I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 937 Aura Of Death

"Takashi go to the monster's right side, Luna will go the left and I'll flank. Di your best to create an opportunity for me." Ren made a series of command.

Surrounded by Ren, Takashi, and Luna, the blood-filled monster exuded an air of nonchalance, as if it found their presence inconsequential. Its demeanor remained laid-back, its crimson eyes scanning its adversaries with a detached amusement. The trio prepared to charge.

However, before they could make a move, an ominous shift occurred. An overwhelming aura of death surged forth from the blood-filled monster's body, expanding in a sinister wave. The air grew heavy with an unsettling chill, causing a shiver to run down the spines of Ren, Takashi, and Luna. The atmosphere became suffocating, as if the very essence of mortality had been unleashed.

Ren, the strongest among the three, recognized the true horror of the aura that enveloped them. A jolt of instinctive fear shot through his veins, urging him to take action. In a desperate attempt to protect his comrades, he shouted with urgency, "Damn it! Run!" His voice trembled with panic.

Without hesitation, Ren sprang into motion, his body propelled forward by a surge of adrenaline. His feet pounded against the ground, each step driven by a desperate need to escape the encroaching deathly aura. Luna and Takashi, momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events, followed closely behind, their expressions a mix of alarm and panic.

After all, to make Ren panic is something that beyond them. So, it only mean one thing! The strength of the monster in front of them wasn't something their imagination can measure.

'Shit! Am I gonna die here?' Ren's ran faster than the others. His eyes widened with a combination of fear and resolve, his brow furrowing with the weight of the imminent danger. Every muscle in his body strained, pushing him to his limits as he propelled himself forward. His body was covered with blue aura as he use his full power to run for his life.

As they fled from the expanding aura of death, the landscape around them seemed to blur in their peripheral vision. The world became a chaotic whirl of colors and shapes as they raced against the impending doom. The very fabric of space seemed to tremble under the weight of the blood-filled monster's power.

The relentless pursuit of survival drove Ren to push himself beyond his physical limits. Beads of sweat dotted his brow, his chest heaved with each breath as his lungs burned with exertion. His body strained against the relentless momentum, his limbs moving in perfect synchrony with the desperate rhythm of his heart.

Luna and Takashi, ignited by Ren's actions, matched his pace with all their might. Their eyes locked on the path ahead of them. Fear coursed through their veins,

As they ran, the aura of death continued to expand behind them, its reach threatening to consume them if they faltered even for a moment. The sheer magnitude of the danger fueled their flight, their bodies pushed to the brink of exhaustion. Each step carried them further away from the blood-filled monster, but the sense of impending danger lingered like a specter, a constant reminder of that they would die anytime if they were a beat slower.

'This can't continue! I have to do something.' Takashi suddenly turn around to face the aura of death. 

"Takashi! What the fuck are you doing!?" Luna look at Takashi with horrified expression. She was about to stop and pull Takashi when big arms pulled her away.

"Don't be stupid. Don't make my sacrifice be in vain." Takashi have a bitter smile on his face. "Ren, make sure to defeat this monster scum, okay?"

"Damn it!" Ren gritted his teeth and forcefully drag Luna. Blood seeped from the corner of his mouth due to the excessive force he was exerting.

Behind Takashi, a radiant golden glow surged to life, dancing with flickering flames that coalesced into the majestic form of a dragon. Its scales shimmered with a brilliant golden hue, each one forged from the purest essence of flame. Red eyes burned with intensity, reflecting the unwavering resolve of its summoner.

With a mighty roar, the Golden Flame Dragon lunged towards the approaching aura of death, its fiery presence poised to incinerate the encroaching darkness. The dragon's scorching breath, a torrent of golden flames, collided with the swirling mass of red and black mist. The clash was a spectacle of contrasting elements, an ethereal dance of power and destruction.

Yet, despite the dragon's formidable might, its existence proved ephemeral in the face of the overwhelming darkness. Like a fleeting dream, the Golden Flame Dragon dissipated into nothingness after a mere three seconds, its radiant form reduced to fading embers. Takashi's expression twisted with frustration and desperation as he found himself swallowed by the encroaching aura of death.

Meanwhile, Ren and Luna, having distanced themselves from the epicenter of the looming catastrophe, witnessed the devastating turn of events. Horror etched across their faces, their eyes widened with disbelief and sorrow at their comrade's plight. The urgency of their escape intensified, realizing that time was of the essence, and the aura of death still pursued them relentlessly. 

"It's over. He's gone..." Tears started to come out of Luna's eyes as they continued to run. She knew that they would have already die if not for Takashi buying them time.

"Don't get distracted! We're still in danger!" Ren's body tensed, his muscles straining as he propelled himself forward, urging Luna to match his pace.

As they ran, the aura of death was constantly expanding, its eerie mist swirling ominously, if they faltered, they would surely die. 

'Now, only that mean have the chance to defeat this monster.' Ren thought of the strongest in the Central Plain. Fear mingled with determination in his eyes as he remembered the strength of no.1. 

Ren and Luna's survival instinct driving them onward. Each step they took propelled them further away from the engulfing red and black mist.

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