I Can Give Talent

Chapter 122 – Alchemy Competition 10

These two techniques could be used separately but using them together gives better results.

This was the reason why the control of the Azure Flame Technique had to be steady all the time. If the flame wasn't steady, a rhythmic pulse couldn't be created properly, resulting in inconsistent pulses. This might cause the smaller impurities within the essence to remain.

Somewhere in the Grand Stadium,

"President, how is it? Are there any good seedlings that can utilize your combo techniques properly?" A middle-aged man asked.

"Hmm...hmm...They are not bad. A lot of them could perform the flame pulse properly. If they master this, they won't have to worry about refining techniques for a long time. They are my techniques after all! Hahaha!" He picked his nose and flicked the booger away while laughing.

The middle-aged man dodged the booger from hitting him and sighed. The president is a genius alchemist but he has such a weird personality.

The person who flicked his booger was none other than the President of the South Region Alchemy Association, Albert Wood.

He had an appearance that was slightly younger than a middle-aged man. His hair was white and his face was without any facial hair.

As an alchemist, he specialized in creating and improving alchemy techniques.

Throughout his career, he created a total of 26 alchemy techniques including the new Azure Flame Technique and the Heart-Pulse Refining Technique.

Although none of them were better than the best alchemy techniques that had existed for ages, it was still an incredible achievement. After all, the real geniuses were the people who created new things, not the people who could only learn fast without adding anything new.

"President, did you really come up with those techniques while pooping? With your cultivation level, do you still have to poop?" The middle-aged man asked. He was one of the Alchemy Association elders.

"I tried a new pill I created but it was a failure. The side effects made my stomach churn for a few months you know. In the end, I created those two techniques to refine myself and get rid of the side effects. After that, I modified and simplified them a bit so they could be used for lower-level alchemy." He lamented his lack of talent in creating new alchemy products.

The middle-aged elder was dumbfounded. Did he create new techniques just like that? Sigh, he shouldn't compare himself with a genius. It would just make him upset. Maybe only weird people could be true geniuses.

Four hours later, one of the contestants finished the refining step and raised his hand. "Elder Godari, I think I'm done. I can't refine any further."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes!" The contestant nodded. He knew his limit. If he forced himself to refine further, with his limited mastery over the new techniques, it would just damage his Thundermelon essence and create more impurities.

Elder Godari smiled. "You are good. You know when to stop. Unlike some."

When the contestants heard this, a few immediately stopped refining because they knew Elder Godari was talking about them. They were forcing themselves to refine more but their Thundermelon essence started to detoriate.

"Arman Dilo, 72.4% purity." Elder Godari announced after he examined the essence.

On the ranking projection, 72.4 points were immediately added to his overall score. However, the ranking hasn't changed yet, probably waiting for everyone to be evaluated first.

How did he judge the essence's purity? He didn't use any devices at all.

The crowd started asking questions about whether Elder Godari's judgment was reliable or not.

"Hello, hello...Ahem, everyone, this is Albert Wood, the President of the South Region Alchemy Association. I would like to attest to the validity of Elder Godari's judgment. You can absolutely trust his keen eyes to see the purity of something. They are as accurate as the purity measurement device we have."

Elder Godari smiled as usual. They already expected the crowd would question his ability so the President was ready to explain. Why didn't they use the purity measurement device? The answer was simple. His eyes were faster.

"Not only that, his eyes can even see the purity of women. He can see whether you are a virgin or not."

Clack Clack

"President! What are you talking about...."


Some struggling sounds were heard before it went silent.

Elder Godari's eyebrow twitched and he tried to maintain his smile.

That goddam dumbass president! I knew we shouldn't let his goofy ass talk to the audience! How the heck did a weirdo like him become the president in the first place? I'm sure why I can't break through for so long is because of him. That's it, I'm applying for a transfer request after this! My reputation is ruined!

The audience was looking at each other speechlessly and began to gossip after a few seconds.

"Is that voice really the president?"

"Yes, I've met him before. He's a weird guy. A gorgeous milf tried to have a date with him one time but they ended up being chased by a Commander-level demonic bird and its flock for trying to steal their egg. She dumped him after that."

"WHAT? Who brought a date to steal an egg? What a waste of a gorgeous milf!"

"That's why he's still single. Although he's considered a high-level bachelor, great appearance, great prospect, his weird personality drove them away."

"Hahaha! What a weirdo! But why do I feel that it would be fun to have a friend like him?" Leyvi laughed and said after he heard the people gossiping.

Husband, because you are also probably a weirdo.

Leyvi's wives and concubines had similar thoughts in their minds.

While the audience was busy gossiping, Elder Godari judged more and more contestants that had finished refining. The lowest purity so far only reached 64.1 %. It was from one of the contestants who forced the refining.

An hour later, someone from the top ten finally completed the refining and called for Elder Godari. It was Asmondol, one of the dark horses in the competition.

Without wasting time, Elder Godari inspected his purified essence and declared, "Asmondol, 87.9% purity!" It was the highest purity achieved so far.

"Wow! It looks like he might be a real dark horse. Who is this Asmondol? Where did he come from?" Can we recruit him?

Once again the crowd began chattering about a new topic. The first round wasn't enough to speculate anything but based on the refining step, one could extrapolate a lot about an alchemist.

He was a skinny young man with brown, shoulder-length unkempt hair. He had a long face with noticeable cheekbones and a fair complexion.

"Why does he look like he hasn't come out from his house for a long time?" Someone asked.

"It's not unusual for alchemists to stay indoors for a long time."

"It wasn't just him. Half of the contestants look like they don't know how to take care of themselves!

A few moments later, Elder Godari's voice sounded again, "Dorin Homun, 85.7% purity!"

"What?? Dorin??" Tordin Homun was very surprised.

This was his weird daughter, not Norin. He didn't expect that his daughter was quite good at refining. She wasn't even in the top 1000 in the first round.

He sighed, "Maybe a weirdo can understand a fellow weirdo's techniques better."

Pfftt..... Patriarch, are you sure you should talk about your daughter like that? The other Homun Family members almost spit their drinks.

On the stage, Dorin was extremely proud of herself, flicking her hair around. "After this, I will have more handsome men chasing after me. Ho ho ho."

"Oh, it's that reverse harem girl. She's quite good. I thought she was just retarded." Leyvi commented.

Layla nodded. She remembered this troublesome girl too. She even investigated her later to see if she would bring trouble to them but it turned out that she was only a neglected young lady of the Homun Family, nothing to worry about.

Soon, more and more contestants were done with their refining and then Norin Homun also was done.

Elder Godari was naturally very interested to know her result as the first place holder.

"Norin Homun, 91.7% purity! Good job." He announced, quite impressed with her performance.

"Che, always stole my limelight." Dorin looked annoyed at her sister.

"Hahaha! As expected of my daughter! She's the first one to get above 90% purity. Vitali, what about your family?" Tordin Homun taunted his rival again, already forgotten about the scolding by the City Lord.

"Dammit, can you shut up? You keep buzzing like a fly!" Vitali was annoyed.

On the stage, Ori Oregano finally stopped the refining and started smiling arrogantly.

Only 91.7% purity? Heh, I'll show all of you idiots in a moment who the real genius is!

Ori raised his hand, notifying Elder Godari of his completion.

Oh, it's the kid from Medicine Valley. Looking at his expression, he must have been doing very well with his Thundermelon essence.

Elder Godari's eyes widened when he saw the purity of the essence.

No wonder they call him the youngest prodigy in centuries. His ability is terrifying. He could already reach this level of purity with newly learned techniques.

"Ori Oregano, 96.1% purity! Excellent!"

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