I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 138

~ Yang Xu’S Statue, 0 Years Inheritance

“Maybe it’s God’s will.”

Zhang Banxian sighed, and finally murmured with a complex expression.

Zhang Qing’s brows were furrowed and he was puzzled by these endless words.

“Grandpa, what does this mean?”

Zhang Banxian didn’t answer immediately, picked up the white porcelain teacup on the table, took a sip of the warm tea, and then explained: “The Huangtian Shrine and my Zhang family have a relationship.”

“This origin can be traced back to Zhang Wen, the ancestor of my Zhang family.”

Hearing this, Zhang Qing showed a dignified expression.

Zhang Wen, the ancestor of the Zhang family, is also the founder of the Zhang family.

Born in the last years of the Sui Dynasty, he was lucky enough to get a fairy fate, and this is how the Zhang family’s huge foundation was established.

But Zhang Wenwen and Huangtian Shrine have a relationship, which Zhang Qing never thought of. Because in the family history of the Zhang family, there has never been any relevant records.

“Ancestors have a relationship with Huangtian Shrine?”

Zhang Qing was extremely puzzled.

Zhang Banxian’s eyes were blurred, his tone was complicated, and he continued: “Although the ancestors of my Zhang family are descendants of Zhang Tianshi, they are only a collateral lineage, and have almost no relationship with the Zhang family in Longhushan. The ancestors lived in poverty in their early years. They didn’t have enough food. Without covering up, in order to make a living, go to the bottom of the world, steal chickens and dogs, and rob graves.”

“Later, by chance, I joined Mojin’s school and learned some secret methods of tomb robbery. I have gained a great reputation in the Jianghu.”

“Because of this, the ancestor was invited by a stranger when he was middle-aged, saying that he asked the ancestor to steal an ancient tomb.”

“It’s just that this tomb is very strange.”

“There are no tombstones, no murals, nothing related to the owner of the tomb remains.”

“And the ancient tomb is huge in scale, even better than princes, and it is full of organs. But the feng shui is fierce, and it is not a good place.”

“The ancestors discovered the problem when they first saw the tomb. It is certainly not ordinary people who can build a tomb of this scale, and they would never choose to build a tomb in such a fierce place. Obviously, the people who built the tomb are not the same as those buried in the tomb. People have great hatred, so they will spend huge sums of money to build a murderous tomb to suppress it.”

“Discovering this secret, the ancestor became very curious about the origin of the tomb. Coupled with the fact that the person who hired the ancestor was extremely generous, the ancestor pretended not to know anything. While groping for the origin of the tomb, he helped steal the tomb.”

“Later, the ancestors judged from the style of the tomb that it was an ancient tomb of the Han Dynasty.”

“It’s just that within the tomb, there is also no record about the owner of the tomb. Until…”

“The ancestors discovered the core of the tomb.”

Zhang Qing couldn’t help pricking up his ears when he heard this, his curiosity was completely aroused.

Han Dynasty tombs.

no name.

There is no record.

The scale is even bigger than that of princes.

Still a terrible tomb.

The secret hidden here is probably not trivial.

In ancient times, tombs were not built casually.

There are insurmountable rules about what kind of tombs can be used by princes and generals, and what kind of tombs can be used by ordinary civilians. If the tomb exceeds the specifications, it will be punished as treason.

In such an era, to have a tomb with a more princely standard, the status of the owner of the tomb is by no means ordinary.

“The person buried in the tomb is Zhang Jiao, the great virtuous teacher!”

Zhang Banxian paused every word, with an extremely solemn expression.


Zhang Qing exclaimed, extremely surprised.

Great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao! ?

Zhang Qing wondered: “The great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao died suddenly in the middle of the uprising. If the Yellow Turban Army buried him for him, they would definitely not choose to build a murderous tomb. It is rumored that Zhang Jiao was slaughtered by the Han Dynasty after his death, and there was no bones left. I think this ominous tomb should have been built by the Han Dynasty, but the Han Dynasty had already slaughtered the corpses, so there was no need to build an ominous tomb to suppress Zhang Jiao’s corpse…”


Zhang Qing looked solemn and said in a deep voice.

“Zhang Jiao’s corpse was so different that the Han Dynasty had to forge a murderous tomb to suppress it!”

Zhang Banxian nodded his head in appreciation and said, “Not bad.”


“When the ancestors dug up the tomb, they found that the body of the great virtuous teacher was immortal, with a beating heart, as if he was in a deep sleep. Only then did the ancestors know the identity of the hirer. That person was the thirty-second generation successor of Laojunguan, who was taken by the old man. Jun Guan called Mo Junyao a traitor.”


Zhang Qing took a breath, and immediately understood why Zhang Banxian wanted to talk about the family history of the ancestors of the Zhang family from this tomb robbery.

The great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao is not dead!

“I don’t know what Mo Junyao did. After hundreds of years of sleep, the great virtuous teacher woke up again.”

“What happened afterwards, the ancestors did not say anything in detail. In the autograph left by the ancestors, it is only recorded that five years after the great virtuous teacher woke up, the ancestors accompanied the great virtuous teacher and Mo Junyao to Dongying. They stayed in Dongying for three years. Afterwards, I took a boat to the east and went to the legendary Penglai Fairyland.”

“The ancestor stayed in Penglai Wonderland for eight years, and finally returned to Kyushu alone. This is how our Zhang family came into being. As for the whereabouts of the great virtuous teacher and Mo Junyao, the ancestor did not mention a word.”

“This Huangtian Shrine is the lineage left by the great virtuous teacher when he passed through Dongying.”

Zhang Qing suddenly realized.

In this way, the Zhang family and the Huangtian Shrine really have a lot of connections.

But at this moment Zhang Qing didn’t care about the origin of the Huangtian Shrine.

He asked curiously: “Didn’t the ancestors leave any records about Penglai Fairyland?”

“Where did the great virtuous teacher and Mo Junyao go?”

Zhang Banxian shook his head and said: “The ancestors never left detailed records about Penglai Wonderland and great virtuous teachers, and there is a deep taboo about the experience of Penglai Wonderland.”

“But there is one thing that is extremely strange.”

“Since then, the ancestors have been obsessed with finding the legendary Jianmu, and have traveled all over the country and Kyushu for this purpose.”

When Zhang Banxian said this, he couldn’t help shaking his head.

The ancestors did not leave too many records about the Penglai Fairyland, and why they were obsessed with finding the legendary Jianmu in the second half of their lives, also did not leave any records.


Zhang Qing murmured secretly, unable to understand.

Jianmu, the legendary tree that connects the two worlds of gods and humans.

Except for ancient myths and legends, no one has actually seen Jianmu.

“Exactly, the ancestors were looking for the traces of Jianmu until the end of their lives.”

Zhang Banxian was filled with emotion.

Afterwards, he pondered for a long time and said.

“It’s strange to say that although the ancestors didn’t leave a single record of what happened in Penglai Wonderland, they left behind a statue brought out from Penglai Wonderland. That statue is the biggest secret of my Zhang family, only known to the past generations of Patriarchs. “

“It’s just that the ancestors didn’t explain the origin of the statue, and we still don’t know where the statue is carved.”

Zhang Qing was even more puzzled when he heard this.

If the statue is useless, how could it become the biggest secret of the Zhang family?

It doesn’t make sense at all.

Zhang Banxian thought for a moment, stood up and said.

“Forget it, you come with me.”

Zhang Qing didn’t ask about the purpose, because he already had a guess in his mind. He followed closely behind Zhang Banxian, walking towards the depths of Zhang’s ancient house.

Pass through the verandah and come to a secret room in the study in the backyard.

Although it is a secret room, the room is filled with incense candles. Except for a little stuffiness, there is almost no difference from the outside world.

Before entering the secret room, the strong smell of incense is blowing over us.

The secret room is not too big, only fifteen or sixteen square meters.

Directly facing the door of the secret room, there is a rectangular altar on which a two-foot-high statue of a **** is enshrined.

I don’t know the material, it looks like wood, but it exudes a little metallic luster.

Other than that, there isn’t much decoration.

Although Zhang Qing couldn’t see, his eyes were opened, and he could vaguely see the surrounding situation with his eyes.

He looked at the statue enshrined on the altar.

The idol is carved lifelike and is a standing man.



Nine points similar to Yang Xu’s appearance!

“This is the statue that my Zhang family has enshrined for generations, and it is this statue that has kept my Zhang family prosperous for thousands of years.”

Zhang Banxian came to the statue, bowed respectfully three times, offered incense, and introduced.

But he didn’t say what magical function the statue has, which can protect the Zhang family for thousands of years.

Zhang Qing also did not ask.

This must be the most confidential matter of the Zhang family.

Otherwise, only the Patriarchs of past dynasties can know.

He stepped forward and was about to prostrate, but with his keen perception, he discovered that there were words engraved on the base of the statue, which were scratches different from natural wear and tear.

“Grandpa, do you know what words are engraved on the base of the statue?”

Zhang Qing asked bluntly.

“What, there is still writing on the base of the statue?”

Zhang Banxian was stunned.

In the family records, there is no mention of anything written on the base of the idol.

The Zhang family has been passed down for thousands of years, but it was only moved to Kyoto five hundred years ago.

From then on, no matter how the world changed, even if the dynasty changed and the world was in chaos, the Zhang family never gave up on this old house. The statue has never been moved since it was erected here, and it has been enshrined in this secret room for five hundred years.

Zhang Banxian believed in Zhang Qing’s judgment.

The mind’s eye is different from the naked eye, and what it sees is more intuitive and closer to the essence of things.

But the idol….

This thing can’t move.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Banxian pondered: “With your eyes, can you directly perceive the words engraved on the base of the statue?”

“It’s hard. The statue is very old, and there are other scratches on the base, and the handwriting is very blurred.”

Zhang Qing frowned and explained.

“But give me some time, I can copy the general situation of the base, and perhaps infer what is recorded on the base of the statue.”

Zhang Banxian didn’t speak, and directly brought a pen and paper from the study, and handed it to Zhang Qing.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Qing copied all the scratches on the base of the statue without touching the statue by virtue of his mind’s perception.

When everything was finished, the grandpa and grandson looked at the paper and fell silent.

In the middle of the paper, there is a word Xu!


Zhang Banxian held the copied paper with trembling hands, his expression unpredictable.

This was something he hadn’t thought of at all.

On the statue that Zhang’s family has enshrined for thousands of years, the word “Xu” was actually engraved.

If it was in the past, the word Xu would be nothing.

But right now.

After learning the information from the Sea God’s Kingdom and the Xu Kingdom, Zhang Banxian couldn’t help but think about it.

More than a thousand years ago, what happened to Zhang Wen, the ancestor of the Zhang family, in Penglai Wonderland, and where did the great virtuous teacher and Mo Junyao go.

Why did the ancestors return to Kyushu alone, only brought back this statue from Penglai Wonderland, and did not leave any relevant records and descriptions of the statue.

“Xu, Xu Guo?”

Zhang Qing bowed his head in thought and whispered.

“Regardless of whether this matter is related to Xu Country or not, our Zhang family will send someone to visit Xu Country to find out what’s going on.”

Zhang Banxian didn’t respond, his brows were furrowed, and he said in a deep voice.

This incident was too unexpected.

Zhang Qing didn’t speak.

It is not up to him to decide on sending people to the Sea God’s Kingdom.

The Zhang family has the rules of the Zhang family, and the Dao League has the rules of the Dao League.


The small accident of the Zhang family did not affect the changes in the world structure, let alone the development of Xu Country.

The horse head island trading point was officially opened ten days after the second auction.

Here, anyone can exchange materials for panacea.

Heal Dan.

Strengthen Dan.

There are even prolonging life and longevity pills.

But the materials that Xu Country needs are no longer limited to goods from modern society. Compared with the goods from modern society, Xu Guo prefers the carcasses of fierce beasts.

No matter what kind of beast’s corpse it is, it can be exchanged for corresponding points on Matou Island, and then use the points to exchange for various supplies.

Ten points for a mouse.

An ordinary pterosaur, one hundred points.

Basically, the larger the beast, the more points it can exchange for.

But they didn’t know that Xu Guo’s criteria for assessing the value of fierce beasts came from the amount of life energy obtained after absorbing fierce beasts from ancient bronze books.

Basically, one point is equivalent to one life energy.

Healing Dan, fifty points.

Strengthen Dan, three hundred points.

Longevity and Longevity Pill, 5,000 points.

All panaceas have a corresponding price.

When Xu Country’s transaction price was announced, it immediately sparked outrageous discussions.

Not because it is too expensive, but because it is too cheap.

A living pterosaur cub is worth a few million dollars.

But now, only the corpses of three adult pterosaurs are needed to exchange for a strengthening pill.

Although the price of Enhanced Pill has dropped, it is still as high as 50 million dollars in the black market. It is equivalent to the corpses of three adult pterosaurs, which can be sold for 50 million US dollars!

It is a hundred times more difficult to capture pterosaur cubs alive than to kill adult pterosaurs.

How to choose is clear at a glance.

For a time, all explorers were crazy about it.

Given the huge benefits, few people cared why Xu Country needed the corpse of a ferocious beast.

They only know one thing now.

Even if he went out to kill a few **** big rats, he could exchange a healing pill in Xu Guo’s hands.

And a healing pill is worth more than a million dollars!

Although wild and dangerous, modern weapons are not vegetarian.

It is more difficult to deal with overlord-level ferocious beasts, but it is not too easy to deal with ordinary ferocious beasts.

machine gun.


anti-tank gun.

Among all kinds of modern weapons, ordinary ferocious beasts are almost all tortured and killed.

Since Xu Country’s transaction price list was announced, a large number of mercenaries and explorers have new targets.

They bought a large amount of arms and started their own journey of killing monsters in the wild.

But they are not stupid, they will not go deep into the wild, and they will not actively hunt formidable beasts that cannot be dealt with.

Instead, with the mermaid town as the center, slowly advance towards the dangerous wilderness.

November is destined to be a noisy month.

This month, the global arms trade has increased sharply, and the arms dealers are happy.

But the happiest one was Yang Xu.

“it is good.”

Yang Xu sat behind the desk, looked at the information from Matou Island, clapped his hands and laughed.

It has only been a week since the opening of Matou Island, but more than 3,000 corpses of various beasts have been harvested.

Roughly estimated, it is worth about 80,000 life energy.

Although most of them are the lowest-level ferocious beasts, there are too many of them.

80,000 life energy is enough to add 1,600 Qingqiu Fox Clan, or more than 1,000 Merman, or 800 Nuwa Clan to Xu Country.

And this is just the beginning.

According to Bei Yao’s statistics, this figure is constantly rising, and it is close to 20,000 life energy per day.

At the end of the month, it can reach 30,000 life energy per day.

The future looks bright.

In fact, Bei Yao’s estimation is still too conservative.

As more and more people rely on the corpses of fierce beasts in exchange for panacea, people’s enthusiasm has been completely ignited.

a gun.

a car.

You only need to kill five big rats, and you can earn millions of dollars in no time!

What is this concept?

In most places in Nanyang, the per capita monthly income is only a few tens of dollars.

A million dollars is equivalent to 20,000 monthly income of many aboriginals!

More than a thousand years!

This is wealth that is almost impossible for ordinary people to accumulate!

But now you don’t need to break the law and commit crimes, you just need to buy a weapon, drive a car, find a few big rats in the wilderness, and kill them!

In this way, a million dollars is in hand.

Of course, the truth is not that simple.

Although the mouse is a mouse, it is a big mouse with a body length of more than half a year, or even about one meter. It moves swiftly and is extremely vigilant.

It is not easy to hunt them and requires certain hunting skills.

But does it matter?

It really doesn’t matter.

In the face of huge benefits, millions of people flooded into Sea God’s Kingdom.

At the end of October, Mermaid Town only had a population of 300,000.

But at the end of November, the population of Mermaid Town exceeded one million!

People frantically farm monsters for wealth.

When the time came to the end of November, the daily transaction volume of Matou Island had exceeded 60,000 life energy.

Thousands of beast carcasses are sent to the island every day.

November is a harvest month.

The Matou island trading point alone brought 980,000 life energy to Yang Xu!

This is the power of humanity.

Under the baptism of almost endless guns, ordinary beasts turned into resources and fell into the hands of Xu Guo.

Of course, in this process, human beings also have great losses.

Almost every day, hundreds of people fall in the wild, or become the lunch of ferocious beasts, or die in all kinds of strange things.

But the huge benefits and huge wealth made people ignore those casualties.

Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky!

When they came to Seagod’s Kingdom, they were already prepared for possible sacrifices. The people who disappear every day are far inferior to the more and more people who are pouring into Seagod’s Kingdom.

According to statistics from the International Federation.

In November alone, more than two million people from all over the world entered the Sea God’s Kingdom.

They are from different countries.

from different races.

There are men and women, old and young.

But they have the same goal ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to make money!

Make big money!

Time passed day by day under such circumstances.

At the end of November, Ma Tau Island welcomed several special guests.

The representative of the royal family on which the sun never sets!

The Messenger of the Never Setting Sun!

Under the order of Prime Minister Sun Never Sets, they came to Xu Country to visit the Lord of Xu Country on behalf of Sun Never Set!

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