I become light in American comics

Chapter 83 Machine Craze

"Kal-El, the Last Son of Krypton.

Kara Zor-El, the last daughter of Krypton.

My name is 'Brainiac'. A collector, and conqueror. "

Although Brainiac said this, the word "final" is actually a bit exaggerated. Perhaps only when the image of Superman was born, he could be regarded as a serious "Last Son". However, as the story progressed, Superman's seven aunts and eight aunts came to life one by one, and in the end they moved out of an entire Kryptonian city, and even their cats and dogs.

Old Boo named Superman and Supergirl one by one as if he were naming dishes, but his eyes were stuck when he glanced at Shen You. After a moment he said in a deep voice.

"You once again exceeded my expectations. I still haven't been able to find matching data from the database of any known galaxy. Your life form is also very different from the known species in the database. Life in a certain energy state , but can freely transform into powerful entities."

The skull's eyes flashed in the interface, as if showing interest.

"I originally came here just for Earth and the Kryptonians. But now, you have begun to become my primary target."

"I want to say it's an honor." Shen You spoke while Parr had started trying to track him again. "In that case, why don't you come here face to face? So we can have a good chat about this matter."

"That's not necessary." Brainiac said calmly, "We will meet eventually, but not now."

After a pause, the light in the skull's eyes went out, and his voice seemed to become a little deeper.

"Human beings are really unreliable. I just know that I can't believe that their simple brain structure is capable of doing anything.

But it doesn’t matter. You discovered my connection to Lex Luthor and disrupted my plans. But this is nothing more than forcing me to make adjustments to my original plan, for example, moving the schedule forward a little. "

Shen You suddenly raised his palm and fired a shot to the right. The chest of a black skeleton machine was exploded, metal fragments and electric sparks flying. The robot's eyes turned black, and its body staggered and fell to the ground.

But that's just the beginning.

More and more green lights lit up, and the black armor flashed with a cold light. Skeleton-like machines emerged from all directions, surrounding the three people.

"World Collection. Start."

The screen goes off.

All the robots took a step together, raised the energy cannons on their arms, and uttered the same words vaguely and neatly.



The same scene happened not only in Lex Industries, but also all over Metropolis.

A rumbling movement plunged a factory into total chaos. The huge robotic arm started working like crazy, and all the metal equipment seemed to come alive, closely cooperating with each other's rotation and movement, and quickly assembled with amazing efficiency.

"The equipment is out of control! They won't listen to you."

Workers ran around the factory in panic

"Turn off the power!"

"I've tried it, but it doesn't work!" the operator shouted desperately. "These things are as if they have come alive. The cables have been pulled out."

"What are they assembling? Aren't we building subway cars?"

The black skeleton machine bodies took shape one after another, and climbed out of the assembly line one after another. They looked around coldly, scanned, locked on the target, and raised the energy cannon.


At the same time, General Lane Base.

"The machine army is out of control? What does it mean to be out of control!?"

General Lane shouted at the top of his lungs against the red alert.

"Then take back control, cut off the power, or just blow up those damn machines! Do what you experts should do!"

"We've tried it all, sir."

The experts in white coats were sweating profusely and their faces were pale as they looked at the military machine soldiers coming out of the armory on the surveillance screen.

"We tried our best, but we were blocked from the system."

"Who was blocked?" General Lane roared.

Before the expert could speak, the next moment the culprit jumped out and took the initiative.

All the equipment was turned off, and the lights and screens went dark at the same time. But half a second later, the screen lit up again, with a skull in the middle of the interface.

"Archive. Collect your world and belong to Brainiac"


At Lex Industries, a huge fireball shot into the sky, and the firelight illuminated the entire dark industrial area. The impact of the explosion carried masonry, glass and metal debris and scattered them with the hot air. The walls of the building shook violently, and huge gaps were opened in the ground.

The red and silver steel body rose into the sky dragging tail flames, followed by a series of black robots.

Superman also rushed to the ground fighting with three or five skeleton machines. He tore the oncoming machine in half like tissue paper with his bare hands, and at the same time he flew up and kicked the head of another machine away. The broken edge of the metal shell made a sharp scream when it was torn apart, and the exposed parts and circuits fell to the ground with a clatter.

He grabbed two pieces of the wreckage and threw them away. They hit a machine flying in the air and exploded into a fireball. Three other robots stood side by side and tried to rush forward, but two extremely domineering beams of heat vision swept out and cut them all in half like fiery sharp blades.

At this time, Kara also put on the classic Supergirl uniform for the first time, but compared with the classic version, she added an eyepatch of the same style as Robin.

She punched through a machine, then rushed out with a sonic explosion, destroying several machines along the way.

An alien laser hit her back and staggered her. Kara snorted slightly, but after regaining her footing, she turned her head and took a freeze breath. The freezing cold air froze several machines behind him into ice sculptures. Kara's figure flashed out, and all the robots turned into powder.

"People in the city need help." Superman's ears twitched slightly, and a large number of calls for help and sirens came in like a tide.

Shen You flew through the air, connected his palms, and exploded the two robot bodies with light cannons.

"Sir, a large-scale abnormal reaction was discovered. It came from the underground of the metropolis!"


Soon they saw it, and the whole city saw it.

The huge tower-like object with a metal shell is like a sleeping giant awakening from a dream, spreading up like a huge iron vine, piercing the sky of the metropolis.

The streets shook violently, like ravines torn apart by demonic claws. The tall buildings collapsed like building blocks, and the roar of the giant tower as it rushed out was like an alien horn, standing coldly over the city, as if announcing the authority it had gained.

"It looks like three towers have been drilled out from three different directions in Metropolis, sir," Pal said. "They all have strong Brainiac signal responses. It seems that the enemy intends to establish a position."

"I noticed it. Tell me something I don't know." Shen said.

"The anti-Brainiac radar detected a strong signal response, coming from outside the atmosphere. A large UFO was approaching."

"It's his spaceship!"

Kara showed a horrified expression, as if recalling the nightmare on Krypton in the past.

"Brainiac's ship, here he comes. Just like that day!"

"Some kind of particle aggregation was found outside the atmosphere, and there was a strong abnormal energy reaction. Comparison with the Krypton database found a match." Pal continued, "It is the identification reaction of 'miniature energy', sir."

Shen You nodded, understanding.

".He wants to put the metropolis in his bottle."

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