I can see through all information

Chapter 16 Red Moon Carp

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The sudden bite caught Lu Qing by surprise.

Fortunately, with many years of fishing experience, his response has always been very good.

In just a moment, he grasped the fishing rod tightly and stabilized his body, so that he and the rod were not dragged into the water.

This time the force of the tug was no less than that of the previous blue turtle!

Good guy, you fish from another world all like to carry out sneak attacks, right?

Feeling the pulling force from the pole, Lu Qing felt dumbfounded.

As an experienced fisherman, he almost overturned his car twice today and had to start fishing.

The big fish in this other world are a bit ungrateful. They don't give any prelude before biting the hook, and they always make sneak attacks.

If he hadn't been experienced, he would have succeeded.

However, since the first sneak attack failed, then you all come up to me!

Lu Qing held the fishing rod tightly with both hands, sensing the changes in strength on the rod at all times and reacting at any time, starting a new round of wrestling with the underwater fish.

After fighting for a while, Lu Qing realized something was wrong.

Originally, he thought the newly hooked fish would be as big as a blue turtle.

After all, the force of its first tug was really quite strong.

But now, he felt different.

It's different from the green turtle's powerful and steady way of exerting force.

Now, although this fish exerts great force, it lacks stamina.

As long as Lu Qing could stabilize his initial sprint, his strength would soon weaken.

It belongs to the type that can explode easily but cannot last long.

Based on experience, Lu Qing guessed that the fish under the water was not as big as he thought.

It is the kind of swimming fish that swims very fast and has strong explosive power, but is not very big.

Knowing this, Lu Qing felt more at ease.

A swimming fish that relies on speed is much easier to deal with than a big fish like a green turtle.

A big fish like a green turtle has too much strength, and he needs to be extremely careful to deal with it even if he exerts any force.

And the endurance is good, the battle is the patience of both parties.

As long as the sprinting and explosive fish can stabilize its initial struggle, its strength will become weaker and weaker and it will be impossible to escape.

Things were just as Lu Qing expected.

After stabilizing the unknown fish underwater for several more times, he clearly felt that its explosive force began to weaken.

Then, after a period of pulling, Lu Qing saw the outline of the fish.

Red fish?

Lu Qing was stunned for a moment when he saw the fish on the hook emerging from the water.

Because he saw that the fish turned out to be bright fiery red.

Strange fish, this is definitely a strange fish!

Seeing such a dazzling and bright red, Lu Qing's heart suddenly became excited.

At the same time, he also saw that this red fish was indeed not that big, only twenty or thirty centimeters long.

After feeling confident, Lu Qing became more relaxed when walking the fish.

It didn't take long for him to walk the fish until it had almost no strength, so he lifted it up directly.

Brother, this fish is so beautiful!

Xiaoyan looked at the fish on the grass, her eyes bright.

It's very beautiful.

After Lu Qing saw the fish's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but admire it.

This newly caught fish is about a foot long and has a slender body. It looks a bit like the carp on Blue Star in the previous life.

There are two long flowing beards at the corners of the mouth, and the tail is like a flower.

Coupled with its flame-like red scales, the whole fish looks very beautiful.

After looking at it for a while, the fish's information began to appear in front of Lu Qing's eyes.

[Red Moon Carp: A strange fish, covered in red armor and scales, and swimming at extremely fast speeds. 】

[Because the body contains a trace of aura, the meat is extremely nutritious and delicious, and the scales on the body can also be used as medicine. 】

[It is rumored that if the Red Moon Carp is properly cultivated, there will be a slight chance of evolving into a spiritual fish. 】

Accompanied by several notes, there was also a white light with a hint of red emanating from his body.

Red light?

At first, Lu Qing thought he had made a mistake.

The red light is reflected by the scales on the red moon carp.

But after he carefully identified it, he confirmed that it was not the refraction of the scales, but indeed the light that could only be seen with his superpower, and could represent the level of things.

In other words, this red moon carp is not simply a white light level.

It is a strange fish that is between white light and red light.

No wonder, he said why there were three notes.

Generally, white light items only need two notes to describe them.

He immediately focused on the description of the third note.

There is a chance of evolving into a spiritual fish... Lu Qing looked at the third note, thoughtfully, Is this spiritual fish a higher level existence than the strange fish?

He suddenly remembered the snow silk given by the old doctor.

Snow silkworm silk is already a red light level treasure, so could the snow silkworm that gave birth to such a treasure be a spiritual silkworm?

Unfortunately, this guess is destined to remain unanswered for the time being.

Even old doctor Chen didn't know the origin of snow silk. Even if he wanted to ask, he had no place to ask.

Therefore, the description of the second note is more useful to him than the third note.

The meat is extremely delicious and nutritious...

Lu Qing looked at the information on the note and couldn't help but smile.

I finally have the gift for Old Doctor Chen tomorrow.

Originally, he planned to carry the green turtle to the old doctor if there was no harvest later.

But now, it is obvious that this red moon carp is more precious.

And it’s not too big, making it more suitable as a gift.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing quickly popped out the green turtle and put the red moon carp into the bucket.

Since it's a gift, we can't let it die.

Fortunately, the red moon carp is indeed a strange fish. Although it was walked by Lu Qing before and it lost all its strength, it stayed on the grass for a long time.

But after reaching the water in the bucket, he immediately started swimming again.

The vitality is quite tenacious.

After getting the red moon carp, Lu Qing had no intention of continuing to fish.

Continuously battling with two big fish, his physical strength was almost exhausted.

If he continued fishing, even if he could still catch fish, he would not have the energy to continue walking the fish.

So it's better to accept it as soon as possible.

Xiaoyan, let's get ready to go back.

Lu Qing used local materials, kneaded a straw rope, tied up the green turtle and carried it on his back.

Holding a bucket in one hand and a hatchet and fishing rod in the other, he said to Xiaoyan.

Brother, let me get you something.

Xiaoyan felt a little distressed as she watched her brother carrying and carrying so many things by herself.


Lu Qing tried walking, but found that there were too many things there, and it was really difficult to walk.

After thinking for a moment, he first hung the bamboo tube containing earthworms around Xiaoyan's neck.

Then he put the fishing rod on her shoulder.

Xiaoyan, you're carrying this fishing rod on your back, so be careful not to drop it.

Well, Xiaoyan knows! The little guy nodded seriously.

In this way, the brother and sister, one carrying the fish and the other carrying the fishing rod, walked back with great difficulty.

When passing by the small fish fishing spot, the villagers were stunned when they saw two figures, one big and one small.

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