and move forward along the bricks that form question marks, one step at a time.

Each brick is connected to a certain death trap. If you want to move forward smoothly without triggering the trap, you can only follow his game rules. The Riddler would ask him questions, and with each correct answer, Batman would move forward.

If he answers all the questions correctly, he will be able to successfully disarm all the death traps, and the Riddler will be willing to give up resistance and be captured.

But if the rules are broken, all death traps will be activated instantly, and at the same time, the entire Gotham power grid will be paralyzed instantly without warning. The damage done to the city is immeasurable.

"Ha, that's right again, you can take another step forward."

The Riddler waved his cane and said proudly.

"You have answered the third question correctly. You are indeed very smart, Batman. I am beginning to be more and more reluctant to let this game end."

"Shut up and keep asking, Riddler."

Batman took a step forward, a green brick sinking beneath his boot.

"Okay, okay, as you command. Let's have fun."

The Riddler took off his top hat with a question mark on it, hung it on his cane, and turned it around with his cane.

"Next question. 'My greatest strength is that I know my own worth. I hug myself every time I'm born.'

So Batman, who am I? "

Batman looked at him expressionlessly.

"A sword," he said coldly.

The Riddler looked delighted.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong! Ha, you are finally wrong." The Riddler raised his hands, as happy as a 200-pound child, "The answer is 'The Knot', which is the famous unsolved problem in history, 'Goldium'. Knot'!

It is a rope that no one can untie, not even Alexander the Great

Hey, wait, what are you doing? ? "

He was shocked to see Batman ignoring his trap and striding forward directly. Brick after brick sank beneath his feet.

The Riddler's eyes widened: "How could it be your trap or mine?"

He clearly won, and Batman guessed wrong. The death trap should have been activated by now, and Batman would have died suddenly on the spot.

But he just walked up, as if the Riddler's trap didn't exist at all. No, it should be said that it did not exist. None of his carefully planned series of traps were activated.

"Like I said, the answer is 'sword'. Just ten seconds ago, I hacked your system and all your gadgets are useless."

Batman walked straight up to him and lifted the Riddler up by his collar.

"You're right, even Alexander couldn't untie the Gordium Knot. So the Emperor drew his sword"

Batman's powerful uppercut hit the Riddler in the face, causing the latter's cheek to crack and blood to vomit from his mouth.

".A sword split the knot."

The Riddler fell heavily to the ground, his mouth full of blood, and his head was buzzing. But he still laughed: "So you guessed the answer to the mystery. Impressive, Batman.

Although I admire you very much, you still cheated. If you break the rules, you will be punished.

We have been fighting for so long and I have gotten to know you somewhat, so I can guess that you might not obey the rules. So this time I deliberately reserved a hand."

He sat down on the ground and snapped his fingers leisurely.

"Come out, my dark friends, and punish this cheater!"

Batman's nerves were on edge.

He has encountered supernatural things in previous operations and knows that there are demons in Gotham that possess criminals. This posture now looks familiar to that time.

He held his breath and prepared himself, with all his vigilance on guard for the ghostly figures that would leap out of every darkness around him.

Then nothing happened.

The Riddler stood there snapping his fingers for a while, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

The Riddler pondered for a moment.

I must have opened it the wrong way.

So he changed his position, changed his hand and snapped his fingers again.

He felt that the hit just now was not good, so he did it again.

"Appear, dark demon!"


A gust of cold wind blew into the tomb from nowhere, bringing a biting chill but also a subtle embarrassment.

The monster you called is not in the service area.JPG.

Batman looked at the Riddler even more strangely.

It's like he's thinking about adding something to the Riddler's profile, as this guy's mental problems seem to be developing in a speculative direction.

The Riddler sighed quietly: "Harm, as expected, I said that people still have to rely on themselves. The devil is really unreliable and has no integrity at all."

Batman stepped forward and punched him again, this time breaking the bridge of his nose, causing the Riddler's nose to bleed.

But he was still smiling and didn't seem to be upset at all about being beaten. He was pinned to the ground by Batman, and at the same time he smiled and said: "That's all, I didn't expect those weird and chaotic things anyway.

Fortunately, I still have one last move, a trump card for reversal."

boom! ! !


It sounded like thunder above the confined space, and the entire underground space began to shake violently. Cracks began to spread on the boulders at the top, and the tomb seemed to be crumbling.

"what have you done!?"

Batman lifted the Riddler hard and pressed him against the wall.

"I had already guessed that you would cheat, so I made secondary preparations in advance." The Riddler smiled, "And the punishment for cheating is that Gotham will soon have a 'shooting tank.'"

Batman's pupils shrank.

He knows about "Shot Tank," a mini-game. A person sits directly above the water tank, and there is a switch under the seat that is directly connected to the target next to it. When the player hits the target, the person on the water tank will fall into the water and get soaked.

The player used in the "shooting water tank" in the Riddler's description is Gotham City.

The Riddler grinned, revealing a bloody smile.

"I just blew up Gotham's most critical retaining wall. Now, the city is about to become part of the Atlantic Ocean."

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