I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 195 This is the ancient magic practice!

"This navigation is over. The whole journey is 1,225 kilometers. You have seriously exceeded the speed limit in 348 sections of the road and illegally crossed protected forests and unopened areas in 165 places."

"Xuankong Navigation reminds you - there are thousands of roads, but safety is the first. Driving irregularly will make your loved ones cry."

"Friends of cultivation, if you need sword flying navigation, please contact Xuankong Xianzong immediately to purchase customized exclusive sword flying navigation, or open a flight membership in the 'Xuankong Navigation Professional Edition'. The first annual fee for SVIP is only 99 low-grade spirit stones."

Lu Wenwu stared at the big Xuankong Xianzong logo on the screen of his mobile phone and the vaguely visible Shencheng under his feet, and fell into deep thought for a while.

The world of cultivation that he once dreamed of.

This filter is still broken.

Who needs to use navigation when flying swords?

Sword flying

Sword flying!

Lu Wenwu suddenly turned his head and asked: "I wonder if Fate Daoist has a way to fly with a sword? How about selling me one? It doesn't need to be too good, just the common stuff in the world of cultivation."

He has given up now.

I am just an old antique who can't keep up with the times. I'm out!

I am a waste!


Fate Master: "."


Silence is the Yangtze River Bridge in WH City tonight.

"Why do you act like this, fellow Daoist? Sword control should not be a precious method, right?" Seeing that the True Lord of Destiny remained silent for a long time, Lu Wenwu suddenly felt puzzled, "Or is there something unspeakable about this sword control?"

"Well, it's not that I don't want to trade with you. This is indeed not a precious magic. It's okay to give it to you, but..."

"But what?"

The True Lord of Destiny said hesitantly: "Well, but I can't do it. Otherwise, why do you think I want to study this escape method?"

"You can't?" Lu Wenwu widened his eyes, "Fellow Daoist Tianji, you are the True Lord of the Immortal Realm! You are the former leader of the world's cultivators. You say you can't control the sword?"

"When I was young, I also dreamed of traveling the world with a sword." The True Lord of Destiny smiled shyly, "But I found that the sword manual was too difficult, so I didn't go, and changed to learn the way of divination."

Lu Wenwu: "."

Very good, now the True Lord of Destiny is a waste!

"Anyway, let's go down first."

Lu Wenwu tactfully skipped this topic and slowly fell down.

"Go over there. I can vaguely sense that the clue is probably over there. Let's go directly there." The Lord of Destiny pointed to a direction.

Soon, the two landed in a secluded alley without attracting anyone's attention.

Compared with the ancient and heavy Yanjing, Shencheng obviously has more vitality of a new city. The city is wrapped in a steel jungle, and there is no trace of any ancient monuments.

This is a den of brothel, a real version of Night City, a combination of extreme poverty and extreme wealth, and a place that combines magical realism and real life.

"Is the weather in the south so changeable?"

Lu Wenwu, who fell to the ground, let Maomao out, raised his hand to touch the raindrops dripping on his face, and looked at the sky that suddenly darkened.

The wind and clouds changed, and dark clouds condensed.

It suddenly rained in the sky.

As soon as he arrived here, Shencheng gave Lu Wenwu, a northerner, a little southern shock.

"It shouldn't be like this. The weather is a little abnormal. Maybe there's something fishy going on here."

The Lord of Destiny stroked his beard in confusion and made a divination with his left hand.

In about a second, the expression on the old man's face suddenly became strange, even a little disappointed?

"Brother Tyrannosaurus, don't be nervous. I made a mistake."

"What happened?"

Lu Wenwu, who was ready for the battle, was confused and put down his clenched fist.

"A singer is having a concert."

The Lord of Destiny explained with a little embarrassment.

"This little guy has some pure mythological blood, and he has also activated a part of it. His ancestor should have been the high priest of the ancient rain god in the mythological era."

Lu Wenwu: "?"

What rain god Master Xiao.

".Then what does his singing have to do with the rain?"

"I wonder if you have ever understood the principles of some mythological spells that can change the world?"

"I am a barbarian and don't understand spells."

"Well, the way spells are cast in the mythological era is different from what we do now. It requires the immortal gods to appoint a high priest and grant him a certain level of cultivation. The selected high priest has a certain degree of ability to control spiritual energy."

"But in that era, all things in the four seasons and even nature were controlled by the ancient immortal gods. Even if the high priest wanted to do something, he had to be approved by the 'heaven and earth'. Well, the heaven and earth that were changed by the ancient immortal gods."

"It's not difficult. You just need to follow the procedure, that is, follow the sacrificial ritual with some symbolic meaning. The spell is not important, and even the power of the high priest itself is not important. You just need to satisfy this symbolism and let the heaven and earth know that you are following the process."

Now Lu Wenwu's expression became strange: "So what you mean is that the singer's concert meets the standard process of praying for rain, so the heaven and earth think he is praying for rain, so it rains?"

"Fellow Taoist is smart, that's right." True Lord Destiny was also a little helpless, "In the mythical age, praying for rain was very simple. The high priest chanted the incantation on it, and the rest of the tribe silently hoped for rain in their hearts, and formed a circle to sing and dance along with it. , Just make the atmosphere a little more exciting. It doesn’t matter what the spell is, but it’s usually about praising the gods.”


"Fellow Taoist Tianji, let's get down to business."

Lu Wenwu coughed twice, and the Qi and Blood Furnace formed a field that blocked all the raindrops, and changed the topic again.

This is the true king of destiny.

It's a little different from what I imagined.

True Lord Destiny was also a little embarrassed and immediately went down the stairs.

He pointed in one direction, raised his legs and walked away: "Go this way, I can vaguely sense that I should be able to find something here."

"Can't you be more accurate? You are the True King of the Immortal Realm!" Lu Wenwu said while walking, "How can you be as inaccurate as a mortal cultivator?"

"What can I do? That's what divination is all about! I can borrow the power of heaven and earth, and even if heaven and earth don't lend it to me, there's nothing I can do!" True Lord Destiny was aggrieved that his professional abilities were being questioned.

Lu Wenwu was noncommittal and turned to inquire about other things: "By the way, are incense and faith really important to immortals? Are they necessities?"

"It is not a necessity, but it is indeed very important. It is equivalent to the auxiliary elixirs used by cultivators, or the spirit gathering array." True Lord Destiny replied, "So, many immortals and gods will issue orders to the descendants of the lower world. Ask them to spread the faith for themselves as much as possible.”

Lu Wenwu thought for a while: "Is this possible? I don't think I have seen that many temples and shrines."

"Fellow Taoist Tyrannosaurus, spreading faith is not limited to this."

True Monarch Destiny chuckled and pursed his lips towards a hospital in the distance.

"No, it's like the hospital over there. Look at the logo on it. It's the property of the Tianji Alchemy Sect, and it has their iconic Yin-Yang pattern elixir logo on it."

"Hospital?" Lu Wenwu was stunned, "You mean these Immortal Sect disciples will serve as doctors?"

"Natural." True Lord Destiny said with a smile, "Many immortal gods will ask their disciples to open hospitals to treat mortals. In hospitals, especially in the solemn care unit, mortals pray to immortal gods more than in temples and shrines. Much more sincere.”

“The walls of hospitals have heard prayers ten thousand times more sincere than those in churches and temples.”

"It's just the ordinary doctors who suffer. They are obviously trying their best to treat illnesses and save people. Many times the gods and gods know nothing about it at all, but people like to attribute the cure of some difficult and complicated diseases to the help of the gods and gods."

"I always feel that it seems to be somewhat utilitarian," Lu Wenwu said.

"But anyway, mortal life has been improved, hasn't it?"

Lord Destiny glanced at the compass in his hand and walked to another alley.

"Many illnesses that are considered terminal diseases in the eyes of mortals can be easily solved by cultivators. And all they have to pay, apart from some money, is their devout faith in the gods and immortals."

"Everyone gets what they need, and no one owes anything to the other. For those mortals who are eager to live, this is a good deal."


Lu Wenwu shrugged and mentally scanned the situation within a few kilometers around him.

The catastrophe of world destruction is a very broad concept, and even he himself is not sure what the cause is.

Even though Lord Destiny indicated that there would be some clues in this area, Lu Wenwu didn't know what the clues actually referred to, so he could only take a closer look at all the suspicious points.

In this way, the speed slowed down.

Half an hour later, the two people and the dog came to a school.

This is a middle school. In the early morning, there is the faint sound of reading in the campus, and the bright vitality rushes towards the face and bursts out vigorously.

"Wait a minute, something is wrong." Lu Wenwu stretched out his hand to stop the Lord of Destiny, "There is a dark spiritual energy fluctuation under this school. Is this the clue we are looking for?"

"Dark spiritual power, this is a special training place of the modern demon sect. It has been very popular in the past few hundred years. Fellow Taoist Tyrannosaurus doesn't need to worry about it." True Lord Destiny felt it for a moment and explained with a smile.

"Modern Demon Sect? Training place? School?" Lu Wenwu slowly asked a question.

True Lord Destiny had become accustomed to his incomprehensible questions and explained directly: "The modern demon sect has long ceased to engage in killing people and refining soul banners at the beginning of the human era. Now what they want in practice is nothing but resentment. , evil thoughts, yin energy, resentment, blood, and other such things."

"Blood is easy to get. Just go to the blood bank to buy it. Although it is not available in Daxia, it is legal in many Western countries and is the easiest to get. Yin Qi is also simple. You can just repair it under the cemetery or execution ground. If you really want something warm, go there On the battlefield in the Middle East, there is fighting all the time.”

"Evil thoughts are even easier. Many countries, including Daxia, are cooperating with major demon sects and letting cultivators help guard prisons. The evil cultivators need to control enough evil thoughts, the country will worry less, and the prisoners can be managed better. This is a win-win situation. "

"As for resentment, resentment and...haha, there is nothing more serious than the students in the third year of high school and the social beasts who work 996 overtime every day. The most common training places of modern demon sects are under schools and office buildings, in the months before the college entrance examination and during the holidays. The overtime day after the work is over is a carnival for the demon cultivators.”

"So, if Fellow Daoist Tyrannosaurus cannot find a suitable resonance with the Great Dao in the future, those who are inclined to the dark and gloomy direction can also be considered. According to the words of ordinary people, this aspect is still a blue ocean, the employment direction and the general environment are very good, and there is no competition."

Speaking of this, Lord Fate couldn't help but complain: "In the current environment, ordinary people have too many troubles. Those cultivators of demons are eating so well in the upper realm, and there is no problem of resource shortage at all. Even if there are dozens more demon immortals, there will be enough to share."

"Thank you, I will consider it."

Lu Wenwu nodded expressionlessly.

"But Fellow Daoist Tianji, although you said that it is a very normal thing for modern demon cultivators to build a training ground under the school, you see that the things they are currently offering and the tributes used for the offerings are not a bit wrong?"

"Using the souls and flesh of living people to sacrifice a thing that is suspected to be an evil god, this should not be something that a modern demon sect would do, right? How is this thing counted in the modern cultivation world?"

Lu Wenwu's soul is extremely powerful, and his mental power is naturally extremely strong.

How could the concealment array built by a mere demon cultivator escape his mental scan?

With a casual poke, the barrier was pierced like paper, and the scene inside was clearly visible.

Two guys who didn't look like good people from their clothes were trying to kill a low-level cultivator who was in a coma and try to extract his soul.

In front of the two evil cultivators, there was a statue whose face could not be seen clearly.

Even if he just scanned it with mental power, Lu Wenwu could clearly feel the trembling evil power emanating from it. It was a domineering power that would subtly brainwash people, and it was a strange fluctuation that would make ordinary people go crazy immediately after just one look.

While the Lord of Destiny was explaining just now, Lu Wenwu had already opened up a temporary space channel.

On the other side of the silver-white mirror, the actions of the two demon cultivators were in his sight.

The Eye of Insight did not show any special titles or affixes on the other side.

"The remnants of the ancient demon cultivators, how dare you!"

The Lord of Destiny, who saw this scene, was immediately furious, and two golden lights suddenly shot out from the compass in his right hand.

In just a moment, the bodies of the two demon cultivators, who were not much stronger than mortals, were annihilated into nothingness, leaving only their souls that were taken back by the golden light and suppressed in the compass.

Lu Wenwu then waved his hand and took the unconscious low-level cultivator along with the only statue in the room.

After confirming his physical condition, he stuffed a healing pill into his mouth.

It was just an ordinary coma, his spiritual power was slightly eroded by the evil power, and his soul in the sea of ​​consciousness was slightly sluggish.

After taking a pill, he would wake up after a rest.

The Lord of Destiny whispered, "Fellow Daoist Tyrannosaurus, we need to find a secluded place. First, this little guy needs to recuperate for a while, and second, I feel the guidance of the power of destiny on this statue, and I need to divine again."

"That's easy." Lu Wenwu stretched out his hand, and another space door opened. "If Fellow Daoist Tianji trusts me, why don't you come to my Lingtian Cave Mansion to have a chat?"

"Fellow Daoist Tyrannosaurus has a sincere heart to save the world, and I have no objection." The Lord of Destiny nodded slightly.

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