I Can See the Lines of Fortune

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 ?? Extraordinary Materials

Adventurer’s station.

Hong Shi and Mo Xiaobai walked out of the pharmacy shop. Mo Xiaobai had just sold the four herbs and obtained eleven crystals of Force, with a smile on his face.

Meng You and Lin Mengyu beside    were a little downcast.

Although they have also gained something, compared with Mo Xiaobai, the gap is a bit big.

Hong Shi said, “Well, we will rest at the station tonight, and we will continue to go outside tomorrow.”

He took Mo Xiaobai and the three people to the residential area and opened two rooms.

Hong Shi, Mo Xiaobai and Meng You are crowded into a room. Lin Mengyu is a girl after all. It is not convenient to share the same room with them. Hong Shi prepared a small room for her alone.

Mo Xiaobai’s room for the three people is very small. The three small white beds are placed next to each other. All that is left is space for feet, not even tables and chairs.

However, the price is very cheap.

One day today, I was either looking for the spirit grass or fighting against the monsters. In the end, I was even chased by the Tier 1 Grey Stone Wolf.

Mo Xiaobai was already very tired. After falling on the bed, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Early in the morning of the next day, Mo Xiaobai and several people got up, ate something at random, and then continued to leave the station.

On the way, Meng You and Lin Mengyu glance at Mo Xiaobai from time to time.

Mo Xiaobai was seeing a headache. He sighed and said, “I think I’m over today. I must not have gained much.”

Meng You asked a little surprised: “Why do you think so?”

Lin Mengyu also said, “I think you will definitely gain a lot. You found four spiritual plants yesterday.”

Mo Xiaobai explained solemnly: “You think, the luck was so good yesterday, how can it be maintained every day? Today is definitely not as good as yesterday.”


Meng You and Lin Mengyu looked suspicious.

Mo Xiaobai nodded affirmatively.

Meng You and Lin Mengyu also nodded, and they seemed to be relieved.

After   , Meng You and Lin Mengyu no longer looked at Mo Xiaobai from time to time, and Mo Xiaobai was also relieved.


Same as yesterday, when they came to an uninhabited hill, Hong Shi let the three of Mo Xiaobai enter the mountain by themselves.

Mo Xiaobai entered the hill from a col, and Meng You and Lin Mengyu also entered from other places.

After yesterday’s test, Mo Xiaobai has a general understanding of the light around him.

The red light means that there is a treasure. The redder the light, the more precious the treasure, just like the red of the light around the void treasure and the limestone grass is very different.

And black light and gray light represent danger, and the darker the light, the stronger the danger.

The one-hole gray stone wolf from yesterday is indeed a huge danger to Mo Xiaobai, and the light around it is also black and scary.

After being roughly familiar with the purpose of light, Mo Xiaobai no longer looked for treasures carefully, but ran and moved quickly on the hills, and then observed the changes in the surrounding light.

Whenever a reddish light appeared, Mo Xiaobai would ran over to look for it carefully, and collected the herbs that appeared in the reddish light.

And if there is a light gray light, Mo Xiaobai can also prepare in advance, and can deal with the danger more easily.

The range of light is about fifty meters. If Mo Xiaobai finds the gray light just at the edge, he can even choose to avoid it.

He also lost a lot of trouble along the way.

One morning, Mo Xiaobai ran on the hills like the wind, from one hill to another, from one valley to another, naturally, he found a lot of herbs.

It wasn’t until the sun was shining blazingly on the hills that Mo Xiaobai felt a little tired, and stopped his windy footsteps.

He sat down on a rock on the top of a mountain with a good location, planned to rest, and counted the harvest in the morning by the way.

There are three limestone grasses, two of which are two-leaf and one is four-leaf.

Two-leaf Limestone Grass is worth two Force Crystals, and four-leaf Limestone Grass is more valuable and can sell five Force Crystals. There are a total of nine Force Crystals.

There are also four Sunflowers, which can sell twelve Force Crystals.

In just one morning, Mo Xiaobai harvested 21 pieces of Force Crystal!

The corners of his mouth curled up and smiled.

Then, he sighed again.

The Western District is too barren. He traveled around ten hills in the morning and found only seven spiritual grasses. On average, there may not be one spiritual grass on a hill.

If it is in other areas, I am afraid that there will be more gains?

Mo Xiaobai decided to wait for him to break through before going to other areas to find good things.

After taking a break, Mo Xiaobai got up and planned to continue searching for herbs.

He descended the hill along the weedy slope, and when he reached halfway up the mountain, he turned his head and looked to the lower left.

There is a strange phenomenon in the tall weeds on the lower left.

He discovered that the light gray light and the light red light were entangled and appeared in one area.

Just when Mo Xiaobai was a little confused, something seemed to be moving in the weeds, and the weeds fled to the sides, making a rustling noise.

While something in the weed moved, the light gray and reddish light entangled also moved.

Mo Xiaobai holds the sword in his right hand, and looks guarded at the direction of the weeds.

The weeds were separated, and a gray wild boar with a shoulder height of more than 1.5 meters appeared in Mo Xiaobai’s sight.

The wild boar is thirty centimeters long, has white teeth like a sharp dagger, and its gray fur looks very rough and thick.

Its dark red eyes are staring at Mo Xiaobai, his eyes flashing with tyrannical killing intent.

Greystone Boar!

Mo Xiaobai held the fine iron sword in both hands, his body tight.

“Oh oh oh!!!”

In the low and fierce roar, the gray stone wild boar stepped on the wasteland with its huge body rushing, turning into a gray shadow, and launched a charge towards Mo Xiaobai. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Around it, light gray and light red light entangled.

Mo Xiaobai’s face was calm, and he stared at the greystone wild boar that was approaching quickly. When the greystone wild boar approached him within one meter, Mo Xiaobai stepped on his feet and turned to his right side.

The sharp teeth of the greystone wild boar crossed over ten centimeters from the front of Mo Xiaobai’s chest, and Mo Xiaobai’s right hand long sword had already shot, and a white cold light was drawn in the air.


The iron sword crossed the dark red eyes of the gray stone wild boar, and the blood flew quickly.

“Wow !!!”

The gray stone wild boar uttered a scream, his huge head deflected, his charging pace was disorderly, his body lost his balance, he fell heavily to the ground, his skin was bloodied by the gravel on the ground.

Mo Xiaobai didn’t expect the Greystone Boar to fall directly to the ground, and couldn’t help but froze a little.

But after a moment of stunnedness, he quickly came back to his senses. While the Greystone Boar was still struggling to stand up, he came to it in two steps, his wrist shook, and his long sword pierced out.


The sharp point of the sword pierced through the **** eyes of Greystone Boar and penetrated its head.

Greystone wild boar twitched his limbs and lost his voice.

Mo Xiaobai drew his sword and shook off the blood. When he looked down at the graystone wild boar corpse, his eyes widened.

He saw a very strange scene.

The huge corpse of the greystone wild boar on the ground began to shrink, the flesh and blood became shriveled, and the pair of white sharp teeth gleamed with pale white light. Finally, the white sharp teeth fell out of the wild boar’s mouth automatically.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the sharp teeth of the gray stone wild boar flashing with pale white light, and smiled in surprise.

I didn’t expect extraordinary materials to be precipitated!

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