I Can See Your Combat Power

Chapter 427 - Four Hundred Twenty Three: Farewell

Chapter 427: Chapter Four Hundred Twenty Three: Farewell

Translator: 549690339

Tang Zhi waved off the irritated Lei Ze, and addressed He Xiong with a gentle nod. “If patriarch He has made up his mind, the He family are blessed with a journey of prosperity. But the round trip to Chengzhou, two ten thousand miles in snowy and icy conditions, to transport over thirty-thousand He Clan’s people. Now that patriarch He has formulated a plan, the debt owed to the Tang Clan should be repaid.”          6

No one had expected TangZhi’s affable manner. They had assumed that the Tang Clan patriarch would rage against such a betrayal, but instead, he was remarkably calm. This response caught the attention of several family leaders. They had left Chengzhou due to natural disasters and defeat in battle, but they id not consider themselves overcome as their family structures were still well intact, they had brought back their most valuable skills, techniques, and talents. If they were not wary of the Tang Clan, they might have already considered finding a new city of their own.

If they could trade some resources for freedom, all the clan leaders felt it was an arrangement worth considering.

He Xiong hadn’t expected Tang Zhi to be so agreeable, and he was overjoyed inside. ’ ’

in a place like Chengzhou, peace and humility were of no use, representing only weakness. He believed that it was because Jiang Lin’s battle had tied up all of the Tang Clan’s forces, coupled with the imminent flood disaster, that the Tang Clan was so anxious to win over the various families of Chengzhou.

Seeing that so many families were standing on his side, the opposition was scared.

Thirty warriors from the Fierce Realm indeed represented the strength of a powerful family, but it’s a pity that these people were all tied up in Jiang Lin. e Tang Clan could currently mobilize at most two Fierce Realm warriors, making this the perfect opportunity for the He family and the various tribes in Chengzhou!

As if seeing through Tang Zhi’s bluff, He Xiong laughed, “The Tang Clan’s leader makes sense. It was because of the Tang Clan’s warships that I was able to save thirty-thousand of my people. I am deeply grateful, but alas, my He clan is currently in ruin and financially embarrassed. So, I offer ten-thousand healing herbs and all the He clan’s territories in this new city to the Tang Clan as repayment.”

The council room fell silent in an instant. Even the six family leaders who initially supported He Xiong were disbelieving. The offer of ten-thousand healing herbs seemed mocking.

They didn’t know what He Xiong had learned to be so brazen, but they knew they wouldn’t have the guts to speak to the Tang Clan leader like that. However those who could lead a family must be shrewd.

Although they didn’t know where He Xiong got his confidence from they wanted to observe Tang Zhi’s attitude. If he could concede to such an offer it indicated that despite the Tang Clan’s strength, they could not withstand any turbulence. They could then repay the Tang Clan like He Xiong and regain their clan s powers.

Tang Zhi shook his head, his demeanor unchanged. He asked amiably “Patriarch He’s resolution is firm?”

Several clan leaders in the council room expressed surprise. Such an insulting of er was made openly, but instead of reprimanding him, the Tang Clan leader asked again. Could the Tang Clan have weakened to this extent?

For a moment, the atmosphere grew strangely tense as everyone’s minds began o race, especially He Xiong, who was more convinced than ever he’d made the right gamble. He laughed heartily, “Thank you Tang Clan Leader for conveying t e news. The He Clan and the Chengzhou tribes who are willing to attack Qingyang City will leave New City by tonight at the latest. As for the healing herbs, I will have them delivered to your residence once I have taken Qingyang

After mulling it over, He Xiong turned and addressed the leaders in the council hall, Like all of you, both I and the He Clan had no choice but to migrate from Chengzhou to XUmg. The roots of the He Clan are still in Chengzhou! We will go back one day, but depends on others’ fenceswhich is never good for the strong clans. Therefore, I need to establish a foothold in Longzhou for the development of my clan!”

For these minor clans of Chengzhou, his words voiced their hearts’ desires They had left their homes in Chengzhou due to natural disasters, who wouldn’t want to go back.

Despite He Xiong’s shady tactics, his sentiment resonated with the others For a moment, everyone felt an overwhelming sense of agreement as if He Xiong’s actions were completely justified.

Sensing the change in the Clan leaders’ expressions, He Xiong went on, “Once I conquer Qingyang City, I will rename it and keep the Cantonal name. If any amily leaders here share the same aspiration as me, please come to He’s residence tonight to discuss the matter. I’ll be waiting for you at my mansion!” The hall was abuzz. With the Tang Clan leader present, He Xiong freely initiated his recruitment. He not only planned to leave the City, but also started recruiting noble families from the New City.

Despite this, Tang Zhi remained unperturbed, even going as far as to say House leaders willing to follow Patriarch He, please step forward.”

The crowd exchanged glances, unable to fathom what the Tang Clan leader was P anning. But the possibility of regaining their clan’s power and returning to Chengzhou appealed to them, particularly the family leaders who were duped into giving up their lands for a few thousand kilograms of grains.

In addition to the initial six families, three other family leaders stepped forward, proclaiming:

“The Wen Clan will follow the He Clan!”

“The Shen Clan will follow the He Clan!”

‘The Ning Family will follow the He Clan!”

incredibly, over one third of the twenty plus clans of varying sizes from Chengzhou chose to follow the He Clan. Although only the He and Wen Clans had multiple Fierce Realm warriors, it still was a formidable force with over ten Fierce Realm warriors. Add to this hundreds of the Initial Success Realm squad, and this hastily assembled force seemed mighty and formidable with the capability to easily conquer a city.

The nine family leaders of the Chengzhou tribes followed protocol, gave Tang Zhi their apologies, then lined up behind He Xiong.

He Xiong gloated, “Thank you Clan Leader Tang for your care over these past two years. I will not bother you any further. Until we meet again!” “Admirable aspirations, Mr. He. Safe travels!” Tang Zhi replied, maintaining his calm composure as if bidding farewell to an old friend.

After bowing to Tang Zhi, He Xiong left the council hall with the nine family leaders, leaving one third of the seats vacant.

The remaining family leaders didn’t seem interested in discussing matters with Tang Zhi any longer and regretted not leaving with He Xiong earlier.

Taking note of their reactions, Tang Zhi said calmly, “It seems you are all heavily shocked by the flood disaster today and are not in the mood to discuss countermeasures. Let’s reconvene in the council hall early tomorrow shall wer”

The remaining families in New City exchanged glances, their faces a mix of emotions, before bidding Tang Zhi farewell. As soon as they stepped out of the council hall, they quickened their pace as if chasing after something.

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