I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 123

~ Chapter 122 Regaining Youth, Boiling Europe

Tonight, the Iris Manor of the Bonaparte family was extremely lively.

There is an endless stream of guests.

There are local dignitaries in Gaul.

But more are ancient nobles and capitals from all over Europe.

For these uninvited guests, the Bonaparte family showed a broad mind and was not annoyed by their uninvited guests.

Many of the more than one hundred guests came from ancient families comparable to the Bonaparte family.


Some are ancient forces that the Bonaparte family cannot provoke.

How to arrange them has become a very important issue.

With so many people, they can’t just hang out there, right?

But it is also unrealistic to receive everyone one by one.

Not to mention how much energy is consumed by so many people. That is to say, with so many forces, whoever is received first and whoever is received later is something that may offend others.

The Bonaparte family has been able to develop to the present. Although they have offended many people, they have made more friends.

For this reason, the Bonaparte family had to temporarily hold a small dinner party to deal with these uninvited guests.

Because Alan Bonaparte, the current head of the Bonaparte family, is taking the elixir, it is definitely impossible to appear. So it was Porter Napoleon, the heir of the Bonaparte family, who was in charge of receiving the guests.

Potter said he was the heir, but he was also in his fifties.

He also had an elder brother, but he had died of illness six years ago.

at the banquet.

The palace is resplendent and magnificent.

The huge pure natural crystal lamp refracts soft light to every corner of the banquet, bringing light to the spacious hall. Reflected on the golden ornaments, it reflects the bright gold of wealth and glory.

More than a hundred people enjoyed the sumptuous dinner prepared by the Bonaparte family in the spacious hall and the expensive wine.

Next to my ears is the gentle and elegant sound of the piano.

Underfoot is a handmade wool blanket from the Middle East.

However, all of these cannot attract these guests.

They gathered in twos and threes, mostly discussing the same thing.

“I heard that Patriarch Bonaparte doesn’t have much time left. I don’t know if this news is true.”

“Yes, this matter is not a secret. As early as half a year ago, the Bonaparte family was conducting the handover ceremony of the heir, and many properties have been handed over to the heir.”

“I met Patriarch Bonaparte three months ago, and the situation was really bad. His body was so thin that he could hardly see the flesh, like a skeleton covered in human skin, his eyes were dull and lifeless, and his hair almost fell out. Very It’s hard to imagine what kind of pain that is. If I am like this in the future, I would rather leave this world earlier.”

“The owner of Bonaparte’s body is failing, just like a machine that is about to be scrapped. It is not something that modern technology can do to replace the parts without damaging the machine and restore him to operating conditions.”

“Hush, keep your voice down, do you see the two people next to the third window over there?”

“What’s wrong with them, they look ordinary.”

“Stupid, they are not ordinary, have you noticed the logo on their cuffs?”

“That’s… an oak tree growing in a cross, and they’re Anglicans on whom the sun never sets.”

“Hiss, the Anglican Church, where the sun never sets, they are here.”

“Keep your voice down. I heard that there are mysterious wizards in the Anglican Church. I don’t know if it’s true.”

not far away.

Standing by the window, two representatives of the Anglican Church glanced at the many guests in the living room.

One male, one female.

The man was dressed in a white suit, about thirty years old.

His appearance is not handsome, but his face is resolute, and his pair of blue eyes are like the deep sea, with a special magical power.

Suits and ties don’t look like people from the church at all.

The woman was wearing a purple evening dress, also about thirty years old.

She has a curvaceous figure and long chestnut wavy hair.

Elegant and luxurious, enchanting and charming.

This completely different temperament has been perfectly unified in her body, making her both like a goddess from heaven and a succubus from hell.

Every frown and smile is eye-catching.

“What do you think?”

The beauty had a smile on her lips and her voice was soft.

“Hard to say.”

The man frowned tightly, and a pair of blue eyes like the deep sea flashed a faint white light, as if he could see through the wall and see the infinitely distant space.

“Oh, it’s hard to say?”

“This is not the speaking style of Reaper of Souls.”

The corners of the beauty’s lips were slightly raised, and she teased with a smile.

Reaper of Souls, the most feared warrior of the Anglican Inquisition. No one who was targeted by the death scythe has ever survived by luck.

not a single one.

It was his unparalleled record of zero failures that earned him the title of Death’s Scythe.

It means the sickle of the **** of death, the **** of death who can harvest all life.

As for the name, it is not important to them.

Because from the day they joined the Anglican Tribunal, they no longer needed a name. At different times and in different places, they will be assigned different names until the moment they need to act.

Reaper’s Scythe didn’t respond immediately.

The Anglican Society also participated in this trade fair and obtained two enhancement pills.

The person who takes it is the Death Scythe.

After a short silence, Reaper spoke in a low voice.

“The elixir delivered is very effective, but Patriarch Bonaparte’s situation is too bad. He asked our Anglican Church to renew his life last year, but his body is now like a drained reservoir, and it is no longer a holy art. Problems that can be solved with magic. To extend his life, he almost needs to reshape his body.”

Having said that, Death God Scythe shook his head slightly.

Since ancient times, there are only a handful of saints who can reshape the realm of the physical body.

Not to mention that the Anglican Church has no saints at all, and even if there were, it would be impossible to ask the saints to help Bonaparte Patriarch to reshape his body.

“I’ve heard about it.”

“I didn’t expect that they also participated in the auction of the handover, and secretly led the formation of such a large formation of the Star Alliance.”

“In this trade fair, the author only auctioned three life-prolonging elixir. The other two have been sent to the research institute by the United States and Russia for analysis. No one has the opportunity to enjoy it. The owner of Bonaparte’s hand is the one on the market. It’s the only one circulating on the Internet, but it’s no wonder so many people want to know the situation.”

The beauty’s beautiful eyes are like a bright moon, projecting onto the many guests in the hall.

Since ancient times, who has not been in awe of death.

“You have taken the Strengthening Pill, and you know the effect of the Jiaoren Ling Pill. Do you think the Longevity and Longevity Pill will have an effect?”

The beauty’s bright eyes turned sideways, revealing curiosity.

Death God’s Scythe considered it.

“Maybe, maybe not.”

“Although the strengthening pill is effective, it is not a rare thing. Our Anglican Church also has similar methods, but prolonging life, reshaping the body, and rejuvenating people are things that only gods can do.”

The beauty fell silent.

Prolong life and reshape the body.

This is indeed the mighty power of the gods.

But Jiaoren has already appeared in this world, so there may not be no ancient gods behind him.

Regarding the records of the ancient gods, the Anglican Church has some secret documents that have not been made public. There is a lot of information recorded in it, many of which are called gods.

And those existences are confirmed by the Anglican Church and confirmed to exist.

At least it used to exist.

Thinking of the unpredictability of the Sea God’s Kingdom, the beauty changed the topic, and thought about it: “The Vatican seems to have discovered the clues of the angels recently. Is it possible that they have found the traces of Yin Dianyuan?”

Yin Dianyuan, according to the “Bible · Old Testament · Genesis records.

Jehovah created the ancestor of mankind in his own image, the man Adam, and then created the woman Eve from one of Adam’s ribs, and placed the pair of men and women to live in the Garden of Yinden.

There are many legends about Yindian Garden, and it is a well-known story in the West.

But few people know that Yindian Garden really exists!

Fewer people know where Yin Dianyuan is hiding.

The Anglican Church is of the same origin as the Vatican, and their understanding of Yindian Garden is no worse than that of the Vatican.

Three months ago, Father Roland’s appeal for help caused a sensation in the world, and the entire Christian world was shocked by it.


Messenger of God.

He is also the gatekeeper of heaven.

It is very important for the priest to discover the angel, even the remains of the angel.

Because once the existence of angels is established, it can almost prove the existence of God.

This is a big deal for all denominations of the Christian system.

So as soon as the news appeared, the major sects had already made preparations and actions. The same is true for the Anglican Church. They sent and hired some people to the Sea God’s Kingdom to find clues about the angel’s relic.

However, compared to the Angel Relic, they are most concerned about another issue.

Yin Dianyuan!


Just wanting to find Yindian Garden and Paradise is not an easy task. Since ancient times, many sages have searched for it, but no one has really found the traces of Yindian Garden and Paradise.

Angels are important clues.

If you find the angel, you may find Yin Dianyuan.

Angels are the most important clues and one of the important reasons why the major denominations pay so much attention to them.

“There is this statement, but we have not found any movement from the Vatican. If they really found clues to the angels, they couldn’t be so calm. Maybe it’s just fake news, or they haven’t confirmed the authenticity of the news themselves.”

Death Scythe shook his head slightly.

Angels are big things.

Bigger things than anything else.

If the Vatican did find out about the angel’s lead, the Episcopal Church would certainly pay attention.

While the two were talking, a strong and powerful voice came from the corridor inside the living room.

“Hahaha, it’s a great honor for me, a bad old man, to surprise so many old friends.”

Accompanied by hearty laughter, someone came out from behind pushing a wheelchair.

Although the man in the wheelchair was a little thin, his limbs were sound. He has gray hair, obvious crow’s feet around his eyes, and looks about fifty years old.

The man’s warm eyes swept over everyone in the living room, his old face was full of joy.

It was Alan Bonaparte who came!

The current head of the Bonaparte family.

The moment he appeared, the living room was silent.

People were dumbfounded and looked at Patriarch Alan who was pushed out by the maid in shock.

All of them have seen Allen.

In their impression, Allen was almost a skinny skeleton, but this Allen in front of them!

Don’t talk about eighty years old, even if they say fifty years old, they will believe it.

“My God, it really is Mr. Allen.”

“Certainly. I met Mr. Allen when I was a child. About twenty-five years ago, Mr. Allen was about the same as he is now.”

“This is the effect of Yannian Yishou Pill. The longevity medicine from Xu Country, the effect is too exaggerated. This is not to prolong life for 20 years, but also for 30 years.”

“Yes, it’s incredible.”

People were dumbfounded, with strange colors shining in their eyes.

At their level, money has no meaning.

This is not coercion.

It’s because their wealth is only in accordance with normal luxury consumption, and it is impossible to spend it all.

Luxury cars.




They have as much as they want, spending one million or three million a day is far less than their daily income.

Once a person has more money than he can spend, his pursuit will change.

And no matter what kind of rich and powerful, there is one thing that makes them have the same obsession and pursuit.


Life is priceless.

They are willing to trade any price for time.

Just as Patriarch Allen needs to spend millions of dollars every day to continue his life.

Nobody wants to die, least of all rich people.

But since ancient times, let alone the rich and powerful, even the lord of a country, the emperor of the ages, never lived forever, never immortal.

It is also because of this that many rich people are willing to throw money into many research institutes that study longevity even if they do not bring in profits.


tens of billions.

Even hundreds of billions.

It’s nothing.

What they pursue is the possibility of one in a billion.

What if it actually came to fruition?

And now, they have seen real longevity!

Allen came to the center of the banquet hall.

He stood up with help, trembling.

Seeing this, the maid on the side hurried forward to help.

Allen supported the maid with one hand, pressed his trembling legs with the other, and walked two steps staggeringly bent over. Then it was really unbearable, and he fell into the wheelchair again.

He failed to walk, but Alan was not discouraged at all, but laughed like a child.

“It makes everyone laugh. The old man has been paralyzed for decades, and now he has a pair of complete legs but doesn’t know how to use them.”

Allen’s self-deprecation did not attract ridicule from everyone, but only envy and shock.

Who doesn’t know that Patriarch Allen lost his legs in a car accident when he was in his thirties.

Now he has not only regained his youth, but also gained a complete body!

God, this is definitely a miracle that only God can perform.

“God bless you.”

An old friend of Allen’s came up and gave him an emotional hug.

It was a gray-haired, very old man.

He is eighty-two years old this year. He is Alan’s cousin and a well-known earl whose sun never sets. The family property should not be underestimated either.

At his age, nothing excites him more than seeing someone regain their youth.

Of course, if this was himself, he would be even more excited.

Allen smiled and said, “Thanks to the panacea from my friend for making me feel the power of youth again.”

“I also hope my dear cousin can get what he wants.”

After appeasing his emotional cousin, Allen took a glass of fine wine from the maid and held it up high. Kang said passionately, “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for coming.”

“I, Ellen Bonaparte, salute you on behalf of the Bonaparte family.”

“The first glass of wine is toast to the mysterious ancient country, which is protected by the sun and controls the people and dragons.”

“Thank you for letting me regain my youth.”

Everyone raised their glasses one after another, and said excitedly: “To the country of the sun.”

Tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night for the Bonaparte family.

Even for the whole of Europe, it will be a sleepless night.

The head of the Bonaparte family, old Allen regained his youth and gained a pair of healthy legs. The news spread before the dinner was over.

And spread throughout almost the entire European high society in a very short period of time.

Longevity and longevity pills are real.

The broken limb rebirth pill is also true.

The author did not make any false claims about the effect of the panacea, and was even very modest.

After old Allen took the panacea, he was not only twenty years younger, but also thirty years old.

The news is both shocking and uplifting.


This is an irresistible temptation for the rich and powerful.

Tonight, the whole of Europe is boiling.

The sun never sets.

The king who was over sixty years old was stunned and shocked.

“Old Allen not only got a pair of healthy legs, but also became thirty years younger?”

“Yes, this is the news that the Bonaparte family took the initiative to release. Many people have seen it with their own eyes. This is a photo of the old Allen we got now, and it is also the information that the Bonaparte family intentionally released.”

The butler took out the tablet and clicked on the photo.

“My God, it’s really old Ellen!”

The incumbent king was so startled that his eyes almost popped out.

He had met old Allen three years ago. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Old Allen back then compared to now….

His Majesty the King shook his head, his eyes filled with disbelief and shock.

The effect was astounding.

“How long is it until the next trade fair for Jiaoren?”

The king suddenly changed the subject, his voice full of urgency.

He is now in his sixties, and he is usually well maintained. But at his age, it is inevitable to feel that the body is getting weaker and weaker, and the energy is not getting better day by day.

Sometimes, he also wondered how long he could live.

What will the days ahead be like.

But now seeing the changes in old Allen, His Majesty the King has a little desire.

Old Allen can do it, why can’t he.

If I can be thirty years younger, no no no, even if it’s only twenty years old.

Maybe it can lead the sun that never sets to glory again, and even get rid of the restrictions of the US Federation.

His Majesty’s eyes flickered, full of hopes for the future.

“There are still thirty-nine days.”

“Thirty-nine days, how much supplies can we raise in thirty-nine days and transport them to Sea God’s Kingdom.”

His Majesty the King murmured a few words and asked with a frown.

Thirty-nine days, time is too tight.

The distance from the sea god’s kingdom to the sea god’s kingdom that the sun never sets is almost half the earth.

Thirty-nine days is not even enough time to reach the Mermaid Bay in the Seagod’s Kingdom from the time the sun never sets.

But now that the economy is globalized, there is nothing that money cannot solve. His Majesty the King is not stupid enough to transport supplies from the sun never sets, that would be too time-consuming.

And when His Majesty the King, whose sun never sets, was greatly moved, the news swept across Europe like a whirlwind, and spread from Europe to all parts of the world!

The first wave of storms brought about by Xu Country’s birth has already begun.

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