I build a city in the last days

Chapter 23 Newcomer: There's Water Here

Chapter 23 Newcomer: There's Water Here


He Minxing brought out three dishes, three meats, one soup, and four or five bowls of rice one after another. Xu Bai smiled: "When Yangyang and the others come over, we will serve the meal."

"Okay, okay." He Minxing went to wash his hands and came back to sit down, laughing so much that his eyes were fascinated. She and her daughter hadn't eaten meat for more than half a month. Unexpectedly, within a few days after arriving here, they saw meat. .

But how did this pig get so fat?

After a while, Jiao Yangyang, Jiao Nanmu, and Xu Qing came over. Seeing the meat, Jiao Yangyang screamed in surprise and clapped his hands.

The meat of the mutated pig is more firm and delicious, and it feels like a Q-bomb when picking up a piece of fat.

Jiao Nanmu could tell that the pig was raised better than before the end of the world!
It's just that after the end of the world, people don't have enough food to eat, so will anyone raise pigs so well?

For a moment, Jiao Nanmu thought of the people in Tujia Village.

He remembered that there was an old man who raised pigs at home.

Jiao Nanmu asked Xu Bai.

Xu Bai nodded: "It is indeed his family, but this pig has mutated?"

Xu Qing exclaimed. He didn't swallow the meat he ate in his mouth, nor did he spit it out. He looked at Xu Bai with wide eyes.

"Eatable, many animals are beginning to mutate now, so when you go out, not only do you have to guard against zombies, these animals and plants are also deadly."

"Of course, not all mutant beasts can be eaten. For those who have bitten zombies, their eyes will become red and cloudy like zombies, and the blood of zombies will be stained on their teeth and stomachs. To distinguish whether the mutant beasts have eaten zombies or not."

In the early days of the end of the world, no one knew this at all.

In the previous life, the conclusion was reached after countless people and the sacrifice of countless people.

But the highest level of zombies is level nine. In the later stage, animals and plants should also be upgraded. As for whether they can be distinguished by these, it is unknown. In the tenth year of the previous life, there were at most seven levels. , with Aurora City, everything will be fine.

"It turns out that the outside is already so dangerous." Jiao Nanmu murmured, reaching out to touch Jiao Yangyang's head, his gratitude to Xu Bai deepened in his heart.

"Tomorrow, I will lead people to quickly repair the city wall." The few people did not speak any more, and bowed their heads to cook.

"The smell of meat is here, but I don't know if it's expensive. It's a pity that we don't have the money."

"Be patient, we will have something to eat when we have money after working tomorrow."


There were a few people surrounding the store entrance, looking into the store, but they were quickly dragged away to the dormitory by their companions.

The newcomers to the city all live in the original orphanage. In order to save rent, people they know well live in dormitories together. Some people choose to live in empty classrooms, but larger empty classrooms are more There are about ten people living here.

At night, Xu Bai was lying on the bed looking at the distribution map of the city. There were green dots floating on the map. The green dots represented residents. Putting your finger on the map can show the estimated number of people who can stay. Now it shows 50 people.

Residential buildings are also planned for the next construction.

Xu Bai got up, took out the pen and paper from the original dean's office, and wrote down the near-term plan.

Pig raising is the first among them.

How to tame such a mutated pig is a problem.

Xu Bai emphatically stroked a few times with the brush, while tapping on the desk with his fingers.

[At this time, the host needs a bottle of animal taming water. Just spray the animal taming water lightly, and the beast will go wherever you point. 】

Xu Bai paused when he knocked on the table, "How much?"

[No more, no more, just ten thousand. 】

"Bought it."

[As long as you have a tame beast, huh?Okay] The voice of the machine paused for a while. I thought it would take a long time to persuade her, but I might not buy it, but I didn't expect to buy it like this this time.

It has seen this type of situation on TV before the end of the world. When I went to buy something, the store offered 100 yuan. The seller thought it was too high, so he counter-offered [-] yuan. The store agreed immediately, and the seller immediately felt that his counter-offer was low. , the system feels like this now, it feels that its price is low [regret.jpg]

The animal taming water is packed in a white glass bottle, which looks no different from ordinary water.

But when Xu Bai held it in his hand, its source and method of use automatically appeared in his mind.

This is something from the plane of alien beasts, prepared by the animal trainer. As long as you press the nozzle lightly and spray it on the eyes of the alien beast, the alien beast will become quiet and obey the user's orders, but there are only three The effective time of hours, once three hours have passed, the habits of the alien beast will be the same as before.

Comparable to Ecstasy.

After Xu Bai put the bottle into the portable space, he went to rest.

early morning.

Tu wild exclaimed: "There is water here!"

Tu Ye woke up early in the morning, wanted to go to work early to earn money to buy food, so he came early and waited in the registration hall, but waiting was boring, he saw Xu Bai running along the road here, so he ran behind He got up and exercised himself, but when he passed the aisle on the right side of the registration hall, he stopped.

In my memory, when I came in yesterday, there seemed to be no such piece.

Tu Ye walked in hesitantly, and the first thing that fell into his eyes was a big mirror.

His clothes were tattered, covered with dust, and his hair was greasy. Fortunately, he was a man and didn't have long hair, otherwise his hair would be messy, his face was gray, and he didn't eat much after every meal. Even though he had to eat, his originally chubby body and double chin were now much thinner.

It turned out that he had become like a beggar.

Next to the mirror is the sink, and further inside is the public toilet with male and female signs.

After Tu Ye put his hand on the sensing part of the sink, the water splashed in his hand, and the icy cold feeling brought him back to his senses, and he exclaimed loudly: "There is water here."

After that, he quickly bent down and took a cup with his hands, washed his face, even put his hair into the sink excitedly, scratched it, and washed his hair.

Xu Bai ran past, and when he saw it from a distance, he shook and smiled slightly.

After the system update, this public toilet is the most practical among the lottery draws.

With the update of the system, she no longer needs to click to open the newly built building, and others can go in and use it directly, but the difference is that others have no control.

As long as she doesn't want anyone in there, she can drive them out mentally.

In the apocalyptic world, everyone basically dare not sleep deeply, and most of them are in a dazed and half-awake state. On the first night here, some people couldn't even fall asleep, and spontaneously stood up for their roommates to watch the night.

Heard someone yelling for water.

There was a bathroom and a kitchen in the dormitory. I quickly got up and turned on the faucet, but not a drop of water came out. I was very disappointed.

Someone was about to yell at someone for talking nonsense, but as soon as he walked out of the dormitory door and stood in the corridor, he saw someone bent over and buried in a basin from a distance.

Seeing water on the basin again, everyone couldn't stand still and ran over quickly. When they saw that there was a bathroom in the public toilet, even though they knew that the bathroom was charged, everyone still let out bursts of cheers.

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(End of this chapter)

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