I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 108

~ Mermaids Are Coming, And The Bay Is In Chaos!

, the fastest update I have established a country, you said I did not cross the latest chapter!

“Hey Liu, why aren’t your friends here today?”

Someone who was very familiar with Liu Zhenhua approached him with a wine glass.

It was a white middle-aged male.

His name is Hardy, from Germany.

However, unlike the rich Liu Zhenhua, Harry’s life was once quite embarrassing.

It was the development of science and technology, the rise of smartphones, and the advent of the short video era that made his life a little bit better.

In the business of taking risks, he was not a good adventurer.

In the anchor business, he is also not an excellent anchor.

But at least the job will keep him afloat.

The reason why he ventured into Sea God’s Kingdom this time is to get first-hand information here and attract more fans for his account.

Money is a bastard.

But it would be even harder without this bastard.

Hardy knows it all.

“They’ve had a bit of a cold and are already resting.”

Liu Zhenhua shook his head helplessly.

Speaking of them being cold, it was because of that naughty sea beast.

The icy sea water, coupled with the icy sea breeze afterwards, made them cold.

But Liu Zhenhua is still very lucky, at least they are still alive.

Hardy shrugged his shoulders to express regret, and then said mysteriously.

“Have you heard what happened today?”

“It’s about Mermaid Bay.”

Liu Zhenhua narrowed his eyes and said calmly: “Everyone is talking about such a big matter, how could I not know about it?”

“Hey, yes, everyone has been discussing it all afternoon, and it is still being discussed.”

Hardy raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile: “But the most interesting thing is the Black Moon Alliance.”

“God, you should have seen their faces, it was amazing.”

“Since what happened in the Mermaid Bay in the afternoon, all the ships of the Black Moon Alliance retreated to the nearby coast, and never went to cruise near the Mermaid Bay.”

“Heh, I saw people from the Black Moon Alliance this afternoon. Their expressions were like, um, like this glass of dark beer. It’s very exciting.”

Liu Zhenhua shook his head with a smile.

Although he is not someone who likes to gossip, he has been suppressed by the Black Moon Alliance during this period and has been unable to contact the mermaid. It would be a lie to say that he has no complaints.

Thinking of the Black Moon Alliance’s plan to hunt mermaids, Liu Zhenhua’s lips curled up slightly, and he smiled comfortably.

“God bless them.”

Liu Zhenhua picked up the beer and smiled freely.

Hardy showed the same deep smile and said gloatingly.

“Yes, God bless them.”

“Calculating the time, the fleet of the Black Moon Alliance should be coming soon.”

“Oh, my God, they must have a good mood seeing a mermaid that may be a little different from what they imagined.”

Hardy’s taunt was straightforward.

Liu Zhenhua smiled without saying a word.

Some things can be thought, but not said.

After so many years of hanging around abroad, he deeply understands the principle that misfortune comes from mouth.

Sometimes it may be just a casual sentence, which may offend others, and even bring fatal murder to oneself.

Too much talk is bound to be lost.

This is the wisdom of the ancients.

“However, when it comes to this afternoon, the reaction of the Black Moon Alliance is nothing. I heard some news…”

Hardy’s expression became vigilant, he looked left and right, then raised his glass to cover his mouth, and said in a low voice, “Someone has already sent out the information.”

“Now the outside world knows what happened in Mermaid Cove.”

“That’s right, it’s what you think, mermaids, dragons, this ridiculous and wonderful world.”

Hardy said, drank the dark beer in his hand, and put down the glass with regret.

His alcoholism is huge.

But the income is very low.

A glass of stout a day is the limit Hardy sets for himself.

In order not to let the poor wallet die.

Of course, in order to be able to grab a free beer, he will show his enthusiasm to each guest, and then chat with them like a friend.

Learn about their adventures, what they went through, what they saw.

And record these things.

That’s right, Hardy is taking other people’s adventures, and then turning a small part of them into his own adventure story, giving the audience a great adventure.

Liu Zhenhua’s childlike expression tightened slightly, and his originally casual expression suddenly became serious.

Someone got in touch with the outside world!

This is very important information.

It’s about the future of Mermaid Bay.

If you don’t know the ability of mermaids, you don’t know if there are other races in this sea area. The policy of various countries should be to continue to wait and see, waiting for changes in the situation.

Now I’m afraid there will be no change.

Once the policies of various countries change, ordinary people like them are the first to be affected.

Liu Zhenhua glanced at Hardy’s glass, and said to the waiter, “Refill my friend’s drink, and order a stronger cocktail.”

“Haha, Liu, you are so generous.”

When Hardy heard the cocktail, his eyes lit up and he laughed excitedly.

Stout is the cheapest alcohol, and you can buy ten glasses of stout for the price of one cocktail.

If it was him, he would never drink it.

Liu Zhenhua smiled heartily.

He said: “You just said that someone has made contact with the outside world, how did they do it. You know, this ghost place is full of interference, satellite signals can’t get in, our communication system is almost scrapped .”

“Hey, dear Liu, you forgot, we are intelligent human beings.”

“Human beings are best at solving troubles.”

Hardy sniffed the delicious cocktail, showed a satisfied look, and said everything without saying anything.

He likes Kang Qian’s friends.

Treat Kang Chi’s friends, he will return Kang Chi.

Because Hardy knows that only in this way can he make more friends and make his life better.

No one likes a friend who is selfish.

He whispered: “They use the telegraph.”

“A very old communication tool. Although it has long been eliminated, it is surprisingly easy to use in this ghost place.”

“Well, I don’t know the specific reason. It seems that the signal used by the telegraph is different from that of the mobile phone, maybe.”

Hardy shrugged, not sure.

He had only been to elementary school, and it was a bit difficult for him to explain the difference between telegraph and mobile phone signals.

But he didn’t care.

After all, this is just gossip he heard from chatting with others.

Whether someone contacts the outside world, Hardy doesn’t care.

He only cares about how to make up the next adventure story, bah, how to write it, so that the audience who see the video can exclaim again and again.

Hardy thought to himself, maybe it is possible to write about the mermaid and the dragon, and then create a great Hardy explorer.

Let them know how heroically Hardy observed, how heroically inquired first-hand in those moments.

Surely this story will appeal to many viewers?

Liu Zhenhua remained silent.


If Hardy hadn’t reminded him, he would have forgotten about this ancient communication tool.

Although the telegraph is greatly restricted, it does have great advantages in this place where there are no signal towers and no satellite signals.

If Hardy mentioned other tools, Liu Zhenhua might still be suspicious, but the telegram has increased the degree of authenticity.

He pondered for a while, thinking about possible changes in the future.

and the most important question.

What should I do.

Although Liu Zhenhua didn’t speak, Hardy didn’t suggest it.

He is still telling the information he has heard these days, as well as various rumors.

Until Liu Zhenhua was about to get up and leave.

At this moment, there was a terrified roar from outside the door.

“No, the mermaid is here!”

A sudden roar silenced the bar.

People were taken aback for a moment, and then someone laughed.

“Mermaids, they have never left that sea area, how could they come to the coast.”

“Yeah, it’s been almost a month since we’ve been here, and the mermaid never came.”

“Damn it, you idiots, mermaids haven’t been here before, but it doesn’t mean they won’t be here now.”

The visitor cursed loudly, ignoring everyone’s astonishment and doubts, turned around and ran out of the bar.

He planned to go to land to hide.

Well, until it is determined that the mermaid is not malicious.

The departure of the visitors made the bar quiet.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and uneasy emotions spread in the bar.

The mermaid is not really coming, is it?

After a brief silence, someone rushed out of the bar first, and then everyone rushed out of the bar without caring too much.

Behind him came the bar owner’s scolding.

“Fuck, you bastards, you haven’t paid, **** it.”

“May God punish you and send you all to hell.”

Liu Zhenhua left the bar and came to the deck of the freighter.

In the distance, under the searchlight, the sea surface was illuminated brightly, even a little dazzling.

Although it was too far away to see clearly, the huge body of the sea beast still caught Liu Zhenhua’s attention.

His expression changed slightly, and he took a deep breath.

sea beast!

Is the mermaid really here?

And there are dragons! ?

“Damn, it’s really a mermaid.”

“It’s not that they have never left that sea area, why did they come here suddenly.”

“God, I hope today isn’t the last day of my life.”

The explorers changed their expressions and panicked instantly.


“What are we going to do?”

Ao Ying is still in the form of a white dragon, floating on the surface of the sea boredly, spitting out bubbles from time to time with her **** mouth open.

They received Yang Xu’s order.

contact humans.

Other than that, there are no other instructions.

This made Ao Ying a little bit blind.

Contact humans?

Oh, who can tell me first what a human being is.

It was with such doubts that Ao Ying was brought here.

She still hasn’t figured out why she came here and what she should do.

Beside her, Bei Mingzhu stood gracefully on the sea, her purple eyes staring indifferently at the chaotic coast.

She doesn’t like humans.

Because she saw many bad things about human beings.


For sea monsters who can read other people’s memories, the mental defenses of humans are almost useless.

If we say that the person in Xu Country who understands human beings best now, it must be Bei Mingzhu.

She read the memories of many people that night.

Learned a lot of human secrets.

And their purpose of coming here!


Thinking of this, Bei Mingzhu snorted secretly.

If she hadn’t taken Yang Xu’s order into account, she would have ordered her clansmen to kill all those dirty humans.

But this doesn’t stop Pei Mingzhu from hating humans.

“Conveying the will of the king.”

Pearl Pearl gave a simple reply.

But this reply did not allow Ao Ying to understand what it meant.

Ao Ying turned over with her belly on her back, as if she was playing dead, to show her protest against Bei Mingzhu’s answer.

“So, how to convey the meaning of the king.”

Seeing that Bei Mingzhu didn’t intend to continue explaining, Ao Ying could only helplessly ask again.

She didn’t want to foolishly accompany Bei Mingzhu to do everything, and then in the end she still didn’t know anything.

Bei Mingzhu was silent for a moment, then asked back: “Do you understand human beings?”

This question made Ao Ying fall into silence for an instant.

Know shit.

She rolled her eyes and complained, “Do you think we should understand humans?”

Bei Mingzhu didn’t seem to hear her words at all, and said to herself: “Humans are very evil creatures. They have unimaginable viciousness. They are selfish, mutilate their compatriots, and abuse others to satisfy their own desires. What do you want?” Unimaginable things happen to human beings every moment.”

“This is a group of cunning creatures.”

“They are true to their desires and can do anything to satisfy their desires.”

Ao Ying listened very carefully.

Although I can’t understand it at all.

But she finally got the gist.

“Since human beings are not a good thing, why should we contact them and kill them directly?”

“Oh, that’s a really nice idea.”

Ao Ying thought about it carefully, her brows were full of smiles.

Bei Mingzhu said decisively: “No, although human beings are cunning and evil creatures, this is not a bad thing for us.”

“They can do anything for self-interest, which means they have almost no loyalty to the collective. As long as they are given enough benefits, they can even be used by us.”

Ao Ying was fascinated by the sound.

On the one hand, humans are evil.

On the other hand, human beings can be used by us.

So, if we use humans, will we also become cunning and evil.

Oh, that’s a really bad adjective.

Ao Ying always felt that she was doing something very dangerous.

This is not in line with the code of conduct for the descendants of the horned dragon.

When in danger, flee first.

This is the Dragonborn style.

Qiang Chong, oh, what a fool.

Ao Ying thought wildly for a while, but in the end she didn’t understand what to do.

She struggled and said, “So, can you speak more clearly so that I can understand it?”

“What are we going to do?”

Bei Mingzhu: “Contact human beings and convey my king’s will.”

Ao Ying: “…”

Bastard, how on earth are you going to contact humans.


At the same time, the humans docked on the coast were in a mess.

Just saw the power of the mermaid this afternoon, no one can keep calm in front of that kind of power.

It was a force like a natural disaster.


I just learned about the strength of the mermaid in the afternoon, and at night I found that the mermaid left the bay and appeared by the coast.

Any human being is bound to make worse guesses.

“The mermaid is going to attack us humans.”

“The reason why they have remained calm these days must be waiting for reinforcements.”

“That’s right, those dragons are the mermaid’s reinforcements.”

On the fishing boat of the Black Moon Alliance, in a slightly shabby office.

The temporary head of the Black Moon Alliance spit and expressed his opinion.

And the six people sitting on the sofa in front of him were some of the most powerful people on this beach.

Explore the head of the company.

and representatives of other forces.

Of course, those who can be invited by the Black Moon Alliance are not small people.

They have considerable strength here.

For example, the exploration company has at least four to five hundred people in name.

Although they cannot compete with the Black Moon Alliance, the power behind them far exceeds that of the Black Moon Alliance. But at this moment, the power behind it is not what the Black Moon Alliance needs to consider. What he needs is to face the immediate problem.

The mermaid is here!

The representative of the Discovery Alliance said calmly: “Sir, I understand your feelings, but what we need to do now is not to anger the mermaids, but to communicate with them as much as possible.”

“Do you want to use your strength to fight against those mermaids who can manipulate the waves?”

“In my opinion, you should give up your inappropriate illusions and consider another way out.”

The person in charge of the exploration company showed no mercy to the person in charge of the Black Moon Alliance and ridiculed them.

“Enough, I’ve had enough of these idiots.”

“If you want to go to war with the mermaid, that’s your business, don’t try to drag us along.”

“Damn it, do you understand or not, our strength here is not enough to fight mermaids.”

A big businessman representing Mao Xiong left angrily.

Although there were not many of them, there were more than a hundred people and two boats.

I came to the appointment in the hope that the Black Moon Alliance would have some insight, but in the end……

He didn’t want to die here with these idiots from the Black Moon Alliance.

The expression of the person in charge of the Black Moon Alliance instantly became embarrassing and angry, wishing to slap the old Maozi’s representative to death.

Of course he knew that the strength in his hands was not enough to fight against the mermaid, but what else could he do at this time?

You can’t sit still, can you?

Or, expect these small broken boats to run faster than mermaids and those terrible sea beasts in the sea.

The atmosphere in the office became awkward and dull.

Although everyone is not satisfied with the idea of the Black Moon Alliance, they also understand that there are not many choices at the moment.

“Perhaps, we should try to communicate with the mermaid.”

Suddenly ~www.mtlnovel.com~ a person in charge of other forces from Nanyang suggested.

“Communication, are you sure we can understand them. Damn, they’re not human, but a group of damned mermaids, you expect them to understand English or French.”

The person in charge of the Black Moon Alliance taunted mercilessly.

“I think this is a good way, at least better than going to war directly.”

After serious consideration, the person in charge of the exploration company shrugged and agreed.

He doesn’t want to die.

It’s too stupid to fight against a strong enemy when you are at an absolute disadvantage.

“Then, who will be responsible for contacting the mermaid.”

Several people looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding at the moment.

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Chapter 107 The mermaid is here, and the bay is in chaos! Read for free.https://

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