I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 115 The fifth brother is very angry about the egg-filled pancakes in the underworld and meet

Lu Wenwu and Black and White Wuchang moved forward along the road.

Suddenly, there was a sea of ​​people and colorful flags flying, as if there was some kind of celebration or gathering going on.

Lu Wenwu looked around. There were yangko performers, dragon and lion dancers, and high-stage opera singers all around, and it was very lively.

Everyone's face was filled with enthusiastic smiles, and everything they saw was red and bright.

"Not bad! It's very New Year here." Lu Wenwu praised sincerely.

In my previous life, there was basically no feeling of celebrating the New Year during the Chinese New Year, and it was not much different from everyday life.

After traveling to Blue Star, his daily life consisted of downloading a dungeon, practicing, downloading a dungeon, practicing, downloading a dungeon again, and practicing again.

New Year?

No time for the New Year.

In fact, not only Lu Wenwu, but also the vast majority of players are in such a state.

Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

If you relax even a little bit, you won't be able to escape the word "death".

Lu Wenwu knew in his heart that this wild ghost village was not a good place.

At the moment, these are just the ghosts of those who have passed through Jinji Mountain and Evil Dog Ridge but have lost their limbs.

These are all evildoers.

They were bitten and scratched crazily by golden roosters and evil ghost dogs, resulting in too many limbs being mutilated, unable to repair themselves, and thus unable to move forward.

So they stayed here and gathered together, transforming into a joyous scene.

When the dead souls who were confused by the excitement arrived, they took the opportunity to seize the other party's soul and forcibly connected it to their own body in order to continue moving forward and enter Fengdu City.

According to ancient tradition, when the soul of the dead arrives in Yegui Village, it is basically the time when relatives from the past life pay their respects in front of the soul.

By burning three kilograms and six taels of ghost coins, the dead souls can use them as money to buy their way through the hunting of many remaining ghosts in the Wild Ghost Village.

Hei Wuchang's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something.

But Bai Wuchang on the side immediately caught him and shook his head very seriously.

Being impermanent, they can lead the dead along an easier path.

But he couldn't verbally remind him of the mystery, let alone take the initiative to help.

This is the iron law of the underworld, even if the underworld comes, you must abide by it.

Lu Wenwu looked at all this, completely unprepared for this falsely prosperous scene, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to this grand ceremony.

I walked around like a temple fair, looking left and right.

Countless mutilated evil spirits have been secretly watching Lu Wenwu, waiting to finally snatch a piece of his soul from him.

Such a strong and powerful soul is really rare outside Fengdu City.

Lu Wenwu walked around the Wild Ghost Village and saw players pouring into it one after another, indulging in it, and then suddenly disappearing.

Needless to say, the one who disappeared was because he was hunted by many evil spirits and became the prey of other lonely ghosts.

As for whether the players who were bitten and eaten can survive and return to their own bodies.

This is unknown to Lu Wenwu.

He didn't care much about it, just enjoying the hard-won flavor of the new year.

Suddenly, Lu Wenwu froze, his nose twitched a few times, and he suddenly looked at a corner in the Wild Ghost Village, feeling his eyes light up.

Ignoring the hunger and devouring desire in the eyes of countless evil souls, he strode forward and arrived in front of the other party in a few steps.

A familiar cart.

Familiar grate.

Familiar oven.

Obviously, this is a stall selling egg-filled pancakes and hand pancakes.

And they still sell the same old-school egg-filled pancakes as him, which are small round sheets instead of the new-style rectangular ones.

"How do you sell egg-filled pancakes?" Lu Wenwu asked.

As a chef, it is very necessary to learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Only by eating more, studying more, and exercising more can you improve your cooking skills. It is not advisable to practice cooking behind closed doors.

Before Lu Wenwu traveled through time, he spent several years eating all the egg-filled pancake stalls and restaurants in the city where he lived.

It is precisely because of his continuous summarization and improvement that he was able to elevate the skill of simple pancake cooking to the pinnacle in his early twenties.

The evil soul selling eggs and cakes was stunned for a moment, the greed in his eyes was undisguised, and he said: "Three pounds and six taels of ghost coins for one piece! The price is the same!"

He originally wanted to say three hundred and sixty kilograms of ghost coins.

But after seeing the two ghost figures, one black and one white, behind the other party that exuded a powerful aura, his words took a temporary turn before exiting.

Three pounds and six taels of Ming coins, this is the market price, Black and White will not say anything.

If you want more

It is estimated that Black and White Wuchang will not care about crushing his little remnant soul.

Lu Wenwu was silent for two seconds, then turned to look at Black and White Wuchang who was following him, and said with some embarrassment: "Brothers, can you lend me some ghost coins? I will exchange them with you for spiritual coins."

"Why don't you change it! Brother Han Han, right?"

Hei Wuchang immediately took out a pile of ghost coins and threw them at the dead soul of the hawker, waving his hand.

"My treat! Eat as much as you want! The things in this wild ghost village are all transformed from their memories during their lifetimes. The souls that have not turned into ghosts will still taste like the earth. It is not like the ghost food in the Ghost Realm Castle. , except for ghosts, other creatures cannot eat them.”

"Understood, thank you for reminding me."

Lu Wenwu knew this black and impermanent temper, so he did not refuse, but just thanked with a smile.

He turned to the dead hawker and said, "Have one, the one you make most often."


The hawker's ghost was very happy to receive a lot of ghost coins. He immediately picked up a piece of cake soaked in a thick layer of oil and started to spread the sauce and add vegetables.

The vegetables are even cabbage pretending to be lettuce.

Plus a lot of shredded potatoes and pickles.

Lu Wenwu frowned when he saw this process.

He suddenly regretted buying this cake.

Under the expectant gaze of the vendor, Lu Wenwu took a full five seconds of mental preparation before taking a bite.

The entrance is just as greasy as you imagined.

The dough was brown, not crispy at all, and there was an uncooked white core in the middle.

The taste of raw cabbage is average, and it is extremely difficult to eat because the tendons are not picked out.

The shredded potatoes that have been cooked in advance and the salty and spicy pickles completely take away the flavor of the eggs and the cake itself.

What Lu Wenwu couldn't accept the most was that the vendor made the sauce for the pancakes very thin.

The little flavor all flowed down the cracks and couldn't hang on the crust at all.

Or they may simply be taken out with the cabbage leaves that cannot be chewed and can only be pulled out.

As a result, the whole cake looks more greasy and choking, like eating dead dough cake soaked in oil, which is very unpalatable.

After barely eating half of it, Lu Wenwu, with a dark face, was full of energy and blood, and he clenched his right hand fiercely.

The remaining half of the egg-filled pancake and the packaging bag immediately turned into a ball of yin energy and dissipated.

"You are really a genius. This is the first time I have seen someone make egg-filled pancakes so unpalatable." Lu Wenwu gave a thumbs up, "In the field of unpalatable food, I would like to call you the number one." ”

Hearing Lu Wenwu's comments, the vendor's eyes suddenly widened, and the veins on his forehead popped out, looking extremely angry.

If he hadn't arrived at the right time and couldn't defeat him alone, he would have let the other party know why the flower was so red!

How dare you say that the cake I made tastes bad?

In a moment I will twist off your head and put your face on my head!

The hawker thought so.

He didn't notice the strong anger in Lu Wenwu's eyes at all.

"How dare you make the egg-filled biscuits so unpalatable! You actually have the nerve to sell them out! This is an insult to this delicacy!" Lu Wenwu made a voice like a beast, and the blood dragon scales had vaguely appeared on the surface of his body. .

The ghost of the hawker: "."

Brother, are you talking about the possibility that I stay here just because I have no face?

"In that case, I'll give you a ride and wish you eternal happiness!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Wenwu raised his hand and fired out a military killing fist.

The blazing dragon of blood and energy intertwined, instantly evaporating the soul of the hawker to nothing, and also clearing out all the remaining souls and buildings between him and the next stop in the underworld!

Looking from top to bottom, a trace like an angry dragon pierces the entire Wild Ghost Village!

At this moment, there was no one among the black and white impermanence, the players, the remaining souls, and the ghost soldiers who were not in a stunned state.

A player suddenly screamed: "He! I know him! He is the man who tore apart the evil dogs at Evil Dog Ridge and crushed the entire mountain at Jinji Mountain!"

Another player also echoed: "Damn it! I also remembered it, it's this tough guy! I can't rush over without him!"


"Oh my God, this wild ghost village that stretches for more than ten kilometers was completely penetrated by him with one punch!? Isn't this an S+ level boss?"

"Why don't you run away quickly when a bunch of idiots say that there are so many things that you don't have? They're just leaving it here to make comments!"

"Fuck, run away!"



Because Lu Wenwu flew so fast with the wings of the dragon, the ghost soldiers who had bought egg-filled cakes before had not caught up yet, and were still pushing the souls of the players forward.

But those players who took the opportunity to run away and run quickly had seen Lu Wenwu's macho moments before.

With this powerful punch, a straight blank passage appeared in the middle of the entire Wild Ghost Village.

Countless players took advantage of the remnant souls before they could react and ran away, heading straight to the next stop in the underworld.

Lu Wenwu is no exception.

He retracted his fists expressionlessly, picked up all the Ming coins scattered on the ground and returned them to Hei Wuchang, and then strode forward through the passage he opened.

No evil soul or remnant soul dared to come up to stop it.

Wherever Lu Wenwu passed, all evil spirits were as quiet as chickens and immediately retreated, for fear of being targeted by this evil star.

Even the players and ghost soldiers consciously avoided it and made way for Lu Wenwu.

That military killing punch had completely frightened them.

The more you kill, the stronger the life forms you kill, and the stronger your military killing fist becomes.

In the endless reincarnation, Lu Wen and Wu Guang killed more than hundreds of millions of people?

In this way, even though the level and quality of the military killing fist were relatively ordinary, the strong evil energy in that punch had completely scared those evil spirits to death.

Compared with the person in front of me, their so-called "ferocity" is simply a joke.

Hei Wuchang habitually made a swallowing motion, and quietly said to his partner: "What do you think this person is up there? How many people must he kill to have such a terrifying power?"

Bai Wuchang shook his head with lingering fear, and said nothing, but used his eyes to signal his old partner to stop asking.

Can this kind of thing be inquired?

The more you know, the faster you die!

Next, one person and two ghosts arrived at the seventh station in the underworld - the Hall of Confusion without any waves.

For normal dead souls, this is a very important stop before entering Fengdu City, and it is also the key to transforming from soul to ghost.

However, players are not included.

They still have to return to the world of the living.

So Heibai Wuchang directly took Lu Wenwu to skip this place, and together with countless overjoyed players, they walked straight to a magnificent and majestic city.

There is a couplet on the city gate.

Upper couplet: People and ghosts, ghosts and people, people and ghosts have different paths

Lower couplet: Yin and Yang, Yang and Yin, Yin and Yang are forever separated

There is no horizontal banner.

The position of the horizontal banner is a black plaque with three large gold-plated characters.

【Fengdu City】

Lu Wenwu looked up and felt that Fengdu City looked like a city government office, like some kind of administrative agency serving the people.

After a long and arduous journey, he finally arrived at the core area of ​​the underworld.

The moment he stepped into the city gate, the dead soul began to formally go through the death process.

Prepare to accept the judgment of the Ten Kings of Hell.

Only after accepting the judgment and punishment of the Ten Kings of Hell and determining the merits and demerits of his life, can he truly transform from a dead soul into a ghost, go to the ghost world castle to spend his life, and wait for reincarnation.

The gate of Fengdu Ghost City was wide open, and ghost soldiers stood on both sides of the gate, with weapons in their hands shining coldly.

Bai Wuchang said, "It's an independent trial space inside. We can only accompany you here."

"The first hall is the Qin Guangwang Hall, which is responsible for the preliminary trial, mainly being photographed by the evil mirror. You are a special group of people. Whether you have committed a crime or not, you must go through the Eighteen Hells. But if you have more merits and less karma, the time can be shorter."

The warm-hearted and talkative Hei Wuchang added, and at the same time, he clasped his fists towards Lu Wenwu.

"Brother, after you come out of the Eighteen Hells, don't forget to come to Wuchang Street in the Wheel District of Ghost Realm Castle to find us. When you get there, you will know where we live as soon as you ask our number. At that time, I must treat you to a drink and arrange a safe place for you to stay."

Bai Wuchang also clasped his fists and said, "Although we two ghosts are not rich and powerful ghosts, we have been serving as Wuchang for so many years, and we have a small savings. After you come out, you must give us two ghosts a chance to repay you."

As he spoke, Hei Bai Wuchang stretched out his hands and touched Lu Wenwu at the same time, leaving a trace of ghost energy.

This is their token, something like a token and an ID card.

"Haha, that's great, I will definitely go to join my two brothers when the time comes."

Lu Wenwu also clasped his fists, nodded to the Black and White Impermanence, turned around and stepped into the legendary Fengdu Ghost City, which is also the real underworld.

The structure of Fengdu City is somewhat similar to that of ancient cities, but not exactly the same.

City is just a concept that is easy to understand.

In fact, Fengdu City can be said to be a small world, a hub connecting all parts of the underworld.

After entering, it is like an ordinary ancient city, a city wall.

To really enter Fengdu, you have to go through another door.

The huge city gate in front of you is like a jade carving, and it is a bit eerie and terrifying in its magnificence.

Between the two gates, above the high sky of the city wall, there are two lights floating high in the air, as if they were anchored and motionless.

One is brilliant, and the other is dim and dark.

A group of ghosts were maintaining order, guiding the players to line up and enter the second door from the dark lights.

Lu Wenwu did not do anything special this time, and lined up honestly to enter.

To be honest, it was a little different from the underworld he imagined.

On the not-so-big square, countless ghost soldiers and ghosts with a strong aura guarded in front of the Qin Guangwang Palace, but they were not all wearing ancient costumes, and not all of them were holding cold weapons.

Some were wearing black armor, some were wearing black tactical uniforms, some were holding guns, and some were holding swords and spears.

In addition to these ghost soldiers and ghosts who were responsible for standing guard, there were also some ghost messengers who looked kind and wore uniform work clothes.

They were like the volunteers in the Yang world, divided into areas, carefully checking the underworld ID cards in their hands, checking the size of the souls, and guiding the souls to conduct one by one inspection and fill out forms.

Lu Wenwu suddenly felt that this place was not like the underworld.

Instead, it looked a bit like a physical examination center.

I don't know where the souls of the many people who came in together earlier went.

The size and density of this place obviously don't match the soul flow.

Could it be space transfer and space superposition?

Lu Wenwu thought about these things in his heart, and also received a form from the volunteers. Ghost messenger filled it out, and then lined up for the physical examination and handed it in.

"Scan your ID card."

When the ghost said this to Lu Wenwu, his sense of déjà vu of this place like a physical examination center reached its peak.

"Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War, right? Put the form there, go to the rest area next to it and wait. Take this sign, someone will take you to the first hall later."

The ghost approached the computer in front of her and said Lu Wenwu's player ID.

From her calm voice, it was obvious that she had seen a lot of strange IDs and was immune to them.

She handed over a red sign with a circled “一” on it.

It looked a bit like the waiting sign in the high-speed rail lounge.

Lu Wenwu, holding the sign, was a little puzzled: “Well, I don’t need to go for a physical examination, right? I don’t need to check and verify something?”

The ghost waved his hand: “No, you are special, the procedures have been completed, just go directly. Of course, if you want to queue up, that’s up to you. Follow the procedures, and when it’s your turn, it will be the first seven days.”

There is a poem that says: The bardo body of the deceased on the first seven days, the sheep driving teams are as numerous as dust. Let’s check with the first king, and never cross the Naihe River.

Lu Wenwu: “.”

This is a bit unlucky, I’m not dead yet.

Lu Wenwu looked at the long line, and then looked at the empty waiting area with sofas, and decisively chose to listen to people’s advice and eat a full meal.

Not long after sitting down, a ghost dressed as an ancient general came.

"It's your turn, follow me."

He left a word, picked up the red sign, turned around and left, without any intention of communicating more.

Lu Wenwu didn't care, got up and followed.

He stepped into the Qin Guangwang Palace in the envious and jealous eyes of the players.

Accompanied by a familiar force of space transmission, when Lu Wenwu stepped on the second step, the whole person had arrived in a magnificent palace with carved beams and painted buildings.

There was no gloomy horror, let alone the horror of ordinary murals and reliefs.

Everything in the Qin Guangwang Palace was normal to a little abnormal, without any feeling of the underworld.

Behind a large desk sat a man with a green face and red hair, leopard eyes and a lion nose, a long beard, a square crown on his head, and a dragon robe.

This is Qin Guangwang.

Qin Guangwang is responsible for the life and death of the human world, the good and bad fortune of the netherworld, the death of good people, and the guidance of supernatural powers.

Those who have equal merits and demerits will be sent to the Tenth Hall for distribution and will be re-entered into the world, with men turning into women and women turning into men.

Those who have more evil than good will be taken to the high platform on the right side of the hall.

There is a bright mirror on the high platform, named: the Mirror of Sins.

When one looks at it, one can see the good or bad of one's heart in the world, and then be sent to the Second Hall to suffer.

Lu Wenwu guessed that the blue-covered thread-bound book on his desk, which was emitting strange fluctuations, should be the legendary and famous Book of Life and Death.


when he opened the Eye of Insight, he found that things were not as simple as he imagined.

The blue-covered thread-bound book was just the notebook of King Qin Guang.

The tablet computer next to it, which was suspended in the air and constantly emitting light, showed a few big words.

[Book of Life and Death (Projection)]

Lu Wenwu suddenly felt that something in his mind was disillusioned.

If the book of life and death in the underworld was recorded on a tablet computer, I'm afraid he wouldn't know how to change the life span of the monkey if he was given ten days or half a month. Seeing that King Qin Guang was writing something at his desk without speaking, Lu Wenwu began to look at the furnishings in the hall. Not only was the book of life and death a projection, but even King Qin Guang himself was a projection of his mind. However, just like when he saw the time and space demon god before, he only saw a name and the essence of the projection. Nothing else was seen. Those mighty and domineering ghost soldiers standing around, the trainee judges with righteous faces, and the assistants of Yama were all real bodies. Lu Wenwu watched for about two minutes. King Qin Guang, who was busy writing before, finally put down his pen and said lightly: "You mortal, you are still so bold after entering the Yama Palace. You even dare to spy on me?"

Lu Wenwu was immediately unhappy: "Lord Yama, what do you mean by that? How can I be peeping? I am clearly standing here and watching openly!"


It seems that they didn't expect Lu Wenwu to be so bold and dare to talk to King Qin Guang like this. The ghost soldiers and ghost messengers on the side were immediately excited.

A trainee judge shouted: "Bold mortal! How dare you be so disrespectful to Lord Yama! What crime should you be punished for?"

Lu Wenwu raised his eyebrows: "How should I know? This is my first time in the underworld, and there is no ghost to tell me."

Assistant judge: "."

Fuck, what he said makes sense!

An assistant of Yan Luo spoke up to help his colleague: "Ignorance is not a crime. Considering that this is your first offense, you can be exempted from punishment this time. If you do it again next time, you will be sent to hell to be punished! Think twice before you speak in the future."

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