I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 83

~ Nirvana’S Baifeng, Xu Kingdom’S Attack!

Ever since the incident of the angelic relic appeared, the Seagod Kingdom has become lively.

Every day, a large number of private ships enter the Sea God’s Kingdom, and there are also a large number of private ships that return from the Sea God’s Kingdom without success.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who stay inside forever.

But this does not affect the impact of Father Roland’s words.

People’s pursuit and exploration of the Sea God’s Kingdom is no longer limited to wealth and interests, but has evolved into a higher pursuit like a pilgrimage, looking for traces of the gods.

three days.

In just three days, the vicinity of the Sea God’s Kingdom has completely changed its appearance.

Originally there were only a dozen or so large and small boats, but now it was as lively as a sea market.

Hundreds of ships dock nearby.

The big one is more than 100 meters long.

The small ones are like Upon boats.

Some even started a business here, selling all kinds of daily necessities on the freighter.

Diesel, rice, oil, salt, tobacco, wine and coffee.

Guns and ammunition, bulletproof vests.

As long as you want, you can buy it here.


Even contraband.

Of course, if you want to relax, that’s perfectly fine.

Here are full of Upon boats, and a young girl stands at the bow.

No doubt, only a small amount of money is required. You can talk about a love that lasts for an hour on this small awning boat.

An hour later, they broke up peacefully.

The emphasis is on harmony and speed.

Most of these Upon boats come from the local area.

Their local income is extremely low, less than three hundred dollars a month. After coming here, their income has more than doubled!

So don’t doubt their service quality and service attitude.

Don’t be offended if you don’t like these Upon boat girls. There are also more luxurious and more atmospheric places nearby, which can meet the needs of first-time men and women to fall in love.

The girls in it are from all over the world.

white people.

Black person.


From mature women to young girls, everything is available.






Can satisfy all kinds of sexual fetishes.

The lively market naturally attracted more people.

An ordinary yacht is docked at the edge of the sea market.

The yacht bears the emblem of the United States of America.

A Caucasian man in his thirties stood by the window on the second floor of the yacht.

Wearing beach shorts, a sun hat, and short hair, he looked sloppy rather than serious.

Looking at the bustling market through the round glass window, the man exclaimed, “I like this place.”

“You know, my biggest dream when I was young was to come to such a free-spirited market and do some bad things.”

“It was my childhood dream.”

He blinked as he spoke, lit a cigar, and elegantly exhaled a smoke ring.

Behind him stood a beautiful white woman with black hair.



She has a pair of brown eyes, beautiful but colder.

“Dewey Barrett, you are still so annoying.”

The woman spoke, her voice was very cold, like a strong wind from the Antarctic, she made no secret of her disgust.

Dewey Barrett, a rookie in the US Federal Army.

Not long ago, he just took over a very important position as the commander-in-chief of the US Federation in the Pacific Sea God Nation!


, dear, you are my favorite fiancee. “

“It’s okay for others to say that, but it makes me sad when you say that.”

Dewey said so, but there was no sadness on his face, but a mocking look on his face.

He doesn’t care about women’s misogyny.

Even if this woman is his fiancée, a young lady from a famous military family.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because this in itself is a political marriage.

Their feelings are not important, the key is that the two families need a bond of connection and a basis for cooperation.

That’s all.

Dewey sat on the sofa with his feet directly on the tea table in front of him. He didn’t have the majesty of a general or commander at all, but looked more like a gangster.

“How many people died yesterday?”

Dewey poured a glass of red wine on his own, tasted it happily, and talked about the incomparably cold topic.

“Two hundred and seventy-six.”

A look of sadness flashed in the woman’s eyes, and said indifferently.

“Oh, two hundred and seventy-six people died on the first day. No wonder that old man keeps rejecting our radical policies. What a horrible place.”

Dewey smashed his mouth, seemed to be relishing the taste of red wine, and said a cold answer that seemed to have nothing to do with him.

“Intensify efforts, if 3,000 people are not enough, then 10,000 people, 100,000 people.”

“There are as many of these lowly laborers as there are, don’t they?”

“It was a rare moment of beauty and brilliance in the midst of their maggot-like lives to give their lives for our fine Confederate soldiers. They should be honored.”

He shrugged and smiled.

very cold.

That is the cruelty that ignores life.

The woman took a deep breath and turned her head away from Dewey’s face.

She was afraid that she couldn’t help but shoot this pervert.

The woman calmed down, and then said with a cold face: “You know, the area of the Sea God’s Kingdom is very large, far wider than what we can see.”

“It is necessary for us to give those….”

Before the woman could finish speaking, Dewey raised his index finger, shook it lightly, and said coldly.

“No, no, no, we don’t need to give them any protection, we don’t need to give them any effective advice.”

“It doesn’t matter how big the Sea God’s Kingdom is.”

“Back then, your grandfather sacrificed 3,685 heroic American soldiers, so that we could obtain first-hand information about the Sea God’s Kingdom.”

“Let us witness the miracle, the biggest secret hidden in this world, and lay a solid foundation for the rise of our American Federation.”

“Now, are we going to give up the opportunity to open the gate of the Kingdom of God because of these humble maggots?”

“This is absolutely impossible.”

Dewey moved his body, leaned on the sofa, and said lazily.

“Your grandfather left us a precious legacy, allowing us to see an unprecedented world. But because the conditions were not mature enough, although we were lucky enough to glimpse the brilliance of another world, that ray of brilliance was too weak. A ray of light passing through a crack in the door.”

“Soon, the gate was closed, and we lost the opportunity to spy on God.”

“This time we will completely open the door to the Kingdom of God.”

“Even if they are all dead, even if a hundred thousand people die, a map of the Sea God’s kingdom must be drawn.”

Dewey’s child’s hole was tightened, his expression was solemn, and his temperament had undergone a great change, as if he were a general who disregarded life and death.

Rather than a foolish little bastard.

Maps have been an important weapon of the country since ancient times.

Not only in ancient times, but also in modern times.

Only by mastering the specific environment of the Sea God Kingdom, can the United States Federation make effective deployments to avoid

unnecessary loss. Otherwise, rushing in rashly will only kill thousands of outstanding American Union soldiers as it did decades ago.

even more!

But that majesty was fleeting.

Dewey smiled carelessly and said, “Oh, my dear fiancee, don’t keep a straight face.”

“Thinking about the good, we lost more than 200 outstanding American federal soldiers today, and saved our government a lot of military expenses, pensions, alimony, etc.”

“I think your father will praise us when he knows the news. Well, I am very much looking forward to hearing your father’s appreciation.”

The woman turns and walks away.

She has had enough.

“Oh, woman.”

Looking at the graceful back of his fiancée, Du Wei curled his lips in disdain and let out a sigh.

He really hates this woman.

I don’t understand fun at all.

In contrast, he still prefers those prostitutes in the red light district.

full of enthusiasm.

More tricks.

Today’s Xu Country is experiencing sudden storms.

But unlike in the past, the storm this time was exceptionally long-lasting.

Day and night, the wind howled and the rain poured down, with no sign of letting up.

It seems that the Milky Way was pierced, and the water of the Milky Way poured into the earth.

The sudden storm hindered the soldiers from Xu Country from returning home, forcing them to stop by the river.

The river is rushing, and the river is surging, like an angry dragon.

Yang Xu stood in front of the wide river, staring at the other side of the river.

It was a vast plain.

Unlike the dense forest here, it can be seen that a large grassland stretches endlessly.

The weeds are very tall, usually more than three meters.

It is very similar to the dog’s tail grass that can be seen everywhere in the countryside.

The root is whisker-like, the culm is erect or the base is geniculate, and the base diameter is up to 37 cm. Leaf sheaths are loose, glabrous or sparsely pilose or warty, with longer densely pilose cilia on the margin.

Grasslands are more open and brighter than dense forests.

But more dangerous, more terrifying.

Xuguo used to live on the other side of the river, but because of animal swarms and other reasons, he fled to this river valley and dense forest.

“A beautiful scene.”

Tang Yuanqing came behind Yang Xu, looked at the vast grassland on the other side of the river, and sighed sincerely.

Such beautiful natural scenery is very rare on earth.

“But it’s dangerous.”

Yang Xu sighed.

After capturing everyone in the temporary camp that day, Yang Xu immediately invited Tang Yuanqing to teach in Xu Country.

To his surprise, Tang Yuanqing readily agreed, without any shirk, and he didn’t care about the fact that his subordinates were all foreigners.

Tang Yuanqing gave a very direct and rude answer to Yang Xu’s doubts.

“Humanity will only perish at the hands of human beings.”

“Although this wild land is terrifying, and Yang Xu and the others have also displayed strong personal force, but these are not important.”

“The nuclear weapons created by human beings are enough to destroy human beings a hundred times!”

“It’s also enough to die a hundred times with any alien or alien who wants to covet human territory.”

“If Xu Country wants to get out of the Sea God’s Kingdom, the best result is to become a member of the Earth, that’s all.”

Yang Xu thought about this rough answer for a long time.

It seems so!

Humanity’s nuclear weapons are enough to destroy itself a hundred times.

In terms of ability to kill, no race on earth can compare with humans.

Tang Yuanqing came to Yang Xu’s side and said slowly: “Your Majesty’s previous appearance seemed to be mourning the old man.”

Yang Xu nodded slightly, but did not deny it.

The relationship between the two is complicated now


In reality, Tang Yuanqing was his prisoner.

But in another sense, Tang Yuanqing is his teacher, teaching him many things.

During these two days, Tang Yuanqing told him many interesting historical allusions.

But it was completely different from the history Yang Xu had learned before.

The history he learned from textbooks in the past only had results and scribbled answers.

But when these things came to Tang Yuanqing’s mouth, they were completely different.

Why does a country, a dynasty, rise and fall.

Is it just because the emperor is fatuous and the court is incompetent?

Not really.

In Tang Yuanqing’s mouth.

Factors such as economy, politics, popular sentiment, ideological trends, and even climate change are all important factors that lead to the destruction of a dynasty. It is the accumulation of countless tiny points to a certain extent that eventually leads to the demise of a dynasty.

In order to make it easier for Yang Xu to understand, Tang Yuanqing gave a rich example these two days.

The rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty!

In the words of Tang Yuanqing, if you want to understand the history of mankind and understand mankind itself, you must study the history of China.

Because there are more than 200 countries in the world, and there is no country with rich historical records like China.

Studying world history without studying Chinese history does not count as interpreting human history at all.

From Tang Yuanqing’s mouth, Yang Xu learned about another Qin Dynasty that he had never seen before.

It’s funny and even more thought-provoking.

It also allowed Yang Xu to see Tang Yuanqing’s outstanding ability.

A true scholar who has read history books and has unique insights into history, human beings, society, economy, and even the future.

He is a pure scholar.

It’s worth to admire.

Yang Xu thought wildly, was silent for a moment, and said in a complicated tone: “We have lost many friends there.”

Tang Yuanqing froze for a moment.

Lost many friends! ?

He looked at the other side of the river, his child’s hole tightened, and he was a little more in awe.

He had witnessed the abilities of Yang Xu and the Xu country soldiers. Even without modern weapons and equipment, he can be called Superman.

Such a country has lost many friends on the other side of the river, and the danger there can be imagined.

Yang Xu said again: “Among them, there are some friends who are very important to us.”

Tang Yuanqing suddenly realized.

That makes sense.

Lost a loved one!

He thought about it, and comforted him: “Please forgive me.”

Yang Xu shook his head and said, “It’s not sad now, time can wash away everything. Some things have passed for so long that even I will forget them.”

“It’s just an occasional thought, and it’s unavoidable to be a little sentimental.”

In front of Tang Yuanqing, Yang Xu rarely talked too much.

Because Tang Yuanqing gave him the feeling that it was such an elder full of caring, tolerance and wisdom that made people want to confide their troubles to him.

Yang Xu thought about it and talked about the past.

“I once had a very good friend.”

“She will do anything for me, even if it means giving her life.”

“Her name is Feng, Baifeng, she has a pair of distinctive white wings, like an angel.”

“very special.”

“Actually, she is very lazy, she can lie down, and she will never stand up. Even if she just goes out for a few steps, she will shout that she is tired, doesn’t want to move, and needs to rest.”

“But she was heroic that day.”

“For us, she lured away a gold-winged pterosaur alone. Without her, maybe we would have died that day.”

Yang Xu’s voice was very calm.

But behind the calm, there is an unconcealable sadness.

Tang Yuanqing listened quietly without expressing any opinions.

He didn’t know what the gold-winged pterosaur was.

But you can also imagine the danger and horror in it.

Tang Yuanqing didn’t think until Yang Xu finished speaking: “If she does it again, she will still make this choice, and she will have no regrets for you, will she?”

“Those who are alive must try to continue to live after all.”

“If she is still alive, she should also hope that you will be happier, instead of being immersed in the sadness of the past.”

Yang Xu chuckled lightly.

His eyes were deep, and his voice was a little ethereal: “Maybe.”

“Or, she’s still alive.”

“That slob always likes to be lazy, maybe he just hid somewhere and fell asleep.”

“She is a white phoenix, a white phoenix who can be reborn from ashes and reborn from nirvana.”

Tang Yuanqing couldn’t help smiling.

If Bai Feng was still alive, he really wanted to see what kind of a girl she was called a slacker, so that Yang Xu could never forget it.

Of course, he was also very curious.

Rebirth from the ashes, rebirth from Nirvana, this mythical thing, is it true?

Tang Yuanqing and Yang Xu chatted for a long time by the river.

Because of the storm, they had to stay near here overnight, and they could not leave until the next day.

Tang Yuanqing didn’t leave until it was dark.

As I got older, I chatted with Yang Xu all afternoon. He is now mentally exhausted and has no more energy to continue chatting.

After Tang Yuanqing left, Yang Xu said indifferently, “Shadow.”

A soldier from the Qingqiu Fox Clan came not far away.

He is very ordinary.

Ordinary in appearance.

Normal temperament.

Average height.

Putting it in the Qingqiu Fox Clan, which is full of handsome men and beautiful women, it looks extraordinarily different.

His name is Ying, Qingqiu Ying.

Qingqiu Ying is a special individual of the Qingqiu Fox Clan.


He is good at the art of transformation.

It is different from the illusion of ordinary Qingqiu fox clan, but a real change.

Just like Sun Wukong’s seventy-two transformations, he can become anything he wants.

Of course, because of the inferior grade of blood aptitude, they can only transform into humanoid or humanoid creatures at present, but cannot turn into stones, trees and the like.

Yang Xu is actually looking forward to the changes in the art of transformation after his bloodline evolves.

But that takes a little while.

At least until after returning to the West Sea Outpost.

“See clearly?”

Yang Xu glanced at Qing Qiuying and asked flatly.

Qing Qiuying didn’t speak, but a silver-white light flashed in her ordinary eyes.

In an instant, his entire appearance changed drastically!

It looks the same as Tang Yuanqing!

But only in appearance, temperament is still a lot worse.

But Yang Xu was very satisfied.

Qingqiu Yingcai observed Tang Yuanqing for three days and already had such an effect, and the future is very worth looking forward to.

“Not bad~ www.mtlnovel.com~ Keep working hard.”


A flash of excitement flashed in Qingqiuying’s eyes.

To be appreciated by the king is the best reward for him.

Yang Xu smiled and took a deep breath.

Xu Country needs more than just defense, waiting for the emergence of the major forces on the earth.

He’s not someone who likes to play defense, either.

Compared with defense, he prefers to take the initiative to attack!

Qing Qiuying is just the beginning.

Soon, he will enter the human race as Tang Yuanqing

settlements, to obtain more information for Xuguo. This will be the beginning of Xuguo’s active attack. As for the future…

Yang Xu didn’t believe in fate.

What he wants is to control his destiny!

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