I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 167 Damn it, I’m going to explode with you!

"Well, I'm actually not interested in the history of technological development of the Super Human Federation. It's your business to collect the wool of the light energy clan." Lu Wenwu shrugged, "By the way, since you are the big man who has been in office for hundreds of years, President, why don’t you just change the name to the Super Human Empire?”

The president calmly replied: "This is not conducive to the stability of the federation. The existing national political system and governance method are the optimal solutions obtained after precise calculations. There is nothing better than this."

"Yes, what do you have? Absolute rationality, so it's reasonable for you not to take human life as a life." Lu Wenwu said noncommittally, "Then when you appear in front of me now, is it also the optimal solution you calculated? Including and Didn’t you order the troops to come up and stop me?”

The President finally made a move and nodded slightly: "Yes, after calculations, after all the armed forces in the Ersi region launch an attack on you at the same time, there is a 99.98% probability of 46 After 0.75 hours, there will be collective sacrifice. There is a 100% chance that the Ersi area will be razed to the ground, and the probability of your death is less than 0.01%. Their attack is meaningless. "

"Then why didn't you stop me from coming in advance?" Lu Wenwu asked again.

The president still had the same plain tone: "It's meaningless, it can't be stopped, it will only waste more resources. The meaning of my existence is to make the super human federation move towards a higher glory under the premise of maximizing the use of resources. "

"The decision to let you enter the federal government building is just like I let the cyborgs establish Biochemical Stan, let the terminators break through the farm restrictions, and let the remnants of the light energy tribe return to the sea. Everything is the optimal solution calculated. Mathematics is eternity. The truth is unmistakable."

"Maybe." Lu Wenwu rubbed his chin with a playful expression, "Then the best solution you came up with is how to face me? Do you know what I want to do?"

Sure enough, the president immediately said: "The underworld martyr number XH-7723742357, the A-class citizen invincible Tyrannosaurus War God, is currently suspected of treason, murder of a democratic official, suspected of secret association, suspected of collaborating with Cybertronians and Terminator during the mission family to communicate.”

"After analysis, it is concluded that after inciting some underworld martyrs to kill democratic officials, there is a 78.46% probability that you will try to become the president of the super human federation, and a 17.5% probability that you will try to kill me. Carry out beheading operations in retaliation.”

"Insufficient sample, remaining probability behavior unknown."

Lu Wenwu raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"Based on the strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves, we launch an end war against the human individual named the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War and the unknown canine Maomao. My probability of victory is as high as 73.46%."

As the President spoke, the light energy crystal core in his chest had released a blue halo.

Its expression changed for the first time, and even its eyes turned red.

"Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War, your actions and thoughts have been seriously treasonous. Please accept the trial of the Ministry of Truth and the military court!"

"Therefore, the optimal solution is to eliminate them as soon as possible!"

In an instant, a powerful repulsive force field suddenly erupted from the green light pillar, and Lu Wenwu was ejected upside down from the government building and knocked out of the broken glass.

Lu Wenwu reacted quickly. The wings of the Dark Yin Dragon popped out from behind with a swipe, and he immediately stabilized his figure in the air.

The earth was shaking violently.

The ground surrounding the super human federal government is constantly bulging and denting, and it seems that it is about to fall apart.

As the 12th and 13th floors of the government building shine brightly, the azure halo almost renders the entire eco-dome into a shining blue spotlight.

"Bang bang."

The strong pressure is gradually increasing accompanied by some unique rhythmic fluctuations.

The rhythmic thumps one after another are like war drums, seeming to vaguely resonate with the beat of the heart.

People within a dozen kilometers could all clearly feel this heart-pounding shock. They all felt some discomfort in their hearts and instinctively wanted to escape from this place.

On top of the super human federal government building, countless people watched helplessly as the two highest floors rose from the ground and were instantly destroyed from the inside by some large machine.

A huge humanoid object like a god of war slowly stood up, with the cold fusion reactor and light energy core on its chest shining brightly.

Endless blue glow flows like blood in its body and surface. It is the blood formed by the light energy transformed from the energy of heaven and earth, which is used to drive this huge synthetic life form.

It was at least ten meters tall, covered with a thick carapace like an acid-vomiting titan, exuding a unique beauty that combined flesh and machinery.

The super-heavy armor originally used in robot mobile factories was fused with these carapace to form something similar to biomass armor.

Electronic scanning devices like the Eyes of Sauron appeared in pairs and turned into the eyes of this huge life.

The brains of the twelve elders were completely incorporated into its body, completely linked to become a whole that continuously resonated and merged into the same consciousness.

The real secret hidden by the Super Human Federation - the Great President!

The consciousness of the super AI and the Elder Council are merged into one, supplemented by the technology of robots as bones, the technology of light energy tribe as blood, and the genetic modification used on the Zerg as flesh and blood.

Genetic modification, mechanical ascension, and spiritual cultivation were all combined to create this super life form.

The giant nimbly jumped down from the Superhuman Federal Government Building.

The moment it landed, its feet sprayed out a dense and neat beam of light turbulence, allowing the huge and heavy body to land nimbly.

The Superhuman Federation Armed Forces were protecting the few S-class citizens who left in an orderly manner.

The people were screaming and fleeing frantically.

No one knew what was going on.

Even those S-class citizens who were already at the top of the Superhuman Federation in the eyes of outsiders were just there to do odd jobs for the real Elders and the President.

The super consciousness fused by the two calculated and controlled everything, controlled the entire human race, and even controlled other races on this planet.

These S-class citizens and A-class citizens only needed to execute.

In other words.

In the Superhuman Federation, which relies heavily on big data computing, they are replaceable at any time and can be described as insignificant.

[Superhuman (S-)]: 1000 0000/1000 0000

[Current Status]: Absolute rationality, supercomputing, consciousness aggregate, elemental/silicon-based/carbon-based fusion life, super light energy core.

Looking at the terrifying giant in front of him, which was created by the crystallization of the highest technology of the Superhuman Federation, Lu Wenwu couldn't help laughing.

He laughed very happily.

All three gathered together

Such purity must be very high!

In just a moment, the blood in Lu Wenwu's body circulated wildly, and golden-red dragon scales appeared on his body surface one after another, and a pair of iron fists had vaguely turned into sharp and ferocious dragon claws.

The dragon horns that continued to grow on his forehead contained a blazing and terrifying flame, and the fire elements of the entire Ers region were slowly gathering here.

The readings of the instrument used to detect energy values ​​were soaring wildly at this moment, and the original measured body values ​​were completely invalidated.

[Unknown changes detected in the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War, energy level rises sharply]

[Re-evaluating the winning rate]

[Winning rate drops to]

Just the display of the true dragon battle body and the blood dragon scales, even before the fight, in the calculation of the president, his winning rate has dropped by five percentage points.

That kind of vigorous blood is too terrible.

Even the acid-spitting Titan carefully cultivated by the Super Human Federation, the blood power contained in its body is less than a few thousandths of Lu Wenwu!

"Want to make my plan fail?" Lu Wenwu grinned, "Then let me see your purity!"

Before the voice fell, the fleeting light opened, and his whole figure quickly marked out like a flying sword, leaving a terrifying sonic boom in the air.

A simple punch went straight to the president's head.

I won't do those fancy and fancy things with you, I will just fight to the death from the beginning!

Theoretically, it is not the best solution for Lu Wenwu to challenge the president at this time.

It was even an extremely reckless and last resort, one of the worst solutions, second only to turning around and running away.

If someone who likes to point fingers came, he would definitely criticize him as a "reckless man", "brainless", "lower intelligence" and so on.

Now there are a full forty super destroyers parked in the low-Earth orbit above Ers.

Lu Wenwu can completely detonate a few Hellfire annihilation bombs as a signal and order the super destroyers to complete the fire coverage of the center of Ers.

Super destroyers have ammunition production lines and sufficient production materials.

Before the 710 elements are exhausted and the raw materials are exhausted, these things that are installed with an engine around the turrets and fly into the sky can easily tear apart the giant city shield of Ers and let the attack reach the president directly.

Continuous orbital strikes will consume the power of even super life forms.

This is the solution that normal people should choose.

If your computer calculates it, will I not fight you?

Anyway, it doesn't cost me money to open fire.


The person standing in front of the president now is Lu Wenwu!

How could he accept others interfering in his battle?

Such a strong man was born suddenly, and he was only excited!

This strong excitement even made his whole body tremble, and his fighting power was one level higher than usual!

The stronger he was, the more excited he was!

The fighting power was constantly improving.

The purity was greatly improved!


The fierce punch tore the air apart, and hit the president's rapidly shrinking defensive arm like an intercontinental missile.

Circles of golden ripples spread from his forearm, making a violent sound.

This is a shield device derived from the light energy technology, one of the highest technological crystals of the Super Human Federation.

Lu Wenwu was not surprised to see this thing on the president.

If it wasn't there, it would be really weird.

This shield, which is driven by a cold fusion nuclear reactor and a light energy core, is even stronger and stronger than the city shield defense in the Ers area.

Lu Wenwu used all his strength to punch him, but he couldn't break his defense at all.

Even if he didn't use any skills, this level of defense was enough to shock people.

You know, his punch would even destroy the remaining soul of the old dragon king.

The strongest single burst damage mastered by the Super Human Federation - precise orbital attack could never achieve this level.

The huge fusion body of the president stood firmly on the ground.

With the pseudo-eternal energy device with almost infinite power, countless tiny jets appeared on his body.

When he endured Lu Wenwu's punch, a large number of tiny turbulences were faintly ejected from his back that was invisible to others, forming a corresponding counter-thrust, which made the president motionless like a mountain.

The AI ​​consciousness locked on through countless sensors on the body, and the elders composed of twelve super brains came up with the current optimal solution in an instant.

The 710 elements flowed in the pipes in the president's body, and through the powerful light energy core, they merged with the elemental power of heaven and earth to directly generate more powerful light energy elements.

This extraordinary power unique to this world drove the huge arm like a battleship, exerting force directly in a very incredible way, hammering down towards Lu Wenwu who was hit by the recoil.

"Come on!"

Lu Wenwu smiled grimly, and his right arm had almost completely turned bloody.

The monstrous murderous aura had condensed into a kind of illusory pattern behind him, faintly echoing with his own breath, bursting out with resonance.

The pattern is like a sword that is indomitable and cuts through all obstacles.

But if you look closely, it looks like a magic sword that slaughters mountains and rivers and dominates the battlefield.

That is the fist meaning of the military killing fist that has not yet condensed into a shape, which is derived from its own martial arts true meaning.

If this shadow condenses into a shape, this skill that has been deduced by Lu Wenwu to an unknown level will instantly reach the pinnacle.

"President of the People's Union, let me see your purity!"

The scarlet sharpness burst out, tearing the air apart with a terrifying scream.

The heavy and proud bombardment is like a bloody heavy artillery, which arrives before the opponent's power has reached its peak and blasts upwards first.

"Swish! Boom!"

Two completely different sounds appeared almost at the same time.

The shield with golden ripples only lasted less than 0.5 seconds before being penetrated under the blessing of the military killing fist and the spear of the devil.

The military killing fist was like an explosive armor-piercing bullet, which exploded after blasting into the arm covered with super alloy armor and biomass.

The explosion effect carried by the devil's anger bloomed without reservation, and the endless fire of the evil fight directly ignited the 710 elements flowing inside the president's arm, causing a large-scale explosion.

The black flames were rising, and the black fire rain was burning.

Even the president who condensed the crystallization of the technology of three races could not foresee Lu Wenwu's ability that he had never used before, and was directly hit and staggered, almost falling to the ground.

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