I become light in American comics

Chapter 67: The Great Filial Piety

After some interrogation, Shen You roughly figured out the situation.

According to Astra's explanation, they detected some unique signal frequency bands on the earth half a month ago. That was a sign that there was encryption technology that was extremely difficult to crack even for Kryptonian technology, and in the database owned by Kryptonian, only one person had ever used such a technology.


The prisoners at Fort Roz had indeed had their eye on Earth before, and Astra and her husband Norn also felt that occupying this planet and transforming it into New Krypton was a good option.

However, after discovering this fleeting signal fluctuation, they made a prompt decision.

Sorry to bother you, I can't fight you, so I'll take my leave.

The Kryptonians' fear of Brainiac is engraved deep in their minds. The Kryptonian civilization in its heyday was powerless to fight back against this enemy. There were only three or two big cats and kittens left. There is no capital to collide with it.

But even so, Krypton is, after all, a super civilization that has fought against Brainiac. Although it ended in a disastrous defeat, it has learned experience from the disastrous defeat.

Especially generals like Astra who have personally experienced that battle are at least familiar with some of Brainiac's usual tricks and technological methods, and even what new counterattacks the Kryptonians developed after that battle. Maybe Brainiac's technology.

So after discussing with the old wizard, Shen You decided to build a temporary Red Sun Detention Center underground for the time being and imprison Astra here.

The red sun and magical reinforcements create a cage that doubles as a Kryptonian, and the Mantra spell ensures she knows everything she knows. If Brainiac is coming, then Shen You hopes to prepare various response plans as much as possible before then, lay out a dragnet and wait for the figurine maniac to get through.

During this period, Carla also came down to see this long-lost aunt.

Kara's eyes filled with tears at that time, and she threw herself in front of Astra through the glass: "Auntie!"

Astra's eyes couldn't help but moisten when she saw her relatives she hadn't seen for many years: "You have grown so big, my little princess."

"Auntie, you haven't changed at all."

Astra lowered her voice: "Listen, my uncle is waiting for us in the universe. Release me and let's go together."

But Kara blinked her beautiful big eyes and said, "It must be your fault that Shen You locked you up here. Auntie, you'd better stay here and don't leave."

Astra: "?"

She suddenly suspected that she had heard wrongly.

The only relative he has left in the world, his little niece who he has carried since childhood, actually told him to stay in a cage for a man from who knows what planet?

What kind of filial piety?

"You don't understand, Kara." Astra said patiently, "The earth is a primitive place, and it is very dangerous. That man is also very dangerous, you have to stay away as soon as possible."

"No. Mr. Shen is a good man, but you are the one who is in danger."

Kara pouted her mouth and shook her little head like a rattle.

Astra: "??"

"My mother said that the Phantom Zone contains the worst and most hopeless villains in the history of Krypton. Auntie, since you are imprisoned in that place, it must be your fault.

But it doesn’t matter, Shen You is a good person, if you listen to him obediently, he will definitely help you change your mind and become a new person!

That's it, I'm almost late for school, let's go first! I will come see you again when I have time! "

Astra: "???"

She watched helplessly as Kara picked up her small schoolbag and ran out quickly, her mouth open and unable to speak for a long time.

Ah this

Only half a minute after Kara went out, Shen You came down with his arms folded.

He glanced at the gloomy Astra behind the glass. The latter's face looked particularly strange under the red sun.

"Bad mood?"

Astra rolled her eyes at him and snorted heavily.

"I will do my best to help you deal with Brainiac, and I will tell you everything I know." She said coldly, "But don't get me wrong. That doesn't mean I surrender to you, or to this planet.

This is my personal revenge on Brainiac.”

After a pause, she added.

".and for Kara."

"I believe this." Shen You nodded.

Although Astra is a villain who will do whatever it takes and doesn't care about genocide, her affection for Kara is truly genuine. In the original work, even if Kara repeatedly ruined their good deeds and caught their people, Astra always insisted not to hurt her despite her husband's objections.

"After Brainiac first invaded Krypton, the Kryptonian scholars did devise some means to prevent him from coming back one day."

Astra pondered for a moment.

"But that requires quite cutting-edge technology, top Kryptonian scientists. I have the research data in my hand, but we lack experts."

"Don't worry, I'm quite professional in this area." Shen You smiled, "Just give me the data and methods, and I'll figure out the practical solutions."

Astra glanced at him.

She did not trust Earth's technology, but after previous fights she knew clearly that the person in front of her could not be an Earthling. But she could feel that this should be an existence from a relatively advanced civilization, and it was impossible to say that its technological background was not inferior to that of Krypton at its peak.

"Okay." Astra sighed, "It seems I have no choice."

"I am leaving!"

Kara had a sandwich for breakfast in her mouth and a newly bought schoolbag on her back, and she rushed out the door happily.

About a week ago, she successfully passed various tests arranged by Shen You.

The first is the super power precision control test. Shen You arranged a series of assessments to ensure that she could master the newly awakened super power and avoid losing control. Kara passed with flying colors.

Then there is language communication. Well, there is nothing much to say. In addition to being proficient in daily oral communication in English, Kara now even masters a dozen additional languages ​​from various countries, including mainstream and unpopular ones, and it is no problem to directly become a translator.

So Kara finally got her dream school qualification.

In just one week, Kara completely fell in love with school. But this is natural. With her face and figure, she could write as many love letters as toilet paper in a week. She got perfect marks in exams with her eyes closed. She could easily become the center of attention. Everyone loved her and her teachers and classmates loved her.

What teenage girl can refuse such a life?

"So fast?"

The old wizard couldn't help but murmured when he saw that she was about to go out with a sandwich in her mouth.

"I haven't even finished breakfast."

"You'll be late!"

Kara ran out the door in a hurry, but after a moment, as if she had forgotten something, her little head popped out from behind the door again.

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot. I won't be back for dinner tonight!"

"Huh?" The old wizard raised his eyebrows, "Are there any activities at night?"

"Well, I made an appointment with my classmates to go to the haunted house to hold a courage test contest in the evening. It seems to be some kind of owl-related ghost story? Forgot. Anyway, I will be back later today. Let's go!"

After saying that, he disappeared behind the door.

The old wizard stroked his beard in confusion.


Trying to put it on the shelves next week. It is expected that there will be a climax of the plot. I hope it can be put on the shelves smoothly~

Then seek to read it every day!

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