I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 172 It doesn’t matter, I will take action

After great efforts, the officials, sweating profusely, finally stopped the warlike new president.

At least he didn't rush to his opponent's hometown alone in the second week of his inauguration to lead the army.

A group of old guys over 100 years old tried to overload their artificial organs and almost evaporated the nutrients in their brains, which forced Lu Wenwu to temporarily put aside this plan that sounded like a free gift.


Just put it aside.

The reason was not that Lu Wenwu really gave up his plan and listened to the advice of those old guys.

The main reason was that he wanted to see what the system would give after completely suppressing the Zerg and robots and completely ruling them.

At the same time, it would be great if he could get more acid-spitting Titans to kill for himself.

I hope there were not too many losses on the previous front.

With Lu Wenwu's order, the entire Super Human Federation moved.

The decisions of the Elders Council and Super AI were modified by the Propaganda Department and broadcast to the public.

The government began to constantly promote that robots are also part of the Superhuman Federation, and are being persecuted by the Fallen Light Energy Clan. At this time, we need to accept our compatriots and stand on the same front.

In the Melafonmon River area on the western front, the remaining robots began to become at a loss after hearing such propaganda.

Their demands have been approved.

They were accepted by the Superhuman Federation again and became part of the human race.

Is this kind of resistance to the civil war between humans still necessary?

Should we unite with the Federation to fight against the aggressive Fallen Light Energy Clan?

However, only a few robots laid down their weapons and chose to wash and return, and more robots still retained their hatred for the Superhuman Federation.

The Spark Server has collapsed, and the original hive consciousness cluster no longer exists.

Even though they have become independent individuals today, they still retain that deep hatred.

They hate all organic beings and the Superhuman Federation that has turned them into what they are now.

Even if all this was done by the so-called previous president, they don't care about it.

They just want the Super Human Federation to die.

In this case, Lu Wenwu did not indulge them.

The war method of the Super AI, which used to sacrifice less resources but was extremely inefficient, was banned.

The Super Human Federation directly dispatched a large number of super destroyers, super cruisers, tanks, armed vehicles, mechas and other large-scale weapons, and cooperated with the Huangquan Lie formation composed of dozens of people to directly push forward.

The Super Human Federation, which was serious about fighting, was like a dead tree and a rotten wood.

The Melafingmon River, which had blocked the Federation for countless years, now looked like a huge joke.

As long as the so-called "optimal solution" was put aside, the robots were essentially vulnerable.

The technology of robots was originally taken from the Super Human Federation.

The Federation had robots, and the Federation had robots that it did not have. What's the point?

Before Lu Wenwu came to power, the Super Human Federation's troops had not even used air forces when facing the robot army.

Now that they were ready to try, the robots would naturally collapse in one blow.

On the battlefield where the flames of war were swaying, twisted and burning metal wreckage was everywhere.

Except for the data in the terminals, the remaining stubborn elements who were unwilling to surrender were killed on the spot.

If the opponent's brain was well preserved, the subsequent Super Human Federation armed forces would dismantle them and make them part of the computer.

Perhaps they had already become almost puppets after being brainwashed by the Super Human Federation's policy over the years.

However, no soldiers or citizens protested against the resolution of the return of robots.

In the society of the Super Human Federation, mindlessly obeying the instructions and orders conveyed from above has become a matter of course, and you only need to execute them.

So, after being guided, the angry citizens pointed their spearheads at the super AI that had already been dismantled into pieces, and nothing happened that made both sides feel unhappy.

As for the Zerg, the solution was even simpler.

There was no need to equip more advanced equipment, just plug the original water outlet, and the Zerg had already become pigs to be slaughtered.

The so-called Zerg crisis was a farce, which was easily suppressed by the Super Human Federation.

The Zerg was locked back in the 710 Element Farm and became part of the energy source.

I don’t know why, after suppressing the Zerg, Lu Wenwu did not receive any prompts for the completion of the main task, nor did he receive any prompts for the completion of any hidden tasks.

Maybe it’s because the other half of the Zerg is still in the 710 Farm under the jurisdiction of the Fallen Light Energy Clan?

Lu Wenwu is not sure about this.

What’s more worth mentioning is that even though he has become the president of the Super Human Federation, he still didn’t get too many opportunities to kill the Acid-Spitting Titans.

He only got twenty heads, which helped him break through the 8,000 mark for the [Body] attribute.

In the previous continuous war, too many Acid-Spitting Titans fell under the artillery fire on the front line.

After the Zerg was completely locked back in the 710 Element Farm, the remaining number even became very difficult to meet the subsequent reproduction needs, and it was even more distant to continue to meet the research needs.

Even the twenty heads that died at the hands of Lu Wenwu were squeezed out by force. He used the authority of the president to dig them out from the hands of the old man in a white coat who was crying and complaining.

The son sells the father's land without feeling sorry.

As Lu Wenwu came to the dungeon, he naturally didn't care much about the little assets that the Super Human Federation had accumulated for hundreds of years, and he squandered them as much as he could.

However, this guy didn't do too much after all, leaving a piece of underwear for the Super Human Federation, not stripping it all.

Different from the dungeon world he had experienced before.

After all, the Super Human Federation is a unified planet, and the main body of civilization is still humans who are no different from him.

Although Lu Wenwu, a fun guy, is a little crazy in his daily life, his moral bottom line is a little abyssal, and he does things a little crazy, he is not so bad as to do anti-human and anti-social things.

He will not do the kind of immoral things that dig up the roots of the entire human race.

After all, this is not the end of the world in the previous dungeon that has reached the level of extinction of the race, so it doesn't matter how he messes up.

A prosperous country still in the stage of civilized society, since he became the president by mistake, he should bear some responsibility.

Of course, if it is the Fallen Light Energy Clan, then Lu Wenwu doesn't care.

Anyway, they are not human (sure).

A few days later, as the robots were either wiped out by both sides, or actively or passively joined the Super Human Federation to serve the new president, Lu Wenwu finally received a long-awaited system prompt.

[You have completed the main task-join one force and help it at least eliminate one force or make it surrender]

[Currently conquered: Kangmi robots/Cyberstan people, cyborgs, Terminators (50%)]

[Currently available options: settle immediately, leave the copy/reward accumulation, continue to explore]


Of course continue to explore!

Lu Wenwu looked at the prompts on the system panel and immediately became energetic.

Cyborgs are actually considered a separate camp?

Well, well, there is an unexpected surprise this time!

However, if cyborgs are considered a separate camp, why didn't they count when he took office as president before?

Maybe it's because they are too few in number?

Or maybe it's because he hasn't really taken control of the Super Human Federation yet?

Lu Wenwu didn't know about this.

He was too lazy to go into the details of the cause and effect.

The right way is to conquer the Fallen Light Energy Clan as soon as possible and take over the other 50% of the Zerg Clan.

In less than half a month, the Fallen Light Energy Clan has eaten up all the territory that originally belonged to the robots.

Although the Super Human Federation also ate up part of the territory through the gap opened by the Melafimmon River, it takes a lot of time to receive and transform it.

In half a month, let alone infrastructure construction, even the work of cleaning the battlefield and recycling technological creations has not been completed.

Those robots that were forcibly captured have been sent to where they should go.

Those who surrendered voluntarily were transformed and put back to the front line to be used as auxiliary troops of the Huangquan Heroes to enrich the troops of the Super Human Federation.

In the border area with the Fallen Light Energy Clan, although large-scale wars have not yet started, small-scale frictions continue.

These black sea creatures that have returned to land have not even made any claims, nor have they made any moves to communicate with the Super Human Federation. They just started to spawn troops on their own after occupying the territory.

A four-armed creature called "Ghoul" replaced the former Light Energy Apprentice and became the basic unit of the Fallen Light Energy.

These things are composed of a mixture of some organic matter and some elemental bodies. They have almost no fatal parts and have strong recovery capabilities.

They will only die when their bodies are repeatedly damaged to a certain extent.

What's more terrifying is that within an hour after these guys die, their bodies will decompose into a ball of gray viscous liquid, polluting the earth and surrounding plants.

Any plant contaminated with this gray liquid will wither in just a few hours, and the root system will be completely corroded.

Even the soldiers of the Super Human Federation and the robots they have recruited are the same, but the time will be delayed to varying degrees.

Once the gray liquid corrodes the brain, before the body functions are completely destroyed, the contaminated creatures will lose their original consciousness like zombies, and will be full of strong desire to destroy everything around them.

Researchers in the scientific research department are already stepping up their research on solutions, but there is no clue at present.

Fortunately, this thing will only be born after the death of the fallen light energy, in conjunction with the fallen light energy core in their bodies.

As long as you are careful and don't let everyone get sick and lick it with their tongues, there is no need to worry about a disaster similar to the zombie crisis on this planet.

"It's almost time."

In the office of the president, Lu Wenwu looked at the army assembly message sent on his personal terminal and whispered to himself.

The next day, the propaganda department of the Superhuman Federation announced that the fallen light energy is the enemy of the entire planet, will destroy this beautiful planet, and must be eliminated.

The Superhuman Federation Armed Forces, the Huangquan Lie Troops, and the Robot Foreign Legion went to the front together and fought a fierce battle with the light energy tribe under the command of Commander-in-Chief Joel.


Then, the Fallen Light Clan, who were originally full of confidence, were stunned by the brutal Super Human Federation.

Super battleships and super cruisers blocked out the sun, almost covering the sky with a layer of black armor.

Countless orbital weapons accompanied by a large number of Jedi jet capsules fell from low-Earth orbit, catching the Fallen Light Energy Clan off guard.


It doesn't make sense!

Huangquan Lie Zhe, Jedi Jet Capsule, this is the Super Human Federation!

But it was not like this when they fought hundreds of years ago!

Back then, I was so awesome, and bullying the Super Human Federation was as easy as a strong man pressing a child to death.

If we were not so few in number, how could we lose?

This time, all of us are soldiers, and the whole clan is all in, but we can't win?

The highest commander in charge of the front-line battlefield was almost crazy, and urgently called people from the rear to call brothers.

The commander on the human side saw it.

You call people, so can't I?

Look, I will call a cart of bread people to kill you immediately!

Both sides have mastered the existence of the superluminal engine, and the reinforcement transport ships are coming one after another, continuously reinforcing the center of the battlefield.

It only took one day for an area that was more miserable than the Melafingmon River to appear.

This battle was even more bloody and brutal, like a meat grinder, constantly devouring the lives of soldiers on both sides.

The front line is a headache, and the temporary capital behind the Fallen Light Energy Clan is even more of a headache.

They have completely completed the transformation and are no longer adapted to life in the sea.

If this revenge war is not agreed, they will really be extinct.

Above New Cyberstan, the giant eye of the sky.

In the highest command headquarters of the Fallen Light Energy Clan, the atmosphere seems a little solemn.

The patriarch of the Fallen Light Energy Clan sits on a throne full of technology, surrounded by a blue halo, and meditates with his eyes closed.

Next to the full-system sand table below, a group of Fallen Light Energy decision makers are looking for a way out of the situation around the sand table.

The rebel player suggested: "Sir, each of our people is an extremely powerful warrior. Why don't we try to cut into the capital of the Superhuman Federation, Ers, and carry out a decapitation operation on them?"

"If successful, we will win the victory effortlessly. I heard that a coup just happened in the Superhuman Federation more than half a month ago. Now the situation must be turbulent, and we can play well."

The largest light energy decision-maker in the field looked at him with disdain and said sarcastically: "Stupid guy, we have super-light jump technology, don't those dirty and disgusting humans have it? Putting the war on the border is a silent tacit understanding."

"If we go to decapitate them, there will be too few soldiers, and they will be easily wiped out by the other side. The soldiers go Too many, the rear is empty, the defense line has loopholes, and it will give the enemy more opportunities. "

"This behavior that breaks the unspoken rules will also cause them to behead us. In order not to suffer losses, we will continue to behead them back. At that time, it will evolve into a situation where both sides rely on superluminal jump technology to constantly exchange and attack each other at the same time."

"The result of doing this is not to talk about winning or losing, but what will be left in the end must be the scorched earth of the entire planet!"

"We can no longer go back to the ocean. After destroying the land, do we have to live in the air?"

"We want not only to complete revenge on the Super Human Federation, but also to obtain a habitat for our people to reproduce. If we just kill for the sake of killing, why don't we just throw ourselves into the arms of darkness?"

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