I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 157

~ The Unpredictable Xu Country!


Peace without forgetting danger, survival without forgetting death, order without forgetting chaos.

This is an old saying from Zhou Yi.

Although Carey doesn’t understand the Book of Changes, there are similar famous aphorisms in the West.

Xu Country seems to have no threat now, and there is still a very long way to go to threaten the United States Federation. But it would be too stupid to wait until the development of Xu Country threatens the United States Federation.

Nip the threat in the bud.

This is the most correct way.

It is also the means used by the United States Federation all the time.

Carey’s eyelids drooped slightly. Although he didn’t speak, he had already made a decision.

This matter must be reported to the country as soon as possible.

Xu Guo’s ambition is terrifying.

They are step by step luring the whole world into their trap.

While Kaili was thinking, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth products appeared one after another, all of which were various seeds.

Some of these seeds can be grown in seawater, some can be grown in deserts, and some only need clean water to grow.

Different plants have different effects, but without exception they are rare tonics.

After taking it, it has certain benefits to the body.

Although it certainly cannot be compared with taking a panacea, it has a high yield, and there is almost no difficulty in planting, and it is easy to popularize.

Except for the United States Federation, almost everyone is smiling, just waiting for Xuguo to announce the price.

Some people challenge the hegemony of the U.S. knife in the United States, which will definitely have an impact on them. But whether this effect is good or bad is another question.

“The seventh item should be your old friend.”

“This is the qi and blood pill produced in our country. It belongs to the enhanced version of the enhanced pill. On the basis of taking the enhanced pill, the body can be strengthened a second time.”

Bei Yao opened the wooden box, and pills the size of peanuts that looked like pearls appeared in front of everyone.

Qixue Pill is one of the new products of Nuwa Clan.

On the basis of strengthening pills, secondary processing is carried out to create a more powerful pill.

Of course, although it is more powerful than the Qi and Blood Pill, the effect is actually very limited.

Taking three pills can only double your physical fitness.

For Xu Guo, it is almost useless.

Ordinary soldiers can only feel a negligible boost.

But after all, it is a product that has been painstakingly developed. Although Xuguo can’t use it, it is a very good thing to exchange it with humans for the remains of fierce beasts to earn life energy.

Hearing Bei Yao’s description, many people were thoughtful.

The elixir that Xuguo sold before was indeed only a negligible primary elixir, and the real good things were not sold at all.

I’m afraid Qixue Pill is still not the best pill in Xu country.

It may even still be a relatively rudimentary panacea.

Xu Guo’s strength is really unfathomable.

Many people secretly thought about it, and made up their minds to hug Xu Guo’s thigh to earn more small money.

The eighth commodity, the ninth commodity, until the sixteenth commodity, are all kinds of panacea.

There is an enhanced version of Yannian Yishou Dan.

One can prolong life for forty years.

There is rejuvenation pill.

The Rejuvenation Pill is not a life-prolonging pill, it only has a negligible effect on prolonging life, the real effect is to restore the appearance of the body and restore the appearance to the state of youth.

Although Yannian Yishou Dan can increase lifespan, it only increases lifespan.

An eighty-year-old man who takes it will change his appearance to that of his fifties or sixties at most, and it is impossible to return to his twenty-year-old appearance.

But at this time, if it is paired with Rejuvenation Pill, the effect will be completely different.

The appearance of Rejuvenation Pill has made many people ecstatic.

This is the baby they want.

Besides these, there are also new pills.

Mingmu Dan.

It can cure most eye diseases, improve vision, treat myopia, hyperopia and so on.

Hui Gen Dan.

It can improve the spirit, enhance the response, and increase the memory. Although it cannot directly improve the IQ of human beings, it can greatly affect the learning efficiency and learning speed.

Water Rhyme Dan.

With the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing kidney, even a weak eighty-year-old old man can once again feel the joy of a sprig of pear blossom pressing crabapple.

The most important thing is that this kind of elixir only needs a course of treatment, and it can be permanently effective.

It has a certain effect on the treatment of infertility.

Once this panacea was released, it immediately attracted many people to smile knowingly.

The emergence of many new panacea made everyone excited.

No one doesn’t like Xu Guo’s panacea.

Even the representative of the United States likes it very much.

After all, no one will struggle with their own health and life.

Xu Guo’s threat is a threat, but Xu Guo’s panacea is really easy to use, and whoever uses it will know.

When the introduction of the panacea was finished, everyone was still a little unsatisfied.

“Everyone, the last two items of today are quite special.”

Bei Yao’s warm and jade-like eyes swept over everyone, and her voice was soft like a spring breeze blowing through her heart.

Her words immediately attracted people’s attention.


That’s an interesting description.

Because Xuguo’s products are not special?

Whether it is the seeds of the spirit grass or the spirit tree, or these panaceas, neither is special.

Which is not a treasure that ordinary people can’t even imagine.

On this basis, Xu Guo actually said that the last two items are very special!

The things here are very thought-provoking.

Yan Juxu instantly raised his attention.

In Bei Yao’s introduction just now, he has already made notes, which products the Yan family must get, even if the price paid may be higher. Which products are the products that the Yan family can wait a little longer and wait for the opportunity to consider.

“Third Young Master, what do you think the last two treasures of Xu Country will be? Ambassador Bei Yao actually said that they are special.”


“However, there are too many new products in Xuguo this time. It is really a question of how much capital we can win.”

Yan Yunwu smacked his mouth, very helpless.

Although Changsheng Company has a profound foundation, there are too many bosses here.

To compare with them, the Yan family is still a hundred million points behind.

Don’t look at their transaction volume with Xuguo in the past few months can be included in the top three, but if you really want to say that Xuguo’s credit points in their hands may not even make it into the top ten.

After all, the Yan family has limited capital and doesn’t have that much background.

After they get Xu Country’s credit points, they will be converted into various Xu Country’s unique panacea as soon as possible, and then sent to Earth to earn more profits.

The transaction volume is large, but the consumption is even greater.

Of course Yan Juxu knew about his family background, but he didn’t care.

Xu Country has too many goods this time, and the Yan family doesn’t need to take all of them, they only need to get some of the goods to make huge profits.

For example, Yan Juxu never thought about the forty-year life-prolonging pill and the youth-rejuvenating pill.

Price is too high.

Although the shot is easy.

But the risks are too much.

With the background of the Yan family, even if he really snatched the panacea that can prolong his life for forty years, he might not be able to bring it back to the Yan family.

He said calmly, “No problem.”

Hearing what Yan Juxu said, Yan Yunwu already understood that the other party had a plan.

He stopped talking.

Others were also whispering, anticipating the upcoming merchandise.

But this time, they were disappointed.

Xuguo did not display the products.

After a brief pause, Bei Yao asked back: “Although all distinguished guests come from different countries in the world, you should all have heard of your local myths and legends. In these myths and legends, there are such a group of people.”

“Although they are human, they possess extraordinary power. In the East, these people are called practitioners, monks, onmyojis, wizards, etc. In the West, they have magicians, heroes, knights, witches, werewolves , Vampire, Lich and other different titles.”

Hearing this, many people have already realized what the baby Bei Yao is about to talk about.

Someone covered his lips with his hand and made a trembling sound.

“God, is it, is it really what I think it is.”

“Oh, damn, the legend is true.”

“It’s no wonder that even the ambassador of Xu Kingdom calls it special. If it’s what I think, the last two treasures are not just special, but God’s gift.”

People were talking in low voices, and the excitement and excitement in the words could not be suppressed at all.

Yang Hua didn’t react at first, but after hearing it, he also faintly understood.

He turned his head to look at Lei Ming, his eyes were shining with unprecedented brilliance.

“Really, does Xuguo really bestow spiritual roots on ordinary people, so that ordinary people can become legendary practitioners?”


Lei Ming’s answer was straightforward and firm.

Because there are many records of this kind of thing in history.

Not uncommon.

As if in response to Lei Ming’s firm answer, Bei Yaokang said passionately: “Today, our last two items are just such special treasures.”

“In the east, it’s called the spiritual root. In the west, it’s called the bloodline.”

“It can be called the spiritual root of a practitioner, and it can be called the blood of a magician.”

“As long as they have them, anyone can become a practitioner and master extraordinary power.”

Hearing this, no one can calm down anymore.

Mrs. Joan stood up immediately.

Her charming face seemed to be covered with a layer of rose-colored rouge, her red lips were lightly parted, and she spoke very fast: “Dear Ms. Bei Yao, you are sure that anyone can have them. I mean, there are no special restrictions, Such as genetics, physical condition, etc.

Because of her emotional agitation, Mrs. Joan lost her usual calmness and demeanor, and she was a little incoherent.

Kaili was even more childish, and secretly let out a breath of air.

If Xuguo’s technology is popularized and supermen are everywhere, the threat to the United States will be even greater.

Although the U.S. sword is the foundation of the U.S. federal rule, the military is the guarantee that the U.S. sword can rule the world. If there is no strong military force, what can be used to **** the US knife.

Xu country sells spiritual roots or blood that can create superhumans, which is no different from the sales of arms by other countries in the world.

This is a threat.

Of course, it’s not just the threat itself.

What shocked Kaili the most was Xu Guo’s strength.

They have the power to turn ordinary people into superhumans with a high success rate.

what is this.

This is a super soldier that countries all over the world have been researching, but have never made any progress.

Although modern technology is extremely advanced, especially military weapons are changing with each passing day.

Not to mention that the human body is five or six times stronger, even if it is ten or twenty times stronger, it cannot fight against the mechanical army.

However, if these people with extraordinary strength are organized to form a special team with high-tech armed forces, its combat effectiveness and threat will be unimaginable.

Beheading action.

guerrilla action.

Sneak behind enemy lines.

They will be the real grim reaper, the succubi of the enemy.

Different from strengthening pills and qi and blood pills, this is directly transforming ordinary people into superhumans!

If Xuguo masters such a technology, does it mean that as long as there are enough human supporters, they will be able to create a steady stream of superhuman troops!

Thinking of this, Kaili felt chills all over his body, as if he had been thrown into Antarctica.

And it was thrown into Antarctica naked.

Xu country’s development must be restricted.

at all costs.

They must not be allowed to expand their sphere of influence beyond the Sea God’s Kingdom, otherwise there will be countless superhuman troops waiting for the American Federation!

That’s horrible.

Others don’t think as much as Mr. Carey, the US federal representative.

It’s not that they couldn’t think of it.

Rather, what does this have to do with them?

Sea God’s Kingdom is in the South Pacific Ocean, which is the sphere of influence of the United States Federation. Even if Xu Country wants to get out of the Sea God’s Kingdom, the first to bear the brunt is the United States Federation.

It is something that many people are very happy to see that the United States can get a powerful enemy and drag the power of the United States in the South Pacific.

The sun never sets.



European Union.

There are too many forces that seem to be allies of the United States Federation, and they don’t want the United States Federation to remain so strong.

A weak American Federation, dragged into the quagmire of war, isn’t it a good American Federation?

No, they are!

So they are more concerned about another issue than the concerns of the US federal government.

Is there a limit.

How does it work.

and the price!

“Ms. Bei Yao, I would like to ask that this kind of spiritual root, or blood, can be used by everyone. Has Xu Guo conducted experiments? Are there any failure cases in these experiments? If they fail, what will happen? the result of.”

“Ms. Bei Yao, may I ask how strong the bloodline is, and what kind of power will it have after fusion?”

“Ms. Bei Yao, what is the price of this bloodline?”

“Ms. Bei Yao…”

At this moment, almost no one can sit still.

Everyone stood up and asked Bei Yao their own questions.

Bei Yao selectively answered these people’s questions.


This kind of topic can’t be talked about casually.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be giving people a handle.

Bei Yao said calmly: “The Nuwa clan’s technology for making spiritual roots can be traced back to the long past, hundreds of thousands of years ago, or even millions of years ago.”

“We have a lot of success stories.”

“These cases, I think you can look up the history and you should be able to get the answer.”

Bei Yao gave an ambiguous answer to the first question.

To sum up, the Nuwa tribe has success stories, and your ancestors had many successes. If you want to know, check it yourself. As for whether we have experimented with modern people, sorry, we are short on time, next question.

And after hearing Bei Yao’s explanation, many people couldn’t care less about the small trap in this question.

They care more about another problem.

Millions of years ago!

Hundreds of thousands of years ago!

This is the first time for the subjects of Xu Kingdom to talk about the history of Xu Kingdom!

Yang Hua gasped, and exclaimed: “Fuck, hundreds of thousands of years ago, millions of years ago, this is too exaggerated.”

“How long is the history of our mankind, no, that is, how long is the recorded history. Can Xu Country’s history be traced back to hundreds of thousands of years ago, or even millions of years ago?”

“My mother, this is too exaggerated.”

Yang Hua wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Although he had heard Lei Ming say that Xu Kingdom was related to the Kingdom of Ancient Gods. But in his opinion, it should be thousands of years ago, at most ten thousand to twenty thousand years ago.

After all, how long has human history really been clearly recorded.

But now…….

Lei Ming was not surprised.

He considered: “The Nuwa clan has a long history of inheritance, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, it should be true.”

“There are also some records in my Taoist classics, which can be traced back to very ancient times.”

Yang Hua was completely speechless.

Not to mention millions of years of inheritance, even hundreds of thousands of years…

Hundreds of thousands of years.

If human beings are given hundreds of thousands of years, they may not be able to escape the solar system.

No, it should be flying out of the Milky Way and heading towards the universe.

Thinking of this, Yang Hua suddenly felt that there was a perfect explanation for all the magical techniques in Xuguo that were different from science and technology.

Not to mention these ancient gods with extremely high wisdom and power, even if it is a pig, if you give it the wisdom of ordinary people, it is impossible to imagine what it will develop into in hundreds of thousands of years.

This matter is reliable.

Thinking of this, Yang Hua couldn’t help becoming very interested in the history of Xu Country.

He is very curious about what Xu Country has experienced in the past hundreds of years, or hundreds of thousands of years.

What is the relationship between those former gods and Xu country?

What is the relationship between the Nuwa clan and the Nuwa in Chinese legends.

In the long past, human beings don’t even have a historical past, what happened.

Mrs. Joan got up again.

But this time, her goal was not to ask about the blood, but about Bei Yao’s words just now.

“Ms. Bei Yao, you just said that the Nuwa tribe has done many experiments, but Nuwa is only a **** in the east, and has nothing to do with us in the west. Does this mean that the bloodline created by Xu Kingdom may not be useful to us, or Said there was an unknown risk.”

This question immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Because they can’t help paying attention.

As Mrs. Joan said.

The Nuwa people are the gods of the east, and they can’t control them in the west.

At least in their inheritance, there is no legend of the Nuwa tribe.

Bei Yao seemed to have heard something very interesting, raised her head slightly, and laughed.

The flowers trembled with laughter.

She played with taste: “Then whether Noah has nothing to do with you.”

“If I remember correctly, Noah also obtained a treasure made by the Nuwa tribe, and this is how he lived for nearly a thousand years and escaped the great flood in Noah’s Ark.”

“If you are interested, why don’t you learn about the inheritance of a different civilization and the names of the Sea God’s kingdom in different countries, maybe you will find some little surprises.”

This story comes from Mo Qilin.

In order to understand what happened in the long past~www.mtlnovel.com~Yang Xu specially found someone to record the memories that Mo Qilin could still recall.

In those memories, Yang Xu discovered many interesting things.

The story of Noah’s Ark is one of them!


Just heard this name, many people have not reacted yet.

But when they heard Noah’s Ark, they immediately understood who Bei Yao was talking about.

But at this moment, they were not in the mood to be surprised that Noah and the Nuwa tribe were still involved, and many people focused on the same issue.

Noah really exists!

The legend of Noah’s Ark is true!

Myths don’t come from nowhere.

From this question, some people thought of another question.

How long has the Xu Kingdom been passed down, and how many myths and legends have been known about it! ?


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