I Came From The Comprehension World, And I Broke The Ninja World

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: It’S My First Time Too, It Might Hurt A Little…

In fact—

Originally, it was not so troublesome to wash the essence and cut the marrow, all you needed was a first-level marrow washing pill.

The medicinal material of the first-level Xisui Pill is very common, and its refining is also very simple. Basically, it is sold everywhere, and the price is very cheap.


It’s precisely this kind of cheap and common common medicine, Lin Yan didn’t prepare any of them in his interspatial ring.

Because the realm corresponding to the first-level marrow-washing pill is the Qi refining period, and this kind of elixir is only used by monks before Qi-refinement, once the monk builds the foundation, then using the tenth-level marrow-washing pill will have no effect.

In addition, each level of Xisui Pill only needs to take one pill in its corresponding cultivation realm. If you want to take more, it is not impossible, but it has no effect

It’s just a waste of medicine. 1


Like this kind of first-level marrow washing pill that can be bought everywhere, almost everyone in the comprehension world has taken it, and “493” is a one-time pill only for before Qi refining, Lin Yan didn’t buy any more.

He has already established his foundation, why would he still buy this kind of elixir that has no effect on himself? Is it a waste of space?

Also looking

He is now cleaning the essence and cutting the marrow for Tsunade, and he can only use these marrow-washing herbs and external assistance.

No way, he really has no alchemy talent.

As an earthling who has read countless fantasy novels, Lin Yan certainly has the great dream of becoming a senior alchemist.

After becoming a high-level alchemist, not only can he be self-sufficient in all kinds of pills, but also countless bosses come to ask for medicines with various valuable medicinal materials, politely ask him to make alchemy, and owe him countless favors. It’s very cool to think about it.

But it is a pity that he really has no alchemy talent at all.

His master, the third elder, practiced alchemy, that is, he practiced one furnace at a time, and the chance of making alchemy was very high.

As for his alchemy, that is refining and frying.

The furnace was fried and the furnace was destroyed. I don’t know how much medicinal materials and danding were wasted.

When he finally refined and exploded the tenth batch of pills, his master, the third elder, strictly ordered him not to practice alchemy anymore, and even threatened to do it once every time he saw him, and he would never be allowed to waste medicinal materials.

In this regard, Lin Yan is also very helpless.

It may be because he was born with a single-line fire root, which is more irritable, or because his natal spirit beast is also a pure fire-line, the superimposition of the double fire-line is more irritable than ordinary fire, which makes him frequently fryer.

But luckily——

Although God closed a door for him, it opened another window for him.

That is the formation.

Lin Yan also didn’t expect that although he didn’t have the talent for alchemy, his talent for formation was very good.

Whether it is refining the formation flag or arranging the formation flag, he can do it at his fingertips, without any trouble at all.

It’s like the golden elixir-level blood formation of beasts, let alone the foundation building stage, if you don’t have the talent for formations, even if you are a golden elixir, it’s useless to have a formation flag.

You must know that arranging the formation method is not just throwing out the formation flags casually, but requires precise calculation of the formation position and strict control of the size and pattern. Can be deployed successfully.


He was able to arrange the formation of the Golden Core early stage in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he has not been emptied by the formation, and only needs to consume two-thirds of the spiritual power in his body. He is definitely a genius among geniuses

It’s alchemy, he really can’t do it.

Every time Lin Yan thinks of this, Lin Yan can’t help but sigh.

Take a look at the first-level marrow washing spirit grass and the first-level auxiliary spirit grass in the pool in front of you. If all of them are refined into first-level marrow washing pills, at least ten furnaces can be refined.

For this kind of low-level panacea, there are usually about 5 pills in a batch, and if there are no bad pills, it will be 50 pills, which is enough for Tsunade to wash the essence and cut the marrow 50 times, so there is no need for such trouble.

“Ah Gang, the medicine bath has been prepared, you can take off your clothes and lie down.”

As Lin Yan spoke, he began to take off his clothes.

The young man slowly unbuttoned his white cassock, revealing his wheat-colored skin and smooth chest. The proportions were perfect, neither obtrusive nor thin, just the right proportion.

Further down, the boy still has six well-proportioned abdominal muscles, the shadows of the abdominal muscles are deep and shallow, and the mermaid line is also faintly visible.

continue down


Can’t look any further!

Tsunade quickly covered his nose, pretending to wipe away the non-existent nosebleed, his face was extremely red.


Who can stand this!

Tsunade turned his head cruelly[with a difficult face and asked: “Are we really going to wash together? What is this washing essence? Why are you doing this to me?”

Not only put a pool of “poisonous weeds”, but two people have to wash it together, which is too strange!

Tsunade just can’t understand…

“Don’t worry, there are only benefits and no harm in this essence washing.”

Lin Yan was only wearing a cassock and an undergarment, and quickly took off and stepped into the tub. He was sitting in the tub and explained to Tsunade with a smile.

“Washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow is a necessary step for all cultivators in the fairy world before they practice. The principle is to dredge and expand the meridians and get rid of the dirty air in the body. Facilitate future cultivation.”

“And Ah Gang, you are a natural spirit body with a very special constitution. Once you wash the meridians and cut the marrow, you will open up the meridians in your body, so that the spiritual energy can circulate in all the meridians in your body. In this way, Ah Gang, you should be able to step into the world immediately. Qi refining environment, directly gaining a lifespan of 200 years.”

“In addition, Ah Gang, your body will become like mine, and you will gain real youth. At the age of 50, you will instantly become 25 years old, and the effect will be immediate, and you will be able to see it immediately. You no longer need to rely on Chakra stimulation Cell regeneration in the body to maintain a youthful body.”

Tsunade: “!!!!!!!”


is this real?!

Get 200 years of life directly?!

And get a really youthful body?!

Even the effect is immediate, you can see it right away?!

After Tsunade listened, his attitude changed 180 degrees in an instant.

“So that’s the case, why didn’t you say it earlier!”

Tsunade turned around, looked at Lin Yan who was already sitting in the bathtub 1.3 waiting for her, gritted his teeth, and finally quickly took off all the clothes on his body, and plunged into the water fiercely.


Splashes of warm water!

After Tsunade jumped into the bathtub, he hurriedly turned his back to Lin Yan, and urged with a blushing face

“Quick! Let’s get started! I’m fully prepared!”

Lin Yan: “…”

There is no need to be so impatient, the night is still long.

Lin Yan smiled lightly.

“By the way, Ah Gang, this is the first time I’ve manually washed the semen for someone. It may hurt a little, but don’t worry, I will try my best to be gentle.”

Tsunade: “…..


Can you speak well!

It’s really easy for people to think wrong when you talk like this!

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