I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 156 You are right, but this is managed democracy (4k)

The main mission was completed without any ripples.

As the two transport ships left, the personal terminal also received a notification of mission completion.

This means that they can go to the evacuation point and call Pelican No. 1 to pick them up and return to the super destroyer.

On the surface, the execution process of Huangquan Liezhe's mission seems to have a spirit of not returning until Loulan is conquered.

Never evacuate without completing the main mission.

In fact, maybe it should be said in another way.

If you don't complete the main mission, unless you can survive until the end of the mission time, the most responsible Pelican No. 1 pilot on the entire spacecraft will risk being shot down and try to evacuate Huangquan Liezhe.


Even if you shout your throat out, the democratic officer will not take the initiative to send a plane to pick you up.

Even after the mission time is over, the super destroyer will be directly ordered to leave the low-Earth orbit, and the weapons combat readiness and strategic support will be locked and not allowed to continue to be used.

Evacuating before completing the mission within the specified time is considered a shame, and every citizen of the Super Human Federation keeps this in mind.

The more Lu Wenwu learned about the profession of Huangquan Lie, the more twisted he felt this profession was.

Or rather,

the entire Super Human Federation was a bit twisted.

They always talked about democracy and freedom, and boasted that humans were the greatest race on this planet and even in the entire universe, with the goal of liberating the entire universe.

The whole society was filled with intense excitement and fanaticism.

But actually, if you think about it carefully, where is the democracy in this country? Where is the freedom?

This citizen hierarchy system is not much stronger than the caste system of Brother San!

It's nothing more than the strong militarism and overwhelming propaganda that have overwhelmed the people and made them unable to think carefully.

Compared with the mental state of these people, Lu Wenwu, who is often regarded as a lunatic by others, is considered normal.

"Shall we go? Blow up the remaining insect nests." Hu Mo waved his arms happily, "This radar station is quite useful. After turning it on, the whole map is like a perspective!"

This passionate girl was extremely enthusiastic about harvesting insects, second only to wanting to drag Lu Wenwu to bed.

Of course, maybe she was craving the four legs of the acid titan.

It smells really good when roasted with the sun's true fire!

Lu Wenwu put away the almost broken tablet, looked at the map and said, marking a location on it.

"Let's go here first, there is only one task left, shut down the illegal radio station."

"Illegal radio. Oh! Is that it?"

Hu Mo climbed up and looked far away, standing on the layers of black insect stone mountains and looking in a certain direction, pointing to a building that looked a bit like a miniature TV tower and asked.

"I remember that in the military academy, the instructor seemed to say that there was no need to manipulate the terminal host to shut it down, and that it would be completed by directly blowing up the tower from a distance."

"No, we have to go." Lu Wenwu stared at the radio tower in the distance and said, "I want to listen to what the illegal radio is saying."

Hu Shuang looked at him in confusion: "Is it necessary?"

"Yes." Lu Wenwu nodded, "The name of this copy is the Battle of Justice, and the main task requires you to join any force and at least eliminate one force, or make it surrender."

Speaking of this, he stopped and looked at the two people and the dog, and said lightly: "Now I strongly suspect that the Zerg is one of the factions."

"Ah? What does that have to do with us? What does it matter? "Hu Mo's eyes widened, "Even if the Zerg is also a dungeon force, we can't help the Zerg to fight humans, right? This is too ridiculous!"

"What are you thinking about in your little head? Of course, that's not what I mean." Lu Wenwu shrugged, "I just want to know whether the Zerg is really a race close to intelligent creatures. If so, it means that they are really a faction."

Hu Mo tilted his head and frowned in distress: "I still don't understand, even if the Zerg is one of the factions, what does it have to do with us?"

"If it is, then destroy it, if not, just go and fight the robots first, what else?"

Lu Wenwu asked back, and raised his leg to walk towards the illegal radio station.

"If the Zerg is really a faction, then we can drive the super battleship directly to the Zerg base camp and use a decapitation tactic to force the Zerg queen to give us a large number of acid titans! If the Zerg really has this thing."

"Fuck! Genius!" Hu Mo, who followed quickly, exclaimed, "It's like raising pigs, you can eat them whenever you want!"

Hu Shuang on the other side was silent for a while, and said: "Do the Zerg really have such things as a base camp and a queen?"

"I don't know." Lu Wenwu replied confidently, "Anyway, isn't it set up like that in the game! Let's assume it has it first, if not, then we'll talk about it later. There must be a way when the car reaches the mountain, and if there is no way, just smash the mountain."

Hu Shuang: "."

Forget it, you are strong and you are right.

Strong bipedal beast, I will do whatever you want for the sake of your cuteness.

The distance from the main task point to the illegal radio station is not far, and it can even be said to be very close, probably only a few hundred meters away.

The group had just killed almost all the nearby insects, which resulted in a smooth journey, except for the occasional patrol of a Zerg commander and a few jumping and small worms passing by.

Then Lu Wenwu caught him and beat him repeatedly, trying to make it build a temporary space channel to force out the Zerg reinforcements.

This approach is useless.

Although the Zerg is very powerful in unlimited blasting, it also takes time to breed and grow!

It was only a few minutes ago?

It hasn't bred at all!

Even if Lu Wenwu dug three feet into the ground, he couldn't dig out new tank worms and acid-spitting Titans.

Soon, the illegal radio station was close at hand.

It was called an illegal radio station, but Lu Wenwu looked at the building in front of him and it looked like an ordinary employee dormitory.

And it was quite advanced, with satellite radar and TV.

Look, in the middle is a thing like a big speaker TV station in the park, and there is a standard operation terminal of the Super Human Federation below.

A circle of TVs are hung on a high tower, and something similar to a documentary is being broadcasted in it.

Listen carefully, a discontinuous sound is constantly circulating in the speaker above the TV.

The background sound is a bit messy, and the person who recorded this audio seemed to be in a hurry at the time, and there was crying and despair in his voice.

"We have all been deceived by the Superhuman Federation! All of us have been deceived by the Superhuman Federation! We have been abandoned! The management has covered up the truth of everything, and all of this is premeditated."

The man's shrill voice was replayed over and over again, accompanied by the hissing of the Zerg in the background, the panicked screams of countless people, heavy footsteps and collisions, like a ghost echoing over Fenrir 3.

On the TV screen, something similar to a documentary was playing.

The content seemed to be exactly this area.

In the picture, this is not an illegal radio station.

It is a scientific research institution affiliated with the Superhuman Federation Government.

Lu Wenwu watched carefully, watching the staff members conducting one research after another under the guard of the Super Earth Armed Forces.

A large amount of data about the Zerg was recorded and entered into the terminal console.

They live here, study the bugs here, and fulfill the mission of scientists.

Lu Wenwu even saw what the corpse looked like before he died.

He is an energy engineer here, responsible for the energy allocation and supply of the entire area.

In the picture, he put his enthusiasm into work with all his strength with the unique smile of a citizen of the Superhuman Federation.

Ordinary days seemed to continue like this.

Until one day, the disaster broke out.

A large number of Zergs opened up temporary space channels, and countless acid-spitting Titans and tank worms drilled out from under the ground without warning, completely destroying a large number of scientific research areas, leaving only a very small part of the remnants.

Those small springtails, hunting worms, carrion worms, and hatching gushing worms led by fighting worms and Zerg commanders appeared instantly, harvesting human lives crazily as if to vent their anger.

They used their sharp claws to cut off human necks, cut open human chests and abdomens, and took out their internal organs and scattered them on the ground.

Not even a single worm devoured human flesh and blood.

They were just killing, killing to vent their anger.

In the last second of this documentary-like surveillance video, there was a picture of the energy engineer being cut open by the invisible worm's claws.

This time, Lu Wenwu finally saw the remaining handwriting on the tablet in his hand.

【710 Element Farm】

"Element. Farm?"

Lu Wenwu muttered the name, as if he suddenly remembered something. He looked at the place where the 710 element pump was activated in the previous main task, and rushed out in a flash.

"Hey? Tyrannosaurus! Where are you going?" Hu Mo shouted loudly.

Lu Wenwu replied without looking back: "Go to verify something. You can shut down the illegal broadcast, and then go directly to the evacuation point and wait for me."

Before Hu Mo replied again, Lu Wenwu's figure had disappeared without a trace.

The main task point is very close to here, only a few kilometers.

With Lu Wenwu's speed, even if he didn't use the fleeting light, it would only take ten seconds to get back.

When he came to the metal spherical tank that stored a large amount of 710 elements, Lu Wenwu punched the huge tank without any hesitation.


The metal tank that couldn't even be broken by a 500kg bomb was completely vulnerable to Lu Wenwu's iron fist.

With just one punch, the storage tank more than ten meters high exploded instantly.

The previous two transports had already extracted the remaining part of the 710 elements here, and Lu Wenwu did not come for this.

His purpose was to trace the source!

Lu Wenwu rubbed out the strategic support guidance beacon at a very fast speed, and called the Eagle 500kg three times in succession to throw it in the same place.

At the same time, while waiting, he pulled out the "Hellfire" annihilation bomb left by the previous troops on the battlefield from the soil, threw it to this place and detonated it manually.

Soon, this act of throwing explosives blasted a huge deep pit next to the original element pump.

Lu Wenwu jumped down personally, punching along the pipelines and hitting the soil.

He was like a human excavator, breaking through the ground at a high speed.

One meter.

Two meters

Three meters

When digging to the twentieth meter deep, a thick layer of super alloy was exposed.

Lu Wenwu opened the eye of insight, and everything appeared before his eyes.

[710 Element Catalyst Tank No. 1]: 10 0000/10 0000

Current status: Stopped, pipeline leaking, operating system failure.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with this 710 element!

Before this, Lu Wenwu had always thought that 710 element should be a "mineral" similar to oil.

But since he began to suspect that the Super Human Federation was conducting false propaganda, he felt that something was wrong.

Until he found a blood-stained tablet computer and saw the illegal broadcast, this suspicion reached its peak.

There is nothing to say.

Lu Wenwu punched down hard, directly smashing the heavy metal tank above the 710 element catalyst tank, revealing the inside.

It was a huge hollow mechanical device, like a meat grinder magnified countless times.

A large number of broken Zerg corpses were placed inside, and a large amount of sticky and smelly green blood flowed out.

Lu Wenwu was not surprised at all.

He had already guessed about this.

Along the huge passage that extended out, he mobilized all his energy and blood, and punched in that direction with all his strength.

This time, the land was shaken, like a nuclear bomb buried deep underground exploding.

A large amount of soil flew into the sky along with metal fragments and building debris, and the whole land was directly overturned by Lu Wenwu's punch.

What was exposed was the alloy pipes stained with dark green and black.

It was a giant catalytic device stained with sticky 710 elements!

710 elements, one of the most important energy and industrial materials for the Super Human Federation, was actually obtained from the corpses and blood of the Zerg after a series of transformations!

In this way, what exactly was raised in the 710 element farm was about to be revealed.


The case was solved.

At the moment, this matter was not at all like what was written in the mission description. It was the brutal and bloodthirsty Zerg that invaded the border of the Super Human Federation and attempted to destroy this great country where democracy and freedom coexisted.

In fact, this should be regarded as the Super Human Federation's own mistakes!

They raised Zerg to extract precious 710 elements, but they did not expect that the Zerg would break through the restrictions of the element farm and slaughter the original "farmers".

And the Huangquan Lie Zerg was not sent here for defending the country and recovering lost territory.

The reason they were sent here was just to recycle the precious 710 elements!

Thinking of this, Lu Wenwu began to doubt whether the Super Human Federation was still conducting experiments on biological warfare weapons?

Otherwise, if it was just for oil extraction, these captive and improved Zerg should not have such strong combat power.

Just like the blue star people raising white-feathered chickens, they can only grow meat in one month, which is in line with the interests of mankind!

After thinking all this, Lu Wenwu couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth.

It seems that something interesting is going to happen.

ps: I am so sleepy that my eyes are blurred and my consciousness is trance. I really can't code 6k. Please forgive the part-time players for saying that it is a bit difficult to top. It may take a few days to slow down.

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