I can be invincible all thanks to myself, martial arts, and my upper body!

Chapter 166

After a few days of rest in Qinhuangcheng, Cui Dongshan finally boarded the battle train back to Daxia. Then he took the spaceship arranged by Dragon and Tiger Academy and returned to Hanzhou again. When he arrived in Hanzhou, it was exactly 11:30 in the afternoon. Cui Dongshan thought about it and came to the canteen of the Vulcan Hunting Team headquarters. Just entered the door. When several employees of the Vulcan Hunting Team headquarters saw Cui Dongshan, they looked like they saw a ghost, and their eyes were round. Cui Dongshan smiled and nodded, and then went to the canteen. I haven't eaten here for a long time. Although the original probation period has passed. But at least they have some friendship, and I still owe a favor to the old man Helianzun, the God of Fire. Is it okay to come and have a meal with him?

Just after the food was prepared.

Several familiar people came over.

Secretary Bai, Director Wang, and Helianzun, and dozens of people were peeping at the periphery, with burning eyes, as if they had seen fans of stars.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "Old man, long time no see?"

Helianzun looked Cui Dongshan up and down, with a look of amazement on his face: "I know you will be successful, but I didn't expect you to be so exaggerated. Little Wuzu, I am also practicing the Three Talents Pillar now. The hidden injuries I suffered in the Cataclysm World have improved by more than half. This is a great favor. Do you want me to kowtow to you a few times?"

Cui Dongshan rolled his eyes: "You got my benefits, and you still want to shorten my life? Are you repaying kindness with enmity like this?"

Helianzun laughed, also prepared a portion of food, and ate face to face with Cui Dongshan.

Secretary Bai and Director Wang naturally stood aside.

Now, they have no status in front of Cui Dongshan.

What status can compare to the name of Little Martial Ancestor!

Cui Dongshan first looked at Secretary Bai and smiled: "Not bad, I see that you have condensed your true qi and practiced the Three Talents Pillar very diligently."

Secretary Bai said respectfully: "Thanks to the company's training and resources, my qi and blood have reached the state of qi and blood like pearls. It will be difficult to move forward, but I am already very satisfied."

Cui Dongshan said: "Being contented is also very good."

Secretary Bai hesitated for a moment and continued: "Do you remember Liu Hui?"

Cui Dongshan was stunned: "Do you know Liu Hui?"

Secretary Bai said: "The free civilian martial arts field created by Liu Hui has the investment of the Vulcan Hunting Team Headquarters, and I am the person in charge."

Cui Dongshan couldn't help but look at Helian Zun.

Helian Zun said proudly: "When one person achieves enlightenment, the whole family will benefit. Your deeds have been exposed clearly. Liu Hui denied it at first, but others have said it very clearly. However, the boy is indeed a good seedling. He is very diligent in cultivation and has the hope of breaking through the realm of true qi with the realm of blood and wolf smoke."

"I am very optimistic about him. When he reaches the realm of true qi, the Vulcan Hunting Team wants to absorb him into the elite team."

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "No need to explain so much. In fact, I did this just on a whim. I also hope to make some changes. He can become a talent by his own efforts. I don't mean to control his future life."

"So, the realm of the little martial ancestor is high, I admire you." Helian Zun said seriously.

If the transmission of the five realms of blood and qi is Cui Dongshan's contribution to Daxia in martial arts.

Then Cui Dongshan's behavior of helping a group of people who can no longer see the future in Hanzhou to start practicing again and strive for themselves can show a person's character and ambition.

At that time, when the cultivation situation of Liu Hui and the old campus of No. 3 Middle School was exposed, countless people in Daxia were moved.

Before the little Martial Ancestor had achieved the Dao of Qi and Blood, he already had the heart to save the world and the people.

How could such a little Martial Ancestor not be admired, liked, and worshipped!

Cui Dongshan was somewhat helpless when he was praised by Helian Zun: "Eat well. If you continue like this, I will not come back to Hanzhou in the future. I will default on the favors promised to your family."

Helian Zun just smiled.


What favors are needed now?

With the favor of the little Martial Ancestor for three months of food and drink in the Vulcan Hunting Team, the Vulcan Hunting Team headquarters has now received so many benefits in Hanzhou that the Helian family can become a family that can be passed down for hundreds of years in Hanzhou in the future.

And the so-called favors are even more distorted in the relationship between the Helian family and the little Martial Ancestor.

This is a benefit that cannot be exchanged for anything.

Helian Zun will never use it even if he is beaten to death.

It is best not to use it for generations.

If the descendants of the Helian family are unfilial in the future, Helian Zun will dare to jump out of the coffin and beat the bastard to death.

Continue chatting.

At this time, let's talk about some things that happened in Hanzhou after Cui Dongshan left.

For example, No. 3 Middle School.

No. 3 Middle School, which was once despised by No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, can now hold its head high.

The best student resources and the most training resources.

I heard that Hanzhou intends to expand No. 3 Middle School.

But Wei Debiao disagreed, saying that in this way, there would be no breath of life for the little martial ancestor, and no place for people to admire.

The top leaders of Hanzhou agreed with it and gave up the plan.

Cui Dongshan was really speechless.

While he was working hard to study martial arts, had his reputation unknowingly penetrated to such an extent?

I haven't died yet, and there are scenic spots to commemorate me?

What if I create an extraordinary and otherworldly martial arts in the Zhenyuan realm in the future.

Then how far will it be pushed?

I'm afraid it will really be placed in a temple to receive incense.

However, although he is not very adaptable.

But Cui Dongshan will not give up his pursuit of martial arts because of this.

So, when they were chatting, Cui Dongshan asked Helian Zun if there were any secret inheritances in his family that had not been made public.

Helian Zun made a phone call without saying anything.

Not long after, Helian Ying came over and brought more than a dozen martial arts secrets and cultivation experience.

After all, it is impossible for all martial arts inheritances to be made public. Many exquisite things are kept in the family and passed on to future generations, which is an advantage.

But if Cui Dongshan wants it, that's another matter.

Just give me all the ones at the bottom of the box.

Cui Dongshan read while eating.

After reading a few books, he was somewhat satisfied.

It is indeed a unique inheritance, and it is also about physical training, especially many cultivation experiences, which are also somewhat inspiring to Cui Dongshan.

Then Cui Dongshan said: "The things are good, I will keep them. If I have the opportunity to develop the Zhenyuan martial arts related to your Helian family's inherited martial arts, I will send them to you."

Helian Ying was dumbfounded.

Zhenyuan martial arts?

New skills?

Little Wu Zu, are you starting to study now?

How many years have you only entered the Qi realm?

On the other hand, Helian Zun was grinning from ear to ear.

So, the friendship that started from nothing is great. Fortunately, I took the initiative to make friends and provided some help after I noticed it.

After eating and drinking, Cui Dongshan left.

As soon as he left.

Helian Zun smiled and said, "After today, the status of my Helian family in Hanzhou is completely stable."

"Old man, don't be too happy too soon. I'm afraid that the little Wu Zu wants your secret book to repay our help. After he sends the real secret book, I'm afraid this favor will be settled." At this time, Director Wang suddenly spoke.

As soon as these words came out.

Helian Zun couldn't laugh anymore. After a moment of silence, he sighed and said, "Well, true friendship can't be maintained entirely by favors. Without favors, my Helian family will follow the footsteps of the little martial ancestor in the future. Perhaps in the future, we can develop into a family friendship."

After saying that, Helian Zun glanced at Helian Ying with disappointment.

This son has no hope, so I'd better rely on my eldest grandson. Well, I'll train him myself, so that the good situation of the Helian family won't be wasted.

At this time, Cui Dongshan left the headquarters of the Vulcan Hunting Team and went to the Jinding Temple.

When a group of old monks saw Cui Dongshan, they were all stunned.

Then the old monks were ecstatic, and they came up to talk and touch him.

Cui Dongshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't resist.

These old monks have preached many times and are familiar with each other, so they don't have any scruples.

Wait until the mood calms down.

Yuanyuan, who felt that he had the best relationship with Cui Dongshan, looked resentful and said, "Dongshan, what happened to your love for Buddhism? You are very good. After the college entrance examination, you went directly to Longhu College? Do you know what kind of life we ​​lived after the news of your cultivation in Jinding Temple was known to the Shaolin Academy?"

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "Master Yuanyuan, I created the Qi and Blood Five Realms Stance Pole Exercise, which originated from the Buddhist Crouching Tiger Stance. I don't believe that the practice of Buddhism has not been facilitated? It would be very unkind to condemn me for such a great benefit, right?"

Yuanyuan said, "Since the foundation is the Buddhist Stance Exercise, we can continue to help you in the future."

Cui Dongshan smiled and looked at Yuanyuan without saying anything, and the old monk looked a little embarrassed.


With Cui Dongshan's achievements, it is indeed a bit arrogant to say that he would help him.

With such Qi and Blood martial arts achievements, the future will be to embrace all rivers, bring forth new ideas, and completely achieve the existence of a patriarch.

It is not enough to just rely on the Buddhist martial arts to instruct him.

At this time, Cui Dongshan spoke again: "I won't say any other polite words. I came here for two things. First, I want to see you. After all, you are my nominal teacher. It is only natural for a disciple to visit you."

The old monks smiled and felt relieved.

Although I felt that it didn't seem to be any advice, it was just a few more times of practice than usual.

But the child was so good and so obedient, there was no reason to refuse.

"Second, after all, I fooled a few masters before, so I still feel a little guilty. I offer a plan. The Buddhist sect should support my martial arts research and give me some secret books that are not passed on by the Buddhist sect, as well as some Buddhist classics. It would be best if you can arrange a few more Buddhist martial arts masters to assist me. I can promise to point out a Buddhist martial arts path in the future, plus a Buddhist martial arts supernatural power."

When these words came out, the old monks were stunned.

Yuanyuan said in surprise: "What is a high martial arts supernatural power?"

Cui Dongshan smiled: "What do you think of the supernatural power named 'Mahavairocana, Golden Body Dharma Image'?"

The old monks' eyes widened immediately.

Still didn't understand, but felt it was powerful.

Especially, it sounds very appetizing, I want it.

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