I become light in American comics

Chapter 98 Kill the Wizard

"Did you see that? It was a miracle!"

Barry Allen's face was filled with excitement.

"Of course I know about Ultraman. I've seen him on TV. I know he's an alien and I know he's very strong. But can you understand? It feels completely different to see it with your own eyes!

I mean. That's a wormhole! It could have been a devastating disaster, and a lot of people could have died and I could have died. After all, I was right under that wormhole at that time.

But he showed up just like that, and all of a sudden, the problem was resolved with just a touch of understatement. Can you understand? That’s simply. Simply.”

"Yes, I probably understand Barry." Shen You smiled.

"Oh, of course you understand, because you should have been near the scene at that time, haha, look what I'm talking about. But he saved my life, and more than that. Seeing him appear, seeing That miraculous sight meant so much to me.”

Barry spoke softly, his tone a little lower.

Shen You knew what he meant.

When Barry was very young, his mother was murdered at home, and his father was accused of killing his mother and has been in prison ever since. Barry was the only eyewitness, but his testimony was not admitted because he was too young and his testimony was too absurd.

He said he saw a hurricane.

A storm of red and gold rolled up in their home. He saw impossible images.

Experts believe that he was too young and his brain could not accept the image of his mother being killed by his father, so he distorted the scene to deceive himself. But Barry knew he was right.

So he has been pursuing the "impossible" all his life. He wants to prove the existence of supernatural phenomena, find out the real secret behind his mother's murder, and clear his father's name.

"I'm sorry I tend to talk too much when I'm excited. Are you leaving, right?" Barry took a deep breath.

"Yeah, let's say goodbye. Thanks for the help. You did a great job." Shen You shook hands with him.

This trip to Midtown was fruitful, and Shen You was in a good mood. He is now eager to return to the laboratory to further study the characteristics of the Speed ​​Force energy.

"Thanks. It's a pity that others don't think so."

Barry sighed softly.

"Another unlucky day, and I performed as steadily as ever today. I was late again in the morning, and only when I got to the door did I realize that I had forgotten my office key.

I bought a cone at noon, but when I went upstairs, I couldn't hold it firmly and it fell.

When I was depressed, I turned around and saw Captain Singh coming up from downstairs. He looked worse than me. But I didn’t dare go up to comfort him because I saw a cone on his head.”

"Well, that's really unfortunate." Shen You never knew how to comfort him, and even wanted to laugh a little.

He patted Barry on the shoulder: "It's okay, calm down. Have you heard of the saying? The law of conservation of character always comes and goes."

"Yeah, I guess so."

Barry smiled.

"See you later, sir."

"See you."

Midtown, 6 p.m.

After get off work, Barry went to Iron Mountain Prison, where his father was imprisoned.

"Why are you here again?"

Behind bars, Henry Allen was not very happy when he saw his son.

"Didn't we talk about it? Don't come again."

"But today is my mother's death anniversary, so I went through the files again. The truth will always come out, Dad, technology is advancing very fast, and there are technological innovations in evidence testing every year."

Old Henry shook his head: "Stop torturing yourself, son, don't trap yourself in the past. I killed your mother, and I am a sinner."

Barry was angry: "You and I both know that's not true."

"It's what it is, don't waste any more time on it. Live your life, Barry, she'll want it too."


The visit to prison ended unhappy.

Midtown Police Department, Sterile Laboratory, 7 p.m.

A bolt of lightning struck through the laboratory window.

Shelves filled with chemical bottles were punctured and glassware exploded one after another. The blue electric light was like a writhing brontosaurus, carrying splashing liquid, and hit Barry Allen behind the experimental table.

Just as it was meant to be.

Barry's whole body flew into the air and flew backwards under the impact of the electric current, and all consciousness including pain disappeared. At that moment, an idea quickly popped into his mind.

He is going to die.

At the last moment, what echoed in his mind involuntarily were his father's words.

"I killed your mother. I am a sinner."

"let it go."


Yeah, let it go.

What else does it mean?

From the moment his mother died, he had been trapped in an invisible circle all his life, going in an endless circle with no way out.

Maybe that's okay.

Just let go, sink, and fall into the abyss.

never mind.

He will be able to see his mother soon.

The boundless darkness swallowed everything. Barry Allen fell unconscious among the debris and residual solvent.

Electricity danced across his body. Strange energy gathered on his chest, where his clothes were burned through, and briefly formed a winding lightning bolt.

Elsewhere, in the darkness.

Dr. Thaddeus Sivana slowly opened his eyes.

A human left eye, and a magical right eye flashing with magic lightning.

"Successful, finally successful." Dr. Sivana's face flashed with excitement, "This is the power I have been pursuing all my life!"

He raised his arms fiercely, and the majestic magic power burst out of his body like a black mist that turned into substance, transforming into seven dark and twisted monsters.

Seven deadly sins!

The powerful monsters that were once sealed in the Rock of Eternity are the seven brothers of Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony and Bliss. They possess extremely powerful magic and have chosen Dr. Sivana as their agent in the human world.

Now he has gained unparalleled power, can do whatever he wants in this world, and can make all those who looked down on him in the past pay the price!

"First of all," Greed among the Seven Deadly Sins spoke, and said sinisterly, "The person we need revenge on is that abominable wizard!"

The arrogance in the darkness said: "Yes. He has imprisoned us for endless years, and we must pay the price!"

"Find him and crush him to pieces!" shouted Fury.

"It's too easy for him. We must first destroy everything he cares about, and then execute him Lingchi." Ji Le said in a deep voice.

Several demons quickly reached a consensus.

Dr. Sivana listened to their discussion, pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but ask.

"It's just a question. But do you brothers have the same mind?"

"Yes, the seven deadly sins are one entity." Jealousy said, "We brothers are of the same mind."

"Hmm, so when you are meeting and discussing here, are you essentially talking to yourself?" The genius doctor's thirst for knowledge began to trouble him, "Because it does sound weird."

Seven Deadly Sins: "."

There was a brief silence in the darkness.

"That's not important." Lazy interrupted, "The point is, the wizard must pay the price! Let's start with the things he cares about most!"

"Yes, my spell has searched. The wizard left the Rock of Eternity, and now he is in the city called Gotham by humans. And the person he cares about most"

Arrogance said, a mist-like magic swirled around, transforming into a projection-like picture.

In the picture is a handsome oriental handsome boy and a beautiful little girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

The Seven Deadly Sins all looked at each other.

Then they all let out villain-like sinister smiles of "Jie Jie Jie".

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