I Can See the Lines of Fortune

Chapter 149

Chapter 148 Legendary Contract Crystal

Early the next morning, Mo Xiaobai received Guo Jinyu’s notice and came to the Adventurer’s Guild.

Guo Jinyu was waiting for him at the gate of the Adventurer’s Guild.

“Come here very quickly.”

She grinned and said.

Mo Xiaobai nodded: “After all, it’s a reward. What if you don’t hurry?”


Guo Jinyu was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed.

“Dignified Chiyue Academy ranked first in the first-year battle list, Xiaobai still deserves this little reward. Just the murloc turmoil the other day, you have gained a lot, right?”

“No matter how small the mosquito’s legs are, it’s meaty? I’m very economical.”

Mo Xiaobai couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

He is not as rich as Yan Xue and Wood Forest.

Guo Jinyu squinted and smiled, then she sighed slightly and said:

“This period is also an eventful period. Only a few days after the murloc turmoil, another undead appeared. This time in addition to Huatu Town, several other towns reported the presence of undead.”

“Are there other towns?”

Mo Xiaobai was taken aback, somewhat surprised.

“Yes, but those undead also appeared and disappeared within a few days.”

Mo Xiaobai nodded lightly.

“So did you find out anything?”

Guo Jinyu shook his head slightly: “It is difficult to find out by the altar alone, but it should be a new force that has never appeared before.”

Mo Xiaobai nodded when he heard the words, and said nothing more.

“Go, go in.”

Afterwards, Mo Xiaobai followed Guo Jinyu and found the person in charge of the Adventurers’ Guild.

Because the difficulty of this task was not small, in the end even a Tier 4 undead boss appeared, and the task was defined as a silver task.

The biggest reward is a rare-level original tech spar.

Mo Xiaobai chose an explosive technique called Zhaowu Curse.

After using it, it can increase the physical strength of the three layers and the strength of the original force, but after the duration is over, it will fall into a state of weakness for a period of time.

Of course, with Mo Xiaobai’s current Breath of Life level, Zhaowu Curse’s backlash was very small.

It’s also a kind of hole card.

In addition to this original skill reward, there are some original crystals, and also some adventurer points.

Coupled with the points gained during the last murloc turmoil, Mo Xiaobai found that he was almost full of the points of the bronze adventurer, and after doing a few silver tasks, he could be promoted to the level of a silver adventurer. .

However, Mo Xiaobai was not in a hurry.

Many Tier 4 original warriors are still bronze adventurers, he has only two abilities.

After receiving the reward, Mo Xiaobai and Guo Jinyu left the Adventurer’s Guild.

Guo Jinyu smiled slightly: “I have to go to see the altar there yesterday, so I won’t accompany you.”

Mo Xiaobai nodded lightly: “Sister Guo is going to be busy. I originally planned to go to the Vicious Forest Void Domain here, and then I will go back.”

Guo Jinyu nodded lightly, then smiled:

“I have the opportunity to find my sister to play, and then I will take you to do the task.”

The two said goodbye, and Mo Xiaobai directly stopped the car and headed to the Void Realm of the Evil Forest.

Because the source of the undead was exposed yesterday, the threat of the undead was lifted, and the evil forest void domain that was originally forbidden to enter was naturally reopened.

Perhaps because of the reopening of the Void Realm, there are many people in the Adventure Center today.

Mo Xiaobai finally squeezed into the void domain.

The Void Domain of the Evil Forest is a huge forest.

There are many dark types of evil creatures in the forest, so it was named the evil forest.

The place where the adventurer resides is about ten kilometers in circle, in the middle of a lush forest.

After Mo Xiaobai appeared from the Adventurer’s Square, he left the station without stopping at all.




In the forest, all kinds of roars whispered endlessly.

Mo Xiaobai was surrounded by a group of Tier 2 Timberwolves just a few kilometers away from the station.

Mo Xiaobai swept his eyes and found that the light around these Timberwolves was all white.

Mo Xiaobai was stunned.

How could this monster be a white light?

“Oh ”

It seemed that they felt the threat from Mo Xiaobai’s body. Several Timberwolves lowered their bodies and slowly surrounded Mo Xiaobai, looking very alert.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the Timberwolves surrounding him, and suddenly thought of something.

He stretched out his arm directly at the largest Timberwolf of Tier 2 and Tier 3.

When the Timberwolves saw Mo Xiaobai stretch out his arm, he seemed to be stunned, and some did not react.

Then, with a low growl, its limbs slammed on the ground, turning into a gray streamer, opening its blood basin and leaping towards Mo Xiaobai.

Mo Xiaobai did not evade or attack, but directly tucked his arm into the Timberwolf’s mouth.


Although the Timberwolves didn’t quite understand why the person in front of him suddenly put his hand to his mouth, but its instinct was to put a mouthful on Mo Xiaobai’s battle armor.

The next moment, the Timberwolf’s expression froze, and the original fierce eyes suddenly widened, a sharp pain flashed in his eyes, and he let go of his big mouth and backed away.

The sharp, **** teeth fell out of the Timberwolf’s mouth, and it couldn’t help howling in a low voice, tears coming out.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaobai showed a dazed expression.

That’s it.

Now even if I stand here and let these Timberwolves bite, these Timberwolves can’t help him.

In this case, isn’t it white light?

There is no threat.

The wolves were a little dazed when they saw the screaming wolves.

Afterwards, they seemed to understand something and wanted to escape with their tails clamped.

Mo Xiaobai smiled softly, the epee in his hand appeared, the sword light flickered, and blood spewed out in a short period of time, more than a dozen Timberwolves fell to the ground, and a few extraordinary materials were deposited.

Mo Xiaobai picked up the thing and moved again.

Because there was no adventurer to kill the beasts in the void domain for five days, there were a lot of beasts in the entire forest, and there were also a lot of herbs and the like.

Mo Xiaobai has gained a lot along the way.

However, for other adventurers, it is somewhat difficult.

Along the way, Mo Xiaobai saw many adventurers being run away by groups of monsters.

Of course, if he encounters it, he will naturally help.


Two days later, in the depths of the evil forest, within a huge tree several hundred meters high, Mo Xiaobai stepped into it.



As soon as they entered this huge forest, a group of evil treants all over gray ran out from behind the giant tree.

Mo Xiaobai turned his head and scanned the evil tree man, a little surprised.

All of them are the elite of the second-order peak.

However, the gray light on the elites of these second-order peaks is basically invisible, and it is almost the same as the white light.

Obviously there is no threat.

Two of the evil treants appeared and threw grey spears directly at Mo Xiaobai.

The spear whizzed, tearing the air, and then fell heavily on Mo Xiaobai’s breastplate.

The next moment, two spears broke from it, and Mo Xiaobai only felt the force coming from his chest as if being pushed by a child.

He touched the glorious black breastplate, feeling happy.

The elite evil Treant of the same level can’t even break his defense.

It is indeed a legendary Tier 3 suit.

Seeing the spear broken, the evil tree man was also taken aback, and some did not react.

The next moment, he grinned and flashed through the evil treants as a knife, and all the evil treants were beheaded.

After picking up the extraordinary material, Mo Xiaobai moved forward again.

As it continues to deepen, the number of evil treants increases, including warriors, spear throwers, archers, and even wood element messengers.

When Mo Xiaobai approached the center of the giant tree forest, suddenly several red and light gray rays appeared on the edge of the white rays.

Mo Xiaobai’s eyes lit up, but there was color?

He turned his head and moved towards the range of light.

Soon, Mo Xiaobai came under a giant tree with a height of more than a thousand meters. The crown of the giant tree was like an umbrella, covering an area of ​​nearly one kilometer.

At the bottom of the giant tree, there is a tribe of treants with a large area.

And in a huge tree hole in the giant tree, there are four light gray lines of bad luck and light red lines of good luck floating out.

You know, the elite evil treants at the second-order peak are basically white in his line of sight.

Now there is a light gray line of doom, indicating that the evil treants in the tree hole can at least break the defense.

Is it the boss?

Mo Xiaobai walked on with excitement.

After Mo Xiaobai entered the evil treant tribe, the evil treant guard at the edge of the tribe found him.


With a low roar, all the evil treants in the tribe turned their heads and looked over.

Afterwards, hundreds of evil treants rushed towards him, all of them were evil treants of ordinary level and elite level above rank two and eight.

Mo Xiaobai had no defense at all, holding a heavy sword in his hand, tearing the bodies of several evil treants with every sword stroke.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of evil treants were all killed by Mo Xiaobai, leaving only one corpse.

The evil tree leader in the cave at the bottom of the giant tree seemed to hear the movement and came out.

Mo Xiaobai looked at it, and there were four evil tree leaders.

One of them is even the leader of the evil tree of Tier 3, and the remaining three are also the pinnacle of Tier 2.

There are warriors with wooden grabs, elementalists with staffs, and spearers with wooden spears.

As for the third-tier, first-tier evil tree leader, he wears a tree crown and holds a wooden cyan battle axe in his hand.


After seeing the tragedy of the tribe, the four leaders roared and rushed forward without even thinking about it.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaobai smiled slightly, his body turned into a knife light, and disappeared in place.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi! !

Four sword lights flashed, and the four evil tree leaders who had charged directly froze in place.

The next moment, their heads fell directly from their necks, and then their bodies fell heavily to the ground.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the corpse on the ground and couldn’t help but sigh.

This is too weak.

Soon, the four bosses shed extraordinary materials in one place.

Purple, blue, green.

Mo Xiaobai picked up everything. Among them was a Tier 3 Tianzhu rare equipment, which was a cyan wooden battle axe. Although it was made of wood, it was heavy and had extremely sharp edges.

There is even a self-recovery effect.

You know, even the Dark Night Guardian suit on him has no effect of self-recovery.

This weapon can save a lot of repair costs!

Mo Xiaobai put away things with satisfaction.

This weapon should be able to sell a lot of credits when taken back to school.

In addition to the rare equipment of Tianzhu, there are some rare-level transcendent materials, a rare-level Tianzhu battle armor, plus other transcendent materials.

In general, you can sell a lot of credits.

Mo Xiaobai put the things away happily, and then found a lot of wood ganoderma in the cave of the previous evil tree leader.

They are both rare and rare level herbs.

Mo Xiaobai also put away everything.

After walking out of the cave, Mo Xiaobai found that there was even more dazzling red light above the giant tree.

Seeing such a dazzling red light, Mo Xiaobai was delighted.

There is a baby.

He looked at the rough tree trunk, put away the heavy sword, and started climbing.

Before long, Mo Xiaobai climbed several hundred meters.

He looked down at the tiny tribe on the ground and couldn’t help swallowing.

If it fell, even he would be dead.

However, Mo Xiaobai soon came to the position of the red light.

The red light gathered on the tree trunk extending out of the branches, and it looked like there were no herbs.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaobai was delighted.

Void treasure.

Unexpectedly, before finally going back, he would find a void treasure.

He hurriedly climbed onto the tree trunk, reaching out and pressing the position of the red light.

Space ripples emerged, and a small space door appeared above the tree trunk.

Mo Xiaobai walked in with excitement.

The next moment, Mo Xiaobai came to the small space of Void Treasure Looking at the pile of treasures flashing with gold, purple, blue and green light in the middle, Mo Xiaobai smiled.

He walked a few steps and checked the treasure.

The golden object is a peculiar cyan crystal.

Mo Xiaobai poured spiritual power into the crystal.


A sharp eagle cry sounded in Mo Xiaobai’s ear, as if he saw a blue giant eagle flying in the crystal.

The next moment, Mo Xiaobai suddenly withdrew his mental power, his eyes full of surprises.

this is……

Contract crystal? !

And there is already a contract spirit beast inside? ?

He didn’t even think about it, and directly dripped blood on the cyan contract crystal, and then merged into the original power and spiritual power.

The cyan contract crystal flashed with cyan light, and an eagle’s cry came from the cyan crystal.

The contract is successful!

Mo Xiaobai couldn’t help smiling.

He could feel the spirit beast situation in the contract crystal.

It was a leader-level wind feather eagle, third-tier first-tier.

Although for Mo Xiaobai, Feng Yuying’s strength was not very strong.

But it can’t stand fast.

With a wind element and a flying contract spirit beast, this guy’s speed is much faster than his own running.

In the future, you can go out riding Fengyu Ying.

Mo Xiaobai felt happy.

He looked at other items again. The rare-level item was a cyan longbow, which could amplify the effect of the wood element. It was useless and could only be sold.

As for the others, they are all extraordinary materials and herbs, and some minerals.

Mo Xiaobai put away everything and left the void treasure.

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