I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 80 I have a friend, he is called the Great God of Evolution [First Order]

[Elegy of Civilization: The believers still remember the ancient legends passed down from mouth to mouth. The power of the sun is in their hands. It is a great power like that of gods. Unfortunately, they have completely forgotten that this power does not come from gods, but from the wisdom of their ancestors]

[The number of verifications of your team's ultimate secret has been refreshed. The current number of verifications remaining is: 3]

[You have completed the main task-select any force to investigate and obtain its ultimate secret]

[Current reward accumulation: [Natural Faith] [Primitive Worship] [Elegy of Civilization]]

[Currently available options: immediate settlement, leaving the copy/reward accumulation, and continuing to explore]

99.98% matching degree.

It seems that the information in He Guoren's hands is very complete.

The expressions on the faces of the exploration team have become more and more kind, and the pressure has dropped sharply.

He Guoren wiped his sweat with lingering fear, and his hanging heart finally let go a little.

"You did a good job, I am very satisfied."

Anthony handed over a bag of watermelon juice and gave him an encouraging look.

However, who would have thought that He Guoren's face turned pale in an instant, and he took it tremblingly, looking at Anthony with full of fear in his eyes.

"You misunderstood, this is watermelon juice, watermelons should have been extinct here, right?"

The blood clan count was helpless.

The difference between blood and watermelon juice is obviously huge, okay?

Why do people always misunderstand him?

As a blood clan with good self-cultivation, how could he casually give blood to others or suck other people's blood?

This world is really not as good as it used to be!

Looking at the other party's trembling appearance, Lu Wenwu couldn't bear it, snatched a handful of watermelon juice and drank it in his mouth, and signaled Kashan to use freezing magic.

Su Qinghong skillfully performed mental hints, so that He Guoren ignored what happened just now and started to explain again.

"The God of Heavenly Punishment and Destruction. This is actually not a complete thing."

"He, or it, in a broad sense, is scattered all over the place. It is an automatic nuclear counterattack system established by various countries before the outbreak of the war, linking the nuclear strike combat clusters of nuclear-powered submarines, battleships, aircraft carriers, etc. with automatic cruising functions, as well as the rest of the arsenal and nuclear arsenal."

"Until the thermonuclear warheads and intercontinental missiles, hydrogen bombs and other weapons of mass destruction are used up, or before the system is damaged, the automatic counterattack system will never stop."

"They will automatically lock all buildings on non-national territory through high-performance military satellites and navigation systems that are still in operation. As long as it exceeds a certain scale or there is a corresponding weapon fluctuation, it will definitely attract a nuclear strike."

"In recent decades, this kind of thing has been much less. On the one hand, most of the wasteland settlements have summed up the corresponding rules, and on the other hand, the wasteland land There are not many people left in the world, and reproduction has become difficult. We can no longer support such a large range of civilization. "

"Third, I think the reserves in many nuclear arsenals have been exhausted, whether it is explosives or energy. The adults should know that even controlled nuclear fusion requires workers and raw materials to maintain, and self-disciplined repair machinery will also be damaged. "

"However, I don’t know which gathering place first spread the name of the God of Heavenly Punishment and Destruction. Please forgive me, my ancestors did not record this history in detail, so I naturally have no way of knowing it. "

"I speculate that it was probably some third- and fourth-generation survivors who knew a little bit of the truth that imitated other sects and worshiped the automatic attack system that was still performing high-intensity strike missions at the time, thinking that it was a punishment from the gods. "

"Sure enough, it is almost the same as I guessed. "Lu Wenwu murmured in a low voice and started verification.

[Your team submitted the ultimate secret]

[Verification in progress]

[Information matching loyalty praise, verification passed]

[Loyalty praise: The creators of the past have long perished, and the remaining humans have long forgotten the glory of their ancestors. But the creations they created in the past still stick to their posts and unconditionally continue the legacy war]

[Your team's ultimate secret verification times have been refreshed, and the current number of verifications remaining: 3]

[You have completed the main task-select any force to investigate and obtain its ultimate secret]

[Current reward accumulation: [Natural Faith] [Primitive Worship] [Civilization Elegy] [Loyalty Praise]]

[Currently available options: Immediate settlement, exit the copy/reward accumulation, continue to explore]

"Not bad."

Lu Wenwu praised sincerely, took out a steaming egg pancake from his backpack and handed it over.

Or this one in the world of the living.

He Guoren couldn't resist this temptation at all, and he destroyed it in a few seconds, shedding tears of emotion.

"Is this the legendary egg-filled pancake?" he asked cautiously, his eyes shining.

Su Qinghong was surprised.

This guy has really made great progress!

"Huh? You know egg-filled pancake?"

Lu Wenwu sat up straight and looked at him differently.

He Guoren nodded quickly: "I was lucky enough to hear my great-grandfather describe it. He used to like it very much. In his time, there were still normal hens alive. But my great-grandfather was very sorry that there were only eggs, oil, and flour, but no sauces or side dishes, which made it less delicious. I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to eat the real delicacy now, fulfilling my great-grandfather's last wish, and I can die without regrets."

"Well, your grandfather is right. I admire him very much."

Lu Wenwu nodded seriously, feeling that He Guoren in front of him became more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Tell me everything about the remaining two gods in detail. When you're done, I'll treat you to egg-filled pancakes."

"Thank you for your generosity!"

He Guoren looked happy and hurriedly sorted out the information in his mind.

"The God of Nature's Redemption, as outsiders understand it in a broad sense, is actually the artificial intelligence responsible for the management of an underground city called [Nature], named - Redemption."

"It is one of the highest achievements left by mankind before the war, and the so-called Kingdom of God is naturally this underground city."

"The Natural City was actually created to study ecological cycles when it was first designed. Later, when the nuclear war struck, it was transformed into a very high-level refuge, housing countless domestic elites and a large amount of supplies."

"In the early days of the Wasteland Era, the Nature Refuge once sent out a large number of personnel in an attempt to carry out disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction. However, due to various reasons, the results were minimal."

"Probably because the personnel in the Wasteland era iterated too quickly. After the first few generations of survivors died, the pure Wastelanders had long forgotten our true identities, and instead regarded us as believers or even apostles of the gods. , our explanation is completely useless.”

"Under such circumstances, the name of the God of Nature's Redemption gradually spread, and the natural sanctuary became the kingdom of God that was passed down from word to mouth in their mouths, and it became a place like the Kingdom of Heaven."

"It's a pity that later, due to reasons that my great-grandfather was unwilling to mention, a large-scale conflict broke out in the natural refuge. Countless technological creations were damaged as a result, and countless elites who should have shouldered the responsibility for post-war reconstruction died."

"It is precisely because of that conflict that the countless seeds, materials, cultural relics, biological embryos, etc. that were stored before the war were almost completely lost. It is impossible to accurately describe that there is not even one left in a hundred."

"The remaining people in the natural refuge can only survive from now on. It is almost impossible to send any support to the outside world, and it is difficult to send out personnel."

"Eighty-three years ago, the energy supply facility of the natural sanctuary was completely damaged, and even exploded and collapsed, burying the few remaining materials and materials, and also burying countless lives."

"Therefore, that generation had to move out with all their belongings, came to this semi-military nuclear power plant fortress, barely rebuilt a small cycle life-support capsule, and became immortal as an apostle of the God of Natural Redemption. Priest of the Sun God.”

"However, the side effects of inbreeding are becoming more and more obvious, and it is becoming more and more difficult to reproduce. It is estimated that the pure-blooded ancient humans in this world who have not been mutated by radiation are about to come to an end."

"My lords, this is the whole story of the God of Nature's Redemption."

"There is no kingdom of God, no apostles, no beauty like the Taoyuan, and there is no so-called beauty of redeeming everything. It is just self-deception in despair."

Speaking of this, He Guoren's mood became a little depressed.

“The few dozen of us left and this survival capsule that barely accommodates us are all that the God of Nature’s Redemption has left in the world.”

[Your team submitted the ultimate secret]


[Information consistency - 100%, ultimate secret·Reverberation of the Old Age, verified]

[Reverberations of the Old Age: Humanity in the past is about to perish, but can the new generation of humanity survive this man-made disaster that has nearly cut off civilization and regain the glory of past civilization? No one knows]

[The number of verifications for your team’s ultimate secret has been refreshed, and the current number of verifications remaining: 3]

[You have completed the main mission - choose any force to investigate and obtain its ultimate secret]

[Current reward accumulation: [Natural Faith] [Primitive Worship] [Civilized Elegy] [Loyal Praise] [Old Era Reverberation]]

[Current options: settle immediately, leave the instance/accumulate rewards, and continue exploring]

"Very good." Lu Wenwu praised, "Then the last one is left, the God of Great Evolution."

With cumulative rewards from five missions, plus two hidden missions and one side mission, the perfect rating is definitely stable.

However, there were too few hidden tasks and side tasks triggered this time, and the special side tasks in the school book could not be unlocked, which inevitably made Lu Wenwu feel a little regretful.

I wonder if I can get a wave of [Miracle] reviews this time?

Facing several people, He Guoren looked embarrassed and said cautiously: "Sir, I really don't know what this great god of evolution is. There is no record of this in our ancestors."

Lu Wenwu was not surprised by this. He had already guessed in his mind, so he just said calmly: "It doesn't matter, tell me what you know."

He Guoren thought for a moment and said: "According to the ancestors' descriptions, the great god of evolution suddenly existed one day in the first year after the end of the nuclear war, and on the day of his arrival, a bloody rain fell on the entire planet. Everyone witnessed His majestic body.”

"After the bloody rain, people discovered that both themselves and other creatures had experienced a kind of alienation and mutation that was completely different from the past."

"This mutation often changes our appearance, and even causes us to die due to genetic collapse, but it also brings about three evolutionary systems that can make mutated humans immune to deadly nuclear radiation to a certain extent."

"I don't know if we should thank this great god of evolution. If he hadn't brought the blood rain, I'm afraid humans and other creatures would have perished long ago. No ordinary creature can survive in a place with such explosive nuclear radiation."

"Are you 100% sure that the great god of evolution really exists?" Lu Wenwu asked.

He Guoren nodded: "Yes, sir, I am 100% sure."

Kashan rarely took the initiative to ask: "Have you ever doubted that if all of this, including the nuclear war, is controlled by the Great God of Evolution? What if He just wants to destroy your civilization and get something?"

He Guoren shook his head: "I have doubted it. The ancestors even suspected that the polluting power that can give birth to ghosts is also brought by Him, but what's the point? We have no ability to change all this. We have even lost the inheritance of our ancestors."

"In addition to the above, do you have anything else to add?" Anthony asked, "For example, describe the appearance of the Great God of Evolution?"

"Well, sorry, sir, I really can't do this. The ancestors did not record this aspect." He Guoren smiled bitterly, "But my great-grandfather once mentioned that the extra alienated parts of those evolvers seem to be somewhat similar to a part of the Great God of Evolution's body."

"I see."

Lu Wenwu looked at the [Blood Regeneration] talent on his personal panel and murmured in a low voice.

"Could it be you, my old friend?"

[Your team submitted the ultimate secret]

[Verification in progress]

[Information matching degree - 90.01%, the ultimate secret · the original god, verification passed]

[The original god: People don't know his title, let alone his name, but there is no doubt that he has brought new vitality to this planet. Even if the creatures here have embarked on a deformed evolutionary path, at least they are still]

[You have completed the main task - choose any force to investigate and obtain its ultimate secret]

[Current rewards accumulated: [Natural Faith] [Primitive Worship] [Civilization Elegy] [Loyalty Praise] [Old Echo] [Original God]]

[Congratulations, your team has completed all exploration tasks, and settlement will begin in ten seconds]




Verification successful?

Lu Wenwu was relieved, but his eyes became more subtle.

The God of the Outer Realm is indeed you!

The Great God of Evolution

What do you want to do and what do you want to get?

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