I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 132

~ The Underwater City That Shocked The World!

Convey my king’s will!

As soon as this sentence came out, people’s enthusiasm for discussion was instantly ignited.

Before that, Jiaoren appeared many times.

But it is the first time that it is clearly stated that this is to convey the will of the king.

The will of the king!

What does this represent.

“God, has the mysterious ancient country’s ruler finally noticed this place?”

“You are not talking nonsense, don’t talk about such unpredictable places as the sea **** kingdom, even on our earth, in Africa. If such a big thing happens in a country, the local king, president, even the tribal chiefs will Noticed. If such a big thing has not been noticed, it can only mean that the ruler of this place has long been emptied.”

“Oh, that’s not what I meant, what I just wanted to say is…”

“It is the lord of this ancient country who finally wants to convey his will and express the thoughts of this country to us, to mankind.”

“They have a clear reply to our arrival.”

“That’s right, it’s not unreasonable to say that.”

Yang Hua’s child’s mouth tightened, his hands holding the railing couldn’t help but clenched tightly, his finger bones were all blue and white.

He took a deep breath: “The will of the king of the Xu country is really going to happen this time.”

As more and more explorers, enterprises, ordinary people who want to make a fortune, etc. pour into Sea God’s Kingdom, the mysterious veil of this world is gradually being unveiled to all human beings. In the process of unveiling the mysterious veil of the Seagod’s Kingdom, some people have discovered that modern people are not the first batch of people to enter the Seagod’s Kingdom.

In the ancient times, in the past without knowing the time, someone discovered the Sea God’s Kingdom long ago and came to this world.

This is also the origin of the name of Seagod Kingdom.

Regarding the kingdom of the sea god, there have been endless topics since its discovery.

The appearance of Jiaoren pushed the topicality of Seagod Kingdom to a whole new level.

But it also raised another problem.



The future direction of the earth.

how to get along.

This is a question that many people are concerned about. Some advocate peaceful coexistence, while others suggest that all alien races should be exterminated.

Although Yang Hua is in the Sea God’s Kingdom, he has a very clear understanding of the outside world.

Since the emergence of Jiaoren, various extremist organizations have emerged in human society. The slogan of these organizations is to eliminate all alien races, and human beings are the masters of the earth.

Although many people don’t take them seriously.

There are a lot of problems within human beings, class conflicts, ethnic conflicts, racial conflicts, all kinds of problems are countless, who cares about people who are far away from people who don’t know how many miles away.

But among teenagers, and some groups, the idea of human supremacy is very popular.

If it weren’t for the fact that the sea **** kingdom was too far away and full of dangers, Yang Hua felt that these extremist organizations might have already started to act.

However, although extremist organizations do not currently pose a threat, this topic and issue has always been the focus of people’s attention.

Especially at the end of Jiaoren’s first trading conference, Xu Guo’s extraordinary power was demonstrated, and this issue was thrown in front of all mankind.

How humans get along with aliens.

On this issue, some internationally renowned experts have made detailed analysis.

The relationship between humans and alien races is not in the hands of humans or alien races, but a matter of mutual decision by both parties.

The wishful thinking of human beings for peace cannot bring about real peace.

The wishful thinking of other races for peace also cannot bring true peace.

And humanity itself is not a whole.

There are hundreds of countries and thousands of nationalities in the world, and the gap in belief and thought is even greater.

Therefore, the relationship between human beings and alien races should not be regarded as a whole issue, but should be treated in terms of countries, races, beliefs, forms and other issues.

Even a country has many different voices, not to mention the entire human society.

Therefore, in order to determine the relationship between human beings and alien races, the first thing to focus on is the attitude of alien races, and the second is the decision of human countries.

Yang Hua approves of the expert’s analysis.

The poor and the rich are not of one mind, let alone different races and countries, and certainly not as a whole.

Yang Hua can’t talk about liking or dislike for making friends.

It is good to be able to make money.

If you can’t make money, as long as you don’t endanger yourself, isn’t this a group of strangers, and of course there is no bad feeling.

But at this moment Xu Guo was about to make a statement, but Yang Hua couldn’t help but not pay attention to it.

Xu Guo’s statement represents Xu Guo’s attitude, and it also determines the future direction of the alien race and mankind. This is not just a matter of one country or one place, but a major event about the future of the world.

Of course, he doesn’t really care about countries, humans and alien races, world peace and so on.

Because it’s not his concern.

If you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government.

He is a small businessman. It is not his turn to be the master of such a big event. The only thing he can do is to follow the trend.

The key to Yang Hua’s concern is whether Xu Guo’s attitude will affect future transactions.

This is a matter of his life.

At the same time, there are still many people who are paying attention to the will of the Lord Xu Country.

Especially the representatives of the major forces and the media from all over the world held their breath and stared at Bei Yao closely.

Bei Yao paused for a moment, and said solemnly: “According to my king’s will, our country will open a permanent trading point on Matou Island, sixty miles northwest, to trade with all friendly people.”

“Anyone is welcome to come and trade at that time.”

As soon as Bei Yao’s words fell, they immediately attracted a lot of discussion.

“Holy shit, this is a good thing. Xuguo has opened a permanent trading point, so we don’t have to wait for a month or two. Come and leave at any time. This is really great.”

“Yes, our goods will be stored in Mermaid Town for a month or two. Not to mention the danger, many things cannot be stored for a long time, and there are high warehouse costs. These are all problems. Now it’s all right, Xuguo has opened up permanent transactions Doing business will be easier in the future.”

“Matou Island is sixty miles away. I seem to have been to this place before.”

“I remember that place is a deserted island with no vegetation, full of reefs and rocks, this place is not a good place to establish a trading point.”

“Come on, it’s good to have it. It’s a good thing for us small businessmen, and we don’t have to wait for the auction in the future.”

“That’s not true. There are thousands of panacea in this fair, but we didn’t get any of them. It’s really fucking.”

“Who said it wasn’t, those big bosses were too well prepared. I put all my money and life into this batch of goods, but I didn’t get anything at all. I was thinking just now, this time I’m afraid it’s not just going to the rooftops .It’s all right now, the author has opened up a permanent trading point, and I might be able to sell this batch of goods.”

“I don’t think it’s a good thing.”

“What does this brother mean?”

“Think about it, why did the author not limit the types of goods in the two consecutive transactions. They really need all the goods, I don’t think so.”

“Jiaoren just wants to take this opportunity to familiarize themselves with the products in our human world, so as to determine which things are worth buying and which things are meaningless to them. I reckon that if you want to do business with Jiaoren in the future, you can’t buy them casually, you have to target them. choose decisively.”

“That’s the truth, but it’s a good thing after all. Otherwise, if we do this every time, all the panacea and so on will be monopolized by the elders, so there is no business for us.”

And just when the human beings were talking about it, Bei Yao continued.

“In three months, my country will open the underwater city to a limited extent, and businesses and personnel who meet the requirements will be eligible to enter the underwater city.”

If the opening of the permanent trading point leads to heated discussions, this sentence is like igniting explosives, instantly igniting the enthusiasm and excitement in people’s hearts.

Although only limited access.

But who can refuse the temptation of the underwater city!

Yang Hua’s face twitched, his expression was agitated, and he couldn’t close his mouth from ear to ear.

Xu Country’s decision means that the transactions between human beings and Xu Country will usher in a peak and honeymoon period. For a long time in the future, Xu Country will open up more commodities, or higher-level commodities.

This is good news for any businessman.

And the media from all over the world are so happy that they can no longer see their eyes.

“Habbed City, big news, really big news.”

“Hey, it’s really the right time this time. Xu Country will open the underwater city to a limited extent, which means that Xu Country’s attitude towards outsiders is friendly, at least not hostile.”

“I feel like this is normal. Although it doesn’t matter whether you are a friend or a dragon, they are not humans. But don’t forget, we are not the first batch of humans to come here. In the long past, I don’t know how many humans have come here , the nearby natives even regard the Sea God Kingdom as the residence of the Sea God, and may even offer sacrifices to the life forms here.”

“This means that in the long past, human beings have had close contact with Jiaoren, or Xu Country behind Jiaoren. This is also an important reason why we have been here for so long and have not been attacked by Xu Country. They understand us , may not have a deep understanding of modern civilization, but definitely understands human beings.”

“That’s right, maybe Xuguo regards the deal with us as another kind of sacrifice.”

“Haha, it’s also possible. The ancient aborigines offered sacrifices to the gods, praying for a good harvest and safety. We traded items with the Xu Kingdom in exchange for panacea. In fact, there is no essential difference from those aborigines.”

After a brief shock, some reporters asked their own questions.

“Ambassador Bei Yao, we are shocked and delighted by your country’s policy. This is a friendly signal from your country. We are very honored to receive such treatment. But I have a question. The underwater city is located in the deep sea. suitable for human survival.”

“Sorry, I’m not saying that Xuguo may have intentionally harmed us, but I’m just worried about the environment on the bottom of the sea.”

“We need oxygen and light to survive, but as we all know, these are things that are not available on the seabed. If we go to the underwater city, will we be troubled by these environments?”

The reporter’s bold questioning has attracted the attention of many people, and also aroused many people’s concerns.

They were only interested in being happy before, but they forgot about it.

Be it a friend or a dragon, they themselves live on the bottom of the sea.

Isn’t it normal to build a city on the bottom of the sea and live in the deep sea?

But humans are different.

Not to mention the pressure of the deep sea, oxygen and light are huge problems.

How long can humans live without oxygen?

Bei Yao had expected these problems.

In fact, Xu Country’s underwater city has been studying this issue since the beginning of its construction.

How to solve the problem of light and oxygen.

After discussing this issue, it fell on the Nuwa clan.

If it is researched from scratch, it is obviously not an easy problem to solve. However, the Nuwa tribe has ancient inheritances. Although many inheritances are only empirical inheritances, and there are not enough experimental theories and corresponding basic scientific research, the effect is still very good.

After a month of research, the Nuwa tribe has already made a breakthrough.

They optimized and improved a very common aquatic plant, which can directly decompose seawater into oxygen and hydrogen.

With the aquatic plants that produce oxygen, the underwater city will naturally obtain sufficient oxygen. As for the problem of lighting, it is easier to solve. Whether it is deep sea or wild, there are not a few plants that can emit light naturally. Even in places where there is no sunlight in the deep sea, there are still many plants that can survive.

It took only two weeks for the Nuwa tribe to create more than a dozen types of vegetation that can glow naturally.

Some of the vegetation can even sense the day and night changes of the earth and control the intensity of its own light. Let the underwater city determine the weather and time outside through the light conditions of the plants.

So facing the reporter’s question, Bei Yao smiled and asked back: “If this problem cannot be solved, what do you think is the significance of my announcement today?”

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help laughing.

The reporter who asked the question shrugged and didn’t care about this kind of ridicule.

Even a little excited.

This is big news.

It is not surprising that Xu Country has an underwater city in the deep sea.

After all, whether it is the Jiaoren or the Dragon Clan, they are all deep-sea races.

But it is big news that the underwater city can support human beings, big news enough to shock the world!

Developing the seabed has always been a dream of mankind.

In the vast earth, the land occupies only 30% of the area, while the ocean occupies a full 70% of the area. If the ocean can be developed, it will be of great significance to human beings. This not only means a vast living environment, but also immeasurable natural resources.





rare resource.

It can be said that any company or individual can become the richest person in the world today if they can develop good submarine development technology.

Live forever!

Famous through the ages!

It’s a pity that there are too many difficulties to be faced in developing the deep sea, and no country has made much progress so far.

And this problem that has plagued countless countries has already been overcome in Xu Country!

This question has attracted the attention of many people.

Yang Hua’s expression changed again and again, and he secretly exclaimed.

“Hey, I’m not surprised that Xu Country can build an underwater city on the seabed, but they are confident that they can let humans survive on the seabed, which is too powerful.”

“Being able to survive on the bottom of the sea means that you can also survive in outer space?”

“Although Xu Country may not have technology, the magical technology they developed with mysterious power may have reached an unimaginable level.”

Lei Ming thought about it: “If what Bei Yao said is true, Xu Country’s technical application in magic technology should have surpassed those ancient countries recorded in ancient books.”

“How do you say that?”

Yang Hua was instantly attracted by Lei Ming’s words.

It is no small matter that Xu Country’s magical technology has surpassed the ancient kingdom of the ancient gods.

To put it mildly, Xu Country has inherited ancient times, and its technology has improved.

On a larger scale, the kingdom of the ancient gods recorded in ancient books may be the predecessor of the Xu kingdom, which can be used as a reference. But Xu Country’s true national power has far surpassed the records in ancient books, that is, the ancients’ understanding of gods.

It means that Xu Country is unfathomable!

Lei Ming thought about it: “In some of my Taoist classics, there are records about the sages going to the Dragon Palace under the sea.”

“Humans cannot survive for a long time on the bottom of the sea, even in the Dragon Palace. They need to take special panacea, otherwise they will die immediately.”

“Using modern science to explain, the ancient Dragon Palace did not have enough oxygen to support human survival, and there may be other reasons.”

“Now Xu Kingdom is willing to open the underwater city to a limited extent, and promises that human beings will definitely survive, which means that they have overcome the disadvantages of the ancient kingdom of God.”

“Looking at it now, I really underestimated Xu Guo before.”

Lei Ming shook his head slightly.

He used to suspect that Xu Country might have obtained an ancient inheritance.

After all, most of the ancient gods recorded in Taoist ancient books have already fallen.

But now seeing the power displayed by Xu Guo, he found that his guess was wrong. Xu Country did not obtain the ancient inheritance, but raised the ancient inheritance to a new height on the basis of obtaining the ancient inheritance.

Human beings are developing, and the ancient races that are revered as gods by human beings are also unwilling to be left behind.

Lei Ming secretly sighed with emotion, his eyes flickering with strangeness.

He is more interested in Xu Guo now.

Yang Hua also heard the meaning of Lei Ming’s words.

He felt that this was not surprising.

How fast human beings have developed in the past few hundred years, anyone who understands this period of history will exclaim in disbelief.

Be it people or dragons, they are all intelligent races, no worse than humans. The human race can develop in great strides, so it is obviously unreasonable for other races to stand still.

Yang Hua shook his head slightly, but he was secretly surprised.

The kingdom of God in ancient legends is already full of inconceivable things, and now it has developed for an unknown number of years. The panacea that Xu country is showing now is probably just the surface of this country.

Xu country, the country of the ancient gods, must not be offended.

Yang Hua secretly reminded himself to record this information and decide to send it back to Daomeng.

As for how Daomeng understands ~www.mtlnovel.com~, analyzes, and plans, it is not up to him to decide.

He just did his part.

There are many ancient inheritance forces in the crowd. After hearing Bei Yao’s reply, they also thought of many things.

In particular, the representatives of the major forces showed a look of deep thought.

If Xuguo solves the problem of human survival in the deep sea, the importance of this technology to all countries is self-evident.

“Gene Age”

If countries can get this technology….

The eyes of representatives of many countries flickered, full of greed.

This will be the key to a new era for humanity.

A brand new great ***.


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